blob: 6aa75f72e12c4b438c0c38111cb77b45501fee9e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.netbeans.modules.jshell.launch;
import com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference;
import com.sun.jdi.VirtualMachine;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.netbeans.api.debugger.Session;
import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
* Joins the DebuggerEngine being launched and the JShell agent socket from
* the debugged VM.
* The connection (listening socket) is created from StartupExtender when the application
* is being launched. The connection is activated when the project JPDA Debugger
* <p/>
* The JShellConnection can be used even before the handshake completes. When the handshake
* completes (success or failure)
* <p/>
* The Connection transitions between states:
* <ul>
* <li>invalid, not connected, not closed, debuggerSession = null
* <li>[opt] invalid, not connected, not closed, debuggerSession = instance
* <li>valid, was connected, not closed, debuggerSession = instance; or
* <li>valid, was connected, not closed, debuggerSession = null - if the debugger is not available.
* <li>invalid, was connected, not closed; or
* <li>invalid, was connected, closed
* </ul>
* The connection is only valid during its operational time.
* @author sdedic
public final class JShellConnection implements AutoCloseable {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(JShellConnection.class.getName());
private static final int WRITE_TIMEOUT = 10000;
private static final AtomicInteger connId = new AtomicInteger(0);
* The project being run
private final Project project;
* The adress where this Connection expects connection from the agent
private final SocketAddress listenAddress;
* The connection ID, serving also as association key in the debugger and agent.
private final int id;
* The associated debugger session, is launched in debugger.
private final Session debuggerSession;
private final ShellAgent theAgent;
* Control socket for the JShell.
private volatile SocketChannel controlSocket;
private volatile boolean closed;
* Identification of the remote agent.
private final ObjectReference agentHandle;
public Project getProject() {
return project;
JShellConnection(ShellAgent agent, SocketChannel controlSocket) throws IOException { = connId.incrementAndGet();
this.listenAddress = agent.getHandshakeAddress();
this.project = agent.getProject();
this.theAgent = agent;
this.controlSocket = controlSocket;
this.ostm = NIOStreams.createOutputStream(controlSocket, WRITE_TIMEOUT);
this.istm = new CloseInputStream(NIOStreams.createInputStream(controlSocket, this::disconnected));
this.debuggerSession = agent.getDebuggerSession();
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Allocated connection: {0}", this);
agentHandle = ShellDebuggerUtils.getWorkerHandle(debuggerSession, ((InetSocketAddress)controlSocket.getRemoteAddress()).getPort());
private void disconnected(SocketChannel dummy) {
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Detected disconnect: {0}", this);
theAgent.disconnect(this, true);
public SocketAddress getLocalAddress() {
return listenAddress;
public int getId() {
return id;
* Returns agent objectref, if operating through debugger. {@code null} if
* debugger is no available
* @return agent reference or null.
public ObjectReference getAgentHandle() {
return agentHandle;
public int getRemoteAgentId() {
try {
return ((InetSocketAddress)controlSocket.getRemoteAddress()).getPort();
} catch (IOException ex) {
return -1;
* Simple wrapper, which interprets close() call as local close and will
* fire appropriate disconnect events
private class CloseInputStream extends FilterInputStream {
private boolean closed;
public CloseInputStream(InputStream in) {
public void close() throws IOException {
synchronized (this) {
if (closed) {
closed = true;
try {
} finally {
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Requested to close connection: {0}", this);
theAgent.disconnect(JShellConnection.this, false);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("JShellConnection[").append("id = ").append(id).
append(", session = ").append(debuggerSession).
append(", handshake = ").append(listenAddress).
append(", control = ").append(controlSocket).
return sb.toString();
public ShellAgent getMachineAgent() {
return theAgent;
public void close() {
* Shuts down the connection, may be called for local or remote close.
void shutDown() {
try {
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "notifyShutdown: closing control socket: {0}", controlSocket);
if (controlSocket != null) {
// assumes both input and output terminate
} catch (IOException ex) {
} finally {
synchronized (this) {
closed = true;
synchronized boolean acceptSocketAndKey(int key, SocketChannel socket, ObjectInputStream istm) throws IOException {
if (closed) {
return false;
if (id != key) {
return false;
this.ostm = Channels.newOutputStream(socket);
this.istm = istm;
this.controlSocket = socket;
return true;
* True, if the connection is in the process of initialization. Usually between the time the
* debugger connects to the target VM and the remote agent connects back.
* @return true, if the connection is initializing
public boolean isInitialized() {
return debuggerSession != null || controlSocket != null;
* True, if the connection is still valid. The connection is valid until it is closed
* or its control socket is missing or disconnected
* @return
public synchronized boolean isValid() {
if (closed) {
return false;
if (controlSocket == null || !controlSocket.isConnected() || !controlSocket.isOpen()) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean isClosed() {
return closed;
public Session getDebuggerSession() {
return getMachineAgent().getDebuggerSession();
public VirtualMachine getVirtualMachine() {
return getMachineAgent().getDebuggerMachine();
* Returns true, if the control connection was once established.
* @return
public boolean wasConnected() {
return controlSocket != null;
public OutputStream getAgentInput() {
return controlSocket != null ? ostm : null;
public InputStream getAgentOutput() {
return controlSocket != null ? istm : null;
* Sends instructions to interrupt the running user code
public void interrupt() {
private OutputStream ostm;
private InputStream istm;