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<H1>Catalogs Package</H1>
<p><b>Maintainer</b>: Petr Kuzel
<p><b>Updated on</b>: 6th feb 2001
<h3>What is catalog?</h3>
<p>In order to use a variety of XML tools in a variety of
computer environments, the problem of addressing resources
that are inaccessible using their explicit system
identifiers must be solved.</p>
<p>The short term solution to this problem is to define an
entity catalog that handles the simple cases of mapping an
external entity's public identifier and/or system
identifier to an alternate URI. This solution allows for a
probably system-dependent but application-independent
catalog. Though it does not handle all issues that a
combination of a complete entity manager and storage
manager addresses, it simplifies both the use of multiple
products in a great majority of cases and the task of
processing documents on different systems.</p>
<h3>What is Entity Resolution?</h3>
<p>Entity resolution is the process that an XML processor goes through
when it has been requested to find another
file<sup>[<a href="#fnote1">1</a>]</sup> in the course of
processing the file it's working on. The XML processor knows labelling
information about the file such as its system identifier and possibly
a name, public identifier, and so forth. These identifiers can be used
to determine the actual location of the desired external file. This
determination process (which "maps" the known labelling information
into an actual location) is called an entity resolution, and the file
that contains the specific mapping information is called the entity
resolution catalog.</p>
<p><a name="fnote1"></a><font size="-1">[1] <em>file</em>
is used here for simplicity, but could be any other resource
consisting of such things as declarations, a parsed entity, an
unparsed entity, etc.</font></p>
<a name='req'><h3>Requirements</h3></a>
<li>Catalog can define public ID to system ID mappings.
<li>Catalog must allow to mount user's catalogs
<li>Mounted catalog's should be persistent
<li>Catalog must provide mappings to OpenIDE APIs
<li>Visualize build-in catalog
<li>Define catalog SPI
OpenIDE should allow to add custom <tt>EntityResolvers</tt>.
<a name='dev-view'><h2>Developer's View</h2></a>
<h3>OpenIDE Support</h3>
XMLDataObject allows registering custom catalogs by two methods.
<h4>XMLDataObject API</h4>
I call it <b>Entity Resolving API</b>. It consists of <tt>registerCatalogEntry()</tt> methods.
<p>Two new methods have been introduced into it to support users catalogs:
<li><tt>addEntityResolver(EntityResolver resolver)</tt>
<li><tt>removeEntityResolver(EntityResolver resolver)</tt>
<p>The mapping registered by <tt>registerCatalogEntry()</tt> must stay of
<li>the highest priority
<li>transient among IDE restarts
<li>must use latter registered mapping prevails previous mapping strategy.
<h4>Declarative way</h4>
XMLDataObject recognize well known folder named XML/catalog containing
<tt>EntityResolver</tt>'s implemetations registrations.
<p>The Catalog package put there its implementation of <tt>EntityResolver</tt>.
<H3>User's Persistent Catalogs</H3>
A user can have its own catalog on some place following some DTD or
other format (SOCAT). This feature supports integration of such catalogs
into IDE mappings. Every catalog must provide
a <tt>CatalogReader</tt> interface implementation.
See <a href="spi/package.html">SPI interface</a> for details.
<p>The catalog implementation provides a <tt>EntityResolver</tt> implementation
based upon mounted catalogs. The resolver is registered into the IDE resolver chain.
See <a href="CatalogEntityResolver.html">JavaDoc</a>.
<a name='user-view'><h2>User's View</h2></>
A user will browse and manage catalog using a node structure.
+ XML Catalog Browser ~-------------------------{root}
+ System Catalog [ro] ~--------------------{catalog}
| + -//Netbeans Toolbars DTD//EN ~---{catalog entry}
| + -//Other system DTD//EN
| + -//X Catalog//EN
+ My SOCAT [ro]
+ My XCatalog [rw]
+ +//WML 1.1//EN
<h4>Catalog Root</h4>
Root of all catalogs used in system. It always contains a system catalog as a child.
<p><b>New</b> -> some catalog provider: creates a new catalog provider bean
<!--<p><b>Resolve</b>: takes public and system ID and translates it into a new pair-->
A catalog must be mounted by New action at Catalog Root. One mounted then all
actions in XML module use mappings defined by the catalog. Depending on catalog
type the mounting is persistent in per project basis.
There is one special catalog called <b>system catalog</b>. It contains entries
vital for proper IDE functionality. These can not be modified not changed
and these are transient.
<p>If a catalog miss its provider or source then an icon indicates it.
<p><b>Delete</b>: remove it if user confirms
<p><b>New Entry</b>: allows to register a new entry on read/write catalogs
<p><b>Paste</b>: paste copied entry in this catalog (what about coping it to local file) (at writeable catalogs)
<p><b>Resolve</b>: takes public and system id and translates it into a new pair
<p><b>Refresh</b>: refreshes a catalog content
<h4>Catalog Entry</h4>
It may be read-only depending on catalog provider type.
<p><b>View</b>: try to open the entity in read-only editor
<p><b>Public ID</b>: a mapping key
<p><b>System ID</b>: a mapped value