blob: 4613e5d6c3be97d78b45019deadf7fda6c57fa6b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.netbeans.updater;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
* @author Jiri Rechtacek
public final class ModuleDeactivator extends Object {
public static final String TO_UNINSTALL = "to_uninstall.txt"; // NOI18N
public static final String TO_DISABLE = "to_disable.txt"; // NOI18N
public static final String CONFIG = "config"; // NOI18N
public static final String MODULES = "Modules"; // NOI18N
private final UpdatingContext context;
ModuleDeactivator (UpdatingContext context) {
this.context = context;
public void delete () {
assert ! SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread () : "Cannot run in EQ";
context.setLabel (Localization.getBrandedString ("CTL_DeletingFiles"));
Collection<File> allFiles = new HashSet<File> ();
for (File cluster : UpdateTracking.clusters (true)) {
boolean modified = allFiles.addAll (readFilesMarkedForDeleteInCluster (cluster));
modified = allFiles.add (getControlFileForMarkedForDelete (cluster)) || modified;
modified = allFiles.add (getDeactivateLater (cluster)) || modified;
if (modified) {
UpdaterDispatcher.touchLastModified (cluster);
context.setProgressRange (0, allFiles.size ());
int i = 0;
for (File f : allFiles) {
doDelete (f);
context.setProgressValue (i ++);
public void disable () {
assert ! SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread () : "Cannot run in EQ";
context.setLabel (Localization.getBrandedString ("CTL_DisablingFiles"));
Collection<File> allControlFiles = new HashSet<File> ();
for (File cluster : UpdateTracking.clusters (true)) {
allControlFiles.addAll (readFilesMarkedForDisableInCluster (cluster));
doDelete (getControlFileForMarkedForDisable (cluster));
doDelete (getDeactivateLater (cluster));
context.setProgressRange (0, allControlFiles.size ());
int i = 0;
for (File f : allControlFiles) {
doDisable (f);
context.setProgressValue (i ++);
public static boolean hasModulesForDelete (File updateDir) {
File deactivateDir = new File (updateDir, UpdaterDispatcher.DEACTIVATE_DIR);
return deactivateDir.exists () && deactivateDir.isDirectory () && Arrays.asList (deactivateDir.list ()).contains (TO_UNINSTALL);
public static boolean hasModulesForDisable (File updateDir) {
File deactivateDir = new File (updateDir, UpdaterDispatcher.DEACTIVATE_DIR);
return deactivateDir.exists () && deactivateDir.isDirectory () && Arrays.asList (deactivateDir.list ()).contains (TO_DISABLE);
public static File getDeactivateLater (File cluster) {
File file = new File (cluster,
UpdaterDispatcher.UPDATE_DIR + // update
UpdateTracking.FILE_SEPARATOR + UpdaterDispatcher.DEACTIVATE_DIR + // update/deactivate
UpdateTracking.FILE_SEPARATOR + UpdaterDispatcher.DEACTIVATE_LATER); // deactivate_later.xml
return file;
public static File getControlFileForMarkedForDelete (File cluster) {
File file = new File (cluster,
UpdaterDispatcher.UPDATE_DIR + // update
UpdateTracking.FILE_SEPARATOR + UpdaterDispatcher.DEACTIVATE_DIR + // update/deactivate
UpdateTracking.FILE_SEPARATOR + ModuleDeactivator.TO_UNINSTALL); // to_uninstall.txt
return file;
public static File getControlFileForMarkedForDisable (File cluster) {
File file = new File (cluster,
UpdaterDispatcher.UPDATE_DIR + // update
UpdateTracking.FILE_SEPARATOR + UpdaterDispatcher.DEACTIVATE_DIR + // update/deactivate
UpdateTracking.FILE_SEPARATOR + ModuleDeactivator.TO_DISABLE); // to_disable.txt
return file;
// utils
public static void writeStringToFile (String content, File file) {
BufferedWriter writer = null;
try {
try {
writer = new BufferedWriter (new FileWriter (file));
writer.write (content);"File " + file + " modified." );
} finally {
if (writer != null) writer.close ();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
XMLUtil.LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot write " + file, ioe);
public static String readStringFromFile (File file) {
StringBuffer fileData = null;
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
try {
fileData = new StringBuffer ();
reader = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (file));
char[] buf = new char[1024];
int numRead;
while ((numRead = (buf)) != -1) {
String readData = String.valueOf (buf, 0, numRead);
fileData.append (readData);
buf = new char[1024];
} finally {
if (reader != null) reader.close ();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
XMLUtil.LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot read " + file, ioe);
return fileData == null ? "" : fileData.toString ();
// private methods
// delete file and empty dirs too
private static void doDelete (File f) {
assert f != null : "Invalid file " + f + " for delete.";
if (! f.exists ()) {
return ;
}"Deleting file: " + f);
if (! f.delete ()) {
// updater_nb.jar is locked on windows, don't throw AE here
//assert false : f + " cannot be deleted";
f.deleteOnExit ();"File " + f + " cannot be deleted. Will be delete later on exit.");
} else {"File " + f + " deleted.");
f = f.getParentFile ();
while (f != null && doDeleteEmptyDirectory (f)) {
f = f.getParentFile (); // remove empty dirs too
private static boolean doDeleteEmptyDirectory (File d) {
assert d != null : d + " cannot be null";
boolean res;
if (d.isDirectory ()) { // #132673: remove .lastModified as well if the directory is empty
List<File> files = Arrays.asList (d.listFiles ());
if (files.size () == 1) {
File f = files.get (0);
if (UpdaterDispatcher.LAST_MODIFIED.endsWith (f.getName ())) {
if (f.delete ()) {
d.delete ();
}"File " + f + " deleted.");
res = d.delete ();"Directory " + d + " deleted.");
} else {
res = d.delete ();"File " + d + " deleted.");
return res;
private static Set<File> readFilesMarkedForDeleteInCluster (File cluster) {
File mark4deleteFile = getControlFileForMarkedForDelete (cluster);
if (! mark4deleteFile.exists ()) {
return Collections.emptySet ();
Set<File> toDelete = new HashSet<File> ();
String content = readStringFromFile (mark4deleteFile);
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer (content, UpdateTracking.PATH_SEPARATOR);
while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements ()) {
String filePath = tokenizer.nextToken ();
File f = new File (filePath);
if (f.exists ()) {
toDelete.add (f);
return toDelete;
private static Set<File> readFilesMarkedForDisableInCluster (File cluster) {
File mark4disableFile = getControlFileForMarkedForDisable (cluster);
if (! mark4disableFile.exists ()) {
return Collections.emptySet ();
Set<File> toDisable = new HashSet<File> ();
String content = readStringFromFile (mark4disableFile);
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer (content, UpdateTracking.PATH_SEPARATOR);
while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements ()) {
String filePath = tokenizer.nextToken ();
File f = new File (filePath);
if (f.exists ()) {
toDisable.add (f);
return toDisable;
private static String ENABLE_TAG = "<param name=\"enabled\">true</param>";
private static String DISABLE_TAG = "<param name=\"enabled\">false</param>";
private static void doDisable (File f) {
String content = readStringFromFile (f);
int pos = content.indexOf (ENABLE_TAG);
assert pos != -1 : ENABLE_TAG + " must be contained in " + content;
int shift = ENABLE_TAG.length ();
String pre = content.substring (0, pos);
String post = content.substring (pos + shift);
String res = pre + DISABLE_TAG + post;
File configDir = new File (new File (UpdateTracking.getUserDir (), CONFIG), MODULES);
configDir.mkdirs ();
File dest = new File (configDir, f.getName());
writeStringToFile (res, dest);