blob: 6634586e8ee766e09f8946f733b254f9e65f85bc [file] [log] [blame]
import { ChangeDetectorRef, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
import { ICanDisable, ICanDisableRipple } from '@covalent/core/common';
import { _TdStepMixinBase, StepState } from '../../step.component';
export declare class TdNavStepLinkComponent extends _TdStepMixinBase implements ICanDisable, ICanDisableRipple {
private _changeDetectorRef;
elementRef: ElementRef;
private _active;
private _state;
number: number;
* state?: StepState or ['none' | 'required' | 'complete']
* Sets state of component depending on value.
* Defaults to [StepState.None | 'none'].
state: StepState;
* label?: string
* Label to display in step header
* Defaults to empty
label: string;
* sublabel?: string
* Sublabel to display in step header
* Defaults to empty
sublabel: string;
* active?: boolean
* Toggles component between active/deactive.
active: boolean;
* tabIndex?: number
* tabIndex for component
tabIndex: number;
constructor(_changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef, elementRef: ElementRef);
_handleClick(click: Event): void;