blob: ec26cc1e5cfa6b35a67d1453c90c6d2605536f69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Type definitions for log4js
type Format = string | ((req: any, res: any, formatter: ((str: string) => string)) => string);
export interface Log4js {
getLogger(category?: string): Logger;
configure(filename: string): Log4js;
configure(config: Configuration): Log4js;
addLayout(name: string, config: (a: any) => (logEvent: LoggingEvent) => string): void;
connectLogger(logger: Logger, options: { format?: Format; level?: string; nolog?: any; }): any; // express.Handler;
levels: Levels;
shutdown(cb: (error: Error) => void): void | null;
export function getLogger(category?: string): Logger;
export function configure(filename: string): Log4js;
export function configure(config: Configuration): Log4js;
export function addLayout(name: string, config: (a: any) => (logEvent: LoggingEvent) => any): void;
export function connectLogger(logger: Logger, options: { format?: Format; level?: string; nolog?: any; statusRules?: any[], context?: boolean }): any; // express.Handler;
export function recording(): Recording;
export const levels: Levels;
export function shutdown(cb?: (error: Error) => void): void | null;
export interface BaseLayout {
type: 'basic';
export interface ColoredLayout {
type: 'colored' | 'coloured';
export interface MessagePassThroughLayout {
type: 'messagePassThrough';
export interface DummyLayout {
type: 'dummy';
export interface Level {
isEqualTo(other: string): boolean;
isEqualTo(otherLevel: Level): boolean;
isLessThanOrEqualTo(other: string): boolean;
isLessThanOrEqualTo(otherLevel: Level): boolean;
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(other: string): boolean;
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(otherLevel: Level): boolean;
colour: string;
level: number;
levelStr: string;
export interface LoggingEvent {
categoryName: string; // name of category
level: Level; // level of message
data: any[]; // objects to log
startTime: Date;
pid: number;
context: any;
cluster?: {
workerId: number;
worker: number;
export type Token = ((logEvent: LoggingEvent) => string) | string;
export interface PatternLayout {
type: 'pattern';
// specifier for the output format, using placeholders as described below
pattern: string;
// user-defined tokens to be used in the pattern
tokens?: { [name: string]: Token };
export interface CustomLayout {
[key: string]: any;
type: string;
export type Layout = BaseLayout | ColoredLayout | MessagePassThroughLayout | DummyLayout | PatternLayout | CustomLayout;
* Category Filter
* @see
export interface CategoryFilterAppender {
type: "categoryFilter";
// the category (or categories if you provide an array of values) that will be excluded from the appender.
exclude?: string | string[];
// the name of the appender to filter. see
appender?: string;
* No Log Filter
* @see
export interface NoLogFilterAppender {
type: "noLogFilter";
// the regular expression (or the regular expressions if you provide an array of values)
// will be used for evaluating the events to pass to the appender.
// The events, which will match the regular expression, will be excluded and so not logged.
exclude: string | string[];
// the name of an appender, defined in the same configuration, that you want to filter.
appender: string;
* Console Appender
* @see
export interface ConsoleAppender {
type: 'console';
// defaults to colouredLayout
layout?: Layout;
export interface FileAppender {
type: 'file';
// the path of the file where you want your logs written.
filename: string;
// the maximum size (in bytes) for the log file. If not specified, then no log rolling will happen.
maxLogSize?: number | string;
// (default value = 5) - the number of old log files to keep during log rolling.
backups?: number;
// defaults to basic layout
layout?: Layout;
compress?: boolean; // compress the backups
// keep the file extension when rotating logs
keepFileExt?: boolean;
encoding?: string;
mode?: number;
flags?: string;
export interface SyncfileAppender {
type: 'fileSync';
// the path of the file where you want your logs written.
filename: string;
// the maximum size (in bytes) for the log file. If not specified, then no log rolling will happen.
maxLogSize?: number | string;
// (default value = 5) - the number of old log files to keep during log rolling.
backups?: number;
// defaults to basic layout
layout?: Layout;
encoding?: string;
mode?: number;
flags?: string;
export interface DateFileAppender {
type: 'dateFile';
// the path of the file where you want your logs written.
filename: string;
// defaults to basic layout
layout?: Layout;
// defaults to .yyyy-MM-dd - the pattern to use to determine when to roll the logs.
* The following strings are recognised in the pattern:
* - yyyy : the full year, use yy for just the last two digits
* - MM : the month
* - dd : the day of the month
* - hh : the hour of the day (24-hour clock)
* - mm : the minute of the hour
* - ss : seconds
* - SSS : milliseconds (although I'm not sure you'd want to roll your logs every millisecond)
* - O : timezone (capital letter o)
pattern?: string;
// default “utf-8”
encoding?: string;
// default 0600
mode?: number;
// default ‘a’
flags?: string;
// compress the backup files during rolling (backup files will have .gz extension)(default false)
compress?: boolean;
// include the pattern in the name of the current log file as well as the backups.(default false)
alwaysIncludePattern?: boolean;
// keep the file extension when rotating logs
keepFileExt?: boolean;
// if this value is greater than zero, then files older than that many days will be deleted during log rolling.(default 0)
numBackups?: number;
export interface LogLevelFilterAppender {
type: 'logLevelFilter';
// the name of an appender, defined in the same configuration, that you want to filter
appender: string;
// the minimum level of event to allow through the filter
level: string;
// (defaults to FATAL) - the maximum level of event to allow through the filter
maxLevel?: string;
export interface MultiFileAppender {
type: 'multiFile';
// the base part of the generated log filename
base: string;
// the value to use to split files (see below).
property: string;
// the suffix for the generated log filename.
extension: string;
export interface MultiprocessAppender {
type: 'multiprocess';
// controls whether the appender listens for log events sent over the network, or is responsible for serialising events and sending them to a server.
mode: 'master' | 'worker';
// (only needed if mode == master)- the name of the appender to send the log events to
appender?: string;
// (defaults to 5000) - the port to listen on, or send to
loggerPort?: number;
// (defaults to localhost) - the host/IP address to listen on, or send to
loggerHost?: string;
export interface RecordingAppender {
type: 'recording';
export interface StandardErrorAppender {
type: 'stderr';
// (defaults to colouredLayout)
layout?: Layout;
export interface StandardOutputAppender {
type: 'stdout';
// (defaults to colouredLayout)
layout?: Layout;
* TCP Appender
* @see
export interface TCPAppender {
type: 'tcp';
// defaults to 5000
port?: number
// defaults to localhost
host?: string
// default to __LOG4JS__
endMsg?: string
// defaults to a serialized log event
layout?: Layout;
export interface CustomAppender {
type: string | AppenderModule;
[key: string]: any;
export interface AppenderModule {
configure: (config: Config, layouts: LayoutsParam) => AppenderFunction;
export type AppenderFunction = (loggingEvent: LoggingEvent) => void;
// TODO: Actually add types here...
// It's supposed to be the full config element
export type Config = any
export interface LayoutsParam {
basicLayout: LayoutFunction;
messagePassThroughLayout: LayoutFunction;
patternLayout: LayoutFunction;
colouredLayout: LayoutFunction;
coloredLayout: LayoutFunction;
dummyLayout: LayoutFunction;
addLayout: (name: string, serializerGenerator: LayoutFunction) => void;
layout: (name: string, config: PatternToken) => LayoutFunction;
export interface PatternToken {
pattern: string; // TODO type this to enforce good pattern...
tokens: { [tokenName: string]: () => any };
export type LayoutFunction = (loggingEvent: LoggingEvent) => string;
export type Appender = CategoryFilterAppender
| ConsoleAppender
| FileAppender
| SyncfileAppender
| DateFileAppender
| LogLevelFilterAppender
| NoLogFilterAppender
| MultiFileAppender
| MultiprocessAppender
| RecordingAppender
| StandardErrorAppender
| StandardOutputAppender
| TCPAppender
| CustomAppender;
export interface Levels {
ALL: Level;
MARK: Level;
TRACE: Level;
DEBUG: Level;
INFO: Level;
WARN: Level;
ERROR: Level;
FATAL: Level;
OFF: Level;
levels: Level[];
getLevel(level: Level | string, defaultLevel?: Level): Level;
addLevels(customLevels: object): void;
export interface Configuration {
appenders: { [name: string]: Appender; };
categories: { [name: string]: { appenders: string[]; level: string; enableCallStack?: boolean; } };
pm2?: boolean;
pm2InstanceVar?: string;
levels?: Levels;
disableClustering?: boolean;
export interface Recording {
configure(loggingEvent: LoggingEvent): void
replay(): LoggingEvent[]
playback(): LoggingEvent[]
reset(): void
erase(): void
export class Logger {
new(dispatch: Function, name: string): Logger;
readonly category: string;
level: Level | string;
log(level: Level | string, ...args: any[]): void;
isLevelEnabled(level?: string): boolean;
isTraceEnabled(): boolean;
isDebugEnabled(): boolean;
isInfoEnabled(): boolean;
isWarnEnabled(): boolean;
isErrorEnabled(): boolean;
isFatalEnabled(): boolean;
_log(level: Level, data: any): void;
addContext(key: string, value: any): void;
removeContext(key: string): void;
clearContext(): void;
setParseCallStackFunction(parseFunction: Function): void;
trace(message: any, ...args: any[]): void;
debug(message: any, ...args: any[]): void;
info(message: any, ...args: any[]): void;
warn(message: any, ...args: any[]): void;
error(message: any, ...args: any[]): void;
fatal(message: any, ...args: any[]): void;
mark(message: any, ...args: any[]): void;