blob: 6f800421d896f72f4b40c4b39d232c6d5faa4c97 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
/// <amd-module name="@angular/core/schematics/migrations/static-queries/strategies/template_strategy/template_strategy" />
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import { ClassMetadataMap } from '../../angular/ng_query_visitor';
import { NgQueryDefinition } from '../../angular/query-definition';
import { TimingResult, TimingStrategy } from '../timing-strategy';
export declare class QueryTemplateStrategy implements TimingStrategy {
private projectPath;
private classMetadata;
private host;
private compiler;
private metadataResolver;
private analyzedQueries;
constructor(projectPath: string, classMetadata: ClassMetadataMap, host: ts.CompilerHost);
* Sets up the template strategy by creating the AngularCompilerProgram. Returns false if
* the AOT compiler program could not be created due to failure diagnostics.
setup(): void;
/** Analyzes a given directive by determining the timing of all matched view queries. */
private _analyzeDirective;
/** Detects the timing of the query definition. */
detectTiming(query: NgQueryDefinition): TimingResult;
* Gets the timing that has been resolved for a given query when it's used within the
* specified class declaration. e.g. queries from an inherited class can be used.
private _getQueryTimingFromClass;
private _parseTemplate;
private _createDiagnosticsError;
private _getViewQueryUniqueKey;