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# Method to complex
DN_MethodTooComplex=Method is too complex
DESC_MethodTooComplex=The inspection reports method, whose <b>Cyclomatic Complexity</b> \
exceeds a configurable value. The <i>Cyclomatic Complexity</i> measures a number \
of potential branching points (or cycles) in a method. It is believed that methods \
with high cyclomatic complexity usually do too much and should be split to several, \
more focused, methods. Such complex methods are also prone to code duplication between \
their execution paths and are hard to sustain. Usually it is recommended that cyclomatic \
complexity of a method is 5 or below; less than 10 may be also acceptable for more elaborate \
# Too deep nesting
DN_MethodTooDeepNesting=Too deep nesting
DESC_MethodTooDeepNesting=Reports methods whose bodies contain statements nested <i>too deep</i>. \
Such methods are less readable, contain indent space and allow less \
screen space for code reading. Methods can be often refactored and split to \
improve code readability.
MethodComplexityCustomizer.limtLabel.text=Complexity limit:
OPTNAME_MethodComplexityLimit=Complexity limit
OPTNAME_MethodDepthLimit=Statement depth limit
# Method too long - lines or statements
DN_MethodTooLong=Method body is too long
DESC_MethodTooLong=Reports methods, which have too long body. Longer methods require scrolling back \
and forth, and typically can be refactored into several methods called from a mediating method. \
Splitting a long method into several named pieces may also help code reuse. Some coding practices even \
demand that a method should fit a screen size, so it can be easily scanned and understood by the developer.
OPTNAME_MethodLinesLimit=Permitted number of lines
OPTNAME_MethodStatementsLimit=Permitted number of statements
# Method throws too many exception
DN_MethodTooManyExceptions=Method or constructor declares too many exceptions
DESC_MethodTooManyExceptions=Reports methods which declare many exceptions in their <b>throws</b> clause. Method \
that produce a large number of exception types are hard to use, as the caller must handle all the outcomes \
or complicate its own declaration with exceptions. The error handling code grows more complex. \
<p/>The inspection also processes constructors.
OPTNAME_MethodExceptionsLimit=Allowed exception count
# Method declares too may parameters
DN_MethodTooManyParameters=Method declares too many parameters
DESC_MethodTooManyParameters=Reports method that take too many parameters. Methods with large number of parameters \
indicate a bad design. It's likely that yet more parameters will be added in the future, so the parameters \
should be grouped into a Command Object, improving maintenance costs. Alternatively, the method could be refactored \
into several methods, each doing part of the task and requiring less parameters at input.
OPTNAME_MethodParametersLimit=Allowed parameter count
DN_CtorTooManyParameters=Constructor declares too many parameters
DESC_CtorTooManyParameters=Reports constructor that take too many parameters. Constructors typically take more parameters \
than a regular method, especially when initializing a large object.<p/>Large number of parameters \
indicate a bad design. It's likely that yet more parameters will be added in the future, so creational patterns like \
Builder should be considered.
OPTNAME_CtorParametersLimit=Allowed parameter count
# Method with mulitple return statements
DN_MethodMultipleReturns=Method with multiple return points
DESC_MethodMultipleReturns=Reports methods, which exit at multiple places using <b>return</b> statement. \
Such methods may be confusing and are \
harder to refactor. The inspection can ignore conditional <b>guard returns</b> - a <b>return</b> statement, which \
is the sole statement in an <b>if</b> branch. Optionally, all <b>equals</b> methods can be ignored, as contents of \
<b>equals</b> is traditionally generated using early returns on type or value mismatch.
OPTNAME_MethodIgnoreReturnEquals=Ignore in 'equals'
OPTNAME_MethodIgnoreReturnGuards=Ignore guard conditions
OPTNAME_MethodReturnLimit=Return limit
# Method with multiple negations
DN_MethodMultipleNegations=Method with multiple negations
DESC_MethodMultipleNegations=Methods with multiple negated expressions (unary <b>!</b> or <b>!=</b>) are said to confuse \
readers, true (non-negated) expressions are considered easier to read and understand. Consider to change the logic to \
use true instead of false values.
OPTNAME_MethodNegationsLimit=Negations limit
OPTNAME_MethodNegationsIgnoreEquals=Ignore in equals()
OPTNAME_MethodNegationsIgnoreAsserts=Ignore in asserts
# Method with multiple loops
DN_MethodMultipleLoops=Method with multiple loops
DESC_MethodMultipleLoops=Methods that contains multiple loop statements.
OPTNAME_MethodLoopsLimit=Maximum number of loops
DN_MethodCoupled=Too coupled method
DESC_MethodCoupled=Reports methods which are too coupled - that refer to too many \
other types. Methods that \
refer to large number of types are <i>fragile</i>: they tend to fail or require refactoring \
if the referenced type(s) change. It is also more difficult to move the method which has \
many dependencies to another module. <p/>References \
to the method class' itself and its superclasses are ignored. With <i>Ignore dependencies on \
Java Platform</i>, references to <code>java.**</code> and <code>javax.**</code> classes \
are also ignored.
# Method with many dependencies
OPTNAME_MethodCouplingIgnoreJava=Ignore dependencies on Java platform
OPTDESC_MethodCouplingIgnoreJava=Reports methods that contain too many loop statements.
OPTNAME_MethodCouplingLimit=Maximum coupling
DN_ClassTooComplex=Class is too complex
DESC_ClassTooComplex=Reports classes, whose cyclomatic complexity exceeds the configured limit. \
The complexity of a class is computed as a sum of complexities of its methods.
OPTNAME_ClassComplexityLimit=Complexity limit
DN_ClassAnonymousTooComplex=Anonymous class is too complex
DESC_ClassAnonymousTooComplex=Reports anonymous classes, whose cyclomatic complexity exceeds the configured limit. \
The complexity of a class is computed as a sum of complexities of its methods. Anonymous classes should have far \
less responsibilities and lower complexity than a regular class
OPTNAME_ClassAnonymousComplexityLimit=Complexity limit
DN_ClassTooCoupled=Class is too coupled
DESC_ClassTooCoupled=Reports classes which are too coupled (use too many) other types. References to Java system \
libraries (<code>java.**</code> and <code>javax.**</code>) can be ignored.
OPTNAME_ClassCouplingLimit=Coupling limit
OPTNAME_ClassCouplingIgnoreJava=Ignore dependencies on Java platform
DN_ComplexArithmeticExpression=Arithmetic expression too complex
DESC_ComplexArithmeticExpression=Reports arithmetic expressions, which include more than the defined number of operations. \
Expression with many operands are harder to read and often could be split into several assignment statements to interim \
result variables.
OPTNAME_ComplexArithmeticLimit=Operator limit
DN_ComplexLogicalExpression=Logical expression too complex
DESC_ComplexLogicalExpression=Reports logical expressions, which include more than the defined number of operations. \
Expression with many operands are harder to read and often could be split into several assignment statements to interim \
result variables.
OPTNAME_ComplexLogicalLimit=Operator limit
DN_ClassConstructorCount=Class has too many constructors
DESC_ClassConstructorCount=Reports classes which define too many constructors.
DN_AnonClassMethodCount=Anonymous class has too many methods
DESC_AnonClassMethodCount=Reports anonymous class with many methods. Anonymous classes typically implement a very simple \
interface, and should be very simple. It is recommended to create at least named local class, if the anonymous \
class' complexity grows.
DN_ClassMethodCount=Class has too many methods
DESC_ClassMethodCount=Reports class, which contains too many methods. The options allows to ignore simple bean property \
accessors - lazy getters, or setters which fire change events are not considered 'simple'. Implementations of superclass \
(not implementation of interface methods) abstract methods can be also ignored.
OPTNAME_AnonClassMethodsLimit=Methods limit
OPTNAME_ClassConstructorsLimit=Constructors limit
OPTNAME_ClassMethodsLimit=Methods limit
OPTNAME_ClassFieldsLimit=Fields limit
OPTNAME_ClassMethodCountIgnoreAccessors=Ignore simple accessors
OPTDESC_ClassMethodCountIgnoreAccessors=Does not include simple property accessors
OPTNAME_ClassMethodCountIgnoreAbstract=Ignore abstract method implementations
DN_ClassFieldCount=Class has too many fields
DESC_ClassFieldCount=Reports a class which holds too many fields. The state kept by the class is too large and it should \
be investigated if the state can be split into several state classes, often also separating manipulation methods and \
reduce the overall class complexity.
OPTNAME_FieldCountIgnoreConstants=Ignore constants