blob: 41234497b675bc71b7340499384e0fd25987ca18 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import { NgZone, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { BehaviorSubject, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { MediaChange } from '../media-change';
* MediaMonitor configures listeners to mediaQuery changes and publishes an Observable facade to
* convert mediaQuery change callbacks to subscriber notifications. These notifications will be
* performed within the ng Zone to trigger change detections and component updates.
* NOTE: both mediaQuery activations and de-activations are announced in notifications
export declare class MatchMedia implements OnDestroy {
protected _zone: NgZone;
protected _platformId: Object;
protected _document: any;
/** Initialize source with 'all' so all non-responsive APIs trigger style updates */
readonly source: BehaviorSubject<MediaChange>;
registry: Map<string, MediaQueryList>;
private readonly pendingRemoveListenerFns;
constructor(_zone: NgZone, _platformId: Object, _document: any);
* Publish list of all current activations
get activations(): string[];
* For the specified mediaQuery?
isActive(mediaQuery: string): boolean;
* External observers can watch for all (or a specific) mql changes.
* If a mediaQuery is not specified, then ALL mediaQuery activations will
* be announced.
observe(): Observable<MediaChange>;
observe(mediaQueries: string[]): Observable<MediaChange>;
observe(mediaQueries: string[], filterOthers: boolean): Observable<MediaChange>;
* Based on the BreakPointRegistry provider, register internal listeners for each unique
* mediaQuery. Each listener emits specific MediaChange data to observers
registerQuery(mediaQuery: string | string[]): MediaChange[];
ngOnDestroy(): void;
* Call window.matchMedia() to build a MediaQueryList; which
* supports 0..n listeners for activation/deactivation
protected buildMQL(query: string): MediaQueryList;
protected _observable$: Observable<MediaChange>;