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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.openide.actions;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.netbeans.junit.Log;
import org.openide.awt.DynamicMenuContent;
import org.openide.util.actions.CallbackSystemAction;
import org.openide.util.actions.Presenter;
/** Test behaviour of PasteAction intogether with clonning.
public class PasteActionTest extends AbstractCallbackActionTestHidden {
public static Test suite() {
return GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() ? new TestSuite() : new TestSuite(PasteActionTest.class);
public PasteActionTest(String name) {
protected Class<? extends CallbackSystemAction> actionClass() {
return PasteAction.class;
protected String actionKey () {
return javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit.pasteAction;
public void testListenersAreUnregisteredBug32073 () throws Exception {
action.assertListeners ("When we created clone, we added a listener", 1);
Reference<?> ref = new WeakReference<Object>(clone);
clone = null;
assertGC ("Clone can disappear", ref);
action.assertListeners ("No listeners, as the clone has been GCed", 0);
public void testPresenterCanBeGCedIssue47314 () throws Exception {
javax.swing.JMenuItem item = ((Presenter.Popup) clone).getPopupPresenter();
Reference<?> itemref = new WeakReference<Object>(item);
item = null;
Reference<?> ref = new WeakReference<Object>(clone);
clone = null;
assertGC ("Item can disappear", itemref);
assertGC ("Clone can disappear", ref);
public void testDelegatesAsOneAction() {
OurAction[] arr = {
new OurAction ()
action.setEnabled (true);
assertTrue ("Now is the action enabled", clone.isEnabled());
listener.assertCnt ("No change fired as it was enabled by default", 0);
arr[0].setEnabled (false);
action.putValue ("delegates", arr);
assertTrue ("Clone should be disabled as the only action we delegate is", !clone.isEnabled ());
listener.assertCnt ("That means one change should be fired", 1);
action.setEnabled (false);
assertTrue ("No influence on enabled state in delegate mode", !clone.isEnabled ());
listener.assertCnt ("No changes fired", 0);
arr[0].setEnabled (true);
assertTrue ("State of clone changed to be enabled", clone.isEnabled ());
listener.assertCnt ("Change fired", 1);
arr[0].setEnabled (false);
assertTrue ("Disabled again", !clone.isEnabled ());
listener.assertCnt ("Changed delivered", 1);
action.putValue ("delegates", null);
assertTrue ("Still disabled, because action itself is disabled", !clone.isEnabled ());
listener.assertCnt ("No changes due to that", 0);
action.setEnabled (true);
assertTrue ("Now we are listening to just the one action", clone.isEnabled ());
listener.assertCnt ("And that is why we should be enabled with one event change", 1);
arr[0].setEnabled (false);
action.putValue ("delegates", arr);
assertTrue ("Now we have delegates again, thus we are disabled", !clone.isEnabled ());
listener.assertCnt ("One change delivered", 1);
public void testDelegatesAsArrayOfAction () throws Exception {
OurAction[] arr = {
new OurAction ()
action.putValue ("delegates", arr);
//arr[0].setEnabled (true);
TopComponent tc = new TopComponent();
tc.getActionMap ().put(javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit.pasteAction, action);
CharSequence log = Log.enable(PasteAction.class.getName(), Level.WARNING);
global.actionPerformed (new ActionEvent (this, 0, "waitFinished"));
assertEquals("Log is empty", "", log.toString());
arr[0].assertCnt ("Performed on delegate", 1);
action.assertCnt ("Not performed on action", 0);
public void testDelegatesAsArrayOfPasteType () throws Exception {
OurPasteType [] arr = {
new OurPasteType ()
action.putValue ("delegates", arr);
//arr[0].setEnabled (true);
TopComponent tc = new TopComponent();
tc.getActionMap ().put(javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit.pasteAction, action);
global.actionPerformed (new ActionEvent (this, 0, "waitFinished"));
action.assertCnt ("Not performed on action", 0);
arr[0].assertCnt ("Performed on delegate", 1);
public void testDelegatesAsMoreActions () throws Exception {
action.setEnabled (false);
listener.assertCnt ("One changed now", 1);
OurAction[] arr = {
new OurAction (),
new OurAction ()
action.putValue ("delegates", arr);
assertTrue ("Enabled because it has more than one action", clone.isEnabled ());
listener.assertCnt ("One changes since that", 1);
action.putValue ("delegates", new Object[0]);
assertTrue ("Disabled as no delegates", !clone.isEnabled ());
listener.assertCnt ("One changes since that", 1);
action.putValue ("delegates", arr);
assertTrue ("Enabled again", clone.isEnabled ());
clone.actionPerformed (new java.awt.event.ActionEvent (this, 0, "waitFinished"));
arr[0].assertCnt ("First delegate invoked", 1);
public void testDelegatesAsMorePasteTypes () throws Exception {
action.setEnabled (false);
listener.assertCnt ("One changed now", 1);
OurPasteType[] arr = {
new OurPasteType(),
new OurPasteType()
action.putValue ("delegates", arr);
assertTrue ("Enabled because it has more than one action", clone.isEnabled ());
listener.assertCnt ("One changes since that", 1);
action.putValue ("delegates", new Object[0]);
assertTrue ("Disabled as no delegates", !clone.isEnabled ());
listener.assertCnt ("One changes since that", 1);
action.putValue ("delegates", arr);
assertTrue ("Enabled again", clone.isEnabled ());
clone.actionPerformed (new java.awt.event.ActionEvent (this, 0, "waitFinished"));
arr[0].assertCnt ("First delegate invoked", 1);
arr = new OurPasteType[] { new OurPasteType () };
action.putValue ("delegates", arr);
assertTrue ("Enabled still", clone.isEnabled ());
clone.actionPerformed (new java.awt.event.ActionEvent (this, 0, "waitFinished"));
arr[0].assertCnt ("First delegate invoked", 1);
public void testDisableIsOk() throws Exception {
PasteAction p = PasteAction.get(PasteAction.class);
class A extends AbstractAction {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
A a = new A();
// action.putValue("delegates", new A[0]);
TopComponent td = new TopComponent();
td.getActionMap().put(javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit.pasteAction, a);
assertFalse("Disabled", p.isEnabled());
JMenuItem item = p.getMenuPresenter();
assertTrue("Dynamic one: " + item, item instanceof DynamicMenuContent);
DynamicMenuContent d = (DynamicMenuContent)item;
JComponent[] items = d.getMenuPresenters();
items = d.synchMenuPresenters(items);
assertEquals("One item", 1, items.length);
assertTrue("One jmenu item", items[0] instanceof JMenuItem);
JMenuItem one = (JMenuItem)items[0];
assertFalse("And is disabled", one.getModel().isEnabled());
private static final class OurPasteType extends org.openide.util.datatransfer.PasteType {
private int cnt;
public java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable paste() throws {
return null;
public void assertCnt (String msg, int count) {
assertEquals (msg, count, this.cnt);
this.cnt = 0;
} // end of OurPasteType