blob: 98d0f6873d0a5d007dd3a7dcb0a726cc490f7d2c [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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CTL_UnsupportedOperationException=Method call is not supported.
CTL_EvalError_unsupportedStringCreation=Creation of Strings is not supported.
CTL_EvalError_unknownNonterminal = Evaluator error processing node \"{0}\" (node unknown)
CTL_EvalError_internalError = Unable to evaluate node \"{0}\"
CTL_EvalError_invalidArrayInitializer = Value \"{0}\" cannot be used inside an array initializer.
CTL_EvalError_arraySizeBadType = Illegal array size specification: \"{0}\"
CTL_EvalError_notArrayType = Cannot access as an array type: \"{0}\"
CTL_EvalError_arrayCreateError = Error creating an array: {0}
CTL_EvalError_instantiateInterface = Type \"{0}\" cannot be instantiated, it is not a concrete class.
CTL_EvalError_castToBooleanRequired = Cannot cast \"{0}\" to anything other than a boolean.
CTL_EvalError_castFromBooleanRequired = Cannot cast \"{0}\" to a boolean.
CTL_EvalError_castError = Cannot cast an instance of \"{0}\" to an instance of \"{1}\"
CTL_EvalError_badOperandForPostfixOperator = Operand \"{0}\" to the postfix operator is not numeric.
CTL_EvalError_postfixOperatorEvaluationError = Error evaluating postfix operator: {0}
CTL_EvalError_badOperandForPrefixOperator = Operand \"{0}\" to the prefix operator is not numeric.
CTL_EvalError_prefixOperatorEvaluationError = Error evaluating prefix operator: {0}
CTL_EvalError_badOperandForUnaryOperator = Operand \"{0}\" to the unary operator is not numeric.
CTL_EvalError_unaryOperatorEvaluationError = Error evaluating unary operator: {0}
CTL_EvalError_unknownType = Unknown type \"{0}\"
CTL_EvalError_internalErrorResolvingType = Internal error resolving type \"{0}\"
CTL_EvalError_instanceOfLeftOperandNotAReference = Illegal type of left operand for instanceof: \"{0}\" Only reference types are allowed.
CTL_EvalError_conditionalOrAndBooleanOperandRequired = Illegal type for && or || operator: \"{0}\" Only boolean type is allowed.
CTL_EvalError_conditionalQuestionMarkBooleanOperandRequired = Illegal type for ?: operator: \"{0}\" Only boolean type is allowed.
CTL_EvalError_thisObjectUnavailable = \"this\" object is not available in a static context.
CTL_EvalError_objectReferenceRequiredOnDereference = Cannot dereference \"{0}\". An object reference is required.
CTL_EvalError_badArgument = Illegal method argument: {0}
CTL_EvalError_argumentsBadSyntax = Illegal method arguments: {0}
CTL_EvalError_ambigousMethod = Cannot call method \"{1}\" in class \"{0}\". The call is ambiguous.
CTL_EvalError_noSuchMethod = There is no method \"{0}\" in class \"{1}\"
CTL_EvalError_noSuchMethodWithArgs = None of the \"{0}\" methods in class \"{1}\" takes parameters of types \"{2}\".
CTL_EvalError_noSuchConstructorWithArgs = None of the constructors of class \"{0}\" takes parameters of types \"{1}\".
CTL_EvalError_callException = Error calling method \"{1}\" in class \"{0}\": {2}
CTL_EvalError_calleeException = Method \"{1}\" in class \"{0}\" threw an exception: {2}
CTL_EvalError_identifierNotAReference = Cannot dereference \"{0}\". An object reference is required.
CTL_EvalError_notarray = \"{0}\" is not an array, cannot index its value.
CTL_EvalError_arrayIndexNAN = Array index \"{0}\" is not numeric.
CTL_EvalError_arrayIndexOutOfBounds = Array index \"{0}\" is out of range <0,{1}>
CTL_EvalError_unknownVariable = \"{0}\" is not a known variable in the current context.
CTL_EvalError_unknownVarNoDebugInfo = Variable information is not available, source compiled without -g option. Value of \"{0}\" is not known.
CTL_EvalError_integerLiteralTooBig = Integer literal \"{0}\" is too big. Use the L suffix for long values.
CTL_EvalError_badFormatOfIntegerLiteral = Cannot parse number literal \"{0}\" (too big?)
CTL_EvalError_unknownLiteralType = Cannot parse literal \"{0}\"
CTL_EvalError_superUsedOnNonClass = The \"super\" qualifier may only be used with class types, not \"{0}\"
CTL_EvalError_evaluateError = Unable to apply operator \"{0}\" to \"{1}\" and \"{2}\".
CTL_EvalError_evaluateErrorUnary = Unable to apply unary operator \"{0}\" to \"{1}\".
CTL_EvalError_accessInstanceVariableFromStaticContext = Cannot access instance variable \"{0}\" from static context.
CTL_EvalError_methodCallOnNull = Method \"{0}\" is called on null object.
CTL_EvalError_invokeInstanceMethodAsStatic = Non-static method \"{0}\" cannot be referenced from a static context.
CTL_EvalError_fieldOnNull = Field \"{0}\" is referenced on null object.
CTL_EvalError_cannotApplyOperator = Operator cannot be applied: {0}
CTL_EvalError_invalidMemberReference = Invalid member referenced: \"{0}\"
CTL_EvalError_arrayIsNull = Array \"{0}\" is null object.
CTL_EvalError_unknownInternalError = Unable to evaluate expression: internal error \"{0}\".
CTL_EvalError_collected = The object was collected.
CTL_EvalError_unsupported = Unsupported expression: \"{0}\"
CTL_EvalError_errorneous = Malformed expression: \"{0}\"
CTL_EvalError_unknownField = Unknown field \"{0}\"
CTL_EvalError_unknownOuterClass = Unknown outer class \"{0}\"
CTL_EvalError_notExpression = No expression to evaluate.
CTL_EvalError_methOnArray = Cannot call any method on arrays.
CTL_EvalError_methOnInterface = Not able to call static methods on interfaces.
CTL_EvalError_forEachNotApplicable = Foreach not applicable to expression type.
CTL_EvalError_localVariableAlreadyDefined = {0} is already defined.
CTL_EvalError_disconnected = Debugger is disconnected.
CTL_EvalError_collected_context = Context thread was collected.
CTL_EvalError_canNotInvokeMethods = Unable to evaluate method calls.
CTL_EvalError_notABoolean = Expression \"{0}\" did not return a boolean value, but: {1} of type {2}.
CTL_EvalError_notAValue = Cannot evaluate
CTL_EvalError_noNewClassWithBody = Unsupported: can not create a new class.
CTL_EvalError_noModules = Unsupported: can not evaluate module declarations.
#CTL_EvalErrorExpr = Error in evaluation of expression \"{0}\": {1}.