blob: c5a4b77f8b6f57066a95a173c28040d5fc80155f [file] [log] [blame]
import { Renderer2, ElementRef, AfterViewInit, ViewContainerRef, TemplateRef, ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core';
export declare class TdMessageContainerDirective {
viewContainer: ViewContainerRef;
constructor(viewContainer: ViewContainerRef);
export declare class TdMessageComponent implements AfterViewInit {
private _renderer;
private _changeDetectorRef;
private _elementRef;
private _color;
private _opened;
private _hidden;
private _animating;
private _initialized;
_childElement: TdMessageContainerDirective;
_template: TemplateRef<any>;
* Binding host to tdCollapse animation
get collapsedAnimation(): any;
* Binding host to display style when hidden
get hidden(): string;
* label: string
* Sets the label of the message.
label: string;
* sublabel?: string
* Sets the sublabel of the message.
sublabel: string;
* icon?: string
* The icon to be displayed before the title.
* Defaults to `info_outline` icon
icon: string;
* color?: primary | accent | warn
* Sets the color of the message.
* Can also use any material color: purple | light-blue, etc.
set color(color: string);
get color(): string;
* opened?: boolean
* Shows or hiddes the message depending on its value.
* Defaults to 'true'.
set opened(opened: boolean);
get opened(): boolean;
constructor(_renderer: Renderer2, _changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef, _elementRef: ElementRef);
* Detach element when close animation is finished to set animating state to false
* hidden state to true and detach element from DOM
animationDoneListener(): void;
* Initializes the component and attaches the content.
ngAfterViewInit(): void;
* Renders the message on screen
* Validates if there is an animation currently and if its already opened
open(): void;
* Removes the message content from screen.
* Validates if there is an animation currently and if its already closed
close(): void;
* Toggles between open and close depending on state.
toggle(): void;
* Method to set the state before starting an animation
private _startAnimationState;
* Method to attach template to DOM
private _attach;
* Method to detach template from DOM
private _detach;