blob: 3a8d7304f3f7a7b958628acb6722cdbd212c7fc3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda;
import com.sun.jdi.ClassType;
import com.sun.jdi.IntegerValue;
import com.sun.jdi.StringReference;
import com.sun.jdi.Value;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.beans.FeatureDescriptor;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EventObject;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.netbeans.api.debugger.DebuggerManager;
import org.netbeans.junit.NbTestCase;
import org.netbeans.modules.debugger.jpda.expr.JDIVariable;
import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
* Tests {@link Variable#createMirrorObject()} and {@link MutableVariable#setFromMirrorObject(java.lang.Object)}.
* @author Martin Entlicher
public class MirrorValuesTest extends NbTestCase {
private static final String CLASS_NAME =
private static String[] names =
{ "boo", "b", "c", "s", "i", "l", "f", "d",
"str", "integer", "date", "color",
"point", "file", "url", "url2" };
private static Object[] mirrors =
{ true, (byte) 5, 'c', (short) 512, 10000, Long.MAX_VALUE, 12.12f, 1e150,
new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 },
new double[][] { { 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 }, { 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 }, { 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 } },
"A String", Integer.MIN_VALUE, new Date(1000000000l), Color.RED,
new Point(10, 10), new File("/tmp/Foo.txt"), createURL(""),
null/*pristine URL*/ };
private static Object[] newMirrors =
{ false, (byte) 255, 'Z', (short) -1024, -1, 123456789101112l, 2e-2f, -3e250,
new int[] { 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 },
new double[][] { { 1e100, 2e200 }, { 1.1e100, 2.1e200 }, { 1.2e100, 2.2e200 }, { 1.3e100, 2.3e200 } },
"An alternate sTRING", -1048576, new Date(3333333333l), Color.GREEN,
new Point(-100, -100), new File("/tmp/"), createURL(""),
null };
private JPDASupport support;
private DebuggerManager dm = DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager ();
public MirrorValuesTest(String s) {
public static Test suite() {
return JPDASupport.createTestSuite(MirrorValuesTest.class);
public void testMirrors() throws Exception {
try {
Utils.BreakPositions bp = Utils.getBreakPositions(System.getProperty ("test.dir.src") +
LineBreakpoint lb = bp.getLineBreakpoints().get(0);
dm.addBreakpoint (lb);
LineBreakpoint lb2 = bp.getLineBreakpoints().get(1);
dm.addBreakpoint (lb2);
support = JPDASupport.attach (CLASS_NAME);
support.waitState (JPDADebugger.STATE_STOPPED); // breakpoint hit
CallStackFrame sf = support.getDebugger ().getCurrentCallStackFrame ();
LocalVariable [] vars = sf.getLocalVariables ();
Map<String, Variable> variablesByName = getVariablesByName(vars);
Map<String, Object> mirrorsByName = getMirrorsByName(mirrors);
Variable v;
Object m;
// Test of createMirrorObject():
for (String name : mirrorsByName.keySet()) {
v = variablesByName.get(name);
System.err.println("Creating a mirror of "+name);
m = v.createMirrorObject();
Object mm = mirrorsByName.get(name);
if (mm == null) {
assertNull(name, m);
assertNotNull(name, m);
m.toString(); // Test that the mirror can process toString()
if (mm.getClass().isArray()) {
assertTrue(name+" is array", m.getClass().isArray());
assertTrue(name+" array "+arrayToString(mm)+
" does not equal to "+arrayToString(m),
compareArrays(mm, m));
} else {
assertEquals(name, mm, m);
mirrorsByName = getMirrorsByName(newMirrors);
for (String name : mirrorsByName.keySet()) {
v = variablesByName.get(name);
m = mirrorsByName.get(name);
System.err.println("Setting to "+name+" value = "+m);
try {
((MutableVariable) v).setFromMirrorObject(m);
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.err.println("Exception "+ex.getLocalizedMessage()+" when setting from "+m);
throw ex;
// Test of objects referenced in a circle
v = variablesByName.get("selfReferencedList");
m = v.createMirrorObject();
assertTrue("mirror is "+m, m instanceof LinkedList);
assertTrue("mirror is "+m, ((List) m).get(0) == m);
v = variablesByName.get("event");
m = v.createMirrorObject();
assertTrue("mirror is "+((m == null) ? null : m.getClass()), m instanceof EventObject);
Object source = ((EventObject) m).getSource();
assertTrue("mirror's source is "+((source == null) ? null : source.getClass()),
source instanceof FeatureDescriptor);
assertTrue(((FeatureDescriptor) ((EventObject) m).getSource()).getValue("event") == m);
// Test of setFromMirrorObject():
v = variablesByName.get("boo");
assertEquals("boo", "true", v.getValue());
((MutableVariable) v).setFromMirrorObject(Boolean.FALSE);
assertEquals("boo", "false", v.getValue());
v = variablesByName.get("i");
assertEquals("i", "10000", v.getValue());
((MutableVariable) v).setFromMirrorObject(12345);
assertEquals("i", "12345", v.getValue());
v = variablesByName.get("color");
assertEquals("color", "java.awt.Color[r=255,g=0,b=0]", ((ObjectVariable) v).getToStringValue());
((MutableVariable) v).setFromMirrorObject(Color.GREEN);
assertEquals("color", "java.awt.Color[r=0,g=255,b=0]", ((ObjectVariable) v).getToStringValue());
support.waitState (JPDADebugger.STATE_STOPPED); // the next breakpoint hit
sf = support.getDebugger ().getCurrentCallStackFrame ();
vars = sf.getLocalVariables ();
variablesByName = getVariablesByName(vars);
Variable newValues = variablesByName.get("newValues");
boolean success = Boolean.TRUE.equals(newValues.createMirrorObject());
if (!success) {
// Find the difference for report:
for (String name : mirrorsByName.keySet()) {
v = variablesByName.get(name);
m = v.createMirrorObject();
assertNotNull("Wrong new value: "+name, m);
Object mm = mirrorsByName.get(name);
if (mm.getClass().isArray()) {
assertTrue("Wrong new value: "+name+" is array", m.getClass().isArray());
assertTrue("Wrong new value: "+name+" array "+arrayToString(mm)+
" does not equal to "+arrayToString(m),
compareArrays(mm, m));
} else {
assertEquals("Wrong new value: "+name, mm, m);
assertTrue("The new values were set successfully", success);
} finally {
support.doFinish ();
public void testTargetMirrors() throws Exception {
try {
Utils.BreakPositions bp = Utils.getBreakPositions(System.getProperty ("test.dir.src") +
LineBreakpoint lb = bp.getLineBreakpoints().get(0);
dm.addBreakpoint (lb);
support = JPDASupport.attach (CLASS_NAME);
support.waitState (JPDADebugger.STATE_STOPPED); // breakpoint hit
JPDADebugger debugger = support.getDebugger();
Variable mirrorVar = debugger.createMirrorVar("Test");
Value v = ((JDIVariable) mirrorVar).getJDIValue();
assertTrue("Value "+v+" should be a String", v instanceof StringReference);
assertEquals("Test", ((StringReference) v).value());
Point p = new Point(-1, 1);
mirrorVar = debugger.createMirrorVar(p);
Object mp = mirrorVar.createMirrorObject();
assertTrue("Correct point was created: "+mp, p.equals(mp));
mirrorVar = debugger.createMirrorVar(1);
v = ((JDIVariable) mirrorVar).getJDIValue();
assertTrue("Value "+v+" should be an Integer object.",
(v.type() instanceof ClassType) && Integer.class.getName().equals(((ClassType) v.type()).name()));
mirrorVar = debugger.createMirrorVar(1, true);
v = ((JDIVariable) mirrorVar).getJDIValue();
assertTrue("Value "+v+" should be an int.", v instanceof IntegerValue);
assertEquals(((IntegerValue) v).value(), 1);
} finally {
support.doFinish ();
private static boolean compareArrays(Object arr1, Object arr2) {
if (arr1 instanceof Object[]) {
return Arrays.deepEquals((Object[]) arr1, (Object[]) arr2);
} else if (arr1 instanceof int[]) {
return Arrays.equals((int[]) arr1, (int[]) arr2);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(arr1+", "+arr2);
private static String arrayToString(Object a) {
if (a instanceof Object[]) {
return Arrays.deepToString((Object[]) a);
} else if (a instanceof int[]) {
return Arrays.toString((int[]) a);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(a.toString());
private static Map<String, Variable> getVariablesByName(LocalVariable[] vars) {
Map<String, Variable> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Variable>();
for (LocalVariable lv : vars) {
assertTrue("Not mutable", lv instanceof MutableVariable);
map.put(lv.getName(), lv);
return map;
private static Map<String, Object> getMirrorsByName(Object[] mirrors) {
Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
assertEquals(names.length, mirrors.length);
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
map.put(names[i], mirrors[i]);
return map;
private static URL createURL(String urlStr) {
URL url;
try {
url = new URL(urlStr);
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
url = null;
return url;