blob: 608201af36c0991cf3c92084d1a12540707d22c5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.persistence.indexing;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.mimelookup.MimeLookup;
import org.netbeans.api.project.FileOwnerQuery;
import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.persistence.api.PersistenceLocation;
import org.netbeans.modules.parsing.spi.indexing.Context;
import org.netbeans.modules.parsing.spi.indexing.CustomIndexer;
import org.netbeans.modules.parsing.spi.indexing.CustomIndexerFactory;
import org.netbeans.modules.parsing.spi.indexing.Indexable;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
* @author Tomas Zezula
public class CopyResourcesIndexer extends CustomIndexer {
private static final String NAME = "CopyResourcesIndexer"; //NOI18N
private static final int VERSION = 1;
private static final String MIME_JAVA = "text/x-java"; //NOI18N
private static final String JAVA_NAME = "java"; //NOI18N
private static final String PATH_TEMPLATE = "%s/%d/classes/META-INF"; //NOI18N
private static final String PERSISTENCE_XML = "persistence.xml";//NOI18N
private static final String ORM_XML = "orm.xml";//NOI18N
private final Factory factory;
private CopyResourcesIndexer(final Factory factory) {
this.factory = factory;
protected void index(Iterable<? extends Indexable> files, Context context) {
public static class Factory extends CustomIndexerFactory {
private volatile String cachedPath;
private FileObject activeRoot;
private Date timestampPersistenceXml = null;
private long lengthPersistenceXml = 0;
private Date timestampOrmXml = null;
private long lengthOrmXml = 0;
public boolean scanStarted(Context context) {
//it's expected to have all business logic in protected void index(Iterable<? extends Indexable> files, Context context)
//but we need to be sure to copy persistence.xml before actual indexing starts
final FileObject root = context.getRoot();
if (root != null) {
final Project owner = FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(root);
if (owner != null) {
URL[] tests = UnitTestForSourceQuery.findSources(root);//prevent copy to tests root as it's not used in build and cause also 193828
if(tests == null || tests.length==0) {
FileObject persistenceXmlLocation = PersistenceLocation.getLocation(owner, root);
if( persistenceXmlLocation!=null ) {
final FileObject persistenceXML = persistenceXmlLocation.getFileObject(PERSISTENCE_XML);//NOI18N
if (persistenceXML != null) {
final Date ctsPXml = persistenceXML.lastModified();
final long clPXml = persistenceXML.getSize();
final FileObject ormXML = persistenceXmlLocation.getFileObject(ORM_XML);//NOI18N
final Date ctsOXml = ormXML != null ? ormXML.lastModified() : null;
final long clOXml = ormXML != null ? ormXML.getSize() : 0;
final boolean keepPersistenceXML = ctsPXml.equals(timestampPersistenceXml) && lengthPersistenceXml == clPXml;
final boolean keepOrmXML = clOXml == lengthOrmXml && (ctsOXml == timestampOrmXml || ctsOXml.equals(timestampOrmXml));
synchronized (Factory.this) {
if (root == activeRoot && keepPersistenceXML && keepOrmXML) {
//Nothing changed.
return super.scanStarted(context);
activeRoot = root;
timestampPersistenceXml = ctsPXml;
lengthPersistenceXml = clPXml;
timestampOrmXml = ctsOXml;
lengthOrmXml = clOXml;
try {
final String path = getCachePath();
if (path != null) {
final FileObject cacheRoot = context.getIndexFolder().getParent().getParent();
final FileObject cacheDir = FileUtil.createFolder(cacheRoot,path);
if (cacheDir != null) {
// if(!keepOrmXML && ormXML!=null) {
// final FileObject toDelete1 = cacheDir.getFileObject(ormXML.getName(), ormXML.getExt());
// if (toDelete1 != null) {
// toDelete1.delete();
// }
// FileUtil.copyFile(ormXML, cacheDir, ormXML.getName());
// }
if(!keepPersistenceXML) {
final FileObject toDelete2 = cacheDir.getFileObject(persistenceXML.getName(), persistenceXML.getExt());
if (toDelete2 != null) {
FileUtil.copyFile(persistenceXML, cacheDir, persistenceXML.getName());
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger("global").log(Level.INFO, "persistebce.xml indexing problem: {0}", ex.getMessage()); //NOI18N
} else { //we need to remove from cache
if (activeRoot != null) {
final String path = getCachePath();
if (path != null) {
final FileObject cacheRoot = context.getIndexFolder().getParent().getParent();
final FileObject cacheDir = cacheRoot.getFileObject(path);
if (cacheDir != null) {
final FileObject toDelete2 = cacheDir.getFileObject(PERSISTENCE_XML);
if (toDelete2 != null) {
try {
activeRoot = null;
timestampPersistenceXml = null;
lengthPersistenceXml = 0;
timestampOrmXml = null;
lengthOrmXml = 0;
} catch (IOException ex) {
return super.scanStarted(context);
public CustomIndexer createIndexer() {
return new CopyResourcesIndexer(this);
public boolean supportsEmbeddedIndexers() {
return true;
public void filesDeleted(Iterable<? extends Indexable> deleted, Context context) {
public void filesDirty(Iterable<? extends Indexable> dirty, Context context) {
public String getIndexerName() {
return NAME;
public int getIndexVersion() {
return VERSION;
private String getCachePath() {
String path = cachedPath;
if (path != null) {
return path;
CustomIndexerFactory jif = null;
final Iterable<? extends CustomIndexerFactory> factories = MimeLookup.getLookup(MIME_JAVA).lookupAll(CustomIndexerFactory.class);
for (CustomIndexerFactory fact : factories) {
if (JAVA_NAME.equals(fact.getIndexerName())) {
jif = fact;
if (jif == null) {
return null;
synchronized (Factory.this) {
cachedPath = String.format(PATH_TEMPLATE, jif.getIndexerName(), jif.getIndexVersion()); //NOI18N
return cachedPath;