blob: c6a8922c62558e4a075f655bffda19236108d0dc [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Names of wizard steps:
LBL_panel_chooseFileType=Choose File Type
LBL_panel_Target=Name and Location
LBL_panel_ChooseClass=Existing Class To Test
LBL_simpleTestWizard_stepName=Test for Existing Class
# Labels in wizards:
LBL_ClassName=Class &Name:
LBL_ClassToTest=&Class to Test:
LBL_TestClass=Created Test Class:
LBL_CreatedFile=Created File:
TXT_ClassesInSuite=The created test suite will comprise tests for all classes \
in the selected package.
MSG_ClassToTestDoesNotExist=The class to test does not exist
LBL_WinTitle_SelectClass=Select Class
LBL_SelectClassToTest=&Select Class To Test:
# Accessibility descriptions:
AD_Name_Project_name=Selected Project
AD_Descr_Project_name=Selected Project
AD_Name_Test_class_file_name=Test Class File Name
AD_Descr_Test_class_file_name=Path to the test class, relative to the project's root directory
AD_Name_Test_class_template=Test Class Template
AD_Descr_Test_class_template=Template for creating test class
AD_Name_ChooseClassToTest=Choose Class to Test
AD_Descr_ChooseClassToTest=Allows you to select exactly one Java class file from the project's source root
# A11Y:
# New Test For Existing Class:
SimpleTest.AD=Specify class to create a test for, target location and other options
SimpleTest.classToTest.toolTip=Name of the class to test
SimpleTest.classToTest.AN=Class to Test
SimpleTest.classToTest.AD=Full name of the class to create a test for.
SimpleTest.btnBrowse.toolTip=Displays a class chooser dialog
SimpleTest.btnBrowse.AN=Choose Class to Test
SimpleTest.btnBrowse.AD=Displays a class chooser dialog for choosing a class to test
SimpleTest.location.toolTip=Target source root for the test class
SimpleTest.location.AN=Test Class Location
SimpleTest.location.AD=Target source root for the test class
# Source root chooser:
LBL_SourceRootChooserTitle=Select Source Root
# Messages:
MSG_Could_not_create_target_dir=Could not create the target directory.
MSG_IOErrorCreatingTest=An I/O error occured during creation of the test.
MSG_NoTestSourceGroup=No tests root folder was found in the selected project.
MSG_UnsupportedPlugin=This wizard cannot be used with this type of project.