blob: 95b2a6dbe05acca74db7382659f71ba18e9d027f [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import { ElementDimensions } from './element-dimensions';
/** Modifier keys that may be held while typing. */
export interface ModifierKeys {
control?: boolean;
alt?: boolean;
shift?: boolean;
meta?: boolean;
/** Data that can be attached to a custom event dispatched from a `TestElement`. */
export declare type EventData = string | number | boolean | undefined | null | EventData[] | {
[key: string]: EventData;
/** An enum of non-text keys that can be used with the `sendKeys` method. */
export declare enum TestKey {
TAB = 1,
ENTER = 2,
SHIFT = 3,
ALT = 5,
PAGE_UP = 7,
END = 9,
HOME = 10,
UP_ARROW = 12,
INSERT = 15,
DELETE = 16,
F1 = 17,
F2 = 18,
F3 = 19,
F4 = 20,
F5 = 21,
F6 = 22,
F7 = 23,
F8 = 24,
F9 = 25,
F10 = 26,
F11 = 27,
F12 = 28,
META = 29
* This acts as a common interface for DOM elements across both unit and e2e tests. It is the
* interface through which the ComponentHarness interacts with the component's DOM.
export interface TestElement {
/** Blur the element. */
blur(): Promise<void>;
/** Clear the element's input (for input and textarea elements only). */
clear(): Promise<void>;
* Click the element at the default location for the current environment. If you need to guarantee
* the element is clicked at a specific location, consider using `click('center')` or
* `click(x, y)` instead.
click(modifiers?: ModifierKeys): Promise<void>;
/** Click the element at the element's center. */
click(location: 'center', modifiers?: ModifierKeys): Promise<void>;
* Click the element at the specified coordinates relative to the top-left of the element.
* @param relativeX Coordinate within the element, along the X-axis at which to click.
* @param relativeY Coordinate within the element, along the Y-axis at which to click.
* @param modifiers Modifier keys held while clicking
click(relativeX: number, relativeY: number, modifiers?: ModifierKeys): Promise<void>;
* Right clicks on the element at the specified coordinates relative to the top-left of it.
* @param relativeX Coordinate within the element, along the X-axis at which to click.
* @param relativeY Coordinate within the element, along the Y-axis at which to click.
* @param modifiers Modifier keys held while clicking
* @breaking-change 11.0.0 To become a required method.
rightClick?(relativeX: number, relativeY: number, modifiers?: ModifierKeys): Promise<void>;
/** Focus the element. */
focus(): Promise<void>;
/** Get the computed value of the given CSS property for the element. */
getCssValue(property: string): Promise<string>;
/** Hovers the mouse over the element. */
hover(): Promise<void>;
/** Moves the mouse away from the element. */
mouseAway(): Promise<void>;
* Sends the given string to the input as a series of key presses. Also fires input events
* and attempts to add the string to the Element's value.
sendKeys(...keys: (string | TestKey)[]): Promise<void>;
* Sends the given string to the input as a series of key presses. Also fires input events
* and attempts to add the string to the Element's value.
sendKeys(modifiers: ModifierKeys, ...keys: (string | TestKey)[]): Promise<void>;
* Gets the text from the element.
* @param options Options that affect what text is included.
text(options?: TextOptions): Promise<string>;
/** Gets the value for the given attribute from the element. */
getAttribute(name: string): Promise<string | null>;
/** Checks whether the element has the given class. */
hasClass(name: string): Promise<boolean>;
/** Gets the dimensions of the element. */
getDimensions(): Promise<ElementDimensions>;
/** Gets the value of a property of an element. */
getProperty(name: string): Promise<any>;
/** Checks whether this element matches the given selector. */
matchesSelector(selector: string): Promise<boolean>;
/** Checks whether the element is focused. */
isFocused(): Promise<boolean>;
* Sets the value of a property of an input.
* @breaking-change 11.0.0 To become a required method.
setInputValue?(value: string): Promise<void>;
* Selects the options at the specified indexes inside of a native `select` element.
* @breaking-change 12.0.0 To become a required method.
selectOptions?(...optionIndexes: number[]): Promise<void>;
* Dispatches an event with a particular name.
* @param name Name of the event to be dispatched.
* @breaking-change 12.0.0 To be a required method.
dispatchEvent?(name: string, data?: Record<string, EventData>): Promise<void>;
export interface TextOptions {
/** Optional selector for elements to exclude. */
exclude?: string;