blob: afcfd6c1efe7a72b2c4b0343322b67a5a8e09ec9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.api.Occurrence;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.api.ModelUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.Documentation;
import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.Modifier;
import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.OffsetRange;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.doc.spi.JsDocumentationHolder;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.api.JsElement;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.api.JsFunction;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.api.JsObject;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.model.api.Occurrence;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.types.api.DeclarationScope;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.types.api.Identifier;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.types.api.Type;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.types.api.TypeUsage;
* @author Petr Pisl
public class JsObjectImpl extends JsElementImpl implements JsObject {
protected final LinkedHashMap<String, JsObject> properties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private Identifier declarationName;
private JsObject parent;
private final List<Occurrence> occurrences = new ArrayList<>();
private final NavigableMap<Integer, Collection<TypeUsage>> assignments = new TreeMap<>();
private final Map<String, Integer>assignmentsReverse = new HashMap<>();
private boolean hasName;
private Documentation documentation;
protected JsElement.Kind kind;
private boolean isVirtual;
private boolean isAnonymous;
public JsObjectImpl(JsObject parent, Identifier name, OffsetRange offsetRange,
String mimeType, String sourceLabel) {
super((parent != null ? parent.getFileObject() : null), name.getName(),
ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE.equals(name.getName()), offsetRange, EnumSet.of(Modifier.PUBLIC), mimeType, sourceLabel);
this.declarationName = name;
this.parent = parent;
this.hasName = name.getOffsetRange().getStart() != name.getOffsetRange().getEnd();
this.kind = null;
this.isVirtual = false;
this.isAnonymous = false;
public JsObjectImpl(JsObject parent, Identifier name, OffsetRange offsetRange,
boolean isDeclared, Set<Modifier> modifiers, String mimeType, String sourceLabel) {
super((parent != null ? parent.getFileObject() : null), name.getName(),
isDeclared, offsetRange, modifiers, mimeType, sourceLabel);
this.declarationName = name;
this.parent = parent;
this.hasName = !OffsetRange.NONE.equals(name.getOffsetRange()) && (name.getOffsetRange().getStart() != name.getOffsetRange().getEnd());
this.kind = null;
this.isVirtual = false;
public JsObjectImpl(JsObject parent, Identifier name, OffsetRange offsetRange,
boolean isDeclared, String mimeType, String sourceLabel) {
this(parent, name, offsetRange, isDeclared, EnumSet.of(Modifier.PUBLIC), mimeType, sourceLabel);
protected JsObjectImpl(JsObject parent, String name, boolean isDeclared,
OffsetRange offsetRange, Set<Modifier> modifiers, String mimeType, String sourceLabel) {
super((parent != null ? parent.getFileObject() : null), name, isDeclared,
offsetRange, modifiers, mimeType, sourceLabel);
this.declarationName = null;
this.parent = parent;
this.hasName = false;
public Identifier getDeclarationName() {
return declarationName;
public String getName() {
return declarationName != null ? declarationName.getName() : super.getName();
public void setDeclarationName(Identifier declaration) {
declarationName = declaration;
hasName = declaration.getOffsetRange().getLength() > 0;
public Kind getJSKind() {
if (kind != null) {
return kind;
if (parent == null) {
// global object
return Kind.FILE;
if (ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE.equals(getName())) {
return Kind.OBJECT;
if (isDeclared()) {
if (ModelUtils.ARGUMENTS.equals(getName())) {
// special variable object of every function
return Kind.VARIABLE;
if (!getAssignmentForOffset(getDeclarationName().getOffsetRange().getEnd()).isEmpty()
&& hasOnlyVirtualProperties()) {
if (getParent().getParent() == null || getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) {
return Kind.VARIABLE;
} else {
return Kind.PROPERTY;
} else {
if (!getProperties().isEmpty()) {
return Kind.OBJECT;
if (getProperties().isEmpty()) {
if (getParent().isAnonymous() && (getParent() instanceof AnonymousObject)) {
return Kind.PROPERTY;
if (getParent().getParent() == null || getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) {
// variable or the global object
return Kind.VARIABLE;
if (getParent() instanceof JsFunction) {
if (isDeclared()) {
return getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE) ? Kind.VARIABLE : Kind.PROPERTY;
return Kind.PROPERTY;
return Kind.OBJECT;
private boolean hasOnlyVirtualProperties() {
for (JsObject property : getProperties().values()) {
if (property.isDeclared() || ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE.equals(property.getName())) {
return false;
return true;
public Map<String, ? extends JsObject> getProperties() {
return properties;
public void addProperty(String name, JsObject property) {
properties.put(name, property);
public JsObject getProperty(String name) {
return properties.get(name);
public JsObject getParent() {
return parent;
public void setParent(JsObject newParent) {
this.parent = newParent;
public boolean isVirtual() {
return isVirtual;
public void setVirtual(boolean isVirtual) {
this.isVirtual = isVirtual;
public int getOffset() {
return declarationName == null ? -1 : declarationName.getOffsetRange().getStart();
public List<Occurrence> getOccurrences() {
return occurrences;
public void addOccurrence(OffsetRange offsetRange) {
Occurrence occurrence = new Occurrence(offsetRange, this);
if (!occurrences.contains(occurrence)) {
public void addAssignment(Collection<TypeUsage> typeNames, int offset) {
for(TypeUsage type: typeNames) {
addAssignment(type, offset);
public void clearAssignments() {
public void addAssignment(TypeUsage typeName, int offset) {
if (typeName == null || (Type.UNDEFINED.equals(typeName.getType()) && !assignments.isEmpty())) {
// don't add undefined type, if there are already some types
Collection<TypeUsage> types = assignments.get(offset);
if (types == null) {
// create always empty list, need to be counted for number of assignments.
types = new ArrayList<>();
assignments.put(offset, types);
Integer alreadyDefinedOffset = assignmentsReverse.get(typeName.getType());
if (alreadyDefinedOffset != null) {
// there is already assignment of this type. It's enough to store the
// assignment with the min offset
if(alreadyDefinedOffset <= offset) {
// do nothing, just remember the previous one
} else {
// we need to replace the assignment with bigger offset
Collection<TypeUsage> typesToRemove = assignments.get(alreadyDefinedOffset);
for (TypeUsage type : typesToRemove) {
if (type.getType().equals(typeName.getType())) {
assignmentsReverse.put(typeName.getType(), offset);
public Collection<? extends TypeUsage> getAssignmentForOffset(int offset) {
List<? extends TypeUsage> result = new ArrayList<>();
Map.Entry<Integer, Collection<TypeUsage>> found = assignments.floorEntry(offset);
while (found != null) {
int tmpOffset = found.getKey() - 1;
found = assignments.floorEntry(tmpOffset);
return result;
public int getAssignmentCount() {
return assignments.size();
public Collection<? extends TypeUsage> getAssignments() {
List<TypeUsage> values;
values = new ArrayList<>();
for (Collection<? extends TypeUsage> types : assignments.values()) {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(values);
public String getFullyQualifiedName() {
if (getParent() == null) {
return getName();
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
JsObject pObject = this;
while ((pObject = pObject.getParent()).getParent() != null) {
result.insert(0, ".");
result.insert(0, pObject.getName());
return result.toString();
public boolean isAnonymous() {
return isAnonymous;
public void setAnonymous(boolean value) {
this.isAnonymous = value;
public boolean containsOffset(int offset) {
if (getOffsetRange().containsInclusive(offset)) {
return true;
// some methods can be declared outside the main object
for (JsObject property : getProperties().values()) {
if (property.getOffsetRange().containsInclusive(offset)) {
return true;
if (ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE.equals(property.getName())) {
if (property.containsOffset(offset)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean hasExactName() {
return hasName;
public final void setJsKind(JsElement.Kind kind) {
this.kind = kind;
protected Collection<TypeUsage> resolveAssignments(JsObject jsObject, int offset) {
Collection<String> visited = new HashSet<>(); // for preventing infinited loops
return resolveAssignments(jsObject, offset, visited);
protected Collection<TypeUsage> resolveAssignments(JsObject jsObject, int offset, Collection<String> visited) {
Collection<TypeUsage> result = new HashSet<>();
String fqn = jsObject.getFullyQualifiedName();
if (visited.contains(fqn)) {
return result;
Collection<? extends TypeUsage> offsetAssignments = Collections.emptyList();
Map.Entry<Integer, Collection<TypeUsage>> found = ((JsObjectImpl) jsObject).assignments.floorEntry(offset);
if (found != null) {
offsetAssignments = found.getValue();
if (offsetAssignments.isEmpty() && !jsObject.getProperties().isEmpty()) {
result.add(new TypeUsage(jsObject.getFullyQualifiedName(), jsObject.getOffset(), true));
} else {
for (TypeUsage assignment : offsetAssignments) {
if (!visited.contains(assignment.getType())) {
if (assignment.isResolved()) {
} else {
if (assignment.getType().startsWith("@")) {
result.addAll(ModelUtils.resolveTypeFromSemiType(jsObject, assignment));
} else {
DeclarationScope scope = ModelUtils.getDeclarationScope(jsObject);
JsObject object = ModelUtils.getJsObjectByName(scope, assignment.getType());
if (object == null) {
JsObject gloal = ModelUtils.getGlobalObject(jsObject);
object = ModelUtils.findJsObjectByName(gloal, assignment.getType());
if (object != null) {
Collection<TypeUsage> resolvedFromObject = resolveAssignments(object, found != null ? found.getKey() : -1, visited);
if (resolvedFromObject.isEmpty()) {
result.add(new TypeUsage(object.getFullyQualifiedName(), assignment.getOffset(), true));
} else {
return result;
public void resolveTypes(JsDocumentationHolder jsDocHolder) {
if (parent == null
|| (parent != null && parent.getOffset() == getOffset() && ModelUtils.ARGUMENTS.equals(getName())) ) {
Collection<TypeUsage> resolved = new ArrayList<>();
for (Collection<TypeUsage> unresolved : assignments.values()) {
JsObject global = ModelUtils.getGlobalObject(parent);
for (TypeUsage type : unresolved) {
Collection<TypeUsage> resolvedHere = new ArrayList<>();
if (!type.isResolved()) {
resolvedHere.addAll(ModelUtils.resolveTypeFromSemiType(this, type));
} else {
if (!type.getType().contains(ModelUtils.THIS)) {
for (TypeUsage typeHere : resolvedHere) {
if (typeHere.getOffset() > 0) {
TypeUsage newType = typeHere;
if (!typeHere.isResolved() && (typeHere.getType().startsWith(SemiTypeResolverVisitor.ST_PRO))) {
newType = ModelUtils.createResolvedType(global, typeHere);
String rType = ModelUtils.getFQNFromType(newType);
JsObject jsObject = ModelUtils.findJsObjectByName(global, rType);
if (jsObject == null && rType.indexOf('.') == -1 && global instanceof DeclarationScope) {
DeclarationScope declarationScope = ModelUtils.getDeclarationScope((DeclarationScope) global, typeHere.getOffset());
jsObject = ModelUtils.getJsObjectByName(declarationScope, rType);
if (jsObject == null) {
JsObject decParent = (this.parent.getJSKind() != JsElement.Kind.ANONYMOUS_OBJECT
&& this.parent.getJSKind() != JsElement.Kind.OBJECT_LITERAL)
? this.parent : this.parent.getParent();
while (jsObject == null && decParent != null) {
jsObject = decParent.getProperty(rType);
decParent = decParent.getParent();
if (jsObject != null) {
// if (typeHere.isResolved() && !jsObject.isAnonymous()) {
if (typeHere.isResolved()) {
int index = rType.lastIndexOf('.');
int typeLength = (index > -1) ? rType.length() - index - 1 : rType.length();
int offset = typeHere.getOffset();
((JsObjectImpl) jsObject).addOccurrence(new OffsetRange(offset, jsObject.isAnonymous() ? offset : offset + typeLength));
moveOccurrenceOfProperties((JsObjectImpl) jsObject, this);
JsObject parent = jsObject.getParent();
if (parent != null && "window".equals(parent.getName())) {
for (JsObject property : getProperties().values()) {
if (property.isDeclared()) {
JsObject gwProp = jsObject.getProperty(property.getName());
if (gwProp == null) {
jsObject.addProperty(property.getName(), property);
} else if (type.getType().equals("@this;") && resolvedHere.size() == 1) {
// we expect something like self = this, so all properties of the object should be assigned to the this.
TypeUsage originalType = resolvedHere.iterator().next();
JsObject originalObject = ModelUtils.findJsObjectByName(global, originalType.getType());
if (originalObject != null) {
// move all properties to the original type.
// create copy of the new object, but without the properties
// the new object is needed for setting new assignment.
JsObject newObject = new JsObjectImpl(this.parent, this.declarationName,
this.getOffsetRange(), this.isDeclared(), this.getModifiers(), this.getMimeType(), this.getSourceLabel());
// replace the object with object without the properties
parent.addProperty(this.getName(), newObject);
// copy all the properties to the original object that represents this
List <JsObject> propertiesCopy = new ArrayList<>(;
for (JsObject property : propertiesCopy) {
ModelUtils.moveProperty(originalObject, property);
for (Occurrence occurrence : this.occurrences) {
newObject.addAssignment(new TypeUsage(originalObject.getFullyQualifiedName(), originalObject.getOffset(), true), assignments.keySet().iterator().next().intValue());
if (!isAnonymous()) {
List<OffsetRange> docOccurrences = jsDocHolder.getOccurencesMap().get(getFullyQualifiedName());
if (docOccurrences != null) {
for (OffsetRange offsetRange : docOccurrences) {
if (!isAnonymous() && assignments.isEmpty()) {
// try to recount occurrences
JsObject global = ModelUtils.getGlobalObject(parent);
List<Occurrence> correctedOccurrences = new ArrayList<>();
JsObjectImpl obAssignment = findRightTypeAssignment(getDeclarationName().getOffsetRange().getStart(), global);
if (obAssignment != null && !obAssignment.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) {
for (Occurrence occurrence : new ArrayList<>(occurrences)) {
obAssignment = findRightTypeAssignment(occurrence.getOffsetRange().getStart(), global);
if (obAssignment != null && !obAssignment.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) {
} else {
for(Occurrence occurrence : correctedOccurrences){
// resolving prototype types
JsObject prototype = getProperty(ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE);
if (prototype != null) {
Collection<? extends TypeUsage> protoAssignments = prototype.getAssignments();
if (protoAssignments != null && !protoAssignments.isEmpty()) {
protoAssignments = new ArrayList<>(protoAssignments);
Collection<? extends JsObject> variables = ModelUtils.getVariables(ModelUtils.getDeclarationScope(this));
for (TypeUsage typeUsage : protoAssignments) {
for (JsObject variable : variables) {
if (typeUsage.getType().equals(variable.getName())) {
if (!typeUsage.getType().equals(variable.getFullyQualifiedName())) {
prototype.addAssignment(new TypeUsage(variable.getFullyQualifiedName(), typeUsage.getOffset(), true), typeUsage.getOffset());
// Try to find, whether this object is not also property of parent prototype.
if (!isDeclared() && getParent() != null) {
prototype = getParent().getProperty(ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE);
if (prototype != null) {
JsObject prototypeProperty = prototype.getProperty(getName());
if (prototypeProperty != null && prototypeProperty.isDeclared()) {
// if there is also a property of parent prototype with the same name
// and is declared, move all the occurrences to the declared property
// and this property remove from parent.
for (Occurrence occurrence : getOccurrences()) {
protected void clearOccurrences() {
public static void moveOccurrenceOfProperties(JsObjectImpl original, JsObject created) {
if (original.equals(created)) {
Collection<JsObject> prototypeChains = findPrototypeChain(original);
for (JsObject jsObject : prototypeChains) {
for (JsObject origProperty : jsObject.getProperties().values()) {
if (origProperty.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)
|| origProperty.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PROTECTED)) {
JsObjectImpl usedProperty = (JsObjectImpl) created.getProperty(origProperty.getName());
if (usedProperty != null) {
moveOccurrence((JsObjectImpl) origProperty, usedProperty);
moveOccurrenceOfProperties((JsObjectImpl) origProperty, usedProperty);
JsObject prototype = jsObject.getProperty(ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE);
if (prototype != null) {
moveOccurrenceOfProperties((JsObjectImpl) prototype, created);
if (!original.getAssignments().isEmpty() && created.getAssignments().isEmpty()) {
// we are add type to help resolve other properties.
for(TypeUsage type : original.getAssignments()) {
created.addAssignment(type, -1);
public static void moveOccurrence(JsObjectImpl original, JsObject created) {
original.addOccurrence(created.getDeclarationName() != null ? created.getDeclarationName().getOffsetRange(): OffsetRange.NONE);
for (Occurrence occur : created.getOccurrences()) {
((JsObjectImpl) created).clearOccurrences();
if (original.isDeclared() && created.isDeclared()) {
((JsObjectImpl) created).setDeclared(false); // the property is not declared here
* Create prototype chain only from objects in the file
* @param object
* @return
public static Collection<JsObject> findPrototypeChain(JsObject object) {
List<JsObject> chain = new ArrayList<>();
chain.addAll(findPrototypeChain(object, new HashSet<>()));
return chain;
private static List<JsObject> findPrototypeChain(JsObject object, Set<String> alreadyCheck) {
List<JsObject> result = new ArrayList<>();
String fqn = object.getFullyQualifiedName();
if (!alreadyCheck.contains(fqn)) {
JsObject prototype = object.getProperty(ModelUtils.PROTOTYPE);
if (prototype != null && !prototype.getAssignments().isEmpty()) {
JsObject global = ModelUtils.getGlobalObject(object);
for (TypeUsage type : prototype.getAssignments()) {
if (!type.isResolved()) {
Collection<TypeUsage> resolved = ModelUtils.resolveTypeFromSemiType(object, type);
for (TypeUsage rType : resolved) {
if (rType.isResolved()) {
JsObject fObject = ModelUtils.findJsObjectByName(global, rType.getType());
if (fObject != null) {
result.addAll(findPrototypeChain(fObject, alreadyCheck));
} else {
JsObject fObject = ModelUtils.findJsObjectByName(global, type.getType());
if (fObject != null) {
result.addAll(findPrototypeChain(fObject, alreadyCheck));
return result;
* This methods returns JsObject that represents a type for an assignment.
* @param offset
* @return return the object
private JsObjectImpl findRightTypeAssignment(int offset, JsObject global) {
Collection<? extends TypeUsage> findedAssignments;
JsObject current;
JsObject currentParent = this;
// save the properties in a list to reuse it later
List<String> propertyPath = new ArrayList<>();
do {
current = currentParent;
findedAssignments = current.getAssignmentForOffset(offset);
currentParent = current.getParent();
} while (findedAssignments.isEmpty() && currentParent != null);
for (TypeUsage type : findedAssignments) {
// find the appropriate object for the type in the model
current = ModelUtils.findJsObjectByName(global, type.getType());
// map back the properties from the propertyPath to get the right object
for (int i = propertyPath.size() - 2; i > -1 && current != null; i--) {
current = current.getProperty(propertyPath.get(i));
if (current != null) {
return (JsObjectImpl) current;
return null;
public Documentation getDocumentation() {
return documentation;
public void setDocumentation(Documentation doc) {
this.documentation = doc;
public boolean isDeprecated() {
return getModifiers().contains(Modifier.DEPRECATED);
public void setDeprecated(boolean depreceted) {
if (depreceted) {
} else {
public boolean moveProperty(String name, JsObject newParent) {
JsObject property = getProperty(name);
if (property == null) {
return false;
if (property instanceof JsObjectImpl) {
String oldFQN = property.getFullyQualifiedName();
newParent.addProperty(name, property);
String newFQN = property.getFullyQualifiedName();
JsObject global = ModelUtils.getGlobalObject(this);
if (global instanceof JsObjectImpl) {
((JsObjectImpl)global).correctAssignmentsInModel(oldFQN, newFQN, new HashSet<>());
return properties.remove(name) != null;
return false;
private void correctAssignmentsInModel (String fromType, String toType, Set<String> done) {
if (!done.contains(getFullyQualifiedName())) {
correctTypes(fromType, toType);
for (JsObject property: getProperties().values()) {
if (property instanceof JsObjectImpl) {
((JsObjectImpl)property).correctAssignmentsInModel(fromType, toType, done);
protected void correctTypes(String fromType, String toType) {
for (Collection<TypeUsage> types: assignments.values()) {
List<TypeUsage> copy = new ArrayList<>(types);
for (TypeUsage type : copy) {
String typeR = replaceTypeInFQN(type.getType(), fromType, toType);
if (typeR != null) {
types.add(new TypeUsage(typeR, type.getOffset(), type.isResolved()));
* @param typeFQN type that where should be changed
* @param fromType the old type or part of a type
* @param toType the new type or part of a type
* @return null, if it's not possible to replace or the result FQN
protected String replaceTypeInFQN(String typeFQN, String fromType, String toType) {
String typeR = null;
if (typeFQN.isEmpty()) {
return null;
if (typeFQN.equals(fromType)) {
typeR = toType;
} else {
int index = typeFQN.indexOf(fromType);
if (typeFQN.startsWith(SemiTypeResolverVisitor.ST_START_DELIMITER)) {
// it's semitype. we need to mask the semitypes
int delEndIndex = typeFQN.indexOf(';');
if (delEndIndex > 0 && index < delEndIndex) {
index = typeFQN.indexOf(fromType, delEndIndex);
if (index > -1 && !typeFQN.contains(toType)
&& (index == 0 || typeFQN.charAt(index - 1) == '.' || typeFQN.charAt(index - 1) == ';')
&& ((index + fromType.length()) == typeFQN.length() || typeFQN.charAt(index + fromType.length()) == '.')) {
boolean replace = (index == 0 || typeFQN.startsWith(SemiTypeResolverVisitor.ST_START_DELIMITER));
if (!replace && index > 0) {
String typePrefix = typeFQN.substring(0, index - 1);
JsObject global = ModelUtils.getGlobalObject(this);
replace = ModelUtils.findJsObjectByName(global, typePrefix) != null;
if (replace) {
typeR = typeFQN.substring(0, index) + toType + typeFQN.substring(index + fromType.length());
return typeR;