blob: 9f56ebb96310f10768b94c7e2ad8d0b0463fb787 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.netbeans.modules.beans;
import java.util.*;
import org.openide.nodes.Children;
import org.openide.nodes.Node;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
/** Implements children for basic source code patterns
* @author Petr Hrebejk, Jan Jancura
public final class PatternChildren extends Children.Keys<Pattern> {
// static final RequestProcessor ANALYZER = new RequestProcessor("Bean patterns analyser", 1); // NOI18N
private boolean wri = false;
// private Listener elementListener = new Listener(this);
private RequestProcessor.Task refreshTask;
/** Object for finding patterns in class */
private PatternAnalyser patternAnalyser;
// private final JavaClass classElement;
public PatternChildren(List<Pattern> patterns /*, PatternFilters filters */ ) {
resetKeys( patterns /*, filters */ );
protected Node[] createNodes (Pattern key) {
return new Node[] {createPatternNode(key)};
private Node createPatternNode(Object key) {
if (key instanceof ClassPattern ) {
return new PatternNode((ClassPattern)key, wri );
if (key instanceof IdxPropertyPattern)
return new IdxPropertyPatternNode((IdxPropertyPattern) key, wri);
if (key instanceof PropertyPattern)
return new PropertyPatternNode((PropertyPattern) key, wri);
if (key instanceof EventSetPattern)
return new EventSetPatternNode((EventSetPattern) key, wri);
return null;
void resetKeys( List<Pattern> patterns /*, PattenrMemberFilters filters */) {
setKeys( patterns/* filters.filter(descriptions) */ );
// Constructors -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// /** Create pattern children. The children are initilay unfiltered.
// * @param classElement the atteached class. For this class we recognize the patterns
// */
// public PatternChildren (JavaClass classElement) {
// this(classElement, true);
// }
// public PatternChildren (JavaClass classElement, boolean isWritable ) {
// this.classElement = classElement;
// patternAnalyser = new PatternAnalyser( classElement );
// PropertyActionSettings.getDefault().addPropertyChangeListener(elementListener);
// wri = isWritable;
// }
// protected void addNotify() {
// super.addNotify();
// refreshAllKeys();
// }
// /** Updates all the keys (elements) according to the current filter &
// * ordering.
// */
// protected void refreshAllKeys () {
// scheduleRefresh();
// }
// private synchronized void scheduleRefresh() {
// if (refreshTask == null) {
// refreshTask = ANALYZER.create(elementListener);
// }
// refreshTask.schedule(200);
// }
// /** Updates all the keys with given filter. Overriden to provide package access tothis method.
// */
// protected void refreshKeys (int filter) {
// // Method is added or removed ve have to re-analyze the pattern abd to
// // registrate Children as listener
// JMIUtils.beginTrans(false);
// try {
// try {
// elementListener.unregisterAll();
// elementListener.reassignMethodListener(this.classElement);
// elementListener.reassignFieldListener(this.classElement);
// elementListener.assignFeaturesListener(this.classElement);
// patternAnalyser.analyzeAll();
// } finally {
// JMIUtils.endTrans();
// }
// } catch (JmiException e) {
// ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.EXCEPTION, e);
// }
// setKeys(collectAllKeys());
// }
// private Collection collectAllKeys() {
// List keys = new LinkedList();
// keys.addAll(getKeysOfType(PatternFilter.PROPERTY));
// keys.addAll(getKeysOfType(PatternFilter.IDXPROPERTY));
// keys.addAll(getKeysOfType(PatternFilter.EVENT_SET));
// return keys;
// }
// /** Gets the pattern analyser which manages the patterns */
// PatternAnalyser getPatternAnalyser( ) {
// return patternAnalyser;
// }
// public void removeAll() {
// elementListener.unregisterAll();
// setKeys(Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
// }
// Utility methods --------------------------------------------------------------------
// protected Collection getKeysOfType (int elementType) {
// List keys = null;
// if ((elementType & PatternFilter.PROPERTY) != 0) {
// keys = new ArrayList(patternAnalyser.getPropertyPatterns());
// Collections.sort( keys, new PatternComparator() );
// }
// if ((elementType & PatternFilter.IDXPROPERTY) != 0) {
// keys = new ArrayList(patternAnalyser.getIdxPropertyPatterns());
// Collections.sort( keys, new PatternComparator() );
// }
// if ((elementType & PatternFilter.EVENT_SET) != 0) {
// keys = new ArrayList(patternAnalyser.getEventSetPatterns());
// Collections.sort( keys, new PatternComparator() );
// }
// // if ((filter == null) || filter.isSorted ())
// // Collections.sort (keys, comparator);
// return keys;
// }