blob: 86fef588d4bfba22c34f170b8cfd9d58e9b06bda [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.todo.settings;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import org.openide.util.NbPreferences;
* @author S. Aubrecht
final public class Settings {
public static final String PROP_PATTERN_LIST = "patternList"; //NOI18N
public static final String PROP_SCAN_COMMENTS_ONLY = "scanCommentsOnly"; //NOI18N
public static final String PROP_IDENTIFIERS_LIST = "identifiersList"; //NOI18N
private static Settings theInstance;
private static final String OBJECT_DELIMITER = "|"; //NOI18N
private static final String FIELD_DELIMITER = ","; //NOI18N
private final ArrayList<String> patterns = new ArrayList<String>( 10 );
private Map<String, ExtensionIdentifier> ext2comments = new HashMap<String, ExtensionIdentifier>();
private Map<String, MimeIdentifier> mime2comments = new HashMap<String, MimeIdentifier>();
private final Map<String, ExtensionIdentifier> ext2commentsDefault = new HashMap<String, ExtensionIdentifier>(25);
private final Map<String, MimeIdentifier> mime2commentsDefault = new HashMap<String, MimeIdentifier>(25);
private boolean scanCommentsOnly = true;
private PropertyChangeSupport propertySupport;
private static final String MIME_IDENTIFIERS = "mimeidentifiers";
private static final String EXT_IDENTIFIERS = "extidentifiers";
/** Creates a new instance of Settings */
private Settings() {
patterns.addAll( decodePatterns( getPreferences().get( "patterns", //NOI18N
"@todo|TODO|FIXME|XXX|PENDING|<<<<<<<" )) ); //NOI18N
scanCommentsOnly = getPreferences().getBoolean( "scanCommentsOnly", true ); //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "JAVA", new ExtensionIdentifier("JAVA", new CommentTags( "//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "JS", new ExtensionIdentifier("JS", new CommentTags( "//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "C", new ExtensionIdentifier("C", new CommentTags( "//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "CPP", new ExtensionIdentifier("CPP", new CommentTags( "//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "CXX", new ExtensionIdentifier("CXX", new CommentTags( "//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "CC", new ExtensionIdentifier("CC", new CommentTags( "//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "H", new ExtensionIdentifier("H", new CommentTags( "//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "HPP", new ExtensionIdentifier("HPP", new CommentTags( "//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "HTML", new ExtensionIdentifier("HTML", new CommentTags( "<!--", "-->"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "XHTML", new ExtensionIdentifier("XHTML", new CommentTags( "<!--", "-->"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "HTM", new ExtensionIdentifier("HTM", new CommentTags( "<!--", "-->"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "XML", new ExtensionIdentifier("XML", new CommentTags( "<!--", "-->"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "JSP", new ExtensionIdentifier("JSP", new CommentTags( "<%--", "--%>"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "CSS", new ExtensionIdentifier("CSS", new CommentTags( "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "SCSS", new ExtensionIdentifier("SCSS", new CommentTags("//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "LESS", new ExtensionIdentifier("LESS", new CommentTags("//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "PROPERTIES", new ExtensionIdentifier("PROPERTIES", new CommentTags("#"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "SH", new ExtensionIdentifier("SH", new CommentTags("#"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "RB", new ExtensionIdentifier("RB", new CommentTags("#"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "PHP", new ExtensionIdentifier("PHP", new CommentTags( "//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "PY", new ExtensionIdentifier("PY", new CommentTags( "#", "\"\"\"", "\"\"\""))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "SCALA", new ExtensionIdentifier("SCALA", new CommentTags( "//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "GROOVY", new ExtensionIdentifier("GROOVY", new CommentTags( "//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "FX", new ExtensionIdentifier("FX", new CommentTags( "//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "TWIG", new ExtensionIdentifier("TWIG", new CommentTags( "{#", "#}"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
ext2commentsDefault.put( "TPL", new ExtensionIdentifier("TPL", new CommentTags( "{*", "*}"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
mime2commentsDefault.put( "text/x-java", new MimeIdentifier("text/x-java", "Java Files", new CommentTags( "//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
mime2commentsDefault.put( "text/html", new MimeIdentifier("text/html", "HTML Files", new CommentTags( "<!--", "-->"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
mime2commentsDefault.put( "application/x-httpd-eruby", new MimeIdentifier("application/x-httpd-eruby", "", new CommentTags( "<!--", "-->"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
mime2commentsDefault.put( "text/x-yaml", new MimeIdentifier("text/x-yaml", "Yaml Files", new CommentTags("#"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N
mime2commentsDefault.put( "text/x-python", new MimeIdentifier("text/x-python", "Python Files", new CommentTags("#", "\"\"\"", "\"\"\""))); //NOI18N //NOI18N
mime2commentsDefault.put( "text/x-fx", new MimeIdentifier("text/x-fx", "JavaFX Files", new CommentTags( "//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
// Ruby, PHP, etc have file extensions listed above, but they are listed here by mime type as well
// because there are many other common file extensions used for them.
mime2commentsDefault.put( "text/x-ruby", new MimeIdentifier("text/x-ruby", "Ruby Files", new CommentTags("#"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N
mime2commentsDefault.put( "text/x-php5", new MimeIdentifier("text/x-php", "PHP Files", new CommentTags( "//", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
mime2commentsDefault.put( "text/sh", new MimeIdentifier("text/sh", "", new CommentTags("#"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N
mime2commentsDefault.put( "text/x-sql", new MimeIdentifier("text/x-sql", "SQL Files", new CommentTags( "--", "/*", "*/"))); //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N //NOI18N
String encodedMime = getPreferences().get(MIME_IDENTIFIERS, "");
if (encodedMime.isEmpty()) {
mime2comments = new HashMap<String, MimeIdentifier>(mime2commentsDefault);
} else {
mime2comments = decodeMimeIdentifiers(encodedMime);
String encodedExt = getPreferences().get(EXT_IDENTIFIERS, "");
if (encodedExt.isEmpty()) {
ext2comments = new HashMap<String, ExtensionIdentifier>(ext2commentsDefault);
} else {
ext2comments = decodeExtIdentifiers(encodedExt);
public static final Settings getDefault() {
if( null == theInstance )
theInstance = new Settings();
return theInstance;
public Collection<String> getPatterns() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection( patterns );
public void setPatterns( Collection<String> newPatterns ) {
patterns.addAll( newPatterns );
getPreferences().put( "patterns", encodePatterns(newPatterns) ); //NOI18N
if( null == propertySupport )
propertySupport = new PropertyChangeSupport( this );
propertySupport.firePropertyChange( PROP_PATTERN_LIST, null, getPatterns() );
public List<MimeIdentifier> getMimeIdentifiers() {
ArrayList<MimeIdentifier> arrayList = new ArrayList<MimeIdentifier>(mime2comments.values());
return arrayList;
public List<ExtensionIdentifier> getExtensionIdentifiers() {
ArrayList<ExtensionIdentifier> arrayList = new ArrayList<ExtensionIdentifier>(ext2comments.values());
return arrayList;
public void setIdentifiers(List<MimeIdentifier> mimeIdentifiers, List<ExtensionIdentifier> extensionIdentifiers) {
for (MimeIdentifier mimeIdentifier : mimeIdentifiers) {
mime2comments.put(mimeIdentifier.getId(), mimeIdentifier);
getPreferences().put(MIME_IDENTIFIERS, encodeMimeIdentifiers(mimeIdentifiers)); //NOI18N
for (ExtensionIdentifier extensionIdentifier : extensionIdentifiers) {
ext2comments.put(extensionIdentifier.getId(), extensionIdentifier);
getPreferences().put(EXT_IDENTIFIERS, encodeExtIdentifiers(extensionIdentifiers)); //NOI18N
if (null == propertySupport) {
propertySupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
propertySupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_IDENTIFIERS_LIST, null, getPatterns());
public boolean isExtensionSupported( String fileExtension ) {
return null != ext2comments.get( fileExtension.toUpperCase() );
public boolean isMimeTypeSupported( String mimeType ) {
return null != mime2comments.get( mimeType );
public String getLineComment(String fileExtension, String mime) {
FileIdentifier identifier = mime2comments.get(mime);
if (null == identifier) {
identifier = ext2comments.get(fileExtension.toUpperCase());
return null == identifier ? null : identifier.getCommentTags().getLineComment();
public String getBlockCommentStart(String fileExtension, String mime) {
FileIdentifier identifier = mime2comments.get(mime);
if (null == identifier) {
identifier = ext2comments.get(fileExtension.toUpperCase());
return null == identifier ? null : identifier.getCommentTags().getBlockCommentStart();
public String getBlockCommentEnd(String fileExtension, String mime) {
FileIdentifier identifier = mime2comments.get(mime);
if (null == identifier) {
identifier = ext2comments.get(fileExtension.toUpperCase());
return null == identifier ? null : identifier.getCommentTags().getBlockCommentEnd();
public boolean isScanCommentsOnly() {
return scanCommentsOnly;
public void setScanCommentsOnly( boolean val ) {
boolean oldVal = scanCommentsOnly;
this.scanCommentsOnly = val;
getPreferences().putBoolean( "scanCommentsOnly", val ); //NOI18N
if( null == propertySupport )
propertySupport = new PropertyChangeSupport( this );
propertySupport.firePropertyChange( PROP_SCAN_COMMENTS_ONLY, oldVal, val );
public void addPropertyChangeListener( PropertyChangeListener l ) {
if( null == propertySupport )
propertySupport = new PropertyChangeSupport( this );
propertySupport.addPropertyChangeListener( l );
public void removePropertyChangeListener( PropertyChangeListener l ) {
if( null != propertySupport )
propertySupport.removePropertyChangeListener( l );
private Preferences getPreferences() {
return NbPreferences.forModule( Settings.class );
private static Collection<String> decodePatterns( String encodedPatterns ) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( encodedPatterns, OBJECT_DELIMITER, false );
Collection<String> patterns = new ArrayList<String>();
while( st.hasMoreTokens() ) {
String im = st.nextToken();
return patterns;
private static String encodePatterns( Collection<String> patterns ) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for( String p : patterns ) {
sb.append( p );
sb.append( OBJECT_DELIMITER );
return sb.toString();
private static Map<String, MimeIdentifier> decodeMimeIdentifiers(String encodedIdentifiers) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(encodedIdentifiers, OBJECT_DELIMITER, false);
Map<String, MimeIdentifier> mimeIdentifiers = new HashMap<String, MimeIdentifier>(st.countTokens());
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String im = st.nextToken();
String[] fields = im.split(FIELD_DELIMITER, 5);
MimeIdentifier mimeIdentifier = new MimeIdentifier(fields[0], fields[1], new CommentTags(fields[2], fields[3], fields[4]));
mimeIdentifiers.put(mimeIdentifier.getId(), mimeIdentifier);
return mimeIdentifiers;
private static String encodeMimeIdentifiers(Collection<MimeIdentifier> identifiers) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (MimeIdentifier identifier : identifiers) {
return sb.toString();
private static Map<String, ExtensionIdentifier> decodeExtIdentifiers(String encodedIdentifiers) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(encodedIdentifiers, OBJECT_DELIMITER, false);
Map<String, ExtensionIdentifier> extensionIdentifiers = new HashMap<String, ExtensionIdentifier>(st.countTokens());
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String im = st.nextToken();
String[] fields = im.split(FIELD_DELIMITER, 4);
ExtensionIdentifier extensionIdentifier = new ExtensionIdentifier(fields[0], new CommentTags(fields[1], fields[2], fields[3]));
extensionIdentifiers.put(extensionIdentifier.getId(), extensionIdentifier);
return extensionIdentifiers;
private static String encodeExtIdentifiers(Collection<ExtensionIdentifier> identifiers) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (ExtensionIdentifier identifier : identifiers) {
return sb.toString();
private static String encodeCommentTags(CommentTags tags) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(tags.isLineCommentEnabled() ? tags.getLineComment() : "");
sb.append(tags.isBlockCommentEnabled() ? tags.getBlockCommentStart() : "");
sb.append(tags.isBlockCommentEnabled() ? tags.getBlockCommentEnd() : "");
return sb.toString();