blob: d144b9a8e595fcd0c3ff9cba082d53a1c94bb747 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE jsonreleaseinfoFile
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this jsonreleaseinfoFile
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this jsonreleaseinfoFile except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.nbbuild;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
* @author skygo
public class ReleaseJsonProperties extends Task {
* current branch we works with
private String branch;
* current hash we works with
private String hash;
* cache of json file
private File jsonreleaseinfoFile;
* xml file containing release information
private File xmlFile;
* xml file containing release information
private File propertiesFile;
public void setBranch(String branch) {
this.branch = branch;
public void setHash(String hash) {
this.hash = hash;
public void setFile(File file) {
this.jsonreleaseinfoFile = file;
public void setXmloutput(File file) {
this.xmlFile = file;
public void setPropertiesoutput(File file) {
this.propertiesFile = file;
public void execute() throws BuildException {
JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser();
ReleaseInfo requiredbranchinfo = null;
List<ReleaseInfo> ri = new ArrayList<>();
//Prepare a xml document containg all the release information */
Document doc = XMLUtil.createDocument("releases");
Element releasesxml = doc.getDocumentElement();
//branch parameter
if (branch.equals("master") || branch.startsWith("release")) {
log("Taking release info from json");
} else {
log("Branch '" + branch + "' is not having good pattern defaulting to 'master'");
branch = "master";
// read all information and store each release in Rel
try (FileReader reader = new FileReader(jsonreleaseinfoFile)) {
JSONObject releaseList = (JSONObject) jsonParser.parse(reader);
log("Processing release: " + releaseList.keySet().toString());
for (Object object : releaseList.keySet()) {
ri.add(manageRelease(object.toString(), releaseList.get(object)));
} catch (ParseException | IOException ex) {
throw new BuildException(ex);
// sort all information
// build a sorted xml
for (ReleaseInfo releaseInfo : ri) {
for (Object milestone : releaseInfo.milestones) {
Element releasexml = (Element) releasesxml.appendChild(doc.createElement("release"));
populatexml(releasexml, releaseInfo);
if (releaseInfo.getKey().equals(branch)) {
requiredbranchinfo = releaseInfo;
releasesxml.setAttribute("position", Integer.toString(releaseInfo.position));
// attribute to know position of the requested current branch in the set of release
if (requiredbranchinfo == null) {
throw new BuildException("No Release Information found for branch '" + branch + "', update json file section");
List<String> updateValues = new ArrayList<>();
for (ReleaseInfo releaseInfo : ri) {
if (releaseInfo.position < requiredbranchinfo.position) {
// populate properties for api changes
getProject().setProperty("previous.release.year", Integer.toString(requiredbranchinfo.previousReleaseDate.getYear()));
getProject().setProperty("previous.release.month", String.format("%02d", requiredbranchinfo.previousReleaseDate.getMonthValue()));
getProject().setProperty("", String.format("%02d", requiredbranchinfo.previousReleaseDate.getDayOfMonth()));
// version branding + incubating status management for Apache NetBeans 9.0 10 11.0
getProject().setProperty("json.maturity", requiredbranchinfo.maturity);
getProject().setProperty("json.version", requiredbranchinfo.version);
getProject().setProperty("modules-javadoc-date", ReleaseJsonProperties.makeDate(requiredbranchinfo.releaseDate));
getProject().setProperty("atom-date", ReleaseJsonProperties.makeAtomDate(requiredbranchinfo.releaseDate));
getProject().setProperty("javaapidocurl", requiredbranchinfo.javaapidocurl);
log("Writing releasinfo file " + propertiesFile);
try (OutputStream config = new FileOutputStream(propertiesFile)) {
String optionalversion = "";
boolean found = false;
for (MileStone m : requiredbranchinfo.milestones) {
if (m.hash.equals(hash)) {
found = true;
log("found hash" + hash + "-" +;
// found a milestone
if ( != -1) {
// vote is set we want the full version
} else {
optionalversion = "-" + m.version;
if (!found && !branch.equals("master")) {
// hash no match we are building a dev version of specific branch
optionalversion = "-dev";
config.write(("metabuild.DistributionURL=" + requiredbranchinfo.updateurl + "\n").getBytes());
config.write(("metabuild.PluginPortalURL=" + requiredbranchinfo.pluginsurl + "\n").getBytes());
// used for cache and user dir
config.write(("metabuild.RawVersion=" + requiredbranchinfo.version + optionalversion + "\n").getBytes());
config.write(("metabuild.apachepreviousversion=" + String.join(",", updateValues) + "\n").getBytes());
if (branch.equals("master")) {
config.write(("metabuild.ComputedSplashVersion=DEV (Build {0})\n").getBytes());
config.write(("metabuild.ComputedTitleVersion=DEV {0}\n").getBytes());
config.write(("metabuild.logcli=-J-Dnetbeans.logger.console=true -J-ea\n").getBytes());
} else {
config.write(("metabuild.ComputedSplashVersion=" + requiredbranchinfo.version + optionalversion + "\n").getBytes());
config.write(("metabuild.ComputedTitleVersion=" + requiredbranchinfo.version + optionalversion + "\n").getBytes());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new BuildException("Properties File for release cannot be created");
log("Writing releasinfo file " + xmlFile);
try (OutputStream config = new FileOutputStream(xmlFile)) {
XMLUtil.write(doc, config);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new BuildException("XML File for release cannot be created");
String configline;
try (FileReader config = new FileReader(propertiesFile); BufferedReader configStream = new BufferedReader(config);) {
while ((configline = configStream.readLine()) != null) {
log("Branding computed info: " + configline);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new BuildException("propertiesFile for release cannot be read");
// add attribute for xml building apidoc enhancement
private void populatexml(Element releasesxml, ReleaseInfo releaseInfo) throws DOMException {
releasesxml.setAttribute("year", Integer.toString(releaseInfo.releaseDate.getYear()));
releasesxml.setAttribute("month", Integer.toString(releaseInfo.releaseDate.getMonthValue()));
releasesxml.setAttribute("day", Integer.toString(releaseInfo.releaseDate.getDayOfMonth()));
releasesxml.setAttribute("tlp", releaseInfo.maturity);
releasesxml.setAttribute("position", Integer.toString(releaseInfo.position));
releasesxml.setAttribute("version", releaseInfo.version);
releasesxml.setAttribute("apidocurl", releaseInfo.apidocurl);
private ReleaseInfo manageRelease(String key, Object arelease) {
ReleaseInfo ri = new ReleaseInfo(key);
// mandatory element
JSONObject jsonrelease = (JSONObject) arelease;
ri.setPosition(Integer.parseInt((String) getJSONInfo(jsonrelease, "position", "Order of release starting")));
// previous release date
JSONObject previousrelease = (JSONObject) getJSONInfo(jsonrelease, "previousreleasedate", "Apidoc: Date of previous Release");
(String) getJSONInfo(previousrelease, "day", "Apidoc: day of previous Release"),
(String) getJSONInfo(previousrelease, "month", "Apidoc: month of previous Release"),
(String) getJSONInfo(previousrelease, "year", "Apidoc: year of previous Release"));
// date of release
JSONObject releasedate = (JSONObject) getJSONInfo(jsonrelease, "releasedate", "Apidoc: Date of Release vote");
(String) getJSONInfo(releasedate, "day", "Apidoc: day of previous Release"),
(String) getJSONInfo(releasedate, "month", "Apidoc: month of previous Release"),
(String) getJSONInfo(releasedate, "year", "Apidoc: year of previous Release"));
// tlp or not
ri.setMaturity((String) getJSONInfo(jsonrelease, "tlp", "Statut of release - TLP or not"));
// version name
ri.setVersion((String) getJSONInfo(jsonrelease, "versionName", "Version name"));
ri.setApidocurl((String) getJSONInfo(jsonrelease, "apidocurl", "Apidoc: URL"));
ri.setJavaApiDocurl((String) getJSONInfo(jsonrelease, "jdk_apidoc", "Apidoc: javadoc for java jdk"));
ri.setUpdateUrl((String) getJSONInfo(jsonrelease, "update_url", "Update catalog"));
ri.setPluginsUrl((String) getJSONInfo(jsonrelease, "plugin_url", "Plugin URL"));
// optional section
JSONObject milestone = (JSONObject) jsonrelease.get("milestones");
if (milestone != null) {
for (Object object : milestone.keySet()) {
// ri.add(manageRelease(object.toString(), releaseList.get(object)));
JSONObject milestonedata = (JSONObject) milestone.get(object);
MileStone m = new MileStone((String) object);
// mandatory
m.setPosition(Integer.parseInt((String) getJSONInfo(milestonedata, "position", "Order of milestone in release")));
// optional
Object vote = milestonedata.get("vote");
if (vote != null) {
m.setVote(Integer.parseInt((String) vote));
m.setVersion((String) milestonedata.get("version"));
return ri;
private static String makeDate(LocalDateTime date) {
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("d MMM yyyy", Locale.US);
return date.format(formatter);
private static String makeAtomDate(LocalDateTime date) {
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", Locale.US);
return date.format(formatter);
private Object getJSONInfo(JSONObject json, String key, String info) {
Object result = json.get(key);
//log("Retriving " + key);
if (result == null) {
throw new BuildException("Cannot retrieve key " + key + ", this is for" + info);
return result;
private static class MileStone implements Comparable<MileStone> {
private int position;
private int vote = -1;
private final String hash;
private String version;
public MileStone(String hash) {
this.hash = hash;
public int compareTo(MileStone o) {
return (this.position - o.position);
private void setPosition(int position) {
this.position = position;
private void setVote(int vote) { = vote;
private void setVersion(String version) {
this.version = version;
public String toString() {
return "(" + hash + "," + position + "," + vote + "," + version + ")";
* Comparable on position. Avoir randomness.
private static class ReleaseInfo implements Comparable<ReleaseInfo> {
private int position;
private final String key;
private LocalDateTime releaseDate;
private LocalDateTime previousReleaseDate;
private String maturity;
private String version;
private String apidocurl;
private String javaapidocurl;
private String updateurl;
private String pluginsurl;
private List<MileStone> milestones;
public ReleaseInfo(String key) {
this.key = key;
this.milestones = new ArrayList<>();
public int compareTo(ReleaseInfo o) {
return (this.position - o.position);
private void setPosition(int position) {
this.position = position;
public String toString() {
return "(" + key + "," + position + ")";
private String getKey() {
return key;
private LocalDateTime setDate(String day, String month, String year) {
LocalDateTime tmp =;
try {
tmp = LocalDateTime.of(Integer.parseInt(year), Integer.parseInt(month), Integer.parseInt(day), 12, 0);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return tmp;
private void setPreviousRelease(String day, String month, String year) {
previousReleaseDate = setDate(day, month, year);
private void setReleaseDate(String day, String month, String year) {
releaseDate = setDate(day, month, year);
private void setMaturity(String tlp) {
this.maturity = tlp;
private void setVersion(String version) {
this.version = version;
private void setApidocurl(String apidocurl) {
this.apidocurl = apidocurl;
private void setJavaApiDocurl(String javaapidocurl) {
this.javaapidocurl = javaapidocurl;
private void setUpdateUrl(String url) {
this.updateurl = url;
private void setPluginsUrl(String url) {
this.pluginsurl = url;
private void addMileStone(MileStone milestone) {