blob: b17af9b6d8ac982148c65b682da40ab478476d5e [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import { NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { MatchMedia } from '../match-media';
import { BreakPointRegistry } from '../../breakpoints/break-point-registry';
* MockMatchMedia mocks calls to the Window API matchMedia with a build of a simulated
* MockMediaQueryListener. Methods are available to simulate an activation of a mediaQuery
* range and to clearAll mediaQuery listeners.
export declare class MockMatchMedia extends MatchMedia {
private _breakpoints;
autoRegisterQueries: boolean;
useOverlaps: boolean;
constructor(_zone: NgZone, _platformId: Object, _document: any, _breakpoints: BreakPointRegistry);
/** Easy method to clear all listeners for all mediaQueries */
clearAll(): void;
/** Feature to support manual, simulated activation of a mediaQuery. */
activate(mediaQuery: string, useOverlaps?: boolean): boolean;
/** Converts an optional mediaQuery alias to a specific, valid mediaQuery */
_validateQuery(queryOrAlias: string): string;
* Manually onMediaChange any overlapping mediaQueries to simulate
* similar functionality in the window.matchMedia()
private _activateWithOverlaps;
private _activateByAlias;
private _activateByQuery;
/** Deactivate all current MQLs and reset the buffer */
private _deactivateAll;
/** Insure the mediaQuery is registered with MatchMedia */
private _registerMediaQuery;
* Call window.matchMedia() to build a MediaQueryList; which
* supports 0..n listeners for activation/deactivation
protected buildMQL(query: string): MediaQueryList;
protected get hasActivated(): boolean;
* Special internal class to simulate a MediaQueryList and
* - supports manual activation to simulate mediaQuery matching
* - manages listeners
export declare class MockMediaQueryList implements MediaQueryList {
private _mediaQuery;
private _isActive;
private _listeners;
get matches(): boolean;
get media(): string;
constructor(_mediaQuery: string);
* Destroy the current list by deactivating the
* listeners and clearing the internal list
destroy(): void;
/** Notify all listeners that 'matches === TRUE' */
activate(): MockMediaQueryList;
/** Notify all listeners that 'matches === false' */
deactivate(): MockMediaQueryList;
/** Add a listener to our internal list to activate later */
addListener(listener: MediaQueryListListener): void;
/** Don't need to remove listeners in the testing environment */
removeListener(_: MediaQueryListListener | null): void;
addEventListener<K extends keyof MediaQueryListEventMap>(_: K, __: (this: MediaQueryList, ev: MediaQueryListEventMap[K]) => any, ___?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
removeEventListener<K extends keyof MediaQueryListEventMap>(_: K, __: (this: MediaQueryList, ev: MediaQueryListEventMap[K]) => any, ___?: boolean | EventListenerOptions): void;
dispatchEvent(_: Event): boolean;
onchange: MediaQueryListListener;
* Pre-configured provider for MockMatchMedia
export declare const MockMatchMediaProvider: {
provide: typeof MatchMedia;
useClass: typeof MockMatchMedia;
declare type MediaQueryListListener = ((this: MediaQueryList, ev: MediaQueryListEvent) => any) | null;
export {};