blob: d97f0f76d7e74369bb0b5cbe69b60b0857ac396e [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
/// <amd-module name="@angular/core/schematics/migrations/static-queries/angular/ng_query_visitor" />
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import { ResolvedTemplate } from '../../../utils/ng_component_template';
import { NgQueryDefinition } from './query-definition';
/** Resolved metadata of a given class. */
export interface ClassMetadata {
/** List of class declarations that derive from the given class. */
derivedClasses: ts.ClassDeclaration[];
/** Super class of the given class. */
superClass: ts.ClassDeclaration | null;
/** List of property names that declare an Angular input within the given class. */
ngInputNames: string[];
/** Component template that belongs to that class if present. */
template?: ResolvedTemplate;
/** Type that describes a map which can be used to get a class declaration's metadata. */
export declare type ClassMetadataMap = Map<ts.ClassDeclaration, ClassMetadata>;
* Visitor that can be used to determine Angular queries within given TypeScript nodes.
* Besides resolving queries, the visitor also records class relations and searches for
* Angular input setters which can be used to analyze the timing usage of a given query.
export declare class NgQueryResolveVisitor {
typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker;
/** Resolved Angular query definitions. */
resolvedQueries: Map<ts.SourceFile, NgQueryDefinition[]>;
/** Maps a class declaration to its class metadata. */
classMetadata: ClassMetadataMap;
constructor(typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker);
visitNode(node: ts.Node): void;
private visitPropertyDeclaration;
private visitAccessorDeclaration;
private visitClassDeclaration;
private _recordQueryDeclaration;
private _recordClassInputSetters;
private _recordClassInheritances;
private _getClassMetadata;