blob: 77b1906632d7d6f0bbec5a761296ee450f4f72fc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.form;
import java.awt.*;
import java.beans.*;
import org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.editors.*;
* RADConnectionPropertyEditor is a special property editor that can set
* properties (of any type) indirectly - e.g. as a property of some bean
* or as the result of a method call or as a code entered by the user, etc.
* Only the source code is generated for such property (usually) so it
* doesn't take effect until runtime.
* @author Ian Formanek
public class RADConnectionPropertyEditor
implements PropertyEditor,
public enum Type { FormConnection, CustomCode }
private Type editorType;
protected PropertyChangeSupport support = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
private Class propertyType;
private FormModel formModel = null;
private FormProperty property;
private RADConnectionDesignValue designValue = null;
private Object realValue = null;
* Creates a new RADConnectionPropertyEditor
* @param propertyType type of the property.
public RADConnectionPropertyEditor(Class propertyType) {
this.propertyType = propertyType;
this.editorType = Type.FormConnection;
public RADConnectionPropertyEditor(Class propertyType, Type editorType) {
this.propertyType = propertyType;
this.editorType = editorType;
public Type getEditorType() {
return editorType;
/** If a property editor or customizer implements the FormAwareEditor
* interface, this method is called immediately after the PropertyEditor
* instance is created or the Customizer is obtained from getCustomizer().
* @param model The FormModel representing data of opened form.
* @param prop property.
public void setContext(FormModel model, FormProperty prop) {
formModel = model;
property = prop;
// FormAwareEditor implementation
public void updateFormVersionLevel() {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PropertyEditor implementation
public Object getValue() {
return designValue != null ? designValue : realValue;
public void setValue(Object value) {
if (value instanceof RADConnectionDesignValue) {
designValue =(RADConnectionDesignValue)value;
editorType = designValue.getType() == RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_CODE ?
Type.CustomCode : Type.FormConnection;
if (editorType == Type.CustomCode) {
String code = designValue.getCode();
if ((code == null) || (code.trim().length() == 0)) {
// Issue 101617
} else {
designValue = null;
realValue = value;
support.firePropertyChange("", null, null); // NOI18N
public void setAsText(String string) {
public String getAsText() {
return null;
public String[] getTags() {
return null;
public boolean isPaintable() {
return true;
public void paintValue(Graphics g, Rectangle rectangle) {
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
g.drawString(getValueString(), rectangle.x,
rectangle.y + (rectangle.height - fm.getHeight()) / 2 + fm.getAscent());
public boolean supportsCustomEditor() {
if (formModel.isReadOnly()) {
return false;
if (editorType == Type.CustomCode) {
FormEditor formEditor = FormEditor.getFormEditor(formModel);
if (formEditor == null) {
return false; // bug 254390, unknown cause (how the form can be not opened??)
if (formEditor.getGuardedSectionManager() == null) {
// unknown setup problem - bug 223356, bug 220699
return false;
return true;
public java.awt.Component getCustomEditor() {
if (editorType == Type.FormConnection) {
ConnectionCustomEditor cust = new ConnectionCustomEditor(this, formModel, propertyType);
return cust;
else {
CodeCustomEditor cust = new CodeCustomEditor(this, formModel, property);
return cust;
public String getJavaInitializationString() {
if (designValue != null) {
if (designValue.needsInit)
if (designValue.type == RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_VALUE) {
if ("java.lang.String".equals(designValue.requiredTypeName)) // NOI18N
return "\""+designValue.value+"\""; // NOI18N
else if ("long".equals(designValue.requiredTypeName)) // NOI18N
return designValue.value+"L"; // NOI18N
else if ("float".equals(designValue.requiredTypeName)) // NOI18N
return designValue.value+"F"; // NOI18N
else if ("double".equals(designValue.requiredTypeName)) // NOI18N
return designValue.value+"D"; // NOI18N
else if ("char".equals(designValue.requiredTypeName)) // NOI18N
return "\'"+designValue.value+"\'"; // NOI18N
else return designValue.value;
else if (designValue.type == RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_CODE)
return designValue.userCode;
else {
if (designValue.radComponent == null
|| designValue.radComponent.getCodeExpression() == null)
return null; // invalid component (probably deleted)
if (designValue.type == RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_PROPERTY) {
PropertyDescriptor pd = designValue.getProperty();
if (pd == null) return null; // failed to initialize => do not generate code
else {
if (designValue.radComponent == formModel.getTopRADComponent()) {
return pd.getReadMethod().getName() + "()"; // [FUTURE: Handle indexed properties] // NOI18N
} else {
return designValue.radComponent.getName() + "." + pd.getReadMethod().getName() + "()"; // [FUTURE: Handle indexed properties] // NOI18N
else if (designValue.type == RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_METHOD) {
if (designValue.radComponent == formModel.getTopRADComponent()) {
return designValue.methodName + "()"; // NOI18N
} else {
return designValue.radComponent.getName() + "." + designValue.methodName + "()"; // NOI18N
else if (designValue.type == RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_BEAN) {
if (designValue.radComponent == formModel.getTopRADComponent()) {
return "this"; // NOI18N
} else {
return designValue.radComponent.getName();
return null;
public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener propertyChangeListener) {
public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener propertyChangeListener) {
// ------------------------------------------
// NamedPropertyEditor implementation
/** @return display name of the property editor */
public String getDisplayName() {
return FormUtils.getBundleString(editorType == Type.FormConnection ?
"CTL_FormConnection_DisplayName" : "CTL_CustomCode_DisplayName"); // NOI18N
// ------------------------------------------
private String getValueString() {
String str;
if (designValue != null) {
str = designValue.getName();
else if (realValue != null) {
if (realValue instanceof Number
|| realValue instanceof Boolean
|| realValue instanceof String
|| realValue instanceof Character)
str = realValue.toString();
str = realValue.getClass().isArray() ?
"[" + FormUtils.getBundleString("CTL_ArrayOf") + " " // NOI18N
+ realValue.getClass().getComponentType().getName() + "]" // NOI18N
"["+org.openide.util.Utilities.getShortClassName(realValue.getClass())+"]"; // NOI18N
else str = "null"; // NOI18N
return str;
// ------------------------------------------
// implementation class for FormDesignValue
public static class RADConnectionDesignValue implements FormDesignValue { //, {
public final static int TYPE_PROPERTY = 0;
public final static int TYPE_METHOD = 1;
public final static int TYPE_CODE = 2;
public final static int TYPE_VALUE = 3;
public final static int TYPE_BEAN = 4;
/** Determines the type of connection design value */
int type;
private transient RADComponent radComponent = null; // used if type = TYPE_PROPERTY or TYPE_METHOD or TYPE_BEAN
String radComponentName = null; // used if type = TYPE_PROPERTY or TYPE_METHOD
private transient MethodDescriptor method = null; // used if type = TYPE_METHOD
String methodName = null; // used if type = TYPE_METHOD
private transient PropertyDescriptor property = null; // used if type = TYPE_PROPERTY
String propertyName = null; // used if type = TYPE_PROPERTY
String userCode = null; // used if type = TYPE_CODE
String value = null; // used if type = TYPE_VALUE
String requiredTypeName = null; // used if type = TYPE_VALUE
transient private boolean needsInit = false; // used for deserialization init if type = TYPE_PROPERTY or TYPE_METHOD or TYPE_BEAN
transient private FormModel formModel; // used for deserialization init if type = TYPE_PROPERTY or TYPE_METHOD or TYPE_BEAN
static final long serialVersionUID =147134837271021412L;
RADConnectionDesignValue(RADComponent comp) {
radComponent = comp;
radComponentName = radComponent.getName();
type = TYPE_BEAN;
RADConnectionDesignValue(RADComponent comp, MethodDescriptor md) {
radComponent = comp;
radComponentName = radComponent.getName();
method = md;
methodName = md.getName();
RADConnectionDesignValue(RADComponent comp, PropertyDescriptor pd) {
radComponent = comp;
radComponentName = radComponent.getName();
property = pd;
propertyName = pd.getName();
RADConnectionDesignValue(String reqTypeName, String valueText) {
this.requiredTypeName = reqTypeName;
this.value = valueText;
type = TYPE_VALUE;
private RADConnectionDesignValue(String compName, int valueType, String name, FormModel manager) {
radComponentName = compName;
formModel = manager;
if (valueType == TYPE_PROPERTY) {
needsInit = true;
propertyName = name;
} else if (valueType == TYPE_METHOD) {
needsInit = true;
methodName = name;
} else if (valueType == TYPE_BEAN) {
needsInit = true;
type = TYPE_BEAN;
} else throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public RADConnectionDesignValue(Class requiredType, String valueText) {
this.requiredTypeName = requiredType.getName();
this.value = valueText;
type = TYPE_VALUE;
public RADConnectionDesignValue(String userCode) {
this.userCode = userCode;
type = TYPE_CODE;
public FormDesignValue copy(FormProperty formProperty) {
switch(type) {
return new RADConnectionDesignValue(userCode);
return new RADConnectionDesignValue(requiredTypeName, value);
return null;
String getName() {
if (needsInit)
if (type == TYPE_VALUE)
return FormUtils.getFormattedBundleString("FMT_VALUE_CONN", // NOI18N
new Object[] { value });
else if (type == TYPE_CODE)
return FormUtils.getBundleString("CTL_CODE_CONN"); // NOI18N
else {
if (radComponent == null || radComponent.getCodeExpression() == null)
return FormUtils.getBundleString("CTL_CONNECTION_INVALID"); // NOI18N
if (type == TYPE_PROPERTY)
return FormUtils.getFormattedBundleString(
new Object[] { radComponent.getName(), propertyName });
else if (type == TYPE_METHOD)
return FormUtils.getFormattedBundleString(
new Object[] { radComponent.getName(), methodName });
else if (type == TYPE_BEAN)
return FormUtils.getFormattedBundleString(
new Object[] { radComponent.getName() });
throw new IllegalStateException();
public PropertyDescriptor getProperty() {
if (needsInit) {
if (!initialize()) return null;
return property;
public MethodDescriptor getMethod() {
if (needsInit) {
if (!initialize()) return null;
return method;
public String getCode() {
if (needsInit) {
if (!initialize()) return null;
return userCode;
public String getValue() {
if (needsInit) {
if (!initialize()) return null;
return value;
public RADComponent getRADComponent() {
if (needsInit) {
if (!initialize()) return null;
return radComponent;
private boolean initialize() {
boolean retVal = false;
radComponent = formModel.findRADComponent(radComponentName);
if (radComponent != null) {
if (type == TYPE_BEAN) { // bean
retVal = true;
} else if (type == TYPE_PROPERTY) { // property
PropertyDescriptor[] componentsProps = radComponent.getBeanInfo().getPropertyDescriptors();
for (int i = 0; i < componentsProps.length; i++) {
if (componentsProps[i].getName().equals(propertyName)) {
property = componentsProps[i];
retVal = true;
} // if the property of given name cannot be found => ignore
} else { // method
MethodDescriptor[] componentMethods = radComponent.getBeanInfo().getMethodDescriptors();
for (int i = 0; i < componentMethods.length; i++) {
if (componentMethods[i].getName().equals(methodName)) {
method = componentMethods[i];
retVal = true;
} // if the property of given name cannot be found => ignore
} // if the component cannot be found, simply ignore it
if (retVal) needsInit = false;
return retVal;
/** Provides a value which should be used during design-time
* as the real property value on the bean instance.
* E.g. the ResourceBundle String would provide the real value
* of the String from the resource bundle, so that the design-time
* representation reflects the real code being generated.
* @return the real property value to be used during design-time
public Object getDesignValue() { //RADComponent radComponent) {
/* if (needsInit) {
if (!initialize()) {
return IGNORED_VALUE; // failed to initialize
} */
switch (type) {
try {
return getProperty().getReadMethod().invoke(getRADComponent().getBeanInstance(), new Object[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {
// in case of failure do not provide the value during design time
return FormDesignValue.IGNORED_VALUE;
try {
return getMethod().getMethod().invoke(getRADComponent().getBeanInstance(), new Object[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {
// in case of failure do not provide the value during design time
return FormDesignValue.IGNORED_VALUE;
return parseValue(requiredTypeName, value);
RADComponent comp = getRADComponent();
return (comp == null) ? FormDesignValue.IGNORED_VALUE : comp.getBeanInstance();
return FormDesignValue.IGNORED_VALUE;
return FormDesignValue.IGNORED_VALUE;
public Object getDesignValue(Object target) {
return null;
// Return null because RADConnectionValue is not related to the
// bean on which this value is set (target). The related (source)
// bean is another component, represented by 'radComponent' field.
// That's why there is the getValueForBean method.
* Returns represented value for specific bean instance. E.g. if this
* represents a "text" property, it tries to invoke getText() on the
* bean. The bean should be of the same type as the bean of the
* 'radComponent' field.
* @param target explicitly provided bean instance to get value from
* @return represented value obtained from given target bean
public Object getValueForBean(Object target) {
if (target != null) {
switch (type) {
try {
return getProperty().getReadMethod().invoke(target, new Object[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {}
try {
return getMethod().getMethod().invoke(target, new Object[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {}
return target;
return null;
public String getDescription() {
return getName();
* Returns type of this connection design value.
* @return type of this connection design value.
public int getType() {
return type;
} // end of inner class
private static Object parseValue(String typeName, String value) {
try {
if ("java.lang.String".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
return value;
} else if ("int".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
return Integer.valueOf(value);
} else if ("short".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
return Short.valueOf(value);
} else if ("long".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
return Long.valueOf(value);
} else if ("byte".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
return Byte.valueOf(value);
} else if ("float".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
return Float.valueOf(value);
} else if ("double".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
return Double.valueOf(value);
} else if ("boolean".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
return Boolean.valueOf(value);
} else if ("char".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
if (value.length() > 0) return Character.valueOf(value.charAt(0));
return FormDesignValue.IGNORED_VALUE;
} catch (Exception e) {
// some problem => use ignored value
return FormDesignValue.IGNORED_VALUE;
// XMLPropertyEditor implementation
public static final String XML_CONNECTION = "Connection"; // NOI18N
public static final String ATTR_TYPE = "type"; // NOI18N
public static final String ATTR_COMPONENT = "component"; // NOI18N
public static final String ATTR_NAME = "name"; // NOI18N
public static final String ATTR_CODE = "code"; // NOI18N
public static final String ATTR_VALUE = "value"; // NOI18N
public static final String ATTR_REQUIRED_TYPE = "valueType"; // NOI18N
public static final String VALUE_VALUE = "value"; // NOI18N
public static final String VALUE_PROPERTY = "property"; // NOI18N
public static final String VALUE_METHOD = "method"; // NOI18N
public static final String VALUE_BEAN = "bean"; // NOI18N
public static final String VALUE_CODE = "code"; // NOI18N
/** Called to load property value from specified XML subtree. If succesfully loaded,
* the value should be available via the getValue method.
* An IOException should be thrown when the value cannot be restored from the specified XML element
* @param element the XML DOM element representing a subtree of XML from which the value should be loaded
* @throws thrown when the value cannot be restored from the specified XML element
public void readFromXML(org.w3c.dom.Node element) throws {
if (!XML_CONNECTION.equals(element.getNodeName())) {
throw new;
org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap attributes = element.getAttributes();
try {
String typeString = attributes.getNamedItem(ATTR_TYPE).getNodeValue();
if (VALUE_VALUE.equals(typeString)) {
String value = attributes.getNamedItem(ATTR_VALUE).getNodeValue();
String valueType = attributes.getNamedItem(ATTR_REQUIRED_TYPE).getNodeValue();
setValue(new RADConnectionDesignValue(valueType, value));
} else if (VALUE_PROPERTY.equals(typeString)) {
String component = attributes.getNamedItem(ATTR_COMPONENT).getNodeValue();
String name = attributes.getNamedItem(ATTR_NAME).getNodeValue();
setValue(new RADConnectionDesignValue(component, RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_PROPERTY, name, formModel)); //rcomponent.getFormModel()));
} else if (VALUE_METHOD.equals(typeString)) {
String component = attributes.getNamedItem(ATTR_COMPONENT).getNodeValue();
String name = attributes.getNamedItem(ATTR_NAME).getNodeValue();
setValue(new RADConnectionDesignValue(component, RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_METHOD, name, formModel)); //rcomponent.getFormModel()));
} else if (VALUE_BEAN.equals(typeString)) {
String component = attributes.getNamedItem(ATTR_COMPONENT).getNodeValue();
setValue(new RADConnectionDesignValue(component, RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_BEAN, null, formModel)); //rcomponent.getFormModel()));
} else {
String code = attributes.getNamedItem(ATTR_CODE).getNodeValue();
setValue(new RADConnectionDesignValue(code));
} catch (NullPointerException e) { ioex = new;
throw ioex;
/** Called to store current property value into XML subtree. The property
* value should be set using the setValue method prior to calling this method.
* @param doc The XML document to store the XML in - should be used for creating nodes only
* @return the XML DOM element representing a subtree of XML from which the
* value should be loaded
public org.w3c.dom.Node storeToXML(org.w3c.dom.Document doc) {
if (designValue == null)
return null;
String componentName = designValue.radComponent != null ?
designValue.radComponent.getName() :
if (componentName == null && designValue.radComponent != null)
return null; // invalid component (probably deleted)
org.w3c.dom.Element el = doc.createElement(XML_CONNECTION);
String typeString;
switch (designValue.type) {
case RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_VALUE: typeString = VALUE_VALUE; break;
case RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_PROPERTY: typeString = VALUE_PROPERTY; break;
case RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_METHOD: typeString = VALUE_METHOD; break;
case RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_BEAN: typeString = VALUE_BEAN; break;
case RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_CODE:
typeString = VALUE_CODE; break;
el.setAttribute(ATTR_TYPE, typeString);
switch (designValue.type) {
case RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_VALUE:
el.setAttribute(ATTR_VALUE, designValue.value);
el.setAttribute(ATTR_REQUIRED_TYPE, designValue.requiredTypeName);
case RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_PROPERTY:
el.setAttribute(ATTR_COMPONENT, componentName);
el.setAttribute(ATTR_NAME, designValue.propertyName);
case RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_METHOD:
el.setAttribute(ATTR_COMPONENT, componentName);
el.setAttribute(ATTR_NAME, designValue.methodName);
case RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_BEAN:
el.setAttribute(ATTR_COMPONENT, componentName);
case RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_CODE:
el.setAttribute(ATTR_CODE, designValue.userCode);
return el;