blob: ae1711ec05a90f14170643a7526ab9643b073d33 [file] [log] [blame]
;; Copyright (c) Russ Olsen, Nicola Mometto, Rich Hickey & contributors.
;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;; the terms of this license.
;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(declare inspect*)
(defn- inspect*-col [truncate col start end]
(let [n (count col)
l (if truncate 0 (min 10 n))
elements (map (partial inspect* true) (take l col))
content (apply str (interpose " " elements))
suffix (if (< l n) "...")]
(str start content suffix end)))
(defn- dispatch-inspect
[_ x]
(nil? x) :nil
(string? x) :string
(keyword? x) :strable
(number? x) :strable
(symbol? x) :strable
(vector? x) :vector
(list? x) :list
(map? x) :map
(set? x) :set
(= x true) :strable
(= x false) :strable
:default (type x)))
(defmulti inspect* dispatch-inspect)
(defmethod inspect* :string [truncate ^String x]
(let [n (if truncate 5 20)
suffix (if (> (.-length x) n) "...\"" "\"")]
(.substring ^String x 0 (min n (.-length x)))
(defmethod inspect* :strable [truncate x] (str x))
(defmethod inspect* cljs.core/IndexedSeq [truncate x]
"<indexed seq>")
(defmethod inspect* cljs.core/PersistentArrayMapSeq [truncate x]
"<map seq>")
(defmethod inspect* cljs.core/NodeSeq [truncate x]
"<map seq>")
(defmethod inspect* cljs.core/Cons [truncate x] "<cons>")
(defmethod inspect* cljs.core/LazySeq [truncate x] "<lazy seq>")
(defmethod inspect* :nil [_ _] "nil")
(defmethod inspect* :list [truncate col]
(inspect*-col truncate col \( \)))
(defmethod inspect* :map [truncate m]
(let [len (count m)
n-shown (if truncate 0 len)
contents (apply concat (take n-shown m))
suffix (if (> len n-shown) "...}" \})]
(inspect*-col truncate contents \{ suffix)))
(defmethod inspect* :set [truncate col]
(inspect*-col truncate col "#{" \}))
(defmethod inspect* :vector [truncate col]
(inspect*-col truncate col \[ \]))
(defmethod inspect* :default [truncate x]
(pr-str (type x)))
(defn inspect
"Return a string description of the value supplied.
May be the a string version of the value itself (e.g. \"true\")
or it may be a description (e.g. \"an instance of Foo\").
If truncate is true then return a very terse version of
the inspection."
([x] (inspect* false x))
([truncate x] (inspect* truncate x)))