blob: c20f2771b39c242c1c16dde534d063d00b034252 [file] [log] [blame]
import { Provider } from '@angular/core';
import { ViewContainerRef, TemplateRef } from '@angular/core';
import { TdLoadingContext } from '../directives/loading.directive';
import { LoadingMode, LoadingStrategy, LoadingType } from '../loading.component';
import { TdLoadingFactory, ILoadingRef } from './loading.factory';
export interface ITdLoadingConfig {
name: string;
type?: LoadingType;
mode?: LoadingMode;
color?: 'primary' | 'accent' | 'warn';
export declare class TdLoadingConfig implements ITdLoadingConfig {
name: string;
type?: LoadingType;
mode?: LoadingMode;
color?: 'primary' | 'accent' | 'warn';
constructor(config: ITdLoadingConfig);
export interface ITdLoadingDirectiveConfig extends ITdLoadingConfig {
strategy?: LoadingStrategy;
export declare class TdLoadingDirectiveConfig extends TdLoadingConfig implements ITdLoadingDirectiveConfig {
name: string;
type: LoadingType;
mode: LoadingMode;
strategy: LoadingStrategy;
constructor(config: ITdLoadingDirectiveConfig);
export declare class TdLoadingService {
private _loadingFactory;
private _context;
private _timeouts;
constructor(_loadingFactory: TdLoadingFactory);
* params:
* - config: ILoadingDirectiveConfig
* - viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef
* - templateRef: TemplateRef<Object>
* Creates an replace loading mask and attaches it to the viewContainerRef.
* Replaces the templateRef with the mask when a request is registered on it.
* NOTE: @internal usage only.
createComponent(config: ITdLoadingDirectiveConfig, viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef, templateRef: TemplateRef<Object>, context: TdLoadingContext): ILoadingRef;
* params:
* - config: ITdLoadingConfig
* Creates a fullscreen loading mask and attaches it to the DOM with the given configuration.
* Only displayed when the mask has a request registered on it.
create(config: ITdLoadingConfig): void;
* params:
* - name: string
* Removes `loading` component from service context.
removeComponent(name: string): void;
* params:
* - name: string
* - registers?: number
* returns: true if successful
* Resolves a request for the loading mask referenced by the name parameter.
* Can optionally pass registers argument to set a number of register calls.
* If no paramemeters are used, then default main mask will be used.
* e.g. loadingService.register()
register(name?: string, registers?: number): boolean;
* params:
* - name: string
* - resolves?: number
* returns: true if successful
* Resolves a request for the loading mask referenced by the name parameter.
* Can optionally pass resolves argument to set a number of resolve calls.
* If no paramemeters are used, then default main mask will be used.
* e.g. loadingService.resolve()
resolve(name?: string, resolves?: number): boolean;
* params:
* - name: string
* returns: true if successful
* Resolves all request for the loading mask referenced by the name parameter.
* If no paramemeters are used, then default main mask will be used.
* e.g. loadingService.resolveAll()
resolveAll(name?: string): boolean;
* params:
* - name: string
* - value: number
* returns: true if successful
* Set value on a loading mask referenced by the name parameter.
* Usage only available if its mode is 'determinate' and if loading is showing.
setValue(name: string, value: number): boolean;
* Clears timeout linked to the name.
* @param name Name of the loading component to be cleared
private _clearTimeout;
export declare function LOADING_PROVIDER_FACTORY(parent: TdLoadingService, loadingFactory: TdLoadingFactory): TdLoadingService;
export declare const LOADING_PROVIDER: Provider;