blob: 3cfd59036be4100060fdeeb050f4622056ebdedd [file] [log] [blame]
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import { TSError } from './node-utils';
import type { ParserWeakMap, ParserWeakMapESTreeToTSNode } from './parser-options';
import type { SemanticOrSyntacticError } from './semantic-or-syntactic-errors';
import { TSESTree, TSNode } from './ts-estree';
interface ConverterOptions {
errorOnUnknownASTType: boolean;
shouldPreserveNodeMaps: boolean;
* Extends and formats a given error object
* @param error the error object
* @returns converted error object
export declare function convertError(error: ts.DiagnosticWithLocation | SemanticOrSyntacticError): TSError;
export interface ASTMaps {
esTreeNodeToTSNodeMap: ParserWeakMapESTreeToTSNode;
tsNodeToESTreeNodeMap: ParserWeakMap<TSNode, TSESTree.Node>;
export declare class Converter {
private readonly ast;
private readonly options;
private readonly esTreeNodeToTSNodeMap;
private readonly tsNodeToESTreeNodeMap;
private allowPattern;
private inTypeMode;
* Converts a TypeScript node into an ESTree node
* @param ast the full TypeScript AST
* @param options additional options for the conversion
* @returns the converted ESTreeNode
constructor(ast: ts.SourceFile, options: ConverterOptions);
getASTMaps(): ASTMaps;
convertProgram(): TSESTree.Program;
* Converts a TypeScript node into an ESTree node.
* @param node the child ts.Node
* @param parent parentNode
* @param inTypeMode flag to determine if we are in typeMode
* @param allowPattern flag to determine if patterns are allowed
* @returns the converted ESTree node
private converter;
* Fixes the exports of the given ts.Node
* @param node the ts.Node
* @param result result
* @returns the ESTreeNode with fixed exports
private fixExports;
* Register specific TypeScript node into map with first ESTree node provided
private registerTSNodeInNodeMap;
* Converts a TypeScript node into an ESTree node.
* @param child the child ts.Node
* @param parent parentNode
* @returns the converted ESTree node
private convertPattern;
* Converts a TypeScript node into an ESTree node.
* @param child the child ts.Node
* @param parent parentNode
* @returns the converted ESTree node
private convertChild;
* Converts a TypeScript node into an ESTree node.
* @param child the child ts.Node
* @param parent parentNode
* @returns the converted ESTree node
private convertType;
private createNode;
private convertBindingNameWithTypeAnnotation;
* Converts a child into a type annotation. This creates an intermediary
* TypeAnnotation node to match what Flow does.
* @param child The TypeScript AST node to convert.
* @param parent parentNode
* @returns The type annotation node.
private convertTypeAnnotation;
* Coverts body Nodes and add a directive field to StringLiterals
* @param nodes of ts.Node
* @param parent parentNode
* @returns Array of body statements
private convertBodyExpressions;
* Converts a ts.Node's typeArguments to TSTypeParameterInstantiation node
* @param typeArguments ts.NodeArray typeArguments
* @param node parent used to create this node
* @returns TypeParameterInstantiation node
private convertTypeArgumentsToTypeParameters;
* Converts a ts.Node's typeParameters to TSTypeParameterDeclaration node
* @param typeParameters ts.Node typeParameters
* @returns TypeParameterDeclaration node
private convertTSTypeParametersToTypeParametersDeclaration;
* Converts an array of ts.Node parameters into an array of ESTreeNode params
* @param parameters An array of ts.Node params to be converted
* @returns an array of converted ESTreeNode params
private convertParameters;
private convertChainExpression;
* For nodes that are copied directly from the TypeScript AST into
* ESTree mostly as-is. The only difference is the addition of a type
* property instead of a kind property. Recursively copies all children.
private deeplyCopy;
private convertJSXIdentifier;
private convertJSXNamespaceOrIdentifier;
* Converts a TypeScript JSX node.tagName into an ESTree
* @param node the tagName object from a JSX ts.Node
* @param parent
* @returns the converted ESTree name object
private convertJSXTagName;
private convertMethodSignature;
private convertAssertClasue;
* Applies the given TS modifiers to the given result object.
* @param result
* @param modifiers original ts.Nodes from the node.modifiers array
* @returns the current result object will be mutated
* @deprecated This method adds not standardized `modifiers` property in nodes
private applyModifiersToResult;
* Uses the provided range location to adjust the location data of the given Node
* @param result The node that will have its location data mutated
* @param childRange The child node range used to expand location
private fixParentLocation;
private assertModuleSpecifier;
* Converts a TypeScript node into an ESTree node.
* The core of the conversion logic:
* Identify and convert each relevant TypeScript SyntaxKind
* @param node the child ts.Node
* @param parent parentNode
* @returns the converted ESTree node
private convertNode;
export {};