blob: 13841362a79c39a15d32c5e3645a3f945b521d9d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.netbeans.nbbuild;
import java.util.*;
import* ;
import* ;
/** This task runs the JHIndexer task multiple times, once for each
* language, and automatically creates the appropriate regular
* expressions to choose the files for each language. This task
* greatly reduces the amount of Ant code required to run JHIndexer
* especially when there are helpsets for multiple languages in the
* same directory tree.
* @author Jerry Huth (email:
public class LocJHIndexer extends MatchingTask {
private Path classpath;
protected File basedir = null ;
protected String dbdir = null ;
protected String locales = null ;
protected String jhall = null ;
/** Set the location of <samp>jhall.jar</samp> or <samp>jsearch.jar</samp> (JavaHelp tools library). */
public Path createClasspath() {
// JavaHelp release notes say jhtools.jar is enough, but class NoClassDefFoundError
// on when I tried it...
if (classpath == null) {
classpath = new Path(getProject());
return classpath.createPath();
/** Specify a regular expression to find <samp>jhall.jar</samp>
* (JavaHelp tools library).
public void setJhall( String jhall) {
this.jhall = jhall;
/** Get the jhall jar file to use. */
protected String getJhall() {
String ret = null ;
String prop = null ;
// Use the attribute if specified. //
if( jhall != null) {
ret = jhall ;
else {
// Else look for the global property. //
prop = getProject().getProperty("locjhindexer.jhall");
if( prop != null) {
ret = prop ;
return( ret) ;
/** Set the location of the docs helpsets' base dir. */
public void setBasedir( File dir) {
basedir = dir ;
/** Set the name of the search database directory (which is under
* <samp>basedir/&lt;locale></samp>)
public void setDbdir( String dir) {
dbdir = dir ;
/** Set a comma-separated list of locales which have helpsets. */
public void setLocales( String s) {
locales = s ;
/** Get the locales for which we'll look for helpsets. */
protected String getLocales() {
if( locales != null) {
return( locales) ;
public void execute() throws BuildException {
String locs = getLocales() ;
String helpset_locs = null ;
StringTokenizer tokenizer = null ;
String loc = null ;
if( getJhall() == null)
throw new BuildException( "Must specify the jhall attribute") ;
if( dbdir == null || dbdir.trim().equals( ""))
throw new BuildException( "Must specify the dbdir attribute") ;
if( basedir == null)
throw new BuildException( "Must specify the basedir attribute") ;
if( locs == null || locs.trim().equals( ""))
throw new BuildException( "Must specify the locales attribute") ;
// I couldn't get it to work unless I explicitly added the task def here. //
getProject().addTaskDefinition("jhindexer", JHIndexer.class);
// For each locale. //
tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( locs, ", ") ;
while( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
loc = tokenizer.nextToken() ;
// If there's a helpset for this locale. //
if( hasHelpset( loc)) {
// Add it to the list of locales that have helpsets. //
if( helpset_locs == null) {
helpset_locs = new String( loc) ;
else {
helpset_locs += "," + loc ;
// For each locale. //
if( helpset_locs != null) {
tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( helpset_locs, ", ") ;
while( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
loc = tokenizer.nextToken() ;
// Run the JHIndexer for this locale. //
RunForLocale( loc) ;
/** See if there's a helpset for this locale. */
protected boolean hasHelpset( String loc) {
boolean ret = false ;
LocHelpsetFilter filter = new LocHelpsetFilter( loc) ;
File files[] ;
files = basedir.listFiles( filter) ;
if( files != null && files.length > 0) {
ret = true ;
return( ret) ;
// Run JHIndexer for the given locale. //
protected void RunForLocale( String locale) throws BuildException {
JHIndexer jhindexer ;
jhindexer = (JHIndexer) getProject().createTask("jhindexer");
jhindexer.init() ;
jhindexer.setIncludes( locale + "/**/*.htm*") ;
jhindexer.setExcludes( locale + "/" + dbdir + "/" + "," +
locale + "/credits.htm*") ;
jhindexer.setBasedir( new File( basedir + "/")) ;
jhindexer.setDb( new File( basedir + "/" + locale + "/" + dbdir)) ;
jhindexer.setLocale( locale) ;
setJHLib( jhindexer) ;
jhindexer.execute() ;
protected void setJHLib( JHIndexer jhindexer) {
String jhlib, dir, regexp ;
int idx, i ;
FileSet fs ;
File file ;
LinkedList<String> dirs, regexps ;
StringTokenizer st ;
Path path ;
// For each regular expression. //
dirs = new LinkedList<>() ;
regexps = new LinkedList<>() ;
jhlib = getJhall() ;
st = new StringTokenizer( jhlib, " \n,") ;
while( st.hasMoreTokens()) {
regexp = st.nextToken() ;
// Break the regular expression up into directory and file //
// components. //
idx = regexp.lastIndexOf( "/") ;
dir = regexp.substring( 0, idx) ;
file = new File( dir) ;
if( file.exists()) {
dirs.add( dir) ;
regexps.add( regexp.substring( idx+1)) ;
if( dirs.size() > 0) {
path = jhindexer.createClasspath() ;
for( i = 0; i < dirs.size(); i++) {
dir = dirs.get( i) ;
regexp = regexps.get( i) ;
fs = new FileSet() ;
fs.setDir( new File( dir)) ;
fs.setIncludes( regexp) ;
path.addFileset( fs) ;
else {
throw new BuildException( "jhall not found.") ;
protected class LocHelpsetFilter implements FilenameFilter {
protected String locale = null ;
public LocHelpsetFilter( String loc) {
locale = loc ;
public boolean accept(File dir,
String name) {
return( name.endsWith( "_" + locale + ".hs")) ;