blob: 35e899907bf8e6e45d47ae15f5f746d71fe0c2d2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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package org.openide.text;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.netbeans.junit.NbTestCase;
import org.openide.util.Lookup;
import org.openide.util.Mutex;
import org.openide.util.lookup.Lookups;
/** Testing the behavior of editor reusal framework. It uses new API.
* The behavior was discussed thoroughly at issue 94607.
* @author Petr Nejedly, Marek Slama
public class ReusableEditor2Test extends NbTestCase {
public static Test suite() {
return GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() ? new TestSuite() : new TestSuite(ReusableEditor2Test.class);
static {
System.setProperty("", "false");
CES c1, c2, c3;
* Test ctor
* @param testName
public ReusableEditor2Test(java.lang.String testName) {
protected int timeOut() {
return 15000;
* Prepares few editors at the test dispoition.
protected void setUp () {
c1 = createSupport("c1");
c2 = createSupport("c2");
c3 = createSupport("c3");
* Closes any precreated editors left open.
protected void tearDown() {
* Test that verifies ShowOpenType.REUSE closes original tab (keeps only one)
* Scenario:
* 1. Open first file with ShowOpenType.REUSE
* 2. Open second file with ShowOpenType.REUSE
* 3. Verify first is closed
* 4. Open first file with ShowOpenType.REUSE
* 5. Verify second is closed
public void testReuse() {
openAndCheck(c1, Line.ShowOpenType.REUSE, Line.ShowVisibilityType.NONE); // 1
openAndCheck(c2, Line.ShowOpenType.REUSE, Line.ShowVisibilityType.NONE); // 2
assertClosed(c1); // 3
openAndCheck(c1, Line.ShowOpenType.REUSE, Line.ShowVisibilityType.NONE); // 4
assertClosed(c2); // 5
/** Test that verifies ShowOpenType.REUSE doesn't reuse modified, even saved tab
* 1. Open first file with ShowOpenType.REUSE
* 2. Modify it
* 3. Open second file with ShowOpenType.REUSE
* 4. Verify first still open
* 5. Modify second file
* 6. Unmodify second file
* 7. Open third file with ShowOpenType.REUSE
* 8. Verify second still open
public void testKeepTouched() {
openAndCheck(c1, Line.ShowOpenType.REUSE, Line.ShowVisibilityType.NONE); // 1
c1.notifyModified(); // 2
openAndCheck(c2, Line.ShowOpenType.REUSE, Line.ShowVisibilityType.NONE); // 3
assertOpened(c1); // 4
c2.notifyModified(); // 5
c2.notifyUnmodified(); // 6
openAndCheck(c3, Line.ShowOpenType.REUSE, Line.ShowVisibilityType.NONE); // 7
assertOpened(c2); // 8
/** Test that verifies ShowOpenType.REUSE don't consider non-reusable tabs.
* There are three things tested:
* A) Don't replace ordinary tabs
* B) Don't mark ordinary tabs as reusable if switched to
* C) Keep reusable tab mark even through (B)
* Scenario:
* 1. Open first file using ShowOpenType.OPEN and ShowVisibilityType.FOCUS
* 2. Open second file using ShowOpenType.REUSE
* 3. Verify first still opened (A)
* 4. open first using ShowOpenType.REUSE
* 5. verify second still opened
* 6. open third file using ShowOpenType.REUSE
* 7. verify first still opened (B)
* 8. verify second closed (C)
public void testLeaveNonreusable() {
openAndCheck(c1, Line.ShowOpenType.OPEN, Line.ShowVisibilityType.FOCUS); // 1
openAndCheck(c2, Line.ShowOpenType.REUSE, Line.ShowVisibilityType.NONE); // 2
assertOpened(c1); // 3
openAndCheck(c1, Line.ShowOpenType.REUSE, Line.ShowVisibilityType.NONE); // 4
assertOpened(c2); // 5
openAndCheck(c3, Line.ShowOpenType.REUSE, Line.ShowVisibilityType.NONE); // 6
assertOpened(c1); // 7
assertClosed(c2); // 8
/** Test that verifies ShowOpenType.REUSE_NEW don't close existing reusable tab,
* but can be reused itself
* Scenario:
* 1. Open first file using ShowOpenType.REUSE
* 2. Open second file using ShowOpenType.REUSE_NEW
* 3. Verify first still opened
* 4. Open third using ShowOpenType.REUSE
* 5. verify second closed
public void testReuseNewKeepsOld() {
openAndCheck(c1, Line.ShowOpenType.REUSE, Line.ShowVisibilityType.NONE); // 1
openAndCheck(c2, Line.ShowOpenType.REUSE_NEW, Line.ShowVisibilityType.NONE); // 2
assertOpened(c1); // 3
openAndCheck(c3, Line.ShowOpenType.REUSE, Line.ShowVisibilityType.NONE); // 4
assertClosed(c2); // 5
* Test that specifies behaviour of ShowOpenType.REUSE_NEW in case currently
* reusable tab is not the selected one.
* Scenario:
* 1. Open first file using ShowOpenType.REUSE
* 2. Open second file using ShowOpenType.OPEN + ShowVisibilityType.FOCUS
* 3. Open third file using ShowOpenType.REUSE_NEW
* 4. Verify first still open.
public void testReuseNewKeepsOldEvenWhenNotFocused() {
openAndCheck(c1, Line.ShowOpenType.REUSE, Line.ShowVisibilityType.NONE); // 1
openAndCheck(c2, Line.ShowOpenType.OPEN, Line.ShowVisibilityType.FOCUS); // 2
openAndCheck(c3, Line.ShowOpenType.REUSE_NEW, Line.ShowVisibilityType.NONE); // 3
assertOpened(c1); // 4
private CES createSupport(String txt) {
Env env = new Env();
env.content = txt;
CES c = new CES(env, Lookups.singleton(txt)); = c;
return c;
private void openAndCheck(final CES ces, final Line.ShowOpenType openType, final Line.ShowVisibilityType visibilityType) {
Mutex.EVENT.readAccess(new Mutex.Action<Void>() {
public Void run() {
ces.getLineSet().getCurrent(0).show(openType, visibilityType);
return null;
private void forceClose(CES ces) {
if (ces.isModified()) ces.notifyUnmodified();
private void assertClosed(CES ces) {
assertEquals(0, getOpenedCount(ces));
private void assertOpened(CES ces) {
assertEquals(1, getOpenedCount(ces));
private int getOpenedCount(final CES ces) {
return Mutex.EVENT.readAccess(new Mutex.Action<Integer>() {
public Integer run() {
JEditorPane[] panes = ces.getOpenedPanes();
return panes == null ? 0 : panes.length;
// Implementation of the CloneableEditorSupport.Env
private class Env implements CloneableEditorSupport.Env {
// Env variables
private String content = "";
private boolean valid = true;
private boolean modified = false;
private java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date ();
private List<PropertyChangeListener> propL = new ArrayList<PropertyChangeListener>();
private java.beans.VetoableChangeListener vetoL;
/** the support to work with */
CloneableEditorSupport support;
public synchronized void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
propL.add (l);
public synchronized void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
propL.remove (l);
public synchronized void addVetoableChangeListener(java.beans.VetoableChangeListener l) {
assertNull ("This is the first veto listener", vetoL);
vetoL = l;
public void removeVetoableChangeListener(java.beans.VetoableChangeListener l) {
assertEquals ("Removing the right veto one", vetoL, l);
vetoL = null;
public findCloneableOpenSupport() {
return support;
public String getMimeType() {
return "text/plain";
public java.util.Date getTime() {
return date;
public inputStream() throws {
return new (content.getBytes ());
public outputStream() throws {
class ContentStream extends {
public void close () throws {
super.close ();
content = new String (toByteArray ());
return new ContentStream ();
public boolean isValid() {
return valid;
public boolean isModified() {
return modified;
public void markModified() throws {
modified = true;
public void unmarkModified() {
modified = false;
/** Implementation of the CES */
private static final class CES extends CloneableEditorSupport {
public CES (Env env, Lookup l) {
super (env, l);
protected String messageName() {
return "Name";
protected String messageOpened() {
return "Opened";
protected String messageOpening() {
return "Opening";
protected String messageSave() {
return "Save";
protected String messageToolTip() {
return "ToolTip";