blob: 3ef6d4a39ca3534cb5919f80f00ca60ffeb7c33f [file] [log] [blame]
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TIP_Maven_Category=Set default Maven execution options.
SettingsPanel.btnIndex.text=Index &Now
SettingsPanel.lblIndex.text=&Index Update Frequency\:
SettingsPanel.lblCommandLine.text=&Maven Home :
TIT_Select2=Select Maven Installation Location
SettingsPanel.btnGoals.text=Edit &Global Custom Goal Definitions...
TIT_Global=Global Maven Goal definitions
ACSD_Global=Global Maven Goal definitions
LBL_ExMavenVersion2=(Version: {0})
ERR_NoValidInstallation=<html>Invalid Maven installation directory.</html>
FREQ_weekly=Once a week
FREQ_Daily=Once a day
FREQ_Always=On every startup
ERR_Wrong_Settings_file=Cannot parse the ~/.m2/settings.xml file, any options related to that file will be disabled.
SettingsPanel.lblOptions.text=Global Execution &Options:
GlobalOptionsPanel.lblOptions.text=&Global Execution Options :
SettingsPanel.lblBinaries.text=&Download Binaries:
SettingsPanel.jLabel3.text=<html><b>Please note</b> that setting any of these to values other than <b>"Never"</b> can make opening projects significantly slower.
On_Project_Open=Dependency Download Strategy
SettingsPanel.lblSource.text=Check &Sources:
SettingsPanel.lblJavadoc.text=Check &Javadoc:
WORK_OFFLINE=Work offline.
PRODUCE_EXECUTION_DEBUG_OUTPUT=Produce execution debug output.
PRODUCE_EXECUTION_ERROR_MESSAGES=Produce execution error messages.
NON-INTERACTIVE_MODE.=Run in non-interactive (batch) mode.
STOP_AT_FIRST_FAILURE=Stop at first failure in Reactor builds\n\nExclusive with --fail-at-end and --fail-never.
ONLY_FAIL_THE_BUILD_AFTERWARDS=Only fail the build afterwards; allow all non-impacted builds to continue.\n\nExclusive with --fail-fast and --fail-never.
NEVER_FAIL_THE_BUILD=NEVER fail the build, regardless of project result.\n\nExclusive with --fail-fast and --fail-at-end.
FAIL_CHECKSUMS=Fail the build if checksums do not match.\n\n Exclusive with --lax-checksums.
WARN_CHECKSUMS=Warn if checksums don't match.\n\nExclusive with --strict-checksums.
FORCE_UPTODATE_CHECK=Force upToDate check for any relevant registered plugins.\n\nExclusive with --no-plugin-updates.
SUPPRESS_UPTODATE_CHECK=Suppress upToDate check for any relevant registered plugins.\n\nExclusive with --check-plugin-updates.
FORCES_A_CHECK=Forces a check for updated releases and snapshots on remote repositories.
DON'T_USE_PLUGIN-REGISTRY=Don't use ~/.m2/plugin-registry.xml for plugin versions
TIT_Add_Globals=Add Global Option(s)
SettingsPanel.jLabel1.text=Dependency Download Strategy :
TIT_EVERY=Every Project Open
TIT_FIRST=First Project Open Only
SettingsPanel.cbSkipTests.text=&Skip Tests for any build executions not directly related to testing
KW_MavenOptions=Maven Version,Maven Options,Maven Repository Options
SettingsPanel.jLabel4.text=&Project node name:
SettingsPanel.txtProjectNodeNameCustomPattern.toolTipText=<html>\nAll resolvable properties within <code>pom.xml</code> are supported as placeholders. Use the pattern <code>${property}</code>\n<p>\nCommonly used patterns are\n<ul>\n<li><code>${project.groupId}</code></li>\n<li><code>${project.artifactId}</code></li>\n<li><code>${project.version}</code></li>\n<li><code>${}</code></li>\n<li><code>${project.packaging}</code></li>\n</ul>\n</p>
MavenGroupPanel.lblCommandLine.text=&Maven Home :
SettingsPanel.cbAlwaysShow.text=A&lways Show Output
SettingsPanel.cbReuse.text=&Reuse Output Tabs from Finished Processes
SettingsPanel.cbCollapseSuccessFolds.text=Collapse &folds for successfully executed mojos
SettingsPanel.lblOutputTab.text=Output Tab identified by:
SettingsPanel.rbOutputTabName.text=Project Name
SettingsPanel.rbOutputTabId.text=Maven ArtifactId
SettingsPanel.cbOutputTabShowConfig.text=Also show active configuration
SettingsPanel.cbDisableIndex.text=Completely disable indexing
SettingsPanel.cbUseBestMaven.text=Download and use best Maven binary for execution
SettingsPanel.cbAlternateLocation.text=Use the following location to store Maven binaries
SettingsPanel.lblHint.text=<html>Attempts to judge which version of binaries is the best suited for the project by examining prerequisites section in pom and maven-enforcer-plugin configuration. <br><br>(Please note that IDE will not use it's $MAVEN_HOME/conf/settings.xml for project resolution)</html>
SettingsPanel.cbShowInfoLevel.text=&Print Maven output logging level
SettingsPanel.cbShowInfoLevel.toolTipText=Will print Maven output logging level into the Output view
SettingsPanel.jLabel5.text=(NOT recommended, many features will be limited as a result)
SettingsPanel.lblJdkHome.text=Default &JDK
SettingsPanel.comManageJdks.text=Mana&ge Java Platforms