blob: 559af3c2589e9a64d817e8b57502ff3663af6c7e [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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LBL_BeanInfo_loader_name=BeanInfo Files
CTL_GENBI_MenuItem=BeanInfo Editor...
CTL_TITLE_GenerateBeanInfo=BeanInfo Editor
HINT_NODE_Descriptor=BeanDescriptor provides global information about the "bean".
CTL_NODE_EventSets=Event Sources
CTL_NODE_Wait=Please Wait...
CTL_NODE_WaitScan=Scanning in progress...
CTL_NODE_MissingBeanFile=Missing bean file {0}.
CTL_NODE_UnknownBeanInfoFormat=Unknown BeanInfo format.
CTL_NODE_UnknownBeanInfoState=Error, see $nb.userdir/var/log/messages.log and report the issue.
CTL_TOGGLE_MenuItem=Toggle Include
CTL_INCLALL_MenuItem=Include All
CTL_EXCLALL_MenuItem=Exclude All
#editing icons
CTL_ImageSourceType=Image Source:
CTL_ClasspathExample=(e.g. /org/netbeans/resources/action.gif)
CTL_NoPicture=No Picture
CTL_OpenDialogName=Open Image File
CTL_FileSystemName=File &System
CTL_Icon_not_exists=Image path "{0}" is not valid.
ACSN_ResourceSelector=Resource Selector
ACSD_ResourceSelector=Resource Selector
ACSN_ResourceSelectorView=Resource Tree View
ACSD_ResourceSelectorView=Resource Tree View
ACS_IconPanelA11yName=Icon Editor Panel
ACS_IconPanelA11yDesc=Icon editor.
ACS_ClasspathA11yDesc=Select this option to specify classpath to the icon image.
ACS_ClasspathExampleA11yDesc=(e.g. /org/netbeans/resources/action.gif)
ACS_NoPictureA11yDesc=Select this option to use no icon image.
ACS_ImageSourceNameA11yDesc=Image name.
ACS_ImageSourceNameTextFieldA11yName=Image name text field
ACS_ImageSourceNameTextFieldA11yDesc=Image name text field.
ACS_ImageSourceNameBrowseButtonA11yName=Browse Button
ACS_ImageSourceNameBrowseButtonA11yDesc=Browse filesystems to select icon image.
ACSD_BeanInfoEditorDialog=BeanInfo Editor Dialog. On left side is Tree and on right side is table of properties
ACSN_BeanInfoLeftTreeView=Tree view
ACSD_BeanInfoLeftTreeView=Left part of beaninfo editor
#Bean info features properties and hints
PROP_Bi_displayName=Display Name Code
PROP_Bi_shortDescription=Short Description Code
PROP_Bi_included=Include in BeanInfo
PROP_Bi_propertyEditorClass=Property Editor Class
PROP_Bi_niGetter=Non-Indexed Getter
PROP_Bi_niSetter=Non-Indexed Setter
PROP_Bi_inDefaultEventSet=In Default Event Set
PROP_Bi_nullDescriptor=Get From Introspection
PROP_Bi_nullProperties=Get From Introspection
PROP_Bi_nullEvents=Get From Introspection
PROP_Bi_nullMethods=Get From Introspection
PROP_Bi_lazyDescriptor=Use Lazy Initialization
PROP_Bi_lazyProperties=Use Lazy Initialization
PROP_Bi_lazyEvents=Use Lazy Initialization
PROP_Bi_lazyMethods=Use Lazy Initialization
PROP_Bi_iconColor16x16=Icon 16x16 Color
PROP_Bi_iconMono16x16=Icon 16x16 Mono
PROP_Bi_iconColor32x32=Icon 32x32 Color
PROP_Bi_iconMono32x32=Icon 32x32 Mono
PROP_Bi_defaultPropertyIndex=Default Property Index
PROP_Bi_defaultEventIndex=Default Event Index
PROP_Bi_customizer=Customizer Name Code
PROP_Bi_useSuperclass=Use Superclass
HINT_Bi_displayName=Code used to display a localized name for this feature.
HINT_Bi_expert=If no properties are marked Preferred, features marked Expert appear in the Other tab of IDE property sheets.
HINT_Bi_hidden=If True, feature is intended only for tool use.
HINT_Bi_name=Name of this feature as it appears in code.
HINT_Bi_preferred=If True, feature appears in the Preferred tab of IDE property sheets.
HINT_Bi_shortDescription=Code for short description of this feature passed to FeatureDescriptor.
HINT_Bi_included=If True, feature is included in BeanInfo.
HINT_Bi_bound=If True, property is Bound.
HINT_Bi_constrained=If True, property is Constrained.
HINT_Bi_mode=Specifies whether element is readable and writable, generates getter and setter appropriately.
HINT_Bi_propertyEditorClass=Specifies class for custom property editor.
HINT_Bi_niGetter=If True, property has non-indexed getter.
HINT_Bi_niSetter=If True, property has non-indexed setter.
HINT_Bi_unicast=If True, only one listener can be registred.
HINT_Bi_inDefaultEventSet=If True, marks an event set as being in the "default" set.
HINT_Bi_lazyDescriptor=If True, lazy initialization will be used to init bean descriptor.
HINT_Bi_lazyProperties=If True, lazy initialization will be used to init properties.
HINT_Bi_lazyEvents=If True, lazy initialization will be used to init event sets.
HINT_Bi_lazyMethods=If True, lazy initialization will be used to init methods.
HINT_Bi_nullDescriptor=If True, introspection will be used to obtain bean descriptor.
HINT_Bi_nullProperties=If True, introspection will be used to obtain properties.
HINT_Bi_nullEvents=If True, introspection will be used to obtain event sets.
HINT_Bi_nullMethods=If True, introspection will be used to obtain methods.
HINT_Bi_iconColor16x16=Enter the location of bean's icon (16 x 16 pixels / color).
HINT_Bi_iconMono16x16=Enter the location of bean's icon (16 x 16 pixels / monochrome).
HINT_Bi_iconColor32x32=Enter the location of bean's icon (32 x 32 pixels / color).
HINT_Bi_iconMono32x32=Enter the location of bean's icon (32 x 32 pixels / monochrome).
HINT_Bi_defaultPropertyIndex=Default property of the bean or -1 for none.
HINT_Bi_defaultEventIndex=Default event of the bean or -1 for none.
HINT_Bi_customizer=Code returning customizer class or null.
HINT_Bi_useSuperclass=If True, BeanInfo generates code for using superclass.
MSG_BeanInfoExists=A BeanInfo that was not generated by NetBeans already exists.\n\
Do you wish to overwrite this BeanInfo?
MSG_BeanInfoCantDelete=The existing BeanInfo cannot be deleted.
MSG_BeanInfoNotExists=BeanInfo does not exist. \n\
Do you wish to create new BeanInfo?
MSG_BrokenBean=The ''{0}'' must be compilable in order to continue.
MSG_FileWitoutTopLevelClass=Cannot find top level class ''{0}'' in {1}.
#BeanInfo comments
COMMENT_NullDescriptor=// Bean descriptor information will be obtained from introspection.\n
COMMENT_BeanDescriptor=// Bean descriptor \n
COMMENT_NullProperties=// Properties information will be obtained from introspection.\n
COMMENT_PropertyIdentifiers=// Property identifiers \n
COMMENT_PropertyArray=// Property array \n
COMMENT_NullMethods=// Method information will be obtained from introspection.\n
COMMENT_MethodIdentifiers=// Method identifiers \n
COMMENT_MethodArray=// Method array \n
COMMENT_NullEventSets=// Event set information will be obtained from introspection.\n
COMMENT_EventSetsIdentifiers=// EventSet identifiers\n
COMMENT_EventSetsArray=// EventSet array\n
MSG_Old_Version=Existing BeanInfo for this class was generated using older version of BeanInfo Editor.\nYou cannot generate method descriptors for this bean.
# BeanInfo editor
MSG_MODIFIED=File {0} is modified. Save?