blob: ab6343365d44341b1b396cfdad8ba547d909b757 [file] [log] [blame]
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<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="../nbbuild/javadoctools/apichanges.xsl"?>
<!DOCTYPE apichanges PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD API changes list 1.0//EN" "../nbbuild/javadoctools/apichanges.dtd">
Check the DTD (apichanges.dtd) for details on the syntax. You do not
need to regenerate the HTML, as this is part of Javadoc generation; just
change the XML. Rough syntax of a change (several parts optional):
<api name="compiler"/>
<summary>Some brief description here, can use <b>XHTML</b></summary>
<version major="1" minor="99"/>
<date day="13" month="6" year="2001"/>
<author login="jrhacker"/>
<compatibility addition="yes"/>
The main description of the change here.
Again can use full <b>XHTML</b> as needed.
<class package="org.openide.compiler" name="DoWhatIWantCompiler"/>
<issue number="14309"/>
Also permitted elements: <package>, <branch>. <version> is API spec
version, recommended for all new changes. <compatibility> should say
if things were added/modified/deprecated/etc. and give all information
related to upgrading old code. List affected top-level classes and
link to issue numbers if applicable. See the DTD for more details.
Changes need not be in any particular order, they are sorted in various
ways by the stylesheet anyway.
Dates are assumed to mean "on the trunk". If you *also* make the same
change on a stabilization branch, use the <branch> tag to indicate this
and explain why the change was made on a branch in the <description>.
Please only change this file on the trunk! Rather: you can change it
on branches if you want, but these changes will be ignored; only the
trunk version of this file is important.
Deprecations do not count as incompatible, assuming that code using the
deprecated calls continues to see their documented behavior. But do
specify deprecation="yes" in <compatibility>.
This file is not a replacement for Javadoc: it is intended to list changes,
not describe the complete current behavior, for which ordinary documentation
is the proper place.
<!-- First, a list of API names you may use: -->
<!-- Probably should not be used much: -->
<apidef name="util">Editor Utilities API</apidef>
<change id="GapListAddAll">
<summary>Added methods to append elements to a GapList</summary>
<version major="1" minor="64"/>
<date day="22" month="2" year="2016"/>
<author login="mmetelka"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible"/>
Added supplementary methods to GapList to accompany the existing
methods to add elements.
<class name="GapList" package="org.netbeans.lib.editor.util"/>
<issue number="257888"/>
<change id="EventPropertyStorage.test">
<summary>Added test for property storage support on events</summary>
<version major="1" minor="60"/>
<date day="20" month="5" year="2014"/>
<author login="sdedic"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible"/>
Presence of property storage depends on the event publisher or document implementation. A client that
wants to attach property to the event should be able to check whether the feature is available. In past
the check was done by testing the implementation document type, which is not desirable.
<change id="StringEscapeUtils">
<summary>Added String escape utils</summary>
<version major="1" minor="52"/>
<date day="10" month="12" year="2012"/>
<author login="mkristofic"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
Added <code>StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml</code> and <code>StringEscapeUtil.unescapeHtml</code>
to escape text to html.
<change id="BlockCompare-invalidX">
<summary>Added BlockCompare.invalidX() and invalidY()</summary>
<version major="1" minor="49"/>
<date day="30" month="7" year="2012"/>
<author login="mmetelka"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
Added <code>BlockCompare.invalidX()</code> and <code>BlockCompare.invalidY()</code>
to check for invalid bounds of compared blocks.
<change id="DocumentUtilities.document-property-listeners">
<summary>Added support for document property listeners</summary>
<version major="1" minor="35"/>
<date day="9" month="3" year="2010"/>
<author login="vstejskal"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
Adding <code>DocumentUtilities.addPropertyChangeListener(Document, PropertyChangeListener)</code>
and <code>DocumentUtilities.removePropertyChangeListener(Document, PropertyChangeListener)</code> in order
to support listening on document property changes.
<change id="DocumentUtilities.getDocumentTimestamp-added">
<summary>Added DocumentUtilities.getDocumentTimestamp(Document)</summary>
<version major="1" minor="34"/>
<date day="14" month="1" year="2010"/>
<author login="vstejskal"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
Adding DocumentUtilities.getDocumentTimestamp(Document) to provide access
to documents' timestamp property.
<change id="DocumentUtilities.getDocumentVersion-added">
<summary>Added DocumentUtilities.getDocumentVersion(Document)</summary>
<version major="1" minor="28"/>
<date day="1" month="2" year="2009"/>
<author login="vstejskal"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
Adding DocumentUtilities.getDocumentVersion(Document) to provide access
to documents' version property.
<change id="DocumentUtilities.debugOffset-added">
<summary>Added DocumentUtilities.debugOffset(Document, int)</summary>
<version major="1" minor="25"/>
<date day="16" month="6" year="2008"/>
<author login="mmetelka"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
Adding DocumentUtilities.debugOffset(Document, int) to dump both the integer offset
and line and column as seen in editor's status bar.
PositionRegion.toString(doc) debugs its bounds using debugOffset().
Added PositionRegion.getText() and PositionRegion.getString() to obtain text of the region.
<change id="getMimeType-added">
<summary>Added DocumentUtilities.getMimeType</summary>
<version major="1" minor="23"/>
<date day="10" month="1" year="2008"/>
<author login="vstejskal"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
Adding <code>DocumentUtilities.getMimeType(Document)</code> and
<code>DocumentUtilities.getMimeType(JTextComponent)</code> in order
to standardize access to documents' mimetype.
<change id="CharacterConversions-added">
<summary>Added CharacterConversions class</summary>
<version major="1" minor="21"/>
<date day="17" month="10" year="2007"/>
<author login="vstejskal"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
Adding <code>CharacterConversions</code> as a replacement for
<code>org.netbeans.editor.LineSeparatorConversion</code>, which was
<change id="DocumentListenerPriority.FIRST-added">
<summary>Added DocumentListenerPriority.FIRST</summary>
<version major="1" minor="20"/>
<date day="21" month="9" year="2007"/>
<author login="mmetelka"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
<code>DocumentListenerPriority.FIRST</code> is called prior any other
priority levels.
<change id="DocumentUtilities.getDocumentListenerCount-added">
<summary>Added DocumentUtilities.getDocumentListenerCount().</summary>
<version major="1" minor="19"/>
<date day="17" month="9" year="2007"/>
<author login="mmetelka"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
DocumentUtilities.getDocumentListenerCount() returns total count
of document listeners attached to a document covering the case when
the document priority listening is used.
<change id="ArrayUtilities.binarySearch-added">
<summary>Added ArrayUtilities.binarySearch(...) methods.</summary>
<version major="1" minor="18"/>
<date day="4" month="9" year="2007"/>
<author login="vstejskal"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
ArrayUtilities.binarySearch(int [] array, int key) and its variants
can be used for searching in sorted integer array (eg. containing
document offsets, etc.).
<change id="DocumentUtilities.isReadLocked-isWriteLocked">
<summary>Added DocumentUtilities.isReadLocked() and isWriteLocked().</summary>
<version major="1" minor="17"/>
<date day="27" month="3" year="2007"/>
<author login="mmetelka"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
DocumentUtilities.isReadLocked() and isWriteLocked() allow to check
whether AbstractDocument based documents are currently read/write-locked.
<change id="FlyOffsetGapList.elementOrEndOffset">
<summary>Added FlyOffsetGapList.elementOrEndOffset().</summary>
<version major="1" minor="16"/>
<date day="16" month="1" year="2007"/>
<author login="mmetelka"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
<code>FlyOffsetGapList.elementOrEndOffset()</code> added for use by lexer module
to get either an element's offset or end offset of the last element.
<change id="DocumentListenerPriority.LEXER">
<summary><code>DocumentListenerPriority.LEXER</code> added</summary>
<version major="1" minor="15"/>
<date day="6" month="12" year="2006"/>
<author login="mmetelka"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
<code>DocumentListenerPriority.LEXER</code> added for use by lexer module to update
token list for a document.
<change id="ArrayUtilities.unmodifiableList">
<summary>Added ArrayUtilities.unmodifiableList().</summary>
<version major="1" minor="14"/>
<date day="16" month="11" year="2006"/>
<author login="mmetelka"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" deletion="no" modification="no" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
ArrayUtilities.unmodifiableList() return simple unmodifiable list
for the given object array.
<change id="ListenerList.getListeners">
<summary>ListenerList.getListeners() return type changed.</summary>
<version major="1" minor="13"/>
<date day="17" month="10" year="2006"/>
<author login="vstejskal"/>
<compatibility addition="no" deletion="no" modification="yes" binary="incompatible" semantic="incompatible" />
ListenerList.getListeners now returns List&lt;T&gt; instead of T[]. The listeners
are returned in exactly the same order as they were added to the ListenerList.
<change id="CompactMap.MapEntry-abstract">
<summary>CompactMap.MapEntry made an abstract class (not interface).</summary>
<version major="1" minor="12"/>
<date day="11" month="10" year="2006"/>
<author login="mmetelka"/>
<compatibility addition="no" deletion="yes" modification="yes" binary="incompatible" semantic="incompatible" />
CompactMap.MapEntry was made an abstract class (instead of original interface)
to prevent misuse of CompactMap.MapEntry.setNextMapEntry(). CompactMap.AbstractMapEntry was removed.
<change id="ListenerList-DocumentListenerPriority.VIEW">
<summary>Added ListenerList and DocumentListenerPriority.VIEW.</summary>
<version major="1" minor="11"/>
<date day="13" month="9" year="2006"/>
<author login="mmetelka"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
Added ListenerList and added DocumentListenerPriority.VIEW.
<change id="PositionComparator-PositionRegion">
<summary>Added PositionComparator and PositionRegion</summary>
<version major="1" minor="6"/>
<date day="14" month="6" year="2005"/>
<author login="mmetelka"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
Added two new classes PositionComparator and PositionRegion
and a new level AFTER_CARET_UPDATE to DocumentListenerPriority class.
<issue number="59388"/>
<change id="org.netbeans.lib.editor.util">
<summary>Repackaged to org.netbeans.lib.editor.util package</summary>
<version major="1" minor="5"/>
<date day="13" month="3" year="2005"/>
<author login="mmetelka"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="incompatible" semantic="incompatible" />
The present classes were repackaged from org.netbeans.modules.editor.util
into org.netbeans.lib.editor.util package to fulfil the editor module
split proposal <a href="">#51486</a>
according to which the editor classes independent of the NB IDE
should be placed under org.netbeans.lib package.
<issue number="56339"/>
<change id="DocumentUtilities.addDocumentListener-priority">
<summary>Added document listeners ordering support</summary>
<version major="1" minor="4"/>
<date day="24" month="3" year="2005"/>
<author login="mmetelka"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" semantic="compatible" />
Added document listeners ordering support through
<code>DocumentUtilities.addDocumentListener(doc, listener, priority)</code>.
<issue number="35034"/>
<!-- Now the surrounding HTML text and document structure: -->
==============> DO NOT EDIT ME! <======================
SEE editor/util/api/apichanges.xml
<title>Change History for the Editor Utilities API</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="prose.css" type="text/css"/>
<p class="overviewlink"><a href="overview-summary.html">Overview</a></p>
<p>This document lists changes made to the <a href="@TOP@">Editor Utilities
API</a>. Please ask on the <code></code> mailing list
if you have any questions about the details of a
change, or are wondering how to convert existing code to be compatible.</p>
<!-- The actual lists of changes, as summaries and details: -->
<hr/><standard-changelists module-code-name="org.netbeans.modules.editor.util"/>