blob: 867a1e93b1151bf24c6edc6439c18d0b13a631bc [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import { NumberInput } from '@angular/cdk/coercion';
import { OnChanges } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { VirtualScrollStrategy } from './virtual-scroll-strategy';
import { CdkVirtualScrollViewport } from './virtual-scroll-viewport';
/** Virtual scrolling strategy for lists with items of known fixed size. */
export declare class FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy implements VirtualScrollStrategy {
private _scrolledIndexChange;
/** @docs-private Implemented as part of VirtualScrollStrategy. */
scrolledIndexChange: Observable<number>;
/** The attached viewport. */
private _viewport;
/** The size of the items in the virtually scrolling list. */
private _itemSize;
/** The minimum amount of buffer rendered beyond the viewport (in pixels). */
private _minBufferPx;
/** The number of buffer items to render beyond the edge of the viewport (in pixels). */
private _maxBufferPx;
* @param itemSize The size of the items in the virtually scrolling list.
* @param minBufferPx The minimum amount of buffer (in pixels) before needing to render more
* @param maxBufferPx The amount of buffer (in pixels) to render when rendering more.
constructor(itemSize: number, minBufferPx: number, maxBufferPx: number);
* Attaches this scroll strategy to a viewport.
* @param viewport The viewport to attach this strategy to.
attach(viewport: CdkVirtualScrollViewport): void;
/** Detaches this scroll strategy from the currently attached viewport. */
detach(): void;
* Update the item size and buffer size.
* @param itemSize The size of the items in the virtually scrolling list.
* @param minBufferPx The minimum amount of buffer (in pixels) before needing to render more
* @param maxBufferPx The amount of buffer (in pixels) to render when rendering more.
updateItemAndBufferSize(itemSize: number, minBufferPx: number, maxBufferPx: number): void;
/** @docs-private Implemented as part of VirtualScrollStrategy. */
onContentScrolled(): void;
/** @docs-private Implemented as part of VirtualScrollStrategy. */
onDataLengthChanged(): void;
/** @docs-private Implemented as part of VirtualScrollStrategy. */
onContentRendered(): void;
/** @docs-private Implemented as part of VirtualScrollStrategy. */
onRenderedOffsetChanged(): void;
* Scroll to the offset for the given index.
* @param index The index of the element to scroll to.
* @param behavior The ScrollBehavior to use when scrolling.
scrollToIndex(index: number, behavior: ScrollBehavior): void;
/** Update the viewport's total content size. */
private _updateTotalContentSize;
/** Update the viewport's rendered range. */
private _updateRenderedRange;
* Provider factory for `FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy` that simply extracts the already created
* `FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy` from the given directive.
* @param fixedSizeDir The instance of `CdkFixedSizeVirtualScroll` to extract the
* `FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy` from.
export declare function _fixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategyFactory(fixedSizeDir: CdkFixedSizeVirtualScroll): FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy;
/** A virtual scroll strategy that supports fixed-size items. */
export declare class CdkFixedSizeVirtualScroll implements OnChanges {
/** The size of the items in the list (in pixels). */
get itemSize(): number;
set itemSize(value: number);
_itemSize: number;
* The minimum amount of buffer rendered beyond the viewport (in pixels).
* If the amount of buffer dips below this number, more items will be rendered. Defaults to 100px.
get minBufferPx(): number;
set minBufferPx(value: number);
_minBufferPx: number;
* The number of pixels worth of buffer to render for when rendering new items. Defaults to 200px.
get maxBufferPx(): number;
set maxBufferPx(value: number);
_maxBufferPx: number;
/** The scroll strategy used by this directive. */
_scrollStrategy: FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy;
ngOnChanges(): void;
static ngAcceptInputType_itemSize: NumberInput;
static ngAcceptInputType_minBufferPx: NumberInput;
static ngAcceptInputType_maxBufferPx: NumberInput;