blob: 43129fea85c95a2ee36e13a8e3a10cb36ca1860a [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import { OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { MediaChange } from '../media-change';
import { MatchMedia } from '../match-media/match-media';
import { PrintHook } from '../media-marshaller/print-hook';
import { BreakPointRegistry } from '../breakpoints/break-point-registry';
* MediaObserver enables applications to listen for 1..n mediaQuery activations and to determine
* if a mediaQuery is currently activated.
* Since a breakpoint change will first deactivate 1...n mediaQueries and then possibly activate
* 1..n mediaQueries, the MediaObserver will debounce notifications and report ALL *activations*
* in 1 event notification. The reported activations will be sorted in descending priority order.
* This class uses the BreakPoint Registry to inject alias information into the raw MediaChange
* notification. For custom mediaQuery notifications, alias information will not be injected and
* those fields will be ''.
* Note: Developers should note that only mediaChange activations (not de-activations)
* are announced by the MediaObserver.
* @usage
* // RxJS
* import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators';
* import { MediaObserver } from '@angular/flex-layout';
* @Component({ ... })
* export class AppComponent {
* status: string = '';
* constructor(mediaObserver: MediaObserver) {
* const media$ = mediaObserver.asObservable().pipe(
* filter((changes: MediaChange[]) => true) // silly noop filter
* );
* media$.subscribe((changes: MediaChange[]) => {
* let status = '';
* changes.forEach( change => {
* status += `'${change.mqAlias}' = (${change.mediaQuery}) <br/>` ;
* });
* this.status = status;
* });
* }
* }
export declare class MediaObserver implements OnDestroy {
protected breakpoints: BreakPointRegistry;
protected matchMedia: MatchMedia;
protected hook: PrintHook;
* @deprecated Use `asObservable()` instead.
* @breaking-change 8.0.0-beta.25
* @deletion-target 10.0.0
readonly media$: Observable<MediaChange>;
/** Filter MediaChange notifications for overlapping breakpoints */
filterOverlaps: boolean;
constructor(breakpoints: BreakPointRegistry, matchMedia: MatchMedia, hook: PrintHook);
* Completes the active subject, signalling to all complete for all
* MediaObserver subscribers
ngOnDestroy(): void;
* Observe changes to current activation 'list'
asObservable(): Observable<MediaChange[]>;
* Allow programmatic query to determine if one or more media query/alias match
* the current viewport size.
* @param value One or more media queries (or aliases) to check.
* @returns Whether any of the media queries match.
isActive(value: string | string[]): boolean;
* Register all the mediaQueries registered in the BreakPointRegistry
* This is needed so subscribers can be auto-notified of all standard, registered
* mediaQuery activations
private watchActivations;
* Only pass/announce activations (not de-activations)
* Since multiple-mediaQueries can be activation in a cycle,
* gather all current activations into a single list of changes to observers
* Inject associated (if any) alias information into the MediaChange event
* - Exclude mediaQuery activations for overlapping mQs. List bounded mQ ranges only
* - Exclude print activations that do not have an associated mediaQuery
* NOTE: the raw MediaChange events [from MatchMedia] do not
* contain important alias information; as such this info
* must be injected into the MediaChange
private buildObservable;
* Find all current activations and prepare single list of activations
* sorted by descending priority.
private findAllActivations;
private readonly _media$;
private readonly destroyed$;