blob: 05024620f0d0788250fb8af7cd88911831ca8c25 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.netbeans.modules.debugger.jpda.truffle.frames;
import com.sun.jdi.StringReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.Field;
import org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.InvalidExpressionException;
import org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.JPDAClassType;
import org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.JPDADebugger;
import org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.JPDAThread;
import org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.ObjectVariable;
import org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.Variable;
import org.netbeans.modules.debugger.jpda.expr.JDIVariable;
import org.netbeans.modules.debugger.jpda.truffle.TruffleDebugManager;
import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
* @author Martin
public final class TruffleStackInfo {
private static final String METHOD_GET_FRAMES_INFO = "getFramesInfo"; // NOI18N
private static final String METHOD_GET_FRAMES_INFO_SIG = "([Lcom/oracle/truffle/api/debug/DebugStackFrame;Z)[Ljava/lang/Object;"; // NOI18N
private final JPDADebugger debugger;
private final JPDAThread thread;
private final ObjectVariable stackTrace;
private TruffleStackFrame[] stackFrames;
private boolean includedInternalFrames;
private boolean areInternalFrames;
public TruffleStackInfo(JPDADebugger debugger, JPDAThread thread, ObjectVariable stackTrace) {
this.debugger = debugger;
this.thread = thread;
this.stackTrace = stackTrace;
public TruffleStackFrame[] getStackFrames(boolean includeInternal) {
if (stackFrames == null || includedInternalFrames != includeInternal) {
stackFrames = loadStackFrames(includeInternal);
this.includedInternalFrames = includeInternal;
return stackFrames;
public boolean hasInternalFrames() {
return areInternalFrames;
private TruffleStackFrame[] loadStackFrames(boolean includeInternal) {
JPDAClassType debugAccessor = TruffleDebugManager.getDebugAccessorJPDAClass(debugger);
try {
Variable internalVar = debugger.createMirrorVar(includeInternal, true);
Variable framesVar = debugAccessor.invokeMethod(METHOD_GET_FRAMES_INFO,
new Variable[] { stackTrace,
internalVar });
Field[] framesInfos = ((ObjectVariable) framesVar).getFields(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
String framesDesc = (String) framesInfos[0].createMirrorObject();
Field[] codes = ((ObjectVariable) framesInfos[1]).getFields(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
Field[] thiss = ((ObjectVariable) framesInfos[2]).getFields(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
areInternalFrames = false;
if (!includeInternal) {
areInternalFrames = (Boolean) framesInfos[3].createMirrorObject();
int i1 = 0;
int i2;
int depth = 1;
List<TruffleStackFrame> truffleFrames = new ArrayList<>();
while ((i2 = framesDesc.indexOf("\n\n", i1)) > 0) {
StringReference codeRef = (StringReference) ((JDIVariable) codes[depth-1]).getJDIValue();
ObjectVariable frameInstance = (ObjectVariable) stackTrace.getFields(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE)[depth - 1];
TruffleStackFrame tsf = new TruffleStackFrame(
debugger, thread, depth, frameInstance, framesDesc.substring(i1, i2),
codeRef, null, (ObjectVariable) thiss[depth-1], includeInternal);
if (includeInternal && tsf.isInternal()) {
areInternalFrames = true;
i1 = i2 + 2;
return truffleFrames.toArray(new TruffleStackFrame[truffleFrames.size()]);
} catch (InvalidExpressionException | NoSuchMethodException | InvalidObjectException ex) {
return new TruffleStackFrame[] {};