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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.openide.options;
import org.netbeans.junit.*;
import junit.textui.TestRunner;
import org.openide.util.SharedClassObject;
/** Test system options (their serialization and deserialization specifically).
* @author Jesse Glick
public class SystemOptionTest extends NbTestCase {
public SystemOptionTest(String name) {
public static void main(String[] args) { NbTestSuite(SystemOptionTest.class));
/** Test manipulation of a SystemOption in memory.
@RandomlyFails //
public void testBasicUsage() throws Exception {
assertNull(SharedClassObject.findObject(SimpleOption.class, false));
SimpleOption o = (SimpleOption)SharedClassObject.findObject(SimpleOption.class, true);
assertEquals(3, o.getX());
assertEquals("hello", o.getY());
assertEquals(5, o.getX());
assertEquals("nue", o.getY());
/** Test deserializability of a simple option.
* Uses both SCO properties and static vars for storage; SystemOption
* should treat them the same because the vars match the property types.
public void testDeserialization() throws Exception {
InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("simpleOption2.ser");
assertNotNull("simpleOption2.ser exists", is);
try {
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is);
SimpleOption2 o = (SimpleOption2)ois.readObject();
assertEquals(4, o.getX());
assertEquals(4, o.getX2());
assertEquals("four", o.getY());
assertEquals("four", o.getY2());
} finally {
/** Test deserializability of an option which stores props in a special way.
* Note that it keeps properties but they are not assignable to the property type.
* I.e. the property type is for client use only, not for storage.
* The Cell's are actually stored; we keep track of the "natural state"; the .ser
* was stored with saveNatural turned on, so we check that it is really deserializing
* the Cell's and not just calling the getters with the public values.
public void testMixedTypeDeserialization() throws Exception {
InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("mixedTypeOption.ser");
assertNotNull("mixedTypeOption.ser exists", is);
try {
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is);
MixedTypeOption o = (MixedTypeOption)ois.readObject();
assertEquals("25", o.getX());
assertEquals(25, o.getY());
// Makes a network connection: assertEquals(new URL(""), o.getZ());
assertEquals("", o.getZ().getHost());
assertEquals(26, o.getY());
} finally {
// Implements reset to default values
public void testSimpleResetToOldValuesWhenTheyWereInitializedInInitialize () throws Exception {
SimpleOption s = (SimpleOption)SimpleOption.findObject (SimpleOption.class, true);
s.setX (-10);
s.setY ("-10");
s.reset ();
assertEquals ("Was 3 in initialize", 3, s.getX ());
assertEquals ("Was hello", "hello", s.getY ());
public void testSimpleResetEvenWhenWeHaveStaticInitialValues () throws Exception {
SimpleOption2 s = (SimpleOption2)SimpleOption.findObject (SimpleOption2.class, true);
class PL implements java.beans.PropertyChangeListener {
public int cnt;
public String name;
public void propertyChange (java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent ev) {
name = ev.getPropertyName ();
public void assertChange (String name, int cnt) {
if (name != null) {
assertEquals ("The this property had to change", name,; = null;
if (cnt != -1) {
assertEquals ("This number of times", cnt, this.cnt);
this.cnt = 0;
PL pl = new PL ();
s.addPropertyChangeListener (pl);
s.setX (-10);
pl.assertChange ("x", 1);
s.setX (-9);
pl.assertChange ("x", 1);
s.setY ("-10");
pl.assertChange ("y", 1);
s.setX2 (7777);
s.setY2 ("-4444");
s.reset ();
assertEquals ("Was 3 in initialize", 3, s.getX ());
assertEquals ("Was hello", "hello", s.getY ());
assertEquals ("2 Was 3 in initialize", 3, s.getX2 ());
assertEquals ("2 Was hello", "hello", s.getY2 ());
public void testTheProblemWithI18NOptionsAsDiscoveredRecentlyWithIssue20962 () throws Exception {
I18NLikeOption s = (I18NLikeOption)I18NLikeOption.findObject (I18NLikeOption.class, true);
assertFalse ("Not set by default", s.isAdvancedWizard ());
s.setAdvancedWizard (true);
assertTrue ("Changes to true", s.isAdvancedWizard ());
s.reset ();
assertFalse ("Is cleared", s.isAdvancedWizard ());
s.setAdvancedWizard (true);
assertTrue ("yes again", s.isAdvancedWizard ());
s.setAdvancedWizard (false);
assertFalse ("no again", s.isAdvancedWizard ());
s.reset ();
assertFalse ("still no", s.isAdvancedWizard ());
// XXX test that serialization works and matches deserialization
// (hint: use MaskingURLClassLoader from SharedClassObjectTest)
// XXX test that SharedClassObject.find(optionClass, true) asks Lookup for the singleton
// XXX test that the BeanInfo property descriptors are really used to determine
// property names and writability (and that these can override getter/setter name munging)
// XXX test that isReadExternal/isWriteExternal work
// XXX test that read-only properties are not stored
// XXX test that deser failure of one property does not break others
// XXX ContextSystemOptionTest: test that child options are stored correctly, bean context
// works, serialization stores all of them together
// XXX VetoSystemOptionTest: test that you can veto some property changes
public static final class SimpleOption extends SystemOption {
public String displayName() {
return "SimpleOption";
protected void initialize() {
public int getX() {
return ((Integer)getProperty("x")).intValue();
public void setX(int x) {
putProperty("x", new Integer(x), true);
public String getY() {
return (String)getProperty("y");
public void setY(String y) {
putProperty("y", y, true);
public void reset () {
super.reset ();
public static final class SimpleOption2 extends SystemOption {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2456964509644026223L;
public String displayName() {
return "SimpleOption2";
private static int x2 = 3;
private static String y2 = "hello";
protected void initialize() {
public int getX() {
return ((Integer)getProperty("x")).intValue();
public void setX(int x) {
putProperty("x", new Integer(x), true);
public String getY() {
return (String)getProperty("y");
public void setY(String y) {
putProperty("y", y, true);
public int getX2() {
return x2;
public void setX2(int nue) {
int old = x2;
x2 = nue;
firePropertyChange("x2", new Integer(old), new Integer(nue));
public String getY2() {
return y2;
public void setY2(String nue) {
String old = y2;
y2 = nue;
firePropertyChange("y2", old, nue);
public void reset () {
super.reset ();
public static class MixedTypeOption extends SystemOption {
private static final class Cell implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2882494319143608556L;
public final Object o;
public final boolean natural;
public Cell(Object o, boolean natural) {
this.o = o;
this.natural = natural;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 262688904041933263L;
public static boolean saveNatural = false;
public boolean isNatural(String prop) {
return ((Cell)getProperty(prop)).natural;
public String displayName() {
return "MixedTypeOption";
protected void initialize() {
putProperty("x", new Cell(new Integer(12), true));
putProperty("y", new Cell("12", true));
putProperty("z", new Cell("", true));
public String getX() {
return ((Integer)((Cell)getProperty("x")).o).toString();
public void setX(String x) {
putProperty("x", new Cell(new Integer(x), saveNatural));
public int getY() {
return Integer.parseInt((String)((Cell)getProperty("y")).o);
public void setY(int i) {
putProperty("y", new Cell(String.valueOf(i), saveNatural));
public URL getZ() {
try {
return new URL((String)((Cell)getProperty("z")).o);
} catch (MalformedURLException mfue) {
throw new IllegalStateException(mfue.toString());
public void setZ(URL z) {
putProperty("z", new Cell(z.toString(), saveNatural));
public static class I18NLikeOption extends SystemOption {
public static final String PROP_ADVANCED_WIZARD = "advancedWizard";
/** Implements superclass abstract method. */
public String displayName() {
return "I18NLikeOption";
/** Getter for init advanced wizard property. */
public boolean isAdvancedWizard() {
// Lazy init.
if(getProperty(PROP_ADVANCED_WIZARD) == null)
return false;
return ((Boolean)getProperty(PROP_ADVANCED_WIZARD)).booleanValue();
/** Setter for init advanced wizard property. */
public void setAdvancedWizard(boolean generateField) {
// Stores in class-wide state and fires property changes if needed:
putProperty(PROP_ADVANCED_WIZARD, generateField ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, true);