blob: 6b53d6e37cc8febdb4bd993dbe9fc9530b7948a7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.nbbuild;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.*;
/** Create XML files corresponding to the set of known modules
* without actually running the IDE.
* @author Jesse Glick
public class CreateModuleXML extends Task {
private final List<FileSet> enabled = new ArrayList<>(1);
private final List<FileSet> disabled = new ArrayList<>(1);
private final List<FileSet> autoload = new ArrayList<>(1);
private final List<FileSet> eager = new ArrayList<>(1);
private final List<FileSet> hidden = new ArrayList<>(1);
private Integer level;
private boolean checkBundle = true;
/** Add a set of module JARs that should be enabled.
public void addEnabled(FileSet fs) {
/** Add a set of module JARs that should be disabled.
public void addDisabled(FileSet fs) {
/** Add a set of module JARs that should be autoloads.
public void addAutoload(FileSet fs) {
/** Add a set of module JARs that should be eager modules.
public void addEager(FileSet fs) {
/** Add a set of module JARs that should be hidden.
public void addHidden(FileSet fs) {
private File xmldir = null;
/** Set the modules directory where XML will be stored.
* Normally the system/Modules/ directory in an installation.
public void setXmldir(File f) {
xmldir = f;
private File trackingdir;
/** Directory where to generate the update tracking file. Does not need
* to be specified.
public void setUpdateTrackingRoot(File f) {
trackingdir = f;
private boolean failOnMissingManifest = true;
/** By default true. Set to false if JAR files without proper manifest
* shall be ignored.
public void setFailOnMissingManifest(boolean fail) {
failOnMissingManifest = fail;
public void setStartLevel(String level) {
if (level.isEmpty()) {
this.level = null;
} else {
this.level = Integer.parseInt(level);
public void setStrictCheck(boolean check) {
this.checkBundle = check;
private List<String> enabledNames = new ArrayList<>(50);
private List<String> disabledNames = new ArrayList<>(10);
private List<String> autoloadNames = new ArrayList<>(10);
private List<String> eagerNames = new ArrayList<>(10);
private List<String> hiddenNames = new ArrayList<>(10);
private String hiddenList;
* In addition to &gt;hidden&lt; nested fileset, list of hidden modules can
* be specified as comma-separated list in attribute 'hidden'.
* @param hiddenList
public void setHidden(String hiddenList) {
// Only hidden parameters can be specified as list of absolute file paths,
// enabled, eager and autoload modules need relative path to create proper module xml
this.hiddenList = hiddenList;
public void execute() throws BuildException {
if (xmldir == null) throw new BuildException("Must set xmldir attribute", getLocation());
if (!xmldir.exists ()) {
if (!xmldir.mkdirs()) throw new BuildException("Cannot create directory " + xmldir, getLocation());
if (enabled.isEmpty() && disabled.isEmpty() && autoload.isEmpty() && eager.isEmpty() && hidden.isEmpty()
&& hiddenList == null) {
log("Warning: <createmodulexml> with no modules listed", Project.MSG_WARN);
for (FileSet fs : enabled) {
scanModules(fs, true, false, false, false, enabledNames);
for (FileSet fs : disabled) {
scanModules(fs, false, false, false, false, disabledNames);
for (FileSet fs : autoload) {
scanModules(fs, false, true, false, false, autoloadNames);
for (FileSet fs : eager) {
scanModules(fs, false, false, true, false, eagerNames);
for (FileSet fs : hidden) {
scanModules(fs, false, false, false, true, hiddenNames);
if (hiddenList != null && hiddenList.length() > 0)
scanModulesInList(hiddenList, false, false, false, true, hiddenNames);
if (!enabledNames.isEmpty()) {
log("Enabled modules: " + enabledNames, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
if (!disabledNames.isEmpty()) {
log("Disabled modules: " + disabledNames, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
if (!autoloadNames.isEmpty()) {
log("Autoload modules: " + autoloadNames, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
if (!eagerNames.isEmpty()) {
log("Eager modules: " + eagerNames, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
if (!hiddenNames.isEmpty()) {
log("Hidden modules: " + hiddenNames, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
private void scanModules(FileSet fs, boolean isEnabled, boolean isAutoload, boolean isEager, boolean isHidden, List<String> names) throws BuildException {
FileScanner scan = fs.getDirectoryScanner(getProject());
File dir = scan.getBasedir();
for (String kid : scan.getIncludedFiles()) {
File module = new File(dir, kid);
scanOneModule(module, kid, isEnabled, isAutoload, isEager, isHidden, names);
private void scanModulesInList(String modulesList, boolean isEnabled, boolean isAutoload,
boolean isEager, boolean isHidden, List<String> names) throws BuildException {
String[] modules = modulesList.split(",");
for (String modulePath : modules) {
File module = new File(modulePath);
scanOneModule(module, null, isEnabled, isAutoload, isEager, isHidden, names);
private void scanOneModule(
File module, String kid, boolean isEnabled,
boolean isAutoload, boolean isEager,
boolean isHidden, List<String> names
) throws BuildException {
UpdateTracking ut = null;
if (trackingdir != null) {
ut = new UpdateTracking(trackingdir.getAbsolutePath());
processModule(module, kid, isEnabled, isAutoload, isEager, isHidden, names, ut);
private void processModule(
File module, String kid, boolean isEnabled,boolean isAutoload,
boolean isEager, boolean isHidden,
List<String> names, UpdateTracking ut
) throws BuildException {
if (!module.exists()) {
throw new BuildException("Module file does not exist: " + module, getLocation());
if (!module.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
throw new BuildException("Only *.jar may be listed, check the fileset: " + module, getLocation());
try {
try (JarFile jar = new JarFile(module)) {
Manifest m = jar.getManifest();
Attributes attr = null;
String codename = null;
if (m != null) {
attr = m.getMainAttributes();
codename = JarWithModuleAttributes.extractCodeName(attr);
if (codename == null) {
if (failOnMissingManifest) {
throw new BuildException("Missing manifest tag OpenIDE-Module; " + module + " is not a module", getLocation());
} else {
log("No module manifest in " + module, Project.MSG_WARN);
if (codename.endsWith(" ") || codename.endsWith("\t")) {
// #62887
throw new BuildException("Illegal trailing space in OpenIDE-Module value from " + module, getLocation());
int idx = codename.lastIndexOf('/');
String codenamebase;
if (idx == -1) {
codenamebase = codename;
} else {
codenamebase = codename.substring(0, idx);
File xml = new File(xmldir, codenamebase.replace('.', '-') + ".xml");
if (xml.exists()) {
// XXX should check that the old file actually matches what we would have written
log("Will not overwrite " + xml + "; skipping...", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
String displayname = attr.getValue("OpenIDE-Module-Name");
if (displayname == null) {
String bundle = attr.getValue("OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle");
if (bundle != null) {
// Display name actually found in a bundle, not manifest.
ZipEntry entry = jar.getEntry(bundle);
InputStream is;
if (entry != null) {
is = jar.getInputStream(entry);
} else {
File moduleloc = new File(new File(module.getParentFile(), "locale"), module.getName());
if (!moduleloc.isFile()) {
throw new BuildException("Expecting localizing bundle: " + bundle + " in: " + module);
try (JarFile jarloc = new JarFile(moduleloc)) {
ZipEntry entry2 = jarloc.getEntry(bundle);
if (entry2 == null) {
throw new BuildException("Expecting localizing bundle: " + bundle + " in: " + module);
is = jarloc.getInputStream(entry2);
try {
Properties p = new Properties();
displayname = p.getProperty("OpenIDE-Module-Name");
} finally {
if (displayname == null) {
displayname = codename;
String spec = attr.getValue("OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version");
UpdateTracking.Version v = null;
if (ut != null) {
v = ut.addNewModuleVersion(codename, spec);
if (isHidden) {
File h = new File(xml.getParentFile(), xml.getName() + "_hidden");
} else {
try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(xml)) {
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os, "UTF-8"));
// Please make sure formatting matches what the IDE actually spits
// out; it could matter.
pw.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
pw.println("<!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC \"-//NetBeans//DTD Module Status 1.0//EN\"");
pw.println(" \"\">");
pw.println("<module name=\"" + codenamebase + "\">");
pw.println(" <param name=\"autoload\">" + isAutoload + "</param>");
pw.println(" <param name=\"eager\">" + isEager + "</param>");
if (!isAutoload && !isEager) {
pw.println(" <param name=\"enabled\">" + isEnabled + "</param>");
pw.println(" <param name=\"jar\">" + kid.replace(File.separatorChar, '/') + "</param>");
pw.println(" <param name=\"reloadable\">false</param>");
OUT: if (level != null) {
if (attr == null || attr.getValue("Bundle-SymbolicName") == null) {
if (!checkBundle) {
break OUT;
throw new BuildException("startlevel specified, but " + module + " is not OSGi bundle!");
pw.println(" <param name=\"startlevel\">" + level + "</param>");
if (v != null) {
if (ut != null) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new BuildException("Caught while processing " + module + ": " + ioe, ioe, getLocation());