blob: a97c314271a860058a8bf8bcefb80de7b91a11ce [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.spi.PathNodeVisitor;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.api.ModelUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.Documentation;
import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.ElementKind;
import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.Modifier;
import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.OffsetRange;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.doc.api.JsDocumentationSupport;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.lexer.api.JsTokenId;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.doc.spi.DocParameter;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.doc.spi.JsComment;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.doc.spi.JsDocumentationHolder;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.doc.spi.JsModifier;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.types.api.DeclarationScope;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.types.api.Identifier;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.types.api.Type;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.types.api.TypeUsage;
import static org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.ModelElementFactory.create;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.api.JsArray;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.api.JsElement;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.api.JsFunction;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.api.JsObject;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.api.JsWith;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.api.Model;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.api.Occurrence;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.spi.FunctionArgument;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.spi.FunctionInterceptor;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.types.spi.ParserResult;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.util.lookup.ServiceProvider;
* @author Petr Pisl
public class ModelVisitor extends PathNodeVisitor implements ModelResolver {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ModelVisitor.class.getName());
private final ModelBuilder modelBuilder;
private final OccurrenceBuilder occurrenceBuilder;
* Keeps the name of the visited properties
private final ParserResult parserResult;
// keeps objects that are created as arguments of a function call
private final Stack<Collection<JsObjectImpl>> functionArgumentStack = new Stack<>();
private Map<FunctionInterceptor, Collection<FunctionCall>> functionCalls = null;
private static final String BLOCK_OBJECT_NAME_PREFIX = "block-"; //NOI18N
public ModelVisitor(ParserResult parserResult, OccurrenceBuilder occurrenceBuilder) {
FileObject fileObject = parserResult.getSnapshot().getSource().getFileObject();
this.modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder(JsFunctionImpl.createGlobal(
fileObject, Integer.MAX_VALUE, parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType()));
this.occurrenceBuilder = occurrenceBuilder;
this.parserResult = parserResult;
public void init() {
final FunctionNode root = parserResult.getLookup().lookup(FunctionNode.class);
if (root != null) {
public JsObject getGlobalObject() {
return modelBuilder.getGlobal();
public void processCalls(
org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.spi.ModelElementFactory elementFactory,
Map<String, Map<Integer, List<TypeUsage>>> returnTypesFromFrameworks) {
final Map<FunctionInterceptor, Collection<ModelVisitor.FunctionCall>> calls = getCallsForProcessing();
if (calls != null && !calls.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<FunctionInterceptor, Collection<ModelVisitor.FunctionCall>> entry : calls.entrySet()) {
Collection<ModelVisitor.FunctionCall> fncCalls = entry.getValue();
if (fncCalls != null && !fncCalls.isEmpty()) {
for (ModelVisitor.FunctionCall call : fncCalls) {
Collection<TypeUsage> returnTypes = entry.getKey().intercept(parserResult.getSnapshot(), call.getName(),
getGlobalObject(), call.getScope(), elementFactory, call.getArguments());
if (returnTypes != null) {
Map<Integer, List<TypeUsage>> functionCalls = returnTypesFromFrameworks.get(call.getName());
if (functionCalls == null) {
functionCalls = new HashMap<>();
returnTypesFromFrameworks.put(call.getName(), functionCalls);
List<TypeUsage> types = functionCalls.get(call.getCallOffset());
if (types == null) {
types = new ArrayList<>();
functionCalls.put(call.getCallOffset(), types);
for (TypeUsage type: returnTypes) {
if (!types.contains(type)) {
public List<Identifier> getASTNodeName(final Object astNode) {
if (astNode instanceof Node) {
return getNodeName((Node)astNode, parserResult);
return Collections.emptyList();
public boolean enterAccessNode(AccessNode accessNode) {
BinaryNode node = getPath().get(getPath().size() - 1) instanceof BinaryNode
? (BinaryNode)getPath().get(getPath().size() - 1) : null;
if (!(node != null && node.tokenType() == TokenType.ASSIGN)) {
if (accessNode.getBase() instanceof IdentNode && ModelUtils.THIS.equals(((IdentNode)accessNode.getBase()).getName())) { //NOI18N
String iNode = accessNode.getProperty();
JsObject current = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction();
JsObject property = current.getProperty(iNode);
if (property == null && current.getParent() != null && (current.getParent().getJSKind() == JsElement.Kind.CONSTRUCTOR
|| current.getParent().getJSKind() == JsElement.Kind.OBJECT)) {
current = current.getParent();
property = current.getProperty(iNode);
if (property == null && ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE.equals(current.getName())) {
current = current.getParent();
property = current.getProperty(iNode);
if (property == null && current.getParent() == null) {
// probably we are in global space and there is used this
property = modelBuilder.getGlobal().getProperty(iNode);
if (property != null && !property.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) {
// we don't want to add occurrences for cases like var buf = this.buf. See issue #267694
((JsObjectImpl)property).addOccurrence(new OffsetRange(accessNode.getFinish() - iNode.length(), accessNode.getFinish()));
return super.enterAccessNode(accessNode);
public Node leaveAccessNode(AccessNode accessNode) {
createJsObject(accessNode, parserResult, modelBuilder);
return super.leaveAccessNode(accessNode);
public boolean enterBlock(Block block) {
DeclarationScopeImpl blockScope = (DeclarationScopeImpl)modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationScope().getProperty(BLOCK_OBJECT_NAME_PREFIX + block.getStart());
if ( blockScope!= null) {
// in this block there are a declarations that we are interested in.
return super.enterBlock(block);
public Node leaveBlock(Block block) {
DeclarationScopeImpl currentScope = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationScope();
if (currentScope.getJSKind() == JsElement.Kind.BLOCK && currentScope.getName().equals(BLOCK_OBJECT_NAME_PREFIX + block.getStart())) {
// removing the block as declaration scope from
return super.leaveBlock(block);
public boolean enterBinaryNode(BinaryNode binaryNode) {
Node lhs = binaryNode.lhs();
Node rhs = binaryNode.rhs();
if (lhs instanceof LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode && binaryNode.tokenType() == TokenType.ASSIGN) {
// case of destructuring assgnment like [a,b] = ....
LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode lan = (LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode)lhs;
if (rhs instanceof LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode) {
// case [a, b] = [1, 2]
LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode ran = (LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode)rhs;
List<Expression> lExpressions = lan.getElementExpressions();
List<Expression> rExpressions = ran.getElementExpressions();
for (int i = 0; i < lExpressions.size(); i++) {
Expression lExpression = lExpressions.get(i);
if (i < rExpressions.size()) {
Expression rExpression = rExpressions.get(i);
processBinaryNode(lExpression, rExpression, TokenType.ASSIGN);
} else {
} else {
// other cases
} else if (lhs instanceof ObjectNode && binaryNode.tokenType() == TokenType.ASSIGN) {
// cases {a, b} = ...
ObjectNode lObjectNode = (ObjectNode)lhs;
JsObjectImpl rObject = null;
// prepare variables that are available in the current scope for later usage
DeclarationScopeImpl scope = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationScope();
Collection<? extends JsObject> variables = ModelUtils.getVariables(scope);
if (rhs instanceof ObjectNode) {
// case {a, b} = {a:1, b:2}
// the rhs object we have to put to the model as anonymous object. At least will be colored in the right way
ObjectNode rObjectNode = (ObjectNode)rhs;
rObject = ModelElementFactory.createAnonymousObject(parserResult, rObjectNode, modelBuilder);
if (!functionArgumentStack.isEmpty()) {
for (PropertyNode rPropertyNode : rObjectNode.getElements()) {
} else {
if (rhs instanceof IdentNode) {
// we will try to find the right object literal
rObject = (JsObjectImpl)ModelUtils.getScopeVariable(scope, ((IdentNode)rhs).getName());
if (rObject != null) {
// find variables that are mentioned on the left site and assign the types from
// property with the same name from the right site
for (PropertyNode lPropertyNode : lObjectNode.getElements()) {
String variableName = null;
if (isKeyAndValueEquals(lPropertyNode)) {
// case {p:var1, q:var2} = {p:1, q:2} or {p:var1, q:var2} = objectLiteral
variableName = lPropertyNode.getKeyName();
} else if (lPropertyNode.getValue() instanceof IdentNode) {
variableName = ((IdentNode)lPropertyNode.getValue()).getName();
} else if (lPropertyNode.getValue() instanceof BinaryNode) {
BinaryNode bNode = (BinaryNode)lPropertyNode.getValue();
if (bNode.tokenType() == TokenType.ASSIGN && bNode.lhs() instanceof IdentNode) {
// the default parameter {a=10, b=20} = ....
variableName = ((IdentNode)bNode.lhs()).getName();
if (variableName != null) {
JsObject variable = ModelUtils.getScopeVariable(scope, variableName);
JsObject rProperty = rObject.getProperty(lPropertyNode.getKeyName());
if (variable != null && rProperty != null) {
// copy types from the properties
for (TypeUsage assignment : rProperty.getAssignments()){
variable.addAssignment(assignment, rProperty.getOffset());
if (!isKeyAndValueEquals(lPropertyNode)) {
// mark occurrences in case {p:var1, q:var2} = {p:1, q:2} or {p:var1, q:var2} = objectLiteral
rProperty.addOccurrence(new OffsetRange(lPropertyNode.getStart(), lPropertyNode.getStart() + lPropertyNode.getKeyName().length()));
return false;
}else {
processBinaryNode(lhs, rhs, binaryNode.tokenType());
return super.enterBinaryNode(binaryNode);
private boolean isKeyAndValueEquals(PropertyNode pNode) {
if (pNode.getKey() instanceof IdentNode && pNode.getValue() instanceof IdentNode) {
IdentNode key = (IdentNode)pNode.getKey();
IdentNode value = (IdentNode)pNode.getValue();
return key.getName().equals(value.getName()) && key.getStart() == value.getStart();
if (pNode.getKey() instanceof IdentNode && pNode.getValue() instanceof BinaryNode
&& ((BinaryNode)pNode.getValue()).tokenType() == TokenType.ASSIGN && ((BinaryNode)pNode.getValue()).lhs() instanceof IdentNode) {
IdentNode key = (IdentNode)pNode.getKey();
IdentNode value = (IdentNode)((BinaryNode)pNode.getValue()).lhs();
return key.getName().equals(value.getName()) && key.getStart() == value.getStart();
return false;
private void processBinaryNode(Node lhs, Node rhs, TokenType tokenType) {
if (tokenType == TokenType.ASSIGN
&& !(/*rhs instanceof ReferenceNode ||*/ rhs instanceof ObjectNode)
&& (lhs instanceof AccessNode || lhs instanceof IdentNode || lhs instanceof IndexNode)) {
// TODO probably not only assign
JsObjectImpl parent = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction();
if (parent == null) {
// should not happened
String fieldName = null;
if (lhs instanceof AccessNode) {
AccessNode aNode = (AccessNode)lhs;
JsObjectImpl property = null;
List<Identifier> fqName = getName(aNode);
if (fqName != null && ModelUtils.THIS.equals(fqName.get(0).getName())) { //NOI18N
// a usage of field
fieldName = aNode.getProperty();
if (rhs instanceof IdentNode) {
// resolve occurrence of the indent node sooner, then is created the field.
addOccurrence((IdentNode)rhs, fieldName);
property = (JsObjectImpl)createJsObject(aNode, parserResult, modelBuilder);
} else {
// probably a property of an object
if (fqName != null) {
property = ModelUtils.getJsObject(modelBuilder, fqName, true);
if (property.getParent().getJSKind().isFunction() && !property.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC)) {
if (property != null) {
String parameter = null;
JsFunction function = (JsFunction)modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction();
if(rhs instanceof IdentNode) {
IdentNode iNode = (IdentNode)rhs;
if(/*function.getProperty(rhs.getName()) == null &&*/ function.getParameter(iNode.getName()) != null) {
parameter = "@param;" + function.getFullyQualifiedName() + ":" + iNode.getName(); //NOI18N
Collection<TypeUsage> types;
if (parameter == null) {
types = ModelUtils.resolveSemiTypeOfExpression(modelBuilder, rhs);
Collection<TypeUsage> correctedTypes = new ArrayList<>(types.size());
for (TypeUsage type : types) {
String typeName = type.getType();
// we have to check, whether a variable comming from resolvedr is not a parameter of function where the binary node is
if (typeName.startsWith(SemiTypeResolverVisitor.ST_VAR)) {
String varName = typeName.substring(SemiTypeResolverVisitor.ST_VAR.length());
if (function.getParameter(varName) != null) {
correctedTypes.add(new TypeUsage("@param;" + function.getFullyQualifiedName() + ":" + varName, type.getOffset(), false));
} else {
} else {
types = correctedTypes;
} else {
types = new ArrayList<>();
types.add(new TypeUsage(parameter, rhs.getStart(), false));
if (property.getDocumentation() == null) {
JsDocumentationHolder docHolder = JsDocumentationSupport.getDocumentationHolder(parserResult);
if (docHolder != null) {
List<Type> returnTypes = docHolder.getReturnType(lhs);
if (!returnTypes.isEmpty()) {
for (Type type : returnTypes) {
property.addAssignment(new TypeUsage(type.getType(), type.getOffset(), true), lhs.getFinish());
for (TypeUsage type : types) {
// plus 5 due to the this.
property.addAssignment(type, lhs.getStart() + 5);
} else {
JsObject lObject = null;
boolean indexNodeReferProperty = false;
int assignmentOffset = lhs.getFinish();
if (lhs instanceof IndexNode) {
IndexNode iNode = (IndexNode)lhs;
if (iNode.getBase() instanceof IdentNode) {
lObject = processLhs(ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, (IdentNode)iNode.getBase()), parent, false);
assignmentOffset = iNode.getFinish();
if (lObject != null && iNode.getIndex() instanceof LiteralNode) {
LiteralNode lNode = (LiteralNode)iNode.getIndex();
if (lNode.isString()) {
Identifier newPropName = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, lNode);
if (newPropName != null) {
indexNodeReferProperty = true;
if (lObject.getProperty(lNode.getString()) == null) {
JsObject newProperty = new JsObjectImpl(lObject, newPropName, newPropName.getOffsetRange(), true, parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType(), null);
lObject.addProperty(newPropName.getName(), newProperty);
assignmentOffset = lNode.getFinish();
lObject = processLhs(newPropName, lObject, true);
} else if (lhs instanceof IdentNode) {
lObject = processLhs(ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, (IdentNode)lhs), parent, true);
if (lObject != null && !(rhs instanceof FunctionNode)) {
Collection<TypeUsage> types = ModelUtils.resolveSemiTypeOfExpression(modelBuilder, rhs);
if (lhs instanceof IndexNode && lObject instanceof JsArrayImpl) {
} else {
boolean isIndexNode = lhs instanceof IndexNode;
if (!isIndexNode || (isIndexNode && indexNodeReferProperty)) {
for (TypeUsage type : types) {
lObject.addAssignment(type, assignmentOffset);
if (fieldName == null && rhs instanceof IdentNode) {
addOccurence((IdentNode)rhs, false);
} else if(tokenType != TokenType.ASSIGN
|| (tokenType == TokenType.ASSIGN && lhs instanceof IndexNode)) {
if (lhs instanceof IdentNode) {
addOccurence((IdentNode)lhs, tokenType == TokenType.ASSIGN);
if (rhs instanceof IdentNode) {
addOccurence((IdentNode)rhs, false);
public Node leaveBinaryNode(BinaryNode binaryNode) {
Node lhs = binaryNode.lhs();
Node rhs = binaryNode.rhs();
if (lhs instanceof IdentNode && rhs instanceof BinaryNode) {
Node rlhs = ((BinaryNode)rhs).lhs();
if (rlhs instanceof IdentNode) {
JsObject origFunction = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction().getProperty(((IdentNode)rlhs).getName());
if (origFunction != null && origFunction.getJSKind().isFunction()) {
JsObject refFunction = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction().getProperty(((IdentNode)lhs).getName());
if (refFunction != null && !refFunction.getJSKind().isFunction()) {
JsFunctionReference newReference = new JsFunctionReference(refFunction.getParent(), refFunction.getDeclarationName(), (JsFunction)origFunction, true, origFunction.getModifiers());
refFunction.getParent().addProperty(newReference.getName(), newReference);
return super.leaveBinaryNode(binaryNode);
public boolean enterCallNode(CallNode callNode) {
functionArgumentStack.push(new ArrayList<>(3));
if (callNode.getFunction() instanceof IdentNode) {
IdentNode iNode = (IdentNode)callNode.getFunction();
addOccurence(iNode, false, true);
for (Node argument : callNode.getArgs()) {
if (argument instanceof IdentNode) {
addOccurence((IdentNode) argument, false);
return super.enterCallNode(callNode);
public Node leaveCallNode(CallNode callNode) {
Collection<JsObjectImpl> functionArguments = functionArgumentStack.pop();
Node function = callNode.getFunction();
if (function instanceof AccessNode || function instanceof IdentNode) {
List<Identifier> funcName;
if (function instanceof AccessNode) {
funcName = getName((AccessNode) function);
} else {
funcName = new ArrayList<>();
funcName.add(new Identifier(((IdentNode) function).getName(), ((IdentNode) function).getStart()));
if (funcName != null) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Identifier identifier : funcName) {
if (functionCalls == null) {
functionCalls = new LinkedHashMap<>();
String name = sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1);
List<FunctionInterceptor> interceptorsToUse = new ArrayList<>();
for (FunctionInterceptor interceptor : ModelExtender.getDefault().getFunctionInterceptors()) {
if (interceptor.getNamePattern().matcher(name).matches()) {
for (FunctionInterceptor interceptor : interceptorsToUse) {
Collection<FunctionArgument> funcArg = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < callNode.getArgs().size(); i++) {
Node argument = callNode.getArgs().get(i);
createFunctionArgument(argument, i, functionArguments, funcArg);
Collection<FunctionCall> calls = functionCalls.get(interceptor);
if (calls == null) {
calls = new ArrayList<>();
functionCalls.put(interceptor, calls);
int callOffset = callNode.getFunction().getStart();
if (callNode.getFunction() instanceof AccessNode) {
AccessNode anode = (AccessNode)callNode.getFunction();
callOffset = anode.getFinish() - anode.getProperty().length();
calls.add(new FunctionCall(name, modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationScope(), funcArg, callOffset));
return super.leaveCallNode(callNode);
private void createFunctionArgument(Node argument, int position, Collection<JsObjectImpl> functionArguments,
Collection<FunctionArgument> result) {
if (argument instanceof LiteralNode) {
LiteralNode ln = (LiteralNode)argument;
if (ln.isString()) {
position, argument.getStart(), ln.getString()));
} else if (ln instanceof LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode) {
for (JsObjectImpl jsObject: functionArguments) {
if (jsObject.getOffset() == argument.getStart()) {
result.add(FunctionArgumentAccessor.getDefault().createForArray(position, jsObject.getOffset(), jsObject));
} else if (argument instanceof ObjectNode) {
for (JsObjectImpl jsObject: functionArguments) {
if (jsObject.getOffset() == argument.getStart()) {
result.add(FunctionArgumentAccessor.getDefault().createForAnonymousObject(position, jsObject.getOffset(), jsObject));
} else if (argument instanceof AccessNode) {
List<String> strFqn = new ArrayList<>();
if(fillName((AccessNode) argument, strFqn)) {
position, argument.getStart(), strFqn));
} else {
} else if (argument instanceof IndexNode) {
List<String> strFqn = new ArrayList<>();
if(fillName((IndexNode) argument, strFqn)) {
position, argument.getStart(), strFqn));
} else {
} else if (argument instanceof IdentNode) {
IdentNode in = (IdentNode) argument;
String inName = in.getName();
position, argument.getStart(),
} else if (argument instanceof UnaryNode) {
// we are handling foo(new Something())
UnaryNode un = (UnaryNode) argument;
if (un.tokenType() == TokenType.NEW) {
CallNode constructor = (CallNode) un.getExpression();
createFunctionArgument(constructor.getFunction(), position, functionArguments, result);
} else if (argument instanceof FunctionNode) {
FunctionNode reference = (FunctionNode) argument;
position, argument.getStart(),
} else {
public boolean enterCatchNode(CatchNode catchNode) {
Identifier exception = catchNode.getException() == null ? null : ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, catchNode.getException());
DeclarationScopeImpl inScope = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationScope();
CatchBlockImpl catchBlock = new CatchBlockImpl(inScope, exception,
new OffsetRange(catchNode.getStart(), catchNode.getFinish()), parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType());
return super.enterCatchNode(catchNode);
public Node leaveCatchNode(CatchNode catchNode) {
if (catchNode.getException() == null || !EmbeddingHelper.containsGeneratedIdentifier(catchNode.getException().getName())) {
return super.leaveCatchNode(catchNode);
public boolean enterClassNode(ClassNode node) {
IdentNode cnIdent = node.getIdent();
Node lastNode = getPreviousFromPath(1);
VarNode varNode = (lastNode instanceof VarNode) ? (VarNode)lastNode : null;
JsObject parent = modelBuilder.getCurrentObject();
JsObjectImpl classObject = null;
Identifier className = null;
Identifier refName = null;
if ((varNode != null && cnIdent != null && varNode.getName().getName().equals(cnIdent.getName()))
// case1: var Polygon = class Polygon {}
// case2: class Polygon {}
|| (varNode != null && !varNode.isExport() && cnIdent == null) ) {
// case 3: var Polygon = class{}
// we create just one object
className = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, varNode.getName());
} else if (varNode != null && cnIdent != null && !varNode.getName().getName().equals(cnIdent.getName())) {
// case 4: var Polygon = class PolygonOther{}
// The PolygonOther is available just for the inside the class.
className = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, varNode.getName());
refName = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, cnIdent);
} else if (varNode == null && cnIdent != null) {
className = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, cnIdent);
if (className != null) {
classObject = new JsObjectImpl(parent, className, new OffsetRange(node.getStart(), node.getFinish()), true, parent.getMimeType(), parent.getSourceLabel());
parent.addProperty(className.getName(), classObject);
if (refName != null) {
JsObjectReference reference = new JsObjectReference(classObject, refName, classObject, true, EnumSet.of(Modifier.PRIVATE));
classObject.addProperty(refName.getName(), reference);
if (classObject != null) {
if (node.getClassHeritage() != null) {
Expression classHeritage = node.getClassHeritage();
if (classHeritage instanceof IdentNode) {
JsObjectImpl proto = new JsObjectImpl(classObject, ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE, true, OffsetRange.NONE, EnumSet.of(Modifier.PUBLIC), classObject.getMimeType(), classObject.getSourceLabel());
classObject.addProperty(ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE, proto);
IdentNode type = (IdentNode)classHeritage;
proto.addAssignment(new TypeUsage(type.getName(), type.getStart(), true), type.getStart());
// visit constructor
// visit rest of declaration
for (PropertyNode element : node.getClassElements()) {
return false;
public boolean enterIdentNode(IdentNode identNode) {
Node previousVisited = getPath().get(getPath().size() - 1);
if(!(previousVisited instanceof AccessNode
|| previousVisited instanceof VarNode
|| previousVisited instanceof BinaryNode
|| previousVisited instanceof PropertyNode
|| previousVisited instanceof CatchNode
|| previousVisited instanceof LabelNode)) {
//boolean declared = previousVisited instanceof CatchNode;
addOccurence(identNode, false);
return super.enterIdentNode(identNode);
public Node leaveIndexNode(IndexNode indexNode) {
if (indexNode.getIndex() instanceof LiteralNode) {
Node base = indexNode.getBase();
JsObjectImpl parent = null;
if (base instanceof AccessNode) {
parent = (JsObjectImpl)createJsObject((AccessNode)base, parserResult, modelBuilder);
} else if (base instanceof IdentNode) {
IdentNode iNode = (IdentNode)base;
if (!ModelUtils.THIS.equals(iNode.getName())) {
Identifier parentName = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, iNode);
if (parentName != null) {
List<Identifier> fqName = new ArrayList<>();
parent = ModelUtils.getJsObject(modelBuilder, fqName, false);
}/* else {
JsObject current = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction();
fromAN = (JsObjectImpl)resolveThis(current);
if (parent != null && indexNode.getIndex() instanceof LiteralNode) {
LiteralNode literal = (LiteralNode)indexNode.getIndex();
if (literal.isString()) {
String index = literal.getPropertyName();
JsObjectImpl property = (JsObjectImpl)parent.getProperty(index);
if (property != null) {
property.addOccurrence(new OffsetRange(indexNode.getIndex().getStart(), indexNode.getIndex().getFinish()));
} else {
Identifier name = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, (LiteralNode)indexNode.getIndex());
if (name != null) {
property = new JsObjectImpl(parent, name, name.getOffsetRange(), parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType(), null);
parent.addProperty(name.getName(), property);
return super.leaveIndexNode(indexNode);
public boolean enterImportNode(ImportNode iNode) {
ImportClauseNode iClause = iNode.getImportClause();
FromNode from = iNode.getFrom();
if (iClause != null) {
IdentNode defaultBinding = iClause.getDefaultBinding();
NameSpaceImportNode nameSpaceImport = iClause.getNameSpaceImport();
NamedImportsNode namedImports = iClause.getNamedImports();
if (defaultBinding != null) {
Identifier importedAs = create(parserResult, defaultBinding);
// create a variable, which have assignment the same variable name from FromNode
JsObjectImpl property = createVariableFromImport(importedAs);
property.addAssignment(new TypeUsage(importedAs.getName()), importedAs.getOffsetRange().getEnd());
if (nameSpaceImport != null) {
Identifier importedAs = create(parserResult, nameSpaceImport.getBindingIdentifier());
// create a variable, which has all properties from FromNode module
if (namedImports != null && namedImports.getImportSpecifiers() != null) {
List<ImportSpecifierNode> importSpecifiers = namedImports.getImportSpecifiers();
for (ImportSpecifierNode importSpecifier : importSpecifiers) {
Identifier importedAs = create(parserResult, importSpecifier.getBindingIdentifier());
JsObjectImpl property;
property = createVariableFromImport(importedAs);
if (importSpecifier.getIdentifier() != null) {
Identifier inModuleName = create(parserResult, importSpecifier.getIdentifier());
property.addAssignment(new TypeUsage(inModuleName.getName()), inModuleName.getOffsetRange().getEnd());
return false;
private JsObjectImpl createVariableFromImport(Identifier name) {
JsFunctionImpl scope = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction();
JsObject existingProp = scope.getProperty(name.getName());
JsObjectImpl property = new JsObjectImpl(scope, name, name.getOffsetRange(), true, scope.getMimeType(), scope.getSourceLabel());
if (existingProp != null) {
ModelUtils.copyOccurrences(existingProp, property);
scope.addProperty(name.getName(), property);
return property;
public boolean enterExportNode(ExportNode exportNode) {
final ExportClauseNode exportClause = exportNode.getExportClause();
final FromNode from = exportNode.getFrom();
final Expression expression = exportNode.getExpression();
if (exportClause != null) {
for (ExportSpecifierNode esNode :exportClause.getExportSpecifiers()) {
IdentNode exported = esNode.getExportIdentifier();
IdentNode local = esNode.getIdentifier();
JsObjectImpl property = (JsObjectImpl)modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction().getProperty(local.getName());
if (exported == null) {
if (property == null) {
property = createVariableFromImport(create(parserResult, local));
} else {
addOccurence (local, false);
property = createVariableFromImport(create(parserResult, exported));
if (from != null && property != null) {
TypeUsage type = new TypeUsage(local.getName(), local.getFinish());
property.addAssignment(type, local.getFinish());
if (expression != null) {
return false;
public boolean enterForNode(ForNode forNode) {
if (forNode.getInit() instanceof IdentNode) {
JsObject parent = modelBuilder.getCurrentObject();
while (parent instanceof JsWith) {
parent = parent.getParent();
IdentNode name = (IdentNode)forNode.getInit();
JsObjectImpl variable = (JsObjectImpl)parent.getProperty(name.getName());
if (variable != null) {
Collection<TypeUsage> types = ModelUtils.resolveSemiTypeOfExpression(modelBuilder, forNode.getModify());
for (TypeUsage type : types) {
if (type.getType().contains(SemiTypeResolverVisitor.ST_VAR)) {
int index = type.getType().lastIndexOf(SemiTypeResolverVisitor.ST_VAR);
String newType = type.getType().substring(0, index) + SemiTypeResolverVisitor.ST_ARR + type.getType().substring(index + SemiTypeResolverVisitor.ST_VAR.length());
type = new TypeUsage(newType, type.getOffset(), false);
} else if (type.getType().contains(SemiTypeResolverVisitor.ST_PRO)) {
int index = type.getType().lastIndexOf(SemiTypeResolverVisitor.ST_PRO);
String newType = type.getType().substring(0, index) + SemiTypeResolverVisitor.ST_ARR + type.getType().substring(index + SemiTypeResolverVisitor.ST_PRO.length());
type = new TypeUsage(newType, type.getOffset(), false);
variable.addAssignment(type, forNode.getModify().getStart());
return super.enterForNode(forNode);
public boolean enterFunctionNode(FunctionNode functionNode) {
if (functionNode.isClassConstructor() && !(ModelUtils.CONSTRUCTOR.equals(functionNode.getName()) || functionNode.getName().startsWith(ModelUtils.CONSTRUCTOR))) {
// don't process artificail constructors.
return false;
// Find the function in the model. It's has to be already there
JsFunctionImpl fncParent = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction();
JsFunctionImpl fncScope = null;
if (functionNode.isProgram()) {
fncScope = fncParent;
if (this.parserResult.getSnapshot().getSource().getFileObject() != null) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Creating model for: {0}", this.parserResult.getSnapshot().getSource().getFileObject().getPath()); //NOI18N
} else {
JsObject property = fncParent.getProperty(modelBuilder.getFunctionName(functionNode));
if (property == null && functionNode.isStrict()) {
property = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationScope().getProperty(modelBuilder.getFunctionName(functionNode));
if(!(property instanceof JsFunction)) {
property = fncParent.getProperty(modelBuilder.getGlobal().getName() + modelBuilder.getFunctionName(functionNode));
if (property != null && property instanceof JsFunction) {
if (property instanceof JsFunctionReference) {
fncScope = (JsFunctionImpl)((JsFunctionReference)property).getOriginal();
} else {
fncScope = (JsFunctionImpl)property;
if (property == null) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "FunctionNode: {0} is not processed, because parent function {1} doesn''t contain such property.", new Object[]{functionNode.toString(), fncParent.toString()}); //NOI18N
return false;
// add to the model functions and variables declared in this scope
// this is needed, to handle usege before declaration
processDeclarations(fncScope, functionNode);
if (!functionNode.isProgram() && !functionNode.isModule()) {
correctNameAndOffsets(fncScope, functionNode);
setParent(fncScope, functionNode);
// set modifiers for the processed function
setModifiers(fncScope, functionNode);
processJsDoc(fncScope, functionNode, JsDocumentationSupport.getDocumentationHolder(parserResult));
if (functionNode.isModule()) {
// visit all imports and exports
List<ImportNode> imports = functionNode.getModule().getImports();
for (ImportNode moduleImport : imports) {
List<ExportNode> exports = functionNode.getModule().getExports();
for (ExportNode moduleExport : exports) {
// visit all statements of the function
if (functionNode.getKind() == FunctionNode.Kind.GENERATOR) {
// set the return type as Generator object
fncScope.addReturnType(new TypeUsage("Generator", 1, true));
} else {
// seting undefinded return type
if (fncScope.areReturnTypesEmpty()) {
// the function doesn't have return statement -> returns undefined
fncScope.addReturnType(new TypeUsage(Type.UNDEFINED, -1, false));
if (!functionNode.isProgram() && !functionNode.isModule()) {
processModifiersFromJsDoc(fncScope, functionNode, JsDocumentationSupport.getDocumentationHolder(parserResult));
if (canBeSingletonPattern(1)) {
// move all properties to the parent
JsObject singleton = resolveThisInSingletonPattern(fncScope);
if (singleton != null) {
if (fncScope.isAnonymous()) {
// TODO we probably should not move the properties, or at least increase offset range
// of the singleton to fit offsets of these methods in the singleton object
List<JsObject> properties = new ArrayList<>(fncScope.getProperties().values());
for (JsObject property : properties) {
ModelUtils.moveProperty(singleton, property);
return false;
private void correctNameAndOffsets(JsFunctionImpl jsFunction, FunctionNode fn) {
OffsetRange decNameOffset = jsFunction.getDeclarationName().getOffsetRange();
Node lastVisited = getPreviousFromPath(2);
Identifier newIdentifier = null;
if (decNameOffset.getLength() == 0) {
// the function name is not between function and (
if (lastVisited instanceof PropertyNode && fn.getKind() != FunctionNode.Kind.ARROW) {
PropertyNode pNode = (PropertyNode)lastVisited;
newIdentifier = new Identifier(pNode.getKeyName(), getOffsetRange(pNode.getKey()));
} else if ((lastVisited instanceof VarNode) && fn.isAnonymous()) {
VarNode vNode = (VarNode)lastVisited;
newIdentifier = new Identifier(vNode.getName().getName(), getOffsetRange(vNode.getName()));
} else if (fn.isAnonymous() && lastVisited instanceof JoinPredecessorExpression
&& getPreviousFromPath(3) instanceof BinaryNode
&& getPreviousFromPath(4) instanceof VarNode) {
// case var f1 = xxx || function () {}
VarNode vNode = (VarNode)getPreviousFromPath(4);
newIdentifier = new Identifier(vNode.getName().getName(), getOffsetRange(vNode.getName()));
if (newIdentifier != null) {
// if (fn.getKind() == FunctionNode.Kind.ARROW) {
// jsFunction.getParent().getProperties().remove(jsFunction.getName());
// jsFunction.getParent().addProperty(newIdentifier.getName(), jsFunction);
// }
private void setModifiers(JsFunctionImpl jsFunction, FunctionNode fn) {
//Node lastVisited = getPreviousFromPath(2);
boolean isPrivate = false;
boolean isPrivilage = false;
boolean isStatic = false;
Node lastVisited = getPreviousFromPath(2);
if (!lc.getParentFunction(fn).isProgram()
&& !(lastVisited instanceof PropertyNode || lastVisited instanceof BinaryNode)) {
// it can be a part of anonymous object
isPrivate = true;
if (lastVisited instanceof PropertyNode) {
PropertyNode pNode = (PropertyNode)lastVisited;
isStatic = pNode.isStatic();
if (fn.isClassConstructor() || fn.isSubclassConstructor()) {
} else if (fn.isMethod()) {
if (fn.equals(pNode.getGetter())) {
} else if (fn.equals(pNode.getSetter())) {
} else {
if(pNode.getKey() instanceof IdentNode
&& ((IdentNode) pNode.getKey()).isPrivate()) {
isPrivilage = true;
} else if (lastVisited instanceof BinaryNode) {
BinaryNode bNode = (BinaryNode)lastVisited;
if (bNode.getAssignmentDest() instanceof AccessNode) {
// case like A.f1 = function (){} -> f1 is a public static property
AccessNode aNode = (AccessNode)bNode.getAssignmentDest();
List<Identifier> name = getName(aNode);
if (name != null && ModelUtils.THIS.equals(name.get(0).getName())) {
isPrivilage = true;
} else {
if (!ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE.equals(aNode.getProperty()) && jsFunction.getParent().getJSKind().isFunction()) {
if (aNode.getBase() instanceof AccessNode) {
if (!ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE.equals(((AccessNode)aNode.getBase()).getProperty())) {
// case like A.B.f1 = function () {}
isStatic = true;
} else {
isStatic = true;
} else if (lastVisited instanceof CallNode) {
if (getPreviousFromPath(3) instanceof UnaryNode) {
if (getPreviousFromPath(4) instanceof VarNode) {
isPrivate = true;
if (fn.getKind() == FunctionNode.Kind.GENERATOR) {
// marking the function as generator
Set<Modifier> modifiers = jsFunction.getModifiers();
if (isPrivate || isPrivilage) {
if (isPrivate) {
} else {
if (isStatic) {
// setting whether the function is anonymous
if (isFunctionAnonymous(fn)) {
private void setParent(JsFunctionImpl jsFunction, FunctionNode fn) {
Node lastVisited = getPreviousFromPath(2);
JsObject parent = jsFunction.getParent();
if (lastVisited instanceof JoinPredecessorExpression
&& getPreviousFromPath(3) instanceof BinaryNode
&& getPreviousFromPath(4) instanceof VarNode) {
// this handle case var f1 = xxx || function () {}
// just skip the binary node and continue like in case var f1 = function (){}
lastVisited = getPreviousFromPath(4);
if (lastVisited instanceof PropertyNode) {
// the parent of the function is the literal object
parent = modelBuilder.getCurrentObject();
} else if (lastVisited instanceof VarNode) {
VarNode varNode = (VarNode)lastVisited;
if (fn.isNamedFunctionExpression()) {
// case: var f1 = function fx() {}
// the fx can be used only in fx, in other cases is unaccessible -> basically private function of f1
// fx will be feference of f1
JsObject variable = parent.getProperty(varNode.getName().getName());
Identifier refName = new Identifier(fn.getIdent().getName(), new OffsetRange(fn.getIdent().getStart(), fn.getIdent().getFinish()));
JsFunctionReference jsRef = new JsFunctionReference(jsFunction, refName, jsFunction, true, EnumSet.of(Modifier.PRIVATE));
jsFunction.setDeclarationName(new Identifier(varNode.getName().getName(), getOffsetRange(varNode.getName())));
if (variable != null) {
ModelUtils.copyOccurrences(variable, jsFunction);
parent.addProperty(jsFunction.getName(), jsFunction);
jsFunction.addProperty(jsRef.getName(), jsRef);
} else if ((varNode.isFunctionDeclaration() || fn.isAnonymous())) {
// correct key name of properties in cases
// var f1 = function () {}
// var f1 = function f1() {}
parent.addProperty(varNode.getName().getName(), jsFunction);
} else if (lastVisited instanceof BinaryNode) {
// case like A.f1 = function () {}
BinaryNode bNode = (BinaryNode)lastVisited;
List<Identifier> name = getName(bNode, parserResult);
boolean isPriviliged = false;
if (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) {
if (ModelUtils.THIS.equals(name.get(0).getName())) {
isPriviliged = true;
parent = (JsObjectImpl)resolveThis(parent);
JsObject hParent = parent;
while(hParent != null && hParent.getKind() != ElementKind.FILE && hParent.getDeclarationName() != null) {
name.add(0, hParent.getDeclarationName());
hParent = hParent.getParent();
boolean parentHasSameName = false;
if (name.size() > 1 && name.get(0).getName().equals(jsFunction.getName())) {
JsObject property = parent.getProperty(modelBuilder.getFunctionName(fn));
if (property != null && property.equals(jsFunction)) {
// this handles case like:
// theSameName.theSameName = function theSameName () {}
parentHasSameName = true;
JsObjectImpl jsObject = ModelUtils.getJsObject(modelBuilder, name, !parentHasSameName);
if (!isPriviliged) {
parent = jsObject.getParent();
if (fn.isNamedFunctionExpression()) {
// case like A.f1 = function f1(){}
Identifier refName = new Identifier(fn.getIdent().getName(), new OffsetRange(fn.getIdent().getStart(), fn.getIdent().getFinish()));
JsFunctionReference jsRef = new JsFunctionReference(jsFunction, refName, jsFunction, true, EnumSet.of(Modifier.PRIVATE));
jsFunction.addProperty(jsRef.getName(), jsRef);
ModelUtils.copyOccurrences(jsObject, jsFunction);
if (!parentHasSameName) {
String builderName = modelBuilder.getFunctionName(fn);
if (jsFunction.getParent().getProperties().remove(builderName) == null) {
// we need to check, whether is not declared in a block of the parent for handling cases like:
// onreadystatechange = function() {
// if (true) {
// onreadystatechange = function () {console.log("true");};
// } else {
// onreadystatechange = function () {console.log("false");};
// }
// };
for (JsObject property : jsFunction.getParent().getProperties().values()) {
if (property.getJSKind() == JsElement.Kind.BLOCK && property.getProperties().remove(builderName) != null) {
if (property.getProperties().isEmpty()) {
// remove the empty block from model
if (parent == null) {
parent = jsObject.getParent();
parent.addProperty(jsObject.getName(), jsFunction);
} else if (lastVisited instanceof CallNode) {
if (getPreviousFromPath(3) instanceof UnaryNode) {
if (getPreviousFromPath(4) instanceof VarNode) {
// case var MyLib = new function XXX? () {}
VarNode varNode = (VarNode) getPreviousFromPath(4);
Expression init = varNode.getInit();
Identifier varName = new Identifier(varNode.getName().getName(), getOffsetRange(varNode.getName()));
OffsetRange range = varNode.getInit() instanceof ObjectNode ? new OffsetRange(varNode.getName().getStart(), ((ObjectNode)varNode.getInit()).getFinish())
: varName.getOffsetRange();
JsObject variable = handleArrayCreation(varNode.getInit(), parent, varName);
if (variable == null) {
JsObjectImpl newObject = new JsObjectImpl(parent, varName, range, jsFunction.getMimeType(), jsFunction.getSourceLabel());
variable = newObject;
parent.addProperty(varName.getName(), variable);
variable.addProperty(jsFunction.getName(), jsFunction);
// Collection<TypeUsage> returns = ModelUtils.resolveSemiTypeOfExpression(modelBuilder, init);
// for (TypeUsage type : returns) {
variable.addAssignment(new TypeUsage(SemiTypeResolverVisitor.ST_NEW + variable.getName() + '.' + jsFunction.getName(), jsFunction.getDeclarationName().getOffsetRange().getStart()), init.getStart());
// }
if (fn.isNamedFunctionExpression() && fn.getName().equals(varName.getName())) {
// the name of function is the same as the variable
// var MyLib = new function MyLib() {};
ModelUtils.copyOccurrences(jsFunction, variable);
parent = variable;
int index = getPath().size() - 5;
while ( index > -1 && !(getPath().get(index) instanceof FunctionNode)) {
if(index > 0) {
// the variable is defined in a function -> the object is private
if (!parent.equals(jsFunction.getParent())) {
JsObject property = parent.getProperty(jsFunction.getName());
if (property != null) {
ModelUtils.copyOccurrences(property, jsFunction);
parent.addProperty(jsFunction.getName(), jsFunction);
DeclarationScopeImpl fnScope = (DeclarationScopeImpl)jsFunction;
DeclarationScope parentScope = fnScope.getParentScope();
if (parentScope != null) {
private boolean isFunctionAnonymous(FunctionNode fn) {
boolean result = false;
if (fn.isAnonymous() ) {
Node lastVisited = getPreviousFromPath(2);
if (fn.getIdent().getName().startsWith("L:") && !(lastVisited instanceof PropertyNode)) { //NOI18N
// XXX this depends on the implemenation of parser. Find the better way
result = true;
} else if (fn.getIdent().getStart() == fn.getIdent().getFinish()) {
if (lastVisited instanceof CallNode) {
result = true;
return result;
private void processJsDoc(JsFunctionImpl jsFunction, FunctionNode fn, JsDocumentationHolder docHolder) {
if (!fn.isProgram()) {
// the documentation for the function
Documentation documentation = docHolder.getDocumentation(fn);
// parameters
List<DocParameter> docParams = docHolder.getParameters(fn);
for (DocParameter docParameter : docParams) {
Identifier paramName = docParameter.getParamName();
if (paramName != null) {
String sParamName = paramName.getName();
if(sParamName != null && !sParamName.isEmpty()) {
JsObjectImpl param = (JsObjectImpl) jsFunction.getParameter(sParamName);
if (param != null) {
for (Type type : docParameter.getParamTypes()) {
param.addAssignment(new TypeUsage(type.getType(), type.getOffset(), true), param.getOffset());
// param occurence in the doc
// mark constructors
if (docHolder.isClass(fn)) {
// needs to be marked before going through the nodes
// process @extends tag
List<Type> extendTypes = docHolder.getExtends(fn);
if (!extendTypes.isEmpty()) {
JsObject prototype = jsFunction.getProperty(ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE);
if (prototype == null) {
prototype = new JsObjectImpl(jsFunction, ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE, true, OffsetRange.NONE, EnumSet.of(Modifier.PUBLIC), parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType(), null);
jsFunction.addProperty(ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE, prototype);
for (Type type : extendTypes) {
prototype.addAssignment(new TypeUsage(type.getType(), type.getOffset(), true), type.getOffset());
// process @returns tag
List<Type> types = docHolder.getReturnType(fn);
if (types != null && !types.isEmpty()) {
for(Type type : types) {
jsFunction.addReturnType(new TypeUsage(type.getType(), type.getOffset(), true /*ModelUtils.isKnownGLobalType(type.getType())*/));
// look for the type defined through comment like @typedef
Map<Integer, ? extends JsComment> commentBlocks = docHolder.getCommentBlocks();
for (JsComment comment : commentBlocks.values()) {
DocParameter definedType = comment.getDefinedType();
if (definedType != null) {
// XXX the param name now can contains names with dot.
// it would be better if the getParamName returns list of identifiers
String typeName = definedType.getParamName().getName();
List<Identifier> fqn = new ArrayList<>();
JsObject whereOccurrence = getGlobalObject();
if (typeName.indexOf('.') > -1) {
String[] parts = typeName.split("\\.");
int offset = definedType.getParamName().getOffsetRange().getStart();
int delta = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
fqn.add(new Identifier(parts[i], offset + delta));
if (whereOccurrence != null) {
whereOccurrence = whereOccurrence.getProperty(parts[i]);
if (whereOccurrence != null) {
whereOccurrence.addOccurrence(new OffsetRange(offset + delta, offset + delta + parts[i].length()));
delta = delta + parts[i].length() + 1;
} else {
JsObject object = ModelUtils.getJsObject(modelBuilder, fqn, true);
int assignOffset = definedType.getParamName().getOffsetRange().getEnd();
List<Type> types = definedType.getParamTypes();
for (Type type : types) {
object.addAssignment(new TypeUsage(type.getType(), type.getOffset()), assignOffset);
List<Type> assignedTypes = comment.getTypes();
for (Type type : assignedTypes) {
object.addAssignment(new TypeUsage(type.getType(), type.getOffset()), assignOffset);
List<DocParameter> properties = comment.getProperties();
for (DocParameter docProperty : properties) {
JsObject jsProperty = new JsObjectImpl(object, docProperty.getParamName(), docProperty.getParamName().getOffsetRange(), true, JsTokenId.JAVASCRIPT_MIME_TYPE, null);
object.addProperty(jsProperty.getName(), jsProperty);
types = docProperty.getParamTypes();
assignOffset = docProperty.getParamName().getOffsetRange().getEnd();
for (Type type : types) {
jsProperty.addAssignment(new TypeUsage(type.getType(), type.getOffset()), assignOffset);
Type callBack = comment.getCallBack();
if (callBack != null) {
List<Identifier> fqn = fqnFromType(callBack);
List<Identifier> parentFqn = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < fqn.size() - 1; i++) {
JsObject parentObject = parentFqn.isEmpty() ? getGlobalObject() : ModelUtils.getJsObject(modelBuilder, parentFqn, true);
JsFunctionImpl callBackFunction = new JsFunctionImpl(
parentObject instanceof DeclarationScope ? (DeclarationScope) parentObject : ModelUtils.getDeclarationScope(parentObject),
parentObject, fqn.get(fqn.size() - 1), Collections.emptyList(),
callBack.getOffset() > -1 ? new OffsetRange(callBack.getOffset(), callBack.getOffset() + callBack.getType().length()) : OffsetRange.NONE,
parentObject.addProperty(callBackFunction.getName(), callBackFunction);
List<DocParameter> docParameters = comment.getParameters();
for (DocParameter docParameter : docParameters) {
ParameterObject parameter = new ParameterObject(callBackFunction, docParameter.getParamName(), JsTokenId.JAVASCRIPT_MIME_TYPE, null);
for (Type type : docParameter.getParamTypes()) {
parameter.addAssignment(new TypeUsage(type.getType(), type.getOffset(), true), parameter.getOffset());
private void processModifiersFromJsDoc(JsFunctionImpl jsFunction, FunctionNode fn, JsDocumentationHolder docHolder) {
if (!fn.isProgram() && !fn.isModule() && docHolder != null) {
Set<JsModifier> modifiers = docHolder.getModifiers(fn);
if (modifiers != null && !modifiers.isEmpty()) {
Set<Modifier> fnModifiers = jsFunction.getModifiers();
if (modifiers.contains(JsModifier.PRIVATE)) {
if (modifiers.contains(JsModifier.PUBLIC)) {
if (modifiers.contains(JsModifier.STATIC)) {
private void processDeclarations(final JsFunctionImpl parentFn, final FunctionNode inNode) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "in function: {0}, ident: {1}", new Object[]{inNode.getName(), inNode.getIdent()});
final JsDocumentationHolder docHolder = JsDocumentationSupport.getDocumentationHolder(parserResult);
Block block = inNode.getBody();
PathNodeVisitor visitor = new PathNodeVisitor(lc) {
DeclarationScopeImpl currentBlockScope = parentFn;
private boolean isParameterBlock = false;
private final List<FunctionNode> declaredFunctions = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<VarNode> declaredVars = new ArrayList<>();
private void handleDeclarations() {
if (!declaredFunctions.isEmpty() || !declaredVars.isEmpty()) {
for (FunctionNode fnNode : declaredFunctions) {
handleDeclaredFunction(currentBlockScope, parentFn, fnNode);
for (VarNode varNode : declaredVars) {
if (varNode.isLet()) {
// block scope variable
handleDeclaredVariable(currentBlockScope, parentFn, varNode, docHolder);
} else {
handleDeclaredVariable(parentFn, parentFn, varNode, docHolder);
public boolean enterBlock(Block block) {
if (inNode.isStrict()) {
if (!getPath().isEmpty()) {
// we are in strict mode -> possible block scope declaration
currentBlockScope = new DeclarationScopeImpl(currentBlockScope, currentBlockScope,
new Identifier(BLOCK_OBJECT_NAME_PREFIX + block.getStart(), OffsetRange.NONE), new OffsetRange(block.getStart(), block.getFinish()), currentBlockScope.getMimeType() , currentBlockScope.getSourceLabel());
isParameterBlock = block.isParameterBlock();
return super.enterBlock(block);
public Node leaveBlock(Block block) {
if (inNode.isStrict() || getPath().size() == 1) {
if (getPath().size() > 1) {
DeclarationScopeImpl parentScope = (DeclarationScopeImpl)currentBlockScope.getParentScope();
if (!((JsObject)currentBlockScope).getProperties().isEmpty()) {
// don't keep this empty scope in model
parentScope.addProperty(currentBlockScope.getName(), currentBlockScope);
currentBlockScope = parentScope;
return super.leaveBlock(block);
public Node leaveExportNode(ExportNode exportNode) {
return super.leaveExportNode(exportNode);
public boolean enterClassNode(ClassNode classNode) {
if (classNode.getConstructor() != null) {
if (classNode.getClassElements() != null) {
for (PropertyNode pn : classNode.getClassElements()) {
return false;
public boolean enterFunctionNode(FunctionNode fnNode) {
return false;
public boolean enterVarNode(VarNode varNode) {
if (!isParameterBlock) {
return super.enterVarNode(varNode);
if (inNode.isModule() && inNode.getModule().getExports() != null) {
for(ExportNode export :inNode.getModule().getExports()) {
if (!export.isDefault()) {
// don't go through the default export node, it appears also as *default* varible node
} else {
Expression expression = export.getExpression();
if ((expression instanceof ClassNode && ((ClassNode)expression).getIdent() != null)
|| (expression instanceof FunctionNode && ((FunctionNode)expression).getIdent() != null)) {
private void handleDeclaredFunction(DeclarationScopeImpl inScope, JsObject parent, FunctionNode fnNode) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, " function: {0}", debugInfo(fnNode)); // NOI18N
String name = fnNode.isAnonymous() ? modelBuilder.getFunctionName(fnNode) : fnNode.getIdent().getName();
Identifier fnName = new Identifier(name, new OffsetRange(fnNode.getIdent().getStart(), fnNode.getIdent().getFinish()));
if (fnNode.isClassConstructor() && !ModelUtils.CONSTRUCTOR.equals(fnName.getName())) {
// skip artifical/ syntetic constructor nodes, that are created
// when a class extends different class
// process parameters
List<Identifier> parameters = new ArrayList<>(fnNode.getParameters().size());
for(IdentNode node: fnNode.getParameters()) {
Identifier param = create(parserResult, node);
if (param != null && !node.isDestructuredParameter()) {
// can be null, if it's a generated embeding.
// The parent can be changed in the later processing
JsFunctionImpl declaredFn = new JsFunctionImpl(inScope, parent, fnName, parameters, getOffsetRange(fnNode), inScope.getMimeType(), inScope.getSourceLabel());
inScope.addProperty(modelBuilder.getFunctionName(fnNode), declaredFn);
if (fnName.getOffsetRange().getLength() > 0 && !fnNode.isNamedFunctionExpression()) {
private void handleDeclaredVariable(DeclarationScopeImpl parentFn, JsObject parent, VarNode varNode, JsDocumentationHolder docHolder) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, " variable: {0}", debugInfo(varNode)); // NOI18N
Expression init = varNode.getInit();
boolean createVariable = true;
if (!varNode.isFunctionDeclaration() // we skip syntetic variables created from case: function f1(){}
&& !varNode.isExport()) { // we skip syntetic variables created from export expression
if (init instanceof FunctionNode && !((FunctionNode) init).isNamedFunctionExpression()) {
// case: var f1 = function () {}
// the function here is already, need to be just fixed the name offsets
createVariable = false;
} else if (init instanceof BinaryNode) {
BinaryNode bNode = (BinaryNode) init;
if (bNode.isLogical()
&& ((bNode.rhs() instanceof JoinPredecessorExpression && ((JoinPredecessorExpression) bNode.rhs()).getExpression() instanceof FunctionNode)
|| (bNode.lhs() instanceof JoinPredecessorExpression && ((JoinPredecessorExpression) bNode.lhs()).getExpression() instanceof FunctionNode))) {
// case: var f1 = xxx || function () {}
// the function here is already, need to be just fixed the name offsets
createVariable = false;
} else if (bNode.isAssignment()) {
createVariable = false;
if (parentFn.getProperty(varNode.getName().getName()) == null) {
while (bNode.rhs() instanceof BinaryNode && bNode.rhs().isAssignment()) {
// the cycle is trying to find out a FunctionNode at the end of assignements
// case var f1 = f2 = f3 = f4 = function () {}
bNode = (BinaryNode) bNode.rhs();
if (bNode.rhs() instanceof FunctionNode) {
// case var f1 = f2 = function (){};
// -> the variable will be reference fo the function
FunctionNode fNode = (FunctionNode) bNode.rhs();
JsObject original = parentFn.getProperty(modelBuilder.getFunctionName(fNode));
if (original != null) {
Identifier varName = new Identifier(varNode.getName().getName(), getOffsetRange(varNode.getName()));
JsFunctionReference variable = new JsFunctionReference(parentFn, varName, (JsFunction) original, true, original.getModifiers());
parentFn.addProperty(varName.getName(), variable);
} else if (parentFn.getProperty(varNode.getName().getName()) != null) {
// the name is already used by a function.
if (!(init instanceof CallNode) && !(init instanceof UnaryNode)) {
// we skip the var declaration basically, but has to be added occuerences for the existing property
// with the same name
createVariable = false;
if (createVariable) {
// skip the variables that are syntetic
Identifier varName = new Identifier(varNode.getName().getName(), getOffsetRange(varNode.getName()));
OffsetRange range = varNode.getInit() instanceof ObjectNode ? new OffsetRange(varNode.getName().getStart(), ((ObjectNode) varNode.getInit()).getFinish())
: varName.getOffsetRange();
JsObject variable = handleArrayCreation(varNode.getInit(), parentFn, varName);
if (variable == null) {
JsObjectImpl newObject = new JsObjectImpl(parentFn, varName, range, parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType(), null);
variable = newObject;
parentFn.addProperty(varName.getName(), variable);
if (docHolder != null) {
((JsObjectImpl) variable).setDocumentation(docHolder.getDocumentation(varNode));
((JsObjectImpl) variable).setDeprecated(docHolder.isDeprecated(varNode));
private List<Identifier> fqnFromType (final Type type) {
List<Identifier> fqn = new ArrayList<>();
String typeName = type.getType();
int offset = type.getOffset();
if (typeName.indexOf('.') > -1) {
String[] parts = typeName.split("\\.");
int delta = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
fqn.add(new Identifier(parts[i], offset + delta));
delta = delta + parts[i].length() + 1;
} else {
fqn.add(new Identifier(typeName, offset));
return fqn;
private void markOccurrences (List<Identifier> fqn) {
JsObject whereOccurrence = getGlobalObject();
for (Identifier iden: fqn) {
whereOccurrence = whereOccurrence.getProperty(iden.getName());
if (whereOccurrence != null) {
} else {
private JsArray handleArrayCreation(Node initNode, JsObject parent, Identifier name) {
if (initNode instanceof UnaryNode && parent != null) {
UnaryNode uNode = (UnaryNode)initNode;
if (uNode.tokenType() == TokenType.NEW && uNode.getExpression() instanceof CallNode) {
CallNode cNode = (CallNode)uNode.getExpression();
if (cNode.getFunction() instanceof IdentNode && "Array".equals(((IdentNode)cNode.getFunction()).getName())) {
List<TypeUsage> itemTypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (Node node : cNode.getArgs()) {
itemTypes.addAll(ModelUtils.resolveSemiTypeOfExpression(modelBuilder, node));
EnumSet<Modifier> modifiers = parent.getJSKind() != JsElement.Kind.FILE ? EnumSet.of(Modifier.PRIVATE) : EnumSet.of(Modifier.PUBLIC);
JsArrayImpl result = new JsArrayImpl(parent, name, name.getOffsetRange(), true, modifiers, parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType(), null);
return result;
return null;
public boolean enterLiteralNode(LiteralNode lNode) {
Node lastVisited = getPreviousFromPath(1);
if (lNode instanceof LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode) {
LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode aNode = (LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode)lNode;
List<Identifier> fqName = null;
int pathSize = getPath().size();
boolean isDeclaredInParent = false;
boolean isPrivate = false;
boolean treatAsAnonymous = false;
JsObject parent = null;
if (lastVisited instanceof TernaryNode && pathSize > 1) {
lastVisited = getPath().get(pathSize - 2);
int pathIndex = 1;
while(lastVisited instanceof BinaryNode
&& (pathSize > pathIndex)
&& ((BinaryNode)lastVisited).tokenType() != TokenType.ASSIGN) {
lastVisited = getPath().get(pathSize - pathIndex);
if ( lastVisited instanceof VarNode) {
fqName = getName((VarNode)lastVisited);
isDeclaredInParent = true;
JsObject declarationScope = ((VarNode)lastVisited).isLet() ? modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationScope() : modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction();
parent = declarationScope;
if (fqName.size() == 1 && !ModelUtils.isGlobal(declarationScope)) {
isPrivate = true;
} else if (lastVisited instanceof PropertyNode) {
fqName = getName((PropertyNode) lastVisited);
isDeclaredInParent = true;
} else if (lastVisited instanceof BinaryNode) {
BinaryNode binNode = (BinaryNode) lastVisited;
if (binNode.lhs() instanceof IndexNode) {
Node index = ((IndexNode)binNode.lhs()).getIndex();
if (!(index instanceof LiteralNode && ((LiteralNode)index).isString())) {
treatAsAnonymous = true;
if (!treatAsAnonymous) {
if (getPath().size() > 1) {
lastVisited = getPath().get(getPath().size() - pathIndex - 1);
fqName = getName(binNode, parserResult);
if ((binNode.lhs() instanceof IdentNode)
|| (binNode.lhs() instanceof AccessNode
&& ((AccessNode) binNode.lhs()).getBase() instanceof IdentNode
&& ((IdentNode) ((AccessNode) binNode.lhs()).getBase()).getName().equals(ModelUtils.THIS))) { //NOI18N
if (lastVisited instanceof ExpressionStatement && !fqName.get(0).getName().equals(ModelUtils.THIS)) { //NOI18N
// try to catch the case: pool = [];
List<Identifier> objectName = fqName.size() > 1 ? fqName.subList(0, fqName.size() - 1) : fqName;
JsObject existingArray = ModelUtils.getJsObject(modelBuilder, objectName, false);
if (existingArray != null) {
existingArray.addOccurrence(fqName.get(fqName.size() - 1).getOffsetRange());
return super.enterLiteralNode(lNode);
} else {
isDeclaredInParent = true;
if (!(binNode.lhs() instanceof IdentNode)) {
parent = resolveThis(modelBuilder.getCurrentObject());
} else if (lastVisited instanceof CallNode || lastVisited instanceof LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode
|| lastVisited instanceof ReturnNode || lastVisited instanceof AccessNode) {
// probably an anonymous array as a parameter of a function call
// or array in an array: var a = [['a', 10], ['b', 20]];
// or [1,2,3].join();
treatAsAnonymous = true;
if (!isDeclaredInParent) {
if (lastVisited instanceof FunctionNode) {
isDeclaredInParent = ((FunctionNode) lastVisited).getKind() == FunctionNode.Kind.SCRIPT;
JsArrayImpl array = null;
if (!treatAsAnonymous) {
// if (fqName == null || fqName.isEmpty()) {
// fqName = new ArrayList<Identifier>(1);
// fqName.add(new Identifier("UNKNOWN", //NOI18N
// new OffsetRange(lNode.getStart(), lNode.getFinish())));
// }
if (fqName != null && !fqName.isEmpty() && fqName.get(0) != null) {
if (ModelUtils.THIS.equals(fqName.get(0).getName())) {
parent = resolveThis(modelBuilder.getCurrentObject());
JsObject tmpObject = parent;
while (tmpObject.getParent() != null) {
Identifier dName = tmpObject.getDeclarationName();
fqName.add(0, dName != null ? tmpObject.getDeclarationName() : new Identifier(tmpObject.getName(), OffsetRange.NONE));
tmpObject = tmpObject.getParent();
array = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, aNode, fqName, modelBuilder, isDeclaredInParent, parent);
if (array != null && isPrivate) {
} else {
array = ModelElementFactory.createAnonymousObject(parserResult, aNode, modelBuilder);
if (array != null) {
int aOffset = fqName == null ? lastVisited.getStart() : fqName.get(fqName.size() - 1).getOffsetRange().getEnd();
array.addAssignment(ModelUtils.resolveSemiTypeOfExpression(modelBuilder, lNode), aOffset);
for (Node item : aNode.getElementExpressions()) {
array.addTypesInArray(ModelUtils.resolveSemiTypeOfExpression(modelBuilder, item));
if (!functionArgumentStack.isEmpty()) {
return super.enterLiteralNode(lNode);
public boolean enterObjectNode(ObjectNode objectNode) {
Node previousVisited = getPath().get(getPath().size() - 1);
if(previousVisited instanceof CallNode
|| previousVisited instanceof LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode
|| previousVisited instanceof ExpressionStatement) {
// TODO there should be handled anonymous object that are going as parameter to a funciton
//create anonymous object
JsObjectImpl object = ModelElementFactory.createAnonymousObject(parserResult, objectNode, modelBuilder);
if (!functionArgumentStack.isEmpty()) {
return super.enterObjectNode(objectNode);
} else if (previousVisited instanceof ReturnNode
|| (previousVisited instanceof BinaryNode && ((BinaryNode)previousVisited).tokenType() == TokenType.COMMARIGHT)) {
JsObjectImpl objectScope = ModelElementFactory.createAnonymousObject(parserResult, objectNode, modelBuilder);
} else if (previousVisited instanceof ExportNode && ((ExportNode)previousVisited).isDefault()) {
// we are handling case: export default {}
// the node should be visible in navigator
List<Identifier> fqName = new ArrayList<>(1);
fqName.add(new Identifier("default", OffsetRange.NONE)); // NOI18N
JsObjectImpl objectScope = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, objectNode, fqName, modelBuilder, true); //ModelElementFactory.createAnonymousObject(parserResult, objectNode, modelBuilder);
} else {
List<Identifier> fqName = null;
int pathSize = getPath().size();
boolean isDeclaredInParent = false;
boolean isDeclaredThroughThis = false;
boolean isPrivate = false;
boolean treatAsAnonymous = false;
int pathIndex = 1;
Node lastVisited = getPath().get(pathSize - pathIndex);
VarNode varNode = null;
if (lastVisited instanceof JoinPredecessorExpression) {
lastVisited = getPath().get(pathSize - pathIndex);
if (lastVisited instanceof TernaryNode && pathSize > 1) {
TernaryNode tNode = (TernaryNode)lastVisited;
lastVisited = getPath().get(pathSize - pathIndex - 1);
if (lastVisited instanceof ExpressionStatement || lastVisited instanceof BinaryNode) {
JoinPredecessorExpression trueExpression = tNode.getTrueExpression();
JoinPredecessorExpression falseExpression = tNode.getFalseExpression();
if (trueExpression.getExpression().equals(objectNode) || falseExpression.getExpression().equals(objectNode)) {
// now we have to find out, whether we are in parameter block
int blockIndex = pathIndex + 1;
Block block = null;
while (blockIndex < getPath().size() && block == null) {
if (getPreviousFromPath(++blockIndex) instanceof Block) {
block = (Block)getPreviousFromPath(blockIndex);
// this is can be case when the object literal is a part of destructure assignman pattern used as parameter
// function drawES6Chart({size = 'big', cords = { x: 0, y: 0 , z: 0}, radius = 25} = {}) {}
treatAsAnonymous = block != null && block.isParameterBlock();
if (lastVisited instanceof BinaryNode) {
BinaryNode bNode = (BinaryNode)lastVisited;
if (bNode.lhs().equals(objectNode)) {
// case of destructuring assignment { a, b} = ....
// we should not create object in the model.
return super.enterObjectNode(objectNode);
} else if (bNode.lhs() instanceof ObjectNode && bNode.rhs().equals(objectNode)) {
// case of destructuring assignment {a, b} = {a:1, b:2}
// do nothing/ already processed in binary node.
return false;
while(lastVisited instanceof BinaryNode
&& (pathSize > pathIndex)
&& ((BinaryNode)lastVisited).tokenType() != TokenType.ASSIGN) {
lastVisited = getPath().get(pathSize - pathIndex);
if ( lastVisited instanceof VarNode) {
fqName = getName((VarNode)lastVisited);
isDeclaredInParent = true;
JsObject declarationScope = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction();
varNode = (VarNode)lastVisited;
if (fqName.size() == 1 && !ModelUtils.isGlobal(declarationScope)) {
isPrivate = true;
} else if (lastVisited instanceof PropertyNode) {
fqName = getName((PropertyNode) lastVisited);
isDeclaredInParent = true;
} else if (lastVisited instanceof AccessNode) {
treatAsAnonymous = true;
} else if (lastVisited instanceof BinaryNode) {
BinaryNode binNode = (BinaryNode) lastVisited;
Node binLhs = binNode.lhs();
if (binLhs instanceof IndexNode) {
Node index = ((IndexNode)binLhs).getIndex();
if (!(index instanceof LiteralNode && ((LiteralNode)index).isString())) {
treatAsAnonymous = true;
if (!treatAsAnonymous) {
if (getPath().size() > 1) {
lastVisited = getPath().get(getPath().size() - pathIndex - 1);
if (lastVisited instanceof VarNode) {
varNode = (VarNode) lastVisited;
fqName = getName(binNode, parserResult);
if (binLhs instanceof IdentNode || (binLhs instanceof AccessNode
&& ((AccessNode) binLhs).getBase() instanceof IdentNode
&& ((IdentNode) ((AccessNode) binLhs).getBase()).getName().equals(ModelUtils.THIS))) {
// if it's not declared throgh the var node, then the variable doesn't have to be declared here
isDeclaredInParent = (binLhs instanceof IdentNode && varNode != null);
if (binLhs instanceof AccessNode) {
isDeclaredInParent = true;
isDeclaredThroughThis = true;
if (!isDeclaredInParent) {
if (lastVisited instanceof FunctionNode) {
isDeclaredInParent = ((FunctionNode) lastVisited).getKind() == FunctionNode.Kind.SCRIPT;
if (!treatAsAnonymous) {
if (fqName == null || fqName.isEmpty()) {
fqName = new ArrayList<>(1);
fqName.add(new Identifier("UNKNOWN", //NOI18N
new OffsetRange(objectNode.getStart(), objectNode.getFinish())));
JsObjectImpl objectScope;
if (varNode != null) {
objectScope = modelBuilder.getCurrentObject();
} else {
Identifier name = fqName.get(fqName.size() - 1);
JsObject alreadyThere = null;
if (isDeclaredThroughThis) {
JsObject thisIs = resolveThis(modelBuilder.getCurrentObject());
alreadyThere = thisIs.getProperty(name.getName());
} else {
if (isDeclaredInParent) {
if (lastVisited instanceof PropertyNode) {
alreadyThere = modelBuilder.getCurrentObject().getProperty(name.getName());
} else {
alreadyThere = ModelUtils.getJsObjectByName(modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction(), name.getName());
} else {
if (fqName.size() == 1) {
alreadyThere = ModelUtils.getScopeVariable(modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationScope(), name.getName());
if (alreadyThere == null) {
alreadyThere = ModelUtils.getJsObject(modelBuilder, fqName, true);
objectScope = (alreadyThere == null)
? ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, objectNode, fqName, modelBuilder, isDeclaredInParent)
: (JsObjectImpl)alreadyThere;
if (alreadyThere != null) {
if (objectScope != null) {
if (!objectScope.isDeclared()) {
// the objec literal is always declared
if (isPrivate) {
} else {
JsObjectImpl objectScope = ModelElementFactory.createAnonymousObject(parserResult, objectNode, modelBuilder);
return super.enterObjectNode(objectNode);
public Node leaveObjectNode(ObjectNode objectNode) {
Node lastVisited = getPreviousFromPath(2);
if (lastVisited instanceof BinaryNode) {
BinaryNode bNode = (BinaryNode)lastVisited;
if (bNode.lhs().equals(objectNode)) {
// case of destructuring assignment { a, b} = ....
// we dob't create object in the model, but process the property nodes -> skip reseting modelBuilder
return super.leaveObjectNode(objectNode);
return super.leaveObjectNode(objectNode);
public boolean enterPropertyNode(PropertyNode propertyNode) {
final Expression key = propertyNode.getKey();
final Expression value = propertyNode.getValue();
List<Expression> decorators = propertyNode.getDecorators();
if (decorators != null && !decorators.isEmpty()) {
for (Expression decorator : decorators) {
if (decorator instanceof IdentNode) {
// in such case, this is probaly a function
addOccurence((IdentNode)decorator, false, true);
} else {
if ((key instanceof IdentNode || key instanceof LiteralNode)
&& !(value instanceof ObjectNode
|| value instanceof FunctionNode)
&& !propertyNode.isComputed()) {
final JsObjectImpl parent = modelBuilder.getCurrentObject();
Identifier name = null;
if (key instanceof IdentNode) {
name = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, (IdentNode)key);
} else if (key instanceof LiteralNode) {
name = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, (LiteralNode)key);
if (name != null) {
if (key instanceof IdentNode && value instanceof IdentNode) {
IdentNode iKey = (IdentNode)key;
IdentNode iValue = (IdentNode)value;
if (iKey.getName().equals(iValue.getName()) && iKey.getStart() == iValue.getStart() && iKey.getFinish() == iValue.getFinish()) {
// it's object initializer shorthand property names
// (ES6) var o = { a, b, c }; The variables a, b and c has to exists and properties are references to the orig var
JsObject variable = ModelUtils.getScopeVariable(modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationScope(), name.getName());
if (variable != null) {
parent.addProperty(variable.getName(), variable);
// don't continue.
return false;
JsObjectImpl property = (JsObjectImpl)parent.getProperty(name.getName());
if (property == null) {
if (parent.getJSKind() == JsElement.Kind.OBJECT_LITERAL || parent.getJSKind() == JsElement.Kind.ANONYMOUS_OBJECT) {
property = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, propertyNode, name, modelBuilder, true);
} else {
// the object literal was not created before property node,
// so it can be destructive assignment on the left side
// find the block node to decide whether's the property node are not
// parameters defined via destructive assignment
// case function drawES6Chart({size = 'big', cords = { x: 0, y: 0 }, radius = 25} = test) {}
int index = 1;
Node node = getPreviousFromPath(index);
BinaryNode bNode = null;
ObjectNode oNode = null;
while (index < getPath().size() && !(node instanceof Block)) {
if (bNode == null && node instanceof BinaryNode) {
bNode = (BinaryNode)node;
} else if (oNode == null && node instanceof ObjectNode) {
oNode = (ObjectNode)node;
node = getPreviousFromPath(++index);
boolean isDestructiveParam = false;
if (node instanceof Block) {
Block block = (Block)node;
if (block.isParameterBlock() && oNode != null && bNode != null && bNode.lhs().equals(oNode) ) {
// we are in parameters defined via destructive assignment
JsFunction currentFnImpl = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction();
property = (JsObjectImpl)currentFnImpl.getParameter(name.getName());
isDestructiveParam = true;
if (!isDestructiveParam) {
property = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, propertyNode, name, modelBuilder, true);
} else {
// The property can be already defined, via a usage before declaration (see testfiles/model/simpleObject.js - called property)
JsObjectImpl newProperty = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, propertyNode, name, modelBuilder, true);
if (newProperty != null) {
for(Occurrence occurrence : property.getOccurrences()) {
property = newProperty;
if (property != null) {
// if (propertyNode.getGetter() != null) {
// FunctionNode getter = ((FunctionNode)((ReferenceNode)propertyNode.getGetter()).getReference());
// property.addOccurrence(new OffsetRange(getter.getIdent().getStart(), getter.getIdent().getFinish()));
// }
// if (propertyNode.getSetter() != null) {
// FunctionNode setter = ((FunctionNode)((ReferenceNode)propertyNode.getSetter()).getReference());
// property.addOccurrence(new OffsetRange(setter.getIdent().getStart(), setter.getIdent().getFinish()));
// }
property.getParent().addProperty(name.getName(), property);
if(key instanceof IdentNode
&& ((IdentNode) key).isPrivate()
&& property.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) {
if(value instanceof CallNode) {
// TODO for now, don't continue. There shoudl be handled cases liek
// in the testFiles/model/property02.js file
//return null;
} else {
Collection<TypeUsage> types = ModelUtils.resolveSemiTypeOfExpression(modelBuilder, value);
if (!types.isEmpty()) {
property.addAssignment(types, name.getOffsetRange().getStart());
if (value instanceof IdentNode) {
IdentNode iNode = (IdentNode)value;
if (!iNode.getPropertyName().equals(name.getName())) {
addOccurence((IdentNode)value, false);
} else {
// handling case like property: property
if (parent.getParent() != null) {
occurrenceBuilder.addOccurrence(name.getName(), getOffsetRange(iNode), modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationScope(), parent.getParent(), modelBuilder.getCurrentWith(), false, false);
} if (propertyNode.isComputed()) {
return super.enterPropertyNode(propertyNode);
// @Override
// public Node enter(ReferenceNode referenceNode) {
// FunctionNode reference = referenceNode.getReference();
// if (reference != null) {
// Node lastNode = getPreviousFromPath(1);
// if (!((lastNode instanceof VarNode) && !reference.isAnonymous())) {
// if (lastNode instanceof BinaryNode && !reference.isAnonymous()) {
// Node lhs = ((BinaryNode)lastNode).lhs();
// List<Identifier> nodeName = getNodeName(lhs, parserResult);
// if (nodeName != null && !nodeName.isEmpty()) {
// JsObject jsObject = null;
// if (ModelUtils.THIS.equals(nodeName.get(0).getName())) { //NOI18N
// jsObject = resolveThis(modelBuilder.getCurrentObject());
// for (int i = 1; jsObject != null && i < nodeName.size(); i++ ) {
// jsObject = jsObject.getProperty(nodeName.get(i).getName());
// }
// } else {
// jsObject = ModelUtils.getJsObject(modelBuilder, nodeName, true);
// }
// if (jsObject != null) {
// Identifier name = nodeName.get(nodeName.size() - 1);
// DeclarationScopeImpl ds = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationScope();
// String referenceName = reference.getIdent().getName();
// JsObject originalFnc = ds.getProperty(referenceName);
// while (originalFnc != null && !(originalFnc instanceof JsFunction)) {
// if (ds.getParentScope() != null) {
// ds = (DeclarationScopeImpl)ds.getParentScope();
// originalFnc = ds.getProperty(referenceName);
// } else {
// originalFnc = null;
// }
// }
// if (originalFnc != null && originalFnc instanceof JsFunction) {
// //property contains the definition of the function
// JsObject newRef = new JsFunctionReference(jsObject.getParent(), name, (JsFunction)originalFnc, true, jsObject.getModifiers());
// jsObject.getParent().addProperty(jsObject.getName(), newRef);
// for (Occurrence occurence : jsObject.getOccurrences()) {
// newRef.addOccurrence(occurence.getOffsetRange());
// }
// if (originalFnc instanceof JsFunctionImpl) {
//// ((JsFunctionImpl)originalFnc).setAnonymous(true);
// JsObject parent = jsObject.getParent();
// if (ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE.equals(parent.getName())) {
// parent = parent.getParent();
// }
// if (parent != null) {
// Collection<JsObject> propertiesCopy = new ArrayList(originalFnc.getProperties().values());
// for (JsObject property : propertiesCopy) {
// if (!property.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) {
// ModelUtils.moveProperty(parent, property);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// } else {
// addToPath(referenceNode);
// reference.accept(this);
// removeFromPathTheLast();
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
// return super.enter(referenceNode);
// }
public boolean enterReturnNode(ReturnNode returnNode) {
Node expression = returnNode.getExpression();
Collection<TypeUsage> types = ModelUtils.resolveSemiTypeOfExpression(modelBuilder, expression);
if (expression == null) {
types.add(new TypeUsage(Type.UNDEFINED, returnNode.getStart(), true));
} else {
if (expression instanceof IdentNode) {
addOccurence((IdentNode)expression, false);
if(types.isEmpty()) {
types.add(new TypeUsage(Type.UNRESOLVED, returnNode.getStart(), true));
JsFunctionImpl function = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction();
return super.enterReturnNode(returnNode);
public boolean enterTernaryNode(TernaryNode ternaryNode) {
if (ternaryNode.getTest() instanceof IdentNode) {
addOccurence((IdentNode)ternaryNode.getTest(), false);
if (ternaryNode.getTrueExpression().getExpression() instanceof IdentNode) {
addOccurence((IdentNode)ternaryNode.getTrueExpression().getExpression(), false);
if (ternaryNode.getFalseExpression().getExpression() instanceof IdentNode) {
addOccurence((IdentNode)ternaryNode.getFalseExpression().getExpression(), false);
return super.enterTernaryNode(ternaryNode);
public boolean enterUnaryNode(UnaryNode unaryNode) {
if (unaryNode.getExpression() instanceof IdentNode) {
addOccurence((IdentNode) unaryNode.getExpression(), false);
return super.enterUnaryNode(unaryNode);
public boolean enterVarNode(VarNode varNode) {
Node init = varNode.getInit();
FunctionNode rNode = null;
if (init instanceof FunctionNode) {
rNode = (FunctionNode)init;
} else if (init instanceof BinaryNode) {
// this should handle cases like
// var prom = another.prom = function prom() {}
BinaryNode bNode = (BinaryNode)init;
while (bNode.rhs() instanceof BinaryNode ) {
bNode = (BinaryNode)bNode.rhs();
if (bNode.rhs() instanceof FunctionNode) {
rNode = (FunctionNode) bNode.rhs();
} else if (init instanceof UnaryNode && ((UnaryNode)init).getExpression() instanceof CallNode
&& ((CallNode)((UnaryNode)init).getExpression()).getFunction() instanceof FunctionNode) {
rNode = (FunctionNode)((CallNode)((UnaryNode)init).getExpression()).getFunction();
// Identifier varName = new Identifier(varNode.getName().getName(), getOffsetRange(varNode.getName()));
// OffsetRange range = varNode.getInit() instanceof ObjectNode ? new OffsetRange(varNode.getName().getStart(), ((ObjectNode)varNode.getInit()).getFinish())
// : varName.getOffsetRange();
// JsObjectImpl parentFn = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction();
// JsObject variable = handleArrayCreation(varNode.getInit(), parentFn, varName);
// if (variable == null) {
// JsObjectImpl newObject = new JsObjectImpl(parentFn, varName, range, parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType(), null);
// variable = newObject;
// }
// variable.addOccurrence(varName.getOffsetRange());
// JsObject property = parentFn.getProperty(varName.getName());
// parentFn.addProperty(varName.getName(), variable);
// variable.addProperty(property.getName(), property);
// Collection<TypeUsage> returns = ModelUtils.resolveSemiTypeOfExpression(modelBuilder, init);
// for (TypeUsage type : returns) {
// variable.addAssignment(type, init.getStart());
// }
// if (rNode.isNamedFunctionExpression() && rNode.getName().equals(varName.getName())) {
// // the name of function is the same as the variable
// // var MyLib = new function MyLib() {};
// ModelUtils.copyOccurrences(property, variable);
// }
if (!(init instanceof ObjectNode || rNode != null
|| init instanceof LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode
|| init instanceof ClassNode
|| varNode.isExport())) {
JsObject parent = modelBuilder.getCurrentObject();
//parent = canBeSingletonPattern(1) ? resolveThis(parent) : parent;
if (parent instanceof CatchBlockImpl) {
parent = parent.getParent();
while (parent instanceof JsWith) {
parent = parent.getParent();
JsObjectImpl variable = (JsObjectImpl)parent.getProperty(varNode.getName().getName());
Identifier name = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, varNode.getName());
if (name != null) {
if (variable == null) {
// variable si not defined, so it has to be from global scope
// or from a code structure like for cycle
// or it can be from parameter block
Node lastVisited = getPreviousFromPath(1);
if (parent instanceof JsFunctionImpl && lastVisited instanceof Block && ((Block)lastVisited).isParameterBlock()) {
// it's a parameter definition
variable = new ParameterObject(parent, name, parent.getMimeType(), parent.getSourceLabel());
} else {
variable = new JsObjectImpl(parent, name, name.getOffsetRange(),
true, parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType(), null);
parent.addProperty(name.getName(), variable);
if (parent.getJSKind() != JsElement.Kind.FILE) {
} else if (!variable.isDeclared()){
// the variable was probably created as temporary before, now we
// need to replace it with the real one
JsObjectImpl newVariable = new JsObjectImpl(parent, name, name.getOffsetRange(),
true, parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType(), null);
for(String propertyName: variable.getProperties().keySet()) {
JsObject property = variable.getProperty(propertyName);
if (property instanceof JsObjectImpl) {
newVariable.addProperty(propertyName, property);
if (parent.getJSKind() != JsElement.Kind.FILE) {
for(TypeUsage type : variable.getAssignments()) {
newVariable.addAssignment(type, type.getOffset());
for(Occurrence occurrence: variable.getOccurrences()){
parent.addProperty(name.getName(), newVariable);
variable = newVariable;
JsDocumentationHolder docHolder = JsDocumentationSupport.getDocumentationHolder(parserResult);
if (docHolder.isConstant(varNode)) {
if (init instanceof IdentNode) {
IdentNode iNode = (IdentNode)init;
if (!iNode.getName().equals(variable.getName())) {
addOccurrence((IdentNode)init, variable.getName());
} else {
// the name of variable is the same as already existing function or var or parameter
JsFunctionImpl currentFunction = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction();
if (currentFunction != null && currentFunction.getParameter(variable.getName()) != null) {
// it's a parameter
addOccurrence((IdentNode)init, variable.getName());
} else {
Collection<TypeUsage> types = ModelUtils.resolveSemiTypeOfExpression(modelBuilder, init);
if (modelBuilder.getCurrentWith() != null) {
for (TypeUsage type : types) {
variable.addAssignment(type, varNode.getName().getFinish());
List<Type> returnTypes = docHolder.getReturnType(varNode);
if (returnTypes != null && !returnTypes.isEmpty()) {
for (Type type : returnTypes) {
variable.addAssignment(new TypeUsage(type.getType(), type.getOffset(), true), varNode.getName().getFinish());
if (varNode.isConst()) {
} else if(init instanceof ObjectNode && !varNode.isExport()) {
JsObjectImpl function = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction();
Identifier name = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, varNode.getName());
if (name != null) {
JsObjectImpl variable = (JsObjectImpl)function.getProperty(name.getName());
if (variable != null) {
} else {
List<Identifier> fqName = getName(varNode);
variable = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, (ObjectNode)varNode.getInit(), fqName, modelBuilder, true);
if (variable != null) {
} else if(init instanceof ObjectNode && varNode.isExport()) {
// we are expecting here that the var node is artificial and is created due to: export default {}
return false;
} else if (init instanceof ClassNode) {
ClassNode cNode = (ClassNode) init;
// process decorators
List<Expression> decorators = cNode.getDecorators();
if (decorators != null && !decorators.isEmpty()) {
for (Expression decorator : decorators) {
if (decorator instanceof IdentNode) {
// in such case, this is probaly a function
addOccurence((IdentNode)decorator, false, true);
} else {
return super.enterVarNode(varNode);
public Node leaveVarNode(VarNode varNode) {
Node init = varNode.getInit();
FunctionNode rNode = null;
if (init instanceof BinaryNode) {
// this should handle cases like
// var prom = another.prom = function prom() {}
BinaryNode bNode = (BinaryNode)init;
while (bNode.rhs() instanceof BinaryNode ) {
bNode = (BinaryNode)bNode.rhs();
if (bNode.rhs() instanceof FunctionNode) {
// this should handle cases like
// var prom = another.prom = function prom() {}
rNode = (FunctionNode) bNode.rhs();
List<Identifier> name = getNodeName(bNode.lhs(), parserResult);
if (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) {
boolean isPriviliged = name.get(0).getName().equals(ModelUtils.THIS);
JsObject parent = isPriviliged ? resolveThis(modelBuilder.getCurrentObject()) : modelBuilder.getCurrentObject();
for (int i = isPriviliged ? 1 : 0; parent != null && i < name.size(); i++) {
parent = parent.getProperty(name.get(i).getName());
if (parent!= null && parent instanceof JsFunction) {
Identifier propertyName = create(parserResult, varNode.getName());
Set<Modifier> modifiers;
if (isPriviliged) {
modifiers = EnumSet.of(Modifier.PROTECTED);
} else if (modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction().getJSKind() == JsElement.Kind.FILE) {
modifiers = EnumSet.of(Modifier.PUBLIC);
} else {
modifiers = EnumSet.of(Modifier.PRIVATE);
JsObject property = new JsFunctionReference(modelBuilder.getCurrentObject(), propertyName, (JsFunction)parent, true, modifiers);
modelBuilder.getCurrentObject().addProperty(propertyName.getName(), property);
// if (bNode.rhs() instanceof ReferenceNode /*&& bNode.tokenType() == TokenType.ASSIGN*/) {
// init = (ReferenceNode) bNode.rhs();
// }
} else if (init instanceof FunctionNode) {
rNode = (FunctionNode)init;
} else if (init instanceof UnaryNode && ((UnaryNode)init).getExpression() instanceof CallNode
&& ((CallNode)((UnaryNode)init).getExpression()).getFunction() instanceof FunctionNode) {
rNode = (FunctionNode)((CallNode)((UnaryNode)init).getExpression()).getFunction();
if (!(rNode != null || init instanceof LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode)
// XXX can we avoid creation of object ?
&& ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, varNode.getName()) != null) {
JsDocumentationHolder docHolder = JsDocumentationSupport.getDocumentationHolder(parserResult);
List<DocParameter> properties = docHolder.getProperties(varNode);
for (DocParameter docProperty : properties) {
String propertyName = docProperty.getParamName().getName();
String names[];
int delta = 0;
if (propertyName.indexOf('.') > 0) {
names = propertyName.split("\\.");
} else {
names = new String[]{propertyName};
JsObject parent = modelBuilder.getCurrentObject();
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
String name = names[i];
JsObject property = parent.getProperty(name);
int startOffset = docProperty.getParamName().getOffsetRange().getStart() + delta;
int endOffset = startOffset + name.length();
OffsetRange offsetRange = new OffsetRange(startOffset, endOffset);
if (property == null) {
Identifier iden = new Identifier(name, offsetRange);
property = new JsObjectImpl(parent, iden, offsetRange, true, JsTokenId.JAVASCRIPT_MIME_TYPE, null);
parent.addProperty(name, property);
if (i == names.length - 1) {
for (Type type : docProperty.getParamTypes()) {
property.addAssignment(new TypeUsage(type.getType(), endOffset), endOffset);
delta = delta + name.length() + 1;
parent = property;
return super.leaveVarNode(varNode);
public boolean enterWithNode(WithNode withNode) {
JsObjectImpl currentObject = modelBuilder.getCurrentObject();
Collection<TypeUsage> types = ModelUtils.resolveSemiTypeOfExpression(modelBuilder, withNode.getExpression());
JsWithObjectImpl withObject = new JsWithObjectImpl(currentObject, modelBuilder.getUnigueNameForWithObject(), types, new OffsetRange(withNode.getStart(), withNode.getFinish()),
new OffsetRange(withNode.getExpression().getStart(), withNode.getExpression().getFinish()), modelBuilder.getCurrentWith(), parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType(), null);
currentObject.addProperty(withObject.getName(), withObject);
// withNode.getExpression().accept(this); // expression should be visted when the with object is the current object.
return false;
//--------------------------------End of visit methods--------------------------------------
public Map<FunctionInterceptor, Collection<FunctionCall>> getCallsForProcessing() {
return functionCalls;
private boolean fillName(AccessNode node, List<String> result) {
List<Identifier> fqn = getName(node);
if (fqn != null) {
for (int i = fqn.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
result.add(0, fqn.get(i).getName());
JsObject current = modelBuilder.getCurrentObject();
while (current != null && current.getDeclarationName() != null) {
if (current != modelBuilder.getGlobal()) {
result.add(0, current.getDeclarationName().getName());
current = current.getParent();
return true;
private boolean fillName(IndexNode node, List<String> result) {
Node index = node.getIndex();
Node base = node.getBase();
if (index instanceof LiteralNode && base instanceof AccessNode) {
LiteralNode literal = (LiteralNode) index;
if (literal.isString()) {
result.add(0, literal.getString());
List<Identifier> fqn = getName((AccessNode) base);
for (int i = fqn.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
result.add(0, fqn.get(i).getName());
return true;
return false;
private List<Identifier> getName(PropertyNode propertyNode) {
List<Identifier> name = new ArrayList<>(1);
if (propertyNode.getGetter() != null || propertyNode.getSetter() != null) {
// check whether this is not defining getter or setter of a property.
Node previousNode = getPreviousFromPath(1);
if (previousNode instanceof FunctionNode) {
FunctionNode fNode = (FunctionNode)previousNode;
String fName = fNode.getIdent().getName();
if (fName.startsWith("get ") || fName.startsWith("set ")) { //NOI18N
name.add(new Identifier(fName,
new OffsetRange(fNode.getIdent().getStart(), fNode.getIdent().getFinish())));
return name;
return getName(propertyNode, parserResult);
private static List<Identifier> getName(PropertyNode propertyNode, ParserResult parserResult) {
List<Identifier> name = new ArrayList<>(1);
if (propertyNode.getKey() instanceof IdentNode) {
IdentNode ident = (IdentNode) propertyNode.getKey();
name.add(new Identifier(ident.getName(), getOffsetRange(ident)));
} else if (propertyNode.getKey() instanceof LiteralNode){
LiteralNode lNode = (LiteralNode)propertyNode.getKey();
name.add(new Identifier(lNode.getString(),
new OffsetRange(lNode.getStart(), lNode.getFinish())));
return name;
private static List<Identifier> getName(VarNode varNode) {
List<Identifier> name = new ArrayList<>();
name.add(new Identifier(varNode.getName().getName(),
new OffsetRange(varNode.getName().getStart(), varNode.getName().getFinish())));
return name;
private static List<Identifier> getName(BinaryNode binaryNode, ParserResult parserResult) {
List<Identifier> name = new ArrayList<>();
Node lhs = binaryNode.lhs();
if (lhs instanceof AccessNode) {
name = getName((AccessNode)lhs);
} else if (lhs instanceof IdentNode) {
IdentNode ident = (IdentNode) lhs;
name.add(new Identifier(ident.getName(), getOffsetRange(ident)));
} else if (lhs instanceof IndexNode) {
IndexNode indexNode = (IndexNode)lhs;
if (indexNode.getBase() instanceof AccessNode) {
List<Identifier> aName = getName((AccessNode)indexNode.getBase());
if (aName != null) {
else {
return null;
} else if (indexNode.getBase() instanceof IdentNode) {
name.add(create(parserResult, (IdentNode)indexNode.getBase()));
if (indexNode.getIndex() instanceof LiteralNode) {
LiteralNode lNode = (LiteralNode)indexNode.getIndex();
name.add(new Identifier(lNode.getPropertyName(),
new OffsetRange(lNode.getStart(), lNode.getFinish())));
} else {
// case not covered here:
// - test[variable]
// - test[obj.variable]
// - test[function()]
// we don't know the name in these cases, thus we need to return
// null here
return null;
return name;
private static List<Identifier> getName(AccessNode aNode) {
List<Identifier> name = new ArrayList<>();
name.add(new Identifier(aNode.getProperty(),
new OffsetRange(aNode.getFinish() - aNode.getProperty().length(), aNode.getFinish())));
Node base = aNode.getBase();
while (base instanceof AccessNode || base instanceof CallNode || base instanceof IndexNode) {
if (base instanceof CallNode) {
CallNode cNode = (CallNode)base;
base = cNode.getFunction();
} else if (base instanceof IndexNode) {
IndexNode iNode = (IndexNode) base;
if (iNode.getIndex() instanceof LiteralNode) {
LiteralNode lNode = (LiteralNode)iNode.getIndex();
if (lNode.isString()) {
name.add(new Identifier(lNode.getPropertyName(),
new OffsetRange(lNode.getStart(), lNode.getFinish())));
} else {
return null;
base = iNode.getBase();
if (base instanceof AccessNode) {
AccessNode aaNode = (AccessNode)base;
base = aaNode.getBase();
name.add(new Identifier(aaNode.getProperty(),
new OffsetRange(aaNode.getFinish() - aaNode.getProperty().length(), aaNode.getFinish())));
Identifier baseIdent = null;
if (base instanceof IdentNode) {
IdentNode ident = (IdentNode) base;
baseIdent = new Identifier(ident.getName(), getOffsetRange(ident));
} else if (base instanceof LiteralNode) {
// we fake Number object to handel mark occurrences
LiteralNode lNode= (LiteralNode) base;
if (lNode.isNumeric()) {
baseIdent = new Identifier("Number", OffsetRange.NONE); //NOI8N
if (baseIdent != null) {
return name;
} else {
return null;
private JsObject createJsObject(AccessNode accessNode, ParserResult parserResult, ModelBuilder modelBuilder) {
List<Identifier> fqn = getName(accessNode);
if (fqn == null) {
return null;
JsObject object = null;
Identifier name = fqn.get(0);
if (!ModelUtils.THIS.equals(fqn.get(0).getName())) {
if (modelBuilder.getCurrentWith() == null) {
DeclarationScopeImpl currentDS = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationScope();
JsObject variable = ModelUtils.getScopeVariable(currentDS, name.getName());
if (variable != null) {
if (variable instanceof ParameterObject || variable.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) {
object = (JsObjectImpl) variable;
} else {
DeclarationScope variableDS = ModelUtils.getDeclarationScope(variable);
if (!variableDS.equals(currentDS)) {
object = (JsObjectImpl) variable;
} else if (currentDS.getProperty(name.getName()) != null) {
Node lastNode = getPreviousFromPath(2);
if (lastNode instanceof BinaryNode) {
BinaryNode bNode = (BinaryNode) lastNode;
if (bNode.lhs().equals(accessNode)) {
object = (JsObjectImpl) variable;
if (object == null) {
JsObject global = modelBuilder.getGlobal();
object = (JsObjectImpl)global.getProperty(name.getName());
if (object == null) {
object = new JsObjectImpl(global, name, name.getOffsetRange(), false, global.getMimeType(), global.getSourceLabel());
global.addProperty(name.getName(), object);
} else {
JsObject withObject = modelBuilder.getCurrentWith();
object = (JsObjectImpl)withObject.getProperty(name.getName());
if (object == null) {
object = new JsObjectImpl(withObject, name, name.getOffsetRange(), false, parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType(), null);
withObject.addProperty(name.getName(), object);
} else {
JsObject current = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationFunction();
object = (JsObjectImpl)resolveThis(current);
if (object != null) {
// find out, whether is not defined in prototype
if (object.getProperty(fqn.get(1).getName()) == null) {
JsObject prototype = object.getProperty(ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE);
if (prototype != null && prototype.getProperty(fqn.get(1).getName()) != null) {
object = prototype;
if (object != null && fqn.size() == 2) {
// try to handle case
// function MyF() {
// this.f1 = f1;
// function f1() {};
// }
// in such case the name after this has to be equal to the declared function.
// -> in the model, just change the f1 from private to privilaged.
String lastName = fqn.get(1).getName();
JsObjectImpl property = (JsObjectImpl)object.getProperty(lastName);
Node lastVisited = getPreviousFromPath(2);
if (property != null && lastName.equals(property.getName()) && (property.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE) && property.getModifiers().size() == 1)
&& !(lastVisited instanceof CallNode)) {
// if there is CallNode, then it like -> don't change modifiers
if (object != null) {
JsObjectImpl property = null;
for (int i = 1; i < fqn.size(); i++) {
property = (JsObjectImpl)object.getProperty(fqn.get(i).getName());
if (property != null) {
object = property;
int pathSize = getPath().size();
Node lastVisited = pathSize > 1 ? getPath().get(pathSize - 2) : getPath().get(0);
boolean onLeftSite = false;
if (lastVisited instanceof BinaryNode) {
BinaryNode bNode = (BinaryNode)lastVisited;
onLeftSite = bNode.tokenType() == TokenType.ASSIGN && bNode.lhs().equals(accessNode);
String propertyName = accessNode.getProperty();
// there is a problem in the parser. When there is a line comment after access node, then the finish of access node is finish of the line comment
int propertyOffsetStart = accessNode.getBase().getFinish() + 1;
int propertyOffsetEnd = propertyOffsetStart + propertyName.length();
if (property != null) {
OffsetRange range = new OffsetRange(propertyOffsetStart, propertyOffsetEnd);
if(onLeftSite && !property.isDeclared()) {
property.setDeclarationName(new Identifier(property.getName(), range));
} else {
name = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, propertyName, propertyOffsetStart, propertyOffsetEnd);
if (name != null) {
if (pathSize > 1 && getPath().get(pathSize - 2) instanceof CallNode) {
CallNode cNode = (CallNode)getPath().get(pathSize - 2);
if (!cNode.getArgs().contains(accessNode)) {
property = ModelElementFactory.createVirtualFunction(parserResult, object, name, cNode.getArgs().size());
} else {
property = new JsObjectImpl(object, name, name.getOffsetRange(), onLeftSite, parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType(), null);
} else {
boolean setDocumentation = false;
if (isPriviliged(accessNode) && getPath().size() > 1 && (getPreviousFromPath(2) instanceof ExpressionStatement || getPreviousFromPath(1) instanceof ExpressionStatement)) {
// google style declaration of properties: this.buildingID;
onLeftSite = true;
setDocumentation = true;
property = new JsObjectImpl(object, name, name.getOffsetRange(), onLeftSite, parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType(), null);
if (setDocumentation) {
JsDocumentationHolder docHolder = JsDocumentationSupport.getDocumentationHolder(parserResult);
if (docHolder != null) {
List<Type> returnTypes = docHolder.getReturnType(accessNode);
if (!returnTypes.isEmpty()) {
for (Type type : returnTypes) {
property.addAssignment(new TypeUsage(type.getType(), type.getOffset(), true), accessNode.getFinish());
setModifiersFromDoc(property, docHolder.getModifiers(accessNode));
object.addProperty(name.getName(), property);
object = property;
return object;
* Gets the node name if it has any (case of AccessNode, BinaryNode, VarNode, PropertyNode).
* @param node examined node for getting its name
* @return name of the node if it supports it
public static List<Identifier> getNodeName(Node node, ParserResult parserResult) {
if (node instanceof AccessNode) {
return getName((AccessNode) node);
} else if (node instanceof BinaryNode) {
return getName((BinaryNode) node, parserResult);
} else if (node instanceof VarNode) {
return getName((VarNode) node);
} else if (node instanceof PropertyNode) {
return getName((PropertyNode) node, parserResult);
} else if (node instanceof IdentNode) {
IdentNode ident = ((IdentNode) node);
return Arrays.<Identifier>asList(new Identifier(
ident.getName(), getOffsetRange(ident)));
} else if (node instanceof FunctionNode) {
if (((FunctionNode) node).getKind() == FunctionNode.Kind.SCRIPT) {
return Collections.<Identifier>emptyList();
IdentNode ident = ((FunctionNode) node).getIdent();
return Arrays.<Identifier>asList(new Identifier(
ident.getName(), getOffsetRange(ident)));
} else {
return Collections.<Identifier>emptyList();
//// private Variable findVarWithName(final Scope scope, final String name) {
//// Variable result = null;
//// Collection<Variable> variables = ScopeImpl.filter(scope.getElements(), new ScopeImpl.ElementFilter() {
//// @Override
//// public boolean isAccepted(ModelElement element) {
//// return element.getJSKind().equals(JsElement.Kind.VARIABLE)
//// && element.getName().equals(name);
//// }
//// });
//// if (!variables.isEmpty()) {
//// result = variables.iterator().next();
//// } else {
//// if (!(scope instanceof FileScope)) {
//// result = findVarWithName((Scope)scope.getInElement(), name);
//// }
//// }
//// return result;
//// }
//// private Field findFieldWithName(FunctionScope function, final String name) {
//// Field result = null;
//// Collection<? extends Field> fields = function.getFields();
//// result = ModelUtils.getFirst(ModelUtils.getFirst(fields, name));
//// if (result == null && function.getInElement() instanceof FunctionScope) {
//// FunctionScope parent = (FunctionScope)function.getInElement();
//// fields = parent.getFields();
//// result = ModelUtils.getFirst(ModelUtils.getFirst(fields, name));
//// }
//// return result;
//// }
private boolean isInPropertyNode() {
boolean inFunction = false;
for (int i = getPath().size() - 1; i > 0 ; i--) {
final Node node = getPath().get(i);
if(node instanceof FunctionNode) {
if (!inFunction) {
inFunction = true;
} else {
return false;
} else if (node instanceof PropertyNode) {
return true;
return false;
private void addOccurence(IdentNode iNode, boolean leftSite) {
addOccurence(iNode, leftSite, false);
private void addOccurence(IdentNode iNode, boolean leftSite, boolean isFunction) {
if (!iNode.isDestructuredParameter()) {
// skip names of destructured param (it's syntetic)
addOccurrence(iNode.getName(), getOffsetRange(iNode), leftSite, isFunction);
private void addOccurrence(String name, OffsetRange range, boolean leftSite, boolean isFunction) {
if (ModelUtils.THIS.equals(name) || Type.UNDEFINED.equals(name)) {
// don't process this node and undefined
occurrenceBuilder.addOccurrence(name, range, modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationScope(), modelBuilder.getCurrentObject(), modelBuilder.getCurrentWith(), isFunction, leftSite);
// DeclarationScope scope = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationScope();
// JsObject property = null;
// JsObject parameter = null;
// JsObject parent = modelBuilder.getCurrentObject();
// if (!(parent instanceof JsWith || (parent.getParent() != null && parent.getParent() instanceof JsWith))) {
// while (scope != null && property == null && parameter == null) {
// JsFunction function = (JsFunction)scope;
// property = function.getProperty(name);
// parameter = function.getParameter(name);
// scope = scope.getParentScope();
// }
// if(parameter != null) {
// if (property == null) {
// property = parameter;
// } else {
// if(property.getJSKind() != JsElement.Kind.VARIABLE) {
// property = parameter;
// }
// }
// }
// } else {
// if (!(parent instanceof JsWith) && (parent.getParent() != null && parent.getParent() instanceof JsWith)) {
// parent = parent.getParent();
// }
// property = parent.getProperty(name);
// }
// if (property != null) {
// // occurence in the doc
// addDocNameOccurence(((JsObjectImpl)property));
// addDocTypesOccurence(((JsObjectImpl)property));
// ((JsObjectImpl)property).addOccurrence(range);
// } else {
// // it's a new global variable?
// Identifier nameIden = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, name, range.getStart(), range.getEnd());
// if (nameIden != null) {
// JsObjectImpl newObject;
// if (!(parent instanceof JsWith)) {
// parent = modelBuilder.getGlobal();
// }
// if (!isFunction) {
// newObject = new JsObjectImpl(parent, nameIden, nameIden.getOffsetRange(),
// leftSite, parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType(), null);
// } else {
// FileObject fo = parserResult.getSnapshot().getSource().getFileObject();
// newObject = new JsFunctionImpl(fo, parent, nameIden, Collections.EMPTY_LIST,
// parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType(), null);
// }
// newObject.addOccurrence(nameIden.getOffsetRange());
// parent.addProperty(nameIden.getName(), newObject);
// }
// }
* Handles adding occurrences in expression like var xxx = xxx or = xxx;
* @param iNode
* @param name
private void addOccurrence(IdentNode iNode, String name) {
String valueName = iNode.getName();
if (!name.equals(valueName)) {
addOccurence(iNode, false);
} else {
DeclarationScope scope = modelBuilder.getCurrentDeclarationScope();
JsObject parameter = null;
if (scope instanceof JsFunction) {
JsFunction function = (JsFunction)scope;
parameter = function.getParameter(iNode.getName());
if (parameter != null) {
} else {
boolean found = false;
JsObject jsProperty = ((JsObject)scope).getProperty(valueName);
if (jsProperty != null && jsProperty.isDeclared()) {
found = true;
jsProperty.addOccurrence(new OffsetRange(iNode.getStart(), iNode.getFinish()));
} else {
JsObject jsObject = ModelUtils.getScopeVariable(scope.getParentScope(), valueName);
if (jsObject != null) {
jsObject.addOccurrence(new OffsetRange(iNode.getStart(), iNode.getFinish()));
found = true;
if (!found) {
// new global var?
Identifier nameI = ModelElementFactory.create(parserResult, iNode);
if (nameI != null) {
JsObjectImpl newObject;
newObject = new JsObjectImpl(modelBuilder.getGlobal(), nameI, nameI.getOffsetRange(),
false, parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType(), null);
modelBuilder.getGlobal().addProperty(nameI.getName(), newObject);
private void addDocNameOccurence(JsObjectImpl jsObject) {
JsDocumentationHolder holder = JsDocumentationSupport.getDocumentationHolder(parserResult);
JsComment comment = holder.getCommentForOffset(jsObject.getOffset(), holder.getCommentBlocks());
if (comment != null) {
for (DocParameter docParameter : comment.getParameters()) {
Identifier paramName = docParameter.getParamName();
String name = (docParameter.getParamName() == null) ? "" : docParameter.getParamName().getName(); //NOI18N
if (name.equals(jsObject.getName())) {
private boolean belongsTo(JsObject parent, String property) {
boolean result = parent.getProperty(property) != null;
if (!result && parent instanceof JsFunction) {
result = ((JsFunction)parent).getParameter(property) != null;
return result;
private JsObject processLhs(Identifier name, JsObject parent, boolean lastOnLeft) {
JsObject lObject = null;
if (name != null) {
if (ModelUtils.THIS.equals(name.getName())) {
return null;
final String newVarName = name.getName();
boolean hasParent = belongsTo(parent, newVarName);
boolean hasGrandParent = parent.getJSKind() == JsElement.Kind.METHOD && belongsTo(parent.getParent(), newVarName);
if (!hasParent && !hasGrandParent && modelBuilder.getGlobal().getProperty(newVarName) == null) {
addOccurrence(name.getName(), name.getOffsetRange(), lastOnLeft, false);
} else {
if (hasParent) {
lObject = parent.getProperty(newVarName);
if(lObject == null && parent instanceof JsFunction) {
lObject = ((JsFunction)parent).getParameter(newVarName);
} else if (hasGrandParent) {
lObject = parent.getParent().getProperty(newVarName);
if(lObject == null && parent.getParent() instanceof JsFunction) {
lObject = ((JsFunction)parent.getParent()).getParameter(newVarName);
if (lObject != null) {
} else {
addOccurrence(name.getName(), name.getOffsetRange(), lastOnLeft, false);
// lObject = (JsObjectImpl)parent.getProperty(newVarName);
if (lObject == null) {
// it's not a property of the parent -> try to find in different context
// FIXME why is model visitor requesting model from PR
Model model = Model.getModel(parserResult, false);
Collection<? extends JsObject> variables = model.getVariables(name.getOffsetRange().getStart());
for(JsObject variable : variables) {
if(variable.getName().equals(newVarName)) {
lObject = (JsObjectImpl)variable;
if (lObject == null) {
// the object with the name wasn't find yet -> create in global scope
JsObject where = modelBuilder.getCurrentWith() == null ? model.getGlobalObject() : modelBuilder.getCurrentWith();
lObject = new JsObjectImpl( where, name,
name.getOffsetRange(), lastOnLeft, parserResult.getSnapshot().getMimeType(), null);
where.addProperty(name.getName(), lObject);
return lObject;
public static OffsetRange getOffsetRange(IdentNode node) {
// because the truffle parser doesn't set correctly the finish offset, when there are comments after the indent node
return new OffsetRange(node.getStart(), node.getStart() + node.getName().length());
public static OffsetRange getOffsetRange(Node node) {
return new OffsetRange(node.getStart(), node.getFinish());
public static OffsetRange getOffsetRange(FunctionNode node) {
return new OffsetRange(Token.descPosition(node.getFirstToken()),
Token.descPosition(node.getLastToken()) + Token.descLength(node.getLastToken()));
// TODO move this method to the ModelUtils
* @param where the declaration context, where this is used
* @return JsObject that should represent this.
public JsObject resolveThis(JsObject where) {
JsElement.Kind whereKind = where.getJSKind();
// if (canBeSingletonPattern()) {
// JsObject result = resolveThisInSingletonPattern(where);
// if (result != null) {
// return result;
// }
// }
if (whereKind == JsElement.Kind.FILE) {
// this is used in global context
return where;
if (whereKind.isFunction() && where.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) {
// the case where is defined private function in another function
return where;
JsObject parent = where.getParent();
if (parent == null) {
return where;
JsElement.Kind parentKind = parent.getJSKind();
if (parentKind == JsElement.Kind.FILE && !where.isAnonymous()) {
// this is used in a function that is in the global context
return where;
if (ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE.equals(parent.getName())) {
// this is used in a function defined in prototype object
return where.getParent().getParent();
if (whereKind == JsElement.Kind.CONSTRUCTOR) {
if (parentKind == JsElement.Kind.CLASS) {
return parent;
} else {
return where;
if (whereKind.isFunction() && !where.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE) && !where.isAnonymous()) {
// public or protected method
if (parent.getJSKind() == JsElement.Kind.OBJECT_LITERAL) {
if (Character.isUpperCase(where.getName().charAt(0))) {
return where;
if (Character.isUpperCase(parent.getName().charAt(0))) {
return parent;
} else {
if (parent.isDeclared() || modelBuilder.getCurrentWith() != null) {
return parent;
} else {
return where;
if (isInPropertyNode()) {
// this is used in a method of an object -> this is the object
return parent;
// if (where.isAnonymous()) {
// JsObject result = resolveThisInSingletonPattern(where);
// if (result != null) {
// return result;
// }
// }
return where;
private JsObject resolveThisInSingletonPattern(JsObject where) {
int pathIndex = 1;
Node lastNode = getPreviousFromPath(1);
if (lastNode instanceof FunctionNode && !canBeSingletonPattern(pathIndex)) {
while (pathIndex < getPath().size() && !(getPreviousFromPath(pathIndex) instanceof FunctionNode)) {
// trying to find out that it corresponds with patter, where an object is defined via new function:
// exp: = new function () { this.field = "";}
if (canBeSingletonPattern(pathIndex)) {
UnaryNode uNode = (UnaryNode) getPreviousFromPath(pathIndex + 2);
if (uNode.tokenType() == TokenType.NEW) {
String name = null;
boolean simpleName = true;
if (getPreviousFromPath(pathIndex + 3) instanceof BinaryNode) {
BinaryNode bNode = (BinaryNode) getPreviousFromPath(pathIndex + 3);
if (bNode.tokenType() == TokenType.ASSIGN) {
if (bNode.lhs() instanceof AccessNode) {
List<Identifier> identifier = getName((AccessNode) bNode.lhs());
if (identifier != null) {
if (!identifier.isEmpty() && ModelUtils.THIS.equals(identifier.get(0).getName())) {
if (identifier.size() == 1) {
name = identifier.get(0).getName();
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Identifier part : identifier) {
name = sb.toString().substring(0, sb.length() - 1);
simpleName = false;
} else if (bNode.lhs() instanceof IdentNode) {
name = ((IdentNode) bNode.lhs()).getName();
} else if (getPreviousFromPath(pathIndex + 3) instanceof VarNode) {
VarNode vNode = (VarNode)getPreviousFromPath(pathIndex + 3);
name = vNode.getName().getName();
JsObject parent = where.getParent() == null ? where : where.getParent();
if (name != null) {
if (simpleName) {
parent = where;
while (parent != null && parent.getProperty(name) == null) {
parent = parent.getParent();
if (parent != null && parent.getProperty(name) != null) {
if (parent.getName().equals(name) && parent.getProperty(name).getJSKind().isFunction()) {
return parent;
return parent.getProperty(name);
} else {
JsObject property = ModelUtils.findJsObjectByName(ModelUtils.getGlobalObject(parent), name);
if (property != null) {
return property;
return null;
private boolean canBeSingletonPattern(int pathIndex) {
return (getPath().size() > pathIndex + 3 && getPreviousFromPath(pathIndex) instanceof FunctionNode
&& getPreviousFromPath(pathIndex + 1) instanceof CallNode
&& ((CallNode)getPreviousFromPath(pathIndex + 1)).getFunction().equals(getPreviousFromPath(pathIndex))
&& getPreviousFromPath(pathIndex + 2) instanceof UnaryNode
&& (getPreviousFromPath(pathIndex + 3) instanceof BinaryNode
|| getPreviousFromPath(pathIndex + 3) instanceof VarNode));
private boolean isPriviliged(AccessNode aNode) {
Node node = aNode.getBase();
while (node instanceof AccessNode) {
node = ((AccessNode)node).getBase();
if (node instanceof IdentNode && ModelUtils.THIS.endsWith(((IdentNode)node).getName())) {
return true;
return false;
private void setModifiersFromDoc(JsObject object, Set<JsModifier> modifiers) {
if (modifiers != null && !modifiers.isEmpty()) {
for (JsModifier jsModifier : modifiers) {
switch (jsModifier) {
// if the modifier from doc is PRIVATE, keep information about the privilaged or public method anyway.
case PUBLIC:
case STATIC:
private void processObjectPropertyAssignment(CallNode cNode) {
if (!(cNode.getFunction() instanceof AccessNode)) {
AccessNode aNode = (AccessNode)cNode.getFunction();
if ("assign".equals(aNode.getProperty())
&& aNode.getBase() instanceof IdentNode
&& "Object".equals(((IdentNode)aNode.getBase()).getName())) {
// the function call is Object.assign ...
final List<Expression> args = cNode.getArgs();
if (args != null && !args.isEmpty()) {
// first param is the target object
List<Identifier> targetName = getNodeName(args.get(0), parserResult);
if (targetName != null && !targetName.isEmpty()) {
JsObjectImpl targetObject = ModelUtils.getJsObject(modelBuilder, targetName, false);
if (targetObject != null) {
for (int i = 1; i < args.size(); i++) {
Expression expression = args.get(i);
List<Identifier> argName = getNodeName(expression, parserResult);
if (argName != null && !argName.isEmpty()) {
JsObjectImpl argObject = ModelUtils.getJsObject(modelBuilder, argName, false);
if (argObject != null) {
for(JsObject property : argObject.getProperties().values()) {
JsObject copyProperty;
if (property.getJSKind().isFunction()) {
copyProperty = new JsFunctionReference(targetObject, property.getDeclarationName(), (JsFunction)property, true, property.getModifiers());
} else {
copyProperty = new JsObjectReference(targetObject, property.getDeclarationName(), property, true, property.getModifiers());
targetObject.addProperty(copyProperty.getName(), copyProperty);
public static class FunctionCall {
private final String name;
private final DeclarationScope scope;
private final Collection<FunctionArgument> arguments;
private final int callOffset;
public FunctionCall(String name, DeclarationScope scope,
Collection<FunctionArgument> arguments, int callOffset) { = name;
this.scope = scope;
this.arguments = arguments;
this.callOffset = callOffset;
public String getName() {
return name;
public DeclarationScope getScope() {
return scope;
public Collection<FunctionArgument> getArguments() {
return arguments;
public int getCallOffset() {
return callOffset;
private String debugInfo(Node node) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (node instanceof FunctionNode) {
FunctionNode fn = (FunctionNode)node;
sb.append("FunctionNode name: ").append(fn.getName());
sb.append(", Ident: ").append(fn.getIdent());
if (fn.allVarsInScope()) sb.append(", allVarsInScope");
if (fn.isAnonymous()) sb.append(", isAnonymous");
if (fn.isDeclared()) sb.append(", isDeclared");
if (fn.isMethod()) sb.append(", isMethod");
if (fn.isNamedFunctionExpression()) sb.append(", isNamedFunctionExpression");
if (fn.isVarArg()) sb.append(", isVarArg");
if (fn.hasDeclaredFunctions()) sb.append(", hasDeclaredFunctions");
if (fn.hasDirectSuper()) sb.append(", hasDirectSuper");
// if (fn.hasScopeBlock()) sb.append(", hasScoprBlock");
} else if (node instanceof VarNode) {
VarNode vn = (VarNode)node;
sb.append("VarNode ").append(vn.getName());
if (vn.isBlockScoped()) sb.append(", isBlockScoped");
if (vn.isConst()) sb.append(", isConst");
if (vn.isFunctionDeclaration()) sb.append(", isFunctionDeclaration");
if (vn.isLet()) sb.append(", isLet");
} else {
return sb.toString();
@ServiceProvider(service = ModelResolver.Provider.class, position = 10_000)
public static final class Provider implements ModelResolver.Provider {
public ModelResolver create(ParserResult result, OccurrenceBuilder occurrenceBuilder) {
final ModelVisitor visitor = new ModelVisitor(result, occurrenceBuilder);
return visitor;