blob: e92660ad31e8b2510fca5bbf420788a23a0ac491 [file] [log] [blame]
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import { Extra } from '../parser-options';
* Clear all of the parser caches.
* This should only be used in testing to ensure the parser is clean between tests.
declare function clearWatchCaches(): void;
* Calculate project environments using options provided by consumer and paths from config
* @param code The code being linted
* @param filePathIn The path of the file being parsed
* @param extra.tsconfigRootDir The root directory for relative tsconfig paths
* @param extra.projects Provided tsconfig paths
* @returns The programs corresponding to the supplied tsconfig paths
declare function getProgramsForProjects(code: string, filePathIn: string, extra: Extra): ts.Program[];
declare function createWatchProgram(tsconfigPath: string, extra: Extra): ts.WatchOfConfigFile<ts.BuilderProgram>;
export { clearWatchCaches, createWatchProgram, getProgramsForProjects };