blob: 84b9a6981a497129a698c19765a78a6e1771e9d2 [file] [log] [blame]
import { OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { ViewContainerRef, TemplateRef } from '@angular/core';
import { LoadingType, LoadingMode, LoadingStrategy } from '../loading.component';
import { TdLoadingService } from '../services/loading.service';
* Context class for variable reference
export declare class TdLoadingContext {
$implicit: any;
tdLoading: any;
export declare class TdLoadingDirective implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
private _viewContainerRef;
private _templateRef;
private _loadingService;
private _context;
private _type;
private _mode;
private _strategy;
private _name;
private _loadingRef;
* tdLoading: string
* Name reference of the loading mask, used to register/resolve requests to the mask.
set name(name: string);
* tdLoadingUntil?: any
* If its null, undefined or false it will be used to register requests to the mask.
* Else if its any value that can be resolved as true, it will resolve the mask.
* [name] is optional when using [until], but can still be used to register/resolve it manually.
set until(until: any);
* tdLoadingType?: LoadingType or ['linear' | 'circular']
* Sets the type of loading mask depending on value.
* Defaults to [LoadingType.Circular | 'circular'].
set type(type: LoadingType);
* tdLoadingMode?: LoadingMode or ['determinate' | 'indeterminate']
* Sets the mode of loading mask depending on value.
* Defaults to [LoadingMode.Indeterminate | 'indeterminate'].
set mode(mode: LoadingMode);
* tdLoadingStrategy?: LoadingStrategy or ['replace' | 'overlay']
* Sets the strategy of loading mask depending on value.
* Defaults to [LoadingMode.Replace | 'replace'].
set strategy(strategy: LoadingStrategy);
* tdLoadingColor?: "primary" | "accent" | "warn"
* Sets the theme color of the loading component. Defaults to "primary"
color: 'primary' | 'accent' | 'warn';
constructor(_viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef, _templateRef: TemplateRef<TdLoadingContext>, _loadingService: TdLoadingService);
* Registers component in the DOM, so it will be available when calling resolve/register.
ngOnInit(): void;
* Remove component when directive is destroyed.
ngOnDestroy(): void;
* Creates [TdLoadingComponent] and attaches it to this directive's [ViewContainerRef].
* Passes this directive's [TemplateRef] to modify DOM depending on loading `strategy`.
private _registerComponent;