blob: c899640c0003727e592c6b2ae1a9ebc5ee23a1de [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.indent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.document.LineDocument;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.document.LineDocumentUtils;
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.LanguagePath;
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenHierarchy;
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenSequence;
import org.netbeans.api.xml.lexer.XMLTokenId;
import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument;
import org.netbeans.editor.Utilities;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.indent.api.IndentUtils;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.indent.spi.Context;
import org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.folding.TokenElement;
import org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.folding.TokenElement.TokenType;
import org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.folding.XmlFoldManager;
import org.openide.util.CharSequences;
import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
* New XML formatter based on Lexer APIs.
* @author Samaresh (Samaresh.Panda@Sun.Com)
public class XMLLexerFormatter {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(XMLLexerFormatter.class.getName());
private static final String SPACE_PRESERVE = "\"preserve\""; // NOI18N
private static final String SPACE_DEFAULT = "\"default\""; // NOI18N
private static final String XML_SPACE_ATTRIBUTE = "xml:space"; // NOI18N
private static final int SPACE_PRESERVE_LEN = SPACE_PRESERVE.length();
private static final int SPACE_DEFAULT_LEN = SPACE_DEFAULT.length();
private static final int XML_SPACE_ATTRIBUTE_LEN = XML_SPACE_ATTRIBUTE.length();
private final LanguagePath languagePath;
private int spacesPerTab = 4;
public XMLLexerFormatter(LanguagePath languagePath) {
this.languagePath = languagePath;
protected LanguagePath supportedLanguagePath() {
return languagePath;
// # 170343
public void reformat(Context context, final int startOffset, final int endOffset)
throws BadLocationException {
final BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument) context.document();
doc.runAtomic(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
doReformat(doc, startOffset, endOffset);
public LineDocument doReformat(LineDocument doc, int startOffset, int endOffset) {
spacesPerTab = IndentUtils.indentLevelSize(doc);
try {
List<TokenIndent> tags = getTags(doc, startOffset, endOffset);
for (int i = tags.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
TokenIndent ti = tags.get(i);
if (ti.isPreserveIndent()) {
changePrettyText(doc, ti);
} catch (BadLocationException ble) {
//ignore exception
} catch (IOException iox) {
//ignore exception
} finally {
return doc;
private void changePrettyText(LineDocument doc, TokenIndent tag) throws BadLocationException {
//i expected the call IndentUtils.createIndentString() to return
//the correct string for the indent level, but it doesn't.
//so this is just a workaround.
int spaces;
boolean noNewline;
int so = tag.getStartOffset();
spaces = tag.getIndentLevel();
noNewline = tag.isNoNewline();
String newIndentText = IndentUtils.createIndentString(doc, spaces);
//String newIndentText = formatter.getIndentString(doc, tag.getIndentLevel());
int previousEndOffset = LineDocumentUtils.getPreviousNonWhitespace(doc, so) + 1;
CharSequence temp = org.netbeans.lib.editor.util.swing.DocumentUtilities.getText(doc, previousEndOffset, so - previousEndOffset);
if(noNewline || so == 0 || CharSequences.indexOf(temp, "\n") != -1){ // NOI18N
int i = LineDocumentUtils.getLineFirstNonWhitespace(doc, so);
if (i == -1) {
i = LineDocumentUtils.getLineEnd(doc, so);
int rowStart = LineDocumentUtils.getLineStart(doc, so);
String currentIndent = doc.getText(rowStart, i - rowStart);
if (!currentIndent.equals(newIndentText)) {
// first insert, then remove - less disruption to Positions in the altered text, i.e.
// Positions at the beginning of token will stick with the token, not with the whitespace start
// Because comments start at the line start, not at the non-whitespace, adjust insertion point if nonwhite > startOffset
if (so < i) {
so = i;
doc.insertString(so, newIndentText, null);
doc.remove(rowStart, i - rowStart);
else {
doc.insertString(so, "\n" + newIndentText, null); // NOI18N
private Stack<TokenIndent> stack = new Stack<TokenIndent>();
// flag to indicate if the current
// argument is xml:space
private boolean settingSpaceValue = false;
// flag that is true if whitespace is currently
// to not be changed. That is, xml:space
// was last set to "preserve".
private boolean preserveWhitespace = false;
* Indent level for the PARENT of the current token. For tag content or attributes,
* the indent level is the level of the tag open brace, so +spacesPerTab must be added
private int indentLevel;
* Indent for the 1st attribute of the tag. -1, if outside tag or no attributes were
* found yet. Will be initialized to the indent of the 1st attribute name
private int firstAttributeIndent;
* True, if there was only whitespaces from the last seen newline. Applies to both
* tags and content.
private boolean wasNewline;
* True, if the token sits in formatted range.
private boolean tokenInSelectionRange;
* The token sequence being processed
private TokenSequence<XMLTokenId> tokenSequence;
* The processed document
private LineDocument basedoc;
private void outsideAttributes() {
firstAttributeIndent = -1;
settingSpaceValue = false;
* The indent of the most recent start/end tagname, so that closing > is indented properly,
* if alone on newline.
private int tagIndent;
private void startTag(CharSequence image) throws BadLocationException {
CharSequence tagName = image.subSequence(1, image.length());
int begin = currentTokensSize;
int end = begin + image.length();
updateIndent(true, -1, preserveWhitespace);
TokenIndent indent = new TokenIndent(tagName, preserveWhitespace, begin, indentLevel);
tagIndent = indentLevel;
if (tokenInSelectionRange) {
if (wasNewline || onlyTags) {
onlyTags = true;
private void tagClose(CharSequence image) {
if (wasNewline && tokenInSelectionRange) {
// 1st item on a new line, will indent according to the opening tag
tags.add(new TokenIndent(false, tokenSequence.offset(), tagIndent));
// reset
contentPresent = false;
private int updateIndent(boolean increase, int targetLevel, boolean preserveAfter) {
if (preserveAfter) {
return indentLevel;
int save = this.indentLevel;
if (tokenInSelectionRange) {
if (targetLevel != -1) {
indentLevel = save = targetLevel;
if (increase) {
indentLevel += spacesPerTab;
} else {
indentLevel = Math.max(- spacesPerTab, indentLevel - spacesPerTab);
return save;
} else {
try {
// align with the actual tag:
indentLevel = Utilities.getVisualColumn((BaseDocument)basedoc,
LineDocumentUtils.getLineStart(basedoc, tokenSequence.offset())));
if (!increase) {
indentLevel = Math.max(- spacesPerTab, indentLevel - spacesPerTab);
return save;
} catch (BadLocationException ex) {
return indentLevel;
private static boolean startsWith(CharSequence text, CharSequence s) {
int l = s.length();
if (text.length() < l) {
return false;
return startsWith0(text, l, s);
private static boolean startsWith0(CharSequence text, int l, CharSequence s) {
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if (text.charAt(i) != s.charAt(i)) {
return false;
return true;
private static boolean equals(CharSequence s1, CharSequence s2) {
return s1.length() == s2.length() && startsWith0(s1, s1.length(), s2);
private void endTag(CharSequence image, boolean selfClosed) throws BadLocationException {
int begin = currentTokensSize;
int end = begin + image.length();
// preserve wh for this end tag
boolean preserveThis = preserveWhitespace;
// preservation after the tag closes
boolean preservingWhitespaceOnClose = preserveWhitespace;
// look into tag stack, try to find a proper indent level
CharSequence tagName = image.subSequence(2, image.length());
int newIndentLevel = -1;
TokenIndent myIndent = null;
for (int i = stack.size() - 1; newIndentLevel < 0 && i >= 0; i--) {
TokenIndent el = stack.get(i);
if (selfClosed || equals(tagName, el.getName())) {
myIndent = el;
newIndentLevel = el.getIndentLevel();
preservingWhitespaceOnClose = el.isPreserveIndent();
stack.subList(i, stack.size()).clear();
int tagLevel = updateIndent(false, newIndentLevel, preservingWhitespaceOnClose);
tagIndent = tagLevel;
if (tokenInSelectionRange && !preserveThis) {
// self-closing tag end does not indent unless it starts a new line
boolean indent = wasNewline;
if (!indent) {
if (!selfClosed && onlyTags) {
indent = true;
int start = LineDocumentUtils.getLineStart(basedoc, tokenSequence.offset());
// do not indent closing tags, if the start & end tag will end up on the same line:
if (myIndent != null) {
int openStart = myIndent.getStartOffset();
if (start <= openStart && !tags.isEmpty()) {
// originally on the same line, let's see whether a indent instruction was issued from that time:
int last = tags.get(tags.size() - 1).serial;
indent = myIndent.serial < last;
if (indent) {
tags.add(new TokenIndent(preserveThis, begin, tagLevel));
this.preserveWhitespace = preservingWhitespaceOnClose;
// content is present for the parent tag
this.contentPresent = true;
this.onlyTags = true;
* Accumulated instructions for formatting
private List<TokenIndent> tags = new ArrayList<TokenIndent>();
private int currentTokensSize;
* The currently inspected token
private org.netbeans.api.lexer.Token<XMLTokenId> token;
private void attributeName() throws BadLocationException {
TokenType tokenType;
CharSequence tt = token.text();
settingSpaceValue = tt.length() == XML_SPACE_ATTRIBUTE_LEN &&
// fa!ll through !
if (firstAttributeIndent == -1) {
firstAttributeIndent = tagIndent;
if (wasNewline) {
// indent of a new line
firstAttributeIndent += spacesPerTab;
} else {
// align one space after the tagname:
TokenIndent tagIndent = stack.peek();
int current = Utilities.getVisualColumn((BaseDocument)basedoc, tokenSequence.offset());
if (tagIndent == null) {
// fallback
firstAttributeIndent = current;
} else {
int proposed = firstAttributeIndent + (tagIndent.tagName.length() + 1 /* space */ + 1 /* < char */);
// preserve extra indent after tag name
firstAttributeIndent = Math.max(current, proposed);
if (wasNewline) {
int attrIndent;
tokenType = TokenType.TOKEN_ATTR_NAME;
attrIndent = firstAttributeIndent;
if (tokenInSelectionRange) {
new TokenIndent(
tokenSequence.offset(), attrIndent
private void attributeValue() {
if (settingSpaceValue) {
CharSequence s = token.text();
if (s.length() == SPACE_PRESERVE_LEN &&
preserveWhitespace = true;
} else if (s.length() == SPACE_DEFAULT_LEN && startsWith0(s, SPACE_DEFAULT_LEN, SPACE_DEFAULT)) {
preserveWhitespace = false;
settingSpaceValue = false;
private int startOffset;
private int endOffset;
* Some content is present between tags, either text content, or a
* nested tag. The attribute is set initially to false at tag start,
* and raised by endtag, processing instruction or char content + CDATA
private boolean contentPresent;
private boolean onlyTags;
private void text(CharSequence image, int indentLineStart) throws BadLocationException {
// must detect newlines. If inside a tag (between attributes), the 1st attribute on the line
// will emit indent token to the output stream.
// if outside tags (normal text), each newline in non-ws-preserving tag will emit an indent token
int lastNewline = lastIndexOf(image, '\n');
int currentOffset = tokenSequence.offset();
boolean intersectsWithRange;
int tokenStart = tokenSequence.offset();
int tokenEnd = tokenStart + image.length();
intersectsWithRange = ((tokenStart <= startOffset && tokenEnd > startOffset) ||
(tokenEnd >= endOffset && tokenStart < endOffset) ||
(tokenStart >= startOffset && tokenEnd <= endOffset));
if (lastNewline == -1 || preserveWhitespace || !intersectsWithRange) {
// even if outside selection range, we do not update indent; text will not affect following tags
// we have to set the 'newLine' flag, if the last text line only contains whitespaces.
int nonWhitePos = LineDocumentUtils.getNextNonWhitespace(basedoc, currentOffset + Math.max(0, lastNewline), currentOffset + image.length());
contentPresent |= nonWhitePos > -1;
wasNewline &= nonWhitePos == -1;
onlyTags &= nonWhitePos == -1;
// emit tag record for each subsequent line
int lno = indentLineStart; // skip 1st line = up to the 1st newline, this part follows a tag and is always joined
int nonWhiteStart = -1;
while (lno < lineCount) {
currentOffset += lno == 0 ? 0 : lineSizes[lno - 1] + 1; // add 1 for newline
int lineEnd = currentOffset + lineSizes[lno];
nonWhiteStart = LineDocumentUtils.getNextNonWhitespace(basedoc, currentOffset, lineEnd);
// implies a check for nonWhitestart > -1
if (nonWhiteStart >= startOffset && nonWhiteStart <= endOffset) {
// emit a tag at this position
tags.add(new TokenIndent(
new TokenElement(TokenType.TOKEN_CHARACTER_DATA,,
nonWhiteStart, lineEnd,
indentLevel + spacesPerTab),
nonWhiteStart, indentLevel + spacesPerTab
// only last row is taken into account
contentPresent = !(wasNewline = nonWhiteStart == -1);
onlyTags &= !contentPresent;
private static int lastIndexOf(CharSequence s, char c) {
for (int i = s.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (s.charAt(i) == c) {
return i;
return -1;
* Output variables for splitLines()
private int lineCount;
private int[] lineSizes = new int[10];
private void splitLines(CharSequence s) {
lineCount = 0;
int len = s.length();
int l = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c == '\n') {
l = 0;
} else {
private void addLine(int len) {
if (lineSizes.length <= lineCount) {
int[] lines = new int[lineSizes.length * 2];
System.arraycopy(lineSizes, 0, lines, 0, lineSizes.length);
lineSizes = lines;
lineSizes[lineCount++] = len;
* This is the core of the formatting algorithm. It was originally derived
* from {@link XmlFoldManager#createFolds(org.netbeans.spi.editor.fold.FoldHierarchyTransaction)}.
* Like that method, this method parses the document using lexer. Rather
* than creating folds though, this method reformats by manipulating the
* whitespace tokens. To do this it keeps track of the nesting level of the
* XML and the use of the xml:space attribute. Together they are used to
* calculate how much each token should be indented by.
private List<TokenIndent> getTags(LineDocument basedoc, int startOffset, int endOffset)
throws BadLocationException, IOException {
this.basedoc = basedoc;
this.startOffset = startOffset;
this.endOffset = endOffset;
// this is that 1st PI or tag will increment the level to 0
indentLevel = -spacesPerTab;
List[] result = new List[1];
Exception[] ble = new Exception[1];
basedoc.render(() -> {
try {
result[0] = getTagsLocked(startOffset, endOffset);
} catch (BadLocationException | IOException ex) {
ble[0] = ex;
if (ble[0] != null) {
if (ble[0] instanceof BadLocationException) {
throw (BadLocationException)ble[0];
if (ble[0] instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException)ble[0];
} else {
throw new IOException(ble[0]);
return result[0];
private List<TokenIndent> getTagsLocked(int startOffset, int endOffset) throws BadLocationException, IOException {
TokenHierarchy tokenHierarchy = TokenHierarchy.get(basedoc);
tokenSequence = tokenHierarchy.tokenSequence();
token = tokenSequence.token();
// Add the text token, if any, before xml declaration to document node
if (token != null && == XMLTokenId.TEXT) {
if (tokenSequence.moveNext()) {
token = tokenSequence.token();
currentTokensSize = 0;
// will be set to indent of 1st attribute of a tag. Will be reset to -1 by start tag
firstAttributeIndent = -1;
wasNewline = false;
while (tokenSequence.moveNext()) {
int indentLineStart = 1;
token = tokenSequence.token();
XMLTokenId tokenId =;
CharSequence image = token.text();
if (tokenSequence.offset() > endOffset) {
tokenInSelectionRange = tokenSequence.offset() >= startOffset || tokenSequence.offset() + token.length() > endOffset;
switch (tokenId) {
case TAG: { // Tag is encountered and the required level of indenting determined.
// The tokens are only assessed if they are in the selection
// range, which is the whole document if no text is selected.
int len = image.length();
firstAttributeIndent = -1;
if (image.charAt(len - 1) == '>') {// '/>' // NOI18N
if (len == 2) {
endTag(image, true);
} else {
// end tag name marker
} else {
if (startsWith(image, "</")) { // NOI18N
endTag(image, false);
} else {
case PI_START: {
updateIndent(true, -1, preserveWhitespace);
//indentLevel += spacesPerTab;
if (tokenInSelectionRange && !preserveWhitespace) {
TokenElement tag = new TokenElement(TokenType.TOKEN_PI_START_TAG,,
tokenSequence.offset() + token.length(), indentLevel);
TokenIndent ti = new TokenIndent(preserveWhitespace, tokenSequence.offset(), indentLevel);
case PI_END: {
int l = updateIndent(false, -1, preserveWhitespace);
if (wasNewline && tokenInSelectionRange) {
// 1st item on a new line, will indent according to the opening tag
tags.add(new TokenIndent(false, tokenSequence.offset(), l));
case WS: {
// we assume there is nothing except whitespace
int lastNewline = lastIndexOf(image, '\n');
if (lastNewline == -1) {
// nothing special here
wasNewline = true;
indentLineStart = 0;
// fall through
case TEXT: {
text(image, indentLineStart);
* Block comments are aligned as follows:
* - if there is some preceeding non-whitespace, do not format anything. E.g. comments after element. Skip entire comment from formatting
* - align 1st and last line at the appropriate indent level
* - compute "shift" from the last line & indent level
* - shift INTERIOR of the comment by the computed shift
* This algorithm tries to preserve internal formatting of the comment
int currentOffset = tokenSequence.offset();
int lineStart = LineDocumentUtils.getLineStart(basedoc, currentOffset);
if (lineStart < currentOffset &&
LineDocumentUtils.getPreviousNonWhitespace(basedoc, currentOffset, lineStart) > -1) {
// we cannot indent comment start, will not touch even the rest of the comment.
int lastLineStart = LineDocumentUtils.getLineStart(basedoc, currentOffset + token.length() - 1);
int lastIndent = IndentUtils.lineIndent(basedoc, lastLineStart);
// align 1st and last row here:
int baseIndent = indentLevel + spacesPerTab;
// shift the rest of lines by this offset
int indentShift = baseIndent - lastIndent;
// how much to shift the interior of the comment
for (int lno = 0; lno < lineCount; lno++) {
// indent 1st comment line, as if it was text:
int lineEnd = LineDocumentUtils.getLineEnd(basedoc, currentOffset);
int desiredIndent;
if (lno == 0 || lno == lineCount -1) {
desiredIndent = baseIndent;
} else {
desiredIndent = IndentUtils.lineIndent(basedoc, currentOffset) + indentShift;
if ((currentOffset >= startOffset || currentOffset + lineSizes[lno] > endOffset) && currentOffset < endOffset) {
tags.add(new TokenIndent(
currentOffset, Math.max(0, desiredIndent)
currentOffset += lineSizes[lno] + 1;
// always form a non-empty content
contentPresent = true;
onlyTags = false;
wasNewline = false;
break; //Do nothing for above case's
case ARGUMENT: //attribute of an element
case VALUE:
case ERROR:
case EOL:
throw new IOException("Invalid token found in document: "
+ "Please use the text editor to resolve the issues...");
currentTokensSize += image.length();
if (tokenId != XMLTokenId.WS && tokenId != XMLTokenId.TEXT && tokenId != XMLTokenId.PI_CONTENT) {
// clear indicator of the newline
wasNewline = false;
return tags;
* Counter of issued Tag instances.
private int counter = 1;
* The formatter needs to keep track of when it can remove whitespace and
* when it must preserve whitespace as defined by the xml:space attribute.
* This class associates a flag that defines whether whitespace is to be
* preserved with the other token data that is used in the code folding
* algorithm.
private class TokenIndent {
private TokenElement token;
* OLD value of preserveIndent. Saved from previous level at start tag,
* restored when the tag is popped.
private boolean preserveIndent;
private int serial = ++counter;
private boolean noNewline;
private int indentLevel;
private int startOffset;
private CharSequence tagName;
public TokenIndent(TokenElement token, boolean preserveIndent, int startOffset, int indentLevel) {
this(preserveIndent, startOffset, indentLevel);
public TokenIndent(boolean preserveIndent, int startOffset, int indentLevel) {
this.preserveIndent = preserveIndent;
this.startOffset = startOffset;
this.indentLevel = Math.max(0, indentLevel);
public TokenIndent(CharSequence tagName, boolean preserveIndent, int startOffset, int indentLevel) {
this(preserveIndent, startOffset, indentLevel);
this.tagName = tagName;
public int getIndentLevel() {
return indentLevel;
public void markNoNewline() {
this.noNewline = true;
public boolean isNoNewline() {
return noNewline;
public TokenElement getToken() {
return token;
public boolean isPreserveIndent() {
return preserveIndent;
public int getStartOffset() {
return startOffset;
public void setPreserveIndent(boolean preserveIndent) {
this.preserveIndent = preserveIndent;
public String toString() {
return "TokenIndent: name=" + token.getName() + " preserveIndent=" + preserveIndent;
public CharSequence getName() {
return tagName;
void reformat(Context context) throws BadLocationException{
reformat(context, context.startOffset(), context.endOffset());