blob: f83ac1bce5e735c24cc7ffcf8fc3f33886a74487 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeEvent;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeListener;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
import org.netbeans.core.ProxySettings;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
import org.openide.util.lookup.ServiceProvider;
* @author Jiri Rechtacek
@ServiceProvider(service = ProxySelector.class, position = 1000)
public final class NbProxySelector extends ProxySelector {
private final ProxySelector original;
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger (NbProxySelector.class.getName ());
private static Boolean useSystemProxies;
private static final String DEFAULT_PROXY_SELECTOR_CLASS_NAME = "";
private static final RequestProcessor RP = new RequestProcessor(NbProxySelector.class.getName(), 5);
private static final int DNS_TIMEOUT = 10000;
/** Creates a new instance of NbProxySelector */
public NbProxySelector() {
original = ProxySelector.getDefault();
LOG.log(Level.FINE, " has been set to {0}", useSystemProxies());
if (original == null || original.getClass().getName().equals(DEFAULT_PROXY_SELECTOR_CLASS_NAME)) { -> NetworkProxyReloader.reloadNetworkProxy());
ProxySettings.addPreferenceChangeListener(new ProxySettingsListener());
public List<Proxy> select(URI uri) {
List<Proxy> res = new ArrayList<Proxy> ();
int proxyType = ProxySettings.getProxyType ();
switch (proxyType) {
case ProxySettings.DIRECT_CONNECTION:
case ProxySettings.AUTO_DETECT_PROXY:
if (useSystemProxies ()) {
if (original != null) {
} else {
String protocol = uri.getScheme ();
assert protocol != null : "Invalid scheme of uri " + uri + ". Scheme cannot be null!";
if (dontUseProxy (ProxySettings.getSystemNonProxyHosts(), uri.getHost ())) {
res.add (Proxy.NO_PROXY);
if (protocol.toLowerCase (Locale.US).startsWith("http")) {
String ports = ProxySettings.getSystemHttpPort();
if (ports != null && ports.length () > 0 && ProxySettings.getSystemHttpHost().length () > 0) {
int porti = Integer.parseInt(ports);
Proxy p = new Proxy (Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress (ProxySettings.getSystemHttpHost(), porti));
res.add (p);
} else { // supposed SOCKS
String ports = ProxySettings.getSystemSocksPort();
String hosts = ProxySettings.getSystemSocksHost();
if (ports != null && ports.length () > 0 && hosts.length () > 0) {
int porti = Integer.parseInt(ports);
Proxy p = new Proxy (Proxy.Type.SOCKS, new InetSocketAddress (hosts, porti));
res.add (p);
if (original != null) {
res.addAll ( (uri));
case ProxySettings.MANUAL_SET_PROXY:
String protocol = uri.getScheme ();
assert protocol != null : "Invalid scheme of uri " + uri + ". Scheme cannot be null!";
// handling nonProxyHosts first
if (dontUseProxy (ProxySettings.getNonProxyHosts (), uri.getHost ())) {
res.add (Proxy.NO_PROXY);
if (protocol.toLowerCase (Locale.US).startsWith("http")) {
String hosts = ProxySettings.getHttpHost ();
String ports = ProxySettings.getHttpPort ();
if (ports != null && ports.length () > 0 && hosts.length () > 0) {
int porti = Integer.parseInt(ports);
Proxy p = new Proxy (Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress (hosts, porti));
res.add (p);
} else {
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Incomplete HTTP Proxy [{0}/{1}] found in ProxySelector[Type: {2}] for uri {3}. ", new Object[]{hosts, ports, ProxySettings.getProxyType (), uri});
if (original != null) {
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "Fallback to the default ProxySelector which returns {0}", (uri));
res.addAll ( (uri));
} else { // supposed SOCKS
String ports = ProxySettings.getSocksPort ();
String hosts = ProxySettings.getSocksHost ();
if (ports != null && ports.length () > 0 && hosts.length () > 0) {
int porti = Integer.parseInt(ports);
Proxy p = new Proxy (Proxy.Type.SOCKS, new InetSocketAddress (hosts, porti));
res.add (p);
} else {
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Incomplete SOCKS Server [{0}/{1}] found in ProxySelector[Type: {2}] for uri {3}. ", new Object[]{hosts, ports, ProxySettings.getProxyType (), uri});
if (original != null) {
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "Fallback to the default ProxySelector which returns {0}", (uri));
res.addAll ( (uri));
res.add (Proxy.NO_PROXY);
case ProxySettings.AUTO_DETECT_PAC:
if (useSystemProxies ()) {
if (original != null) {
} else {
ProxyAutoConfig pac = ProxyAutoConfig.get(getPacFile());
assert pac != null : "Instance of ProxyAutoConfig found for " + getPacFile();
if (pac == null) {
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "No instance of ProxyAutoConfig({0}) for URI {1}", new Object[]{getPacFile(), uri});
if (pac.getPacURI().getHost() == null) {
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "Identifying proxy for URI {0}---{1}, PAC LOCAL URI: {2}", //NOI18N
new Object[] { uri.toString(), uri.getHost(), pac.getPacURI().toString() });
} else if (pac.getPacURI().getHost().equals(uri.getHost())) {
// don't proxy PAC files
} else {
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "Identifying proxy for URI {0}---{1}, PAC URI: {2}---{3}", //NOI18N
new Object[] { uri.toString(), uri.getHost(), pac.getPacURI().toString(), pac.getPacURI().getHost() });
if (original != null) {
res.addAll ( (uri));
res.add (Proxy.NO_PROXY);
case ProxySettings.MANUAL_SET_PAC:
// unused branch - never can setup PAC file from NetBeans
ProxyAutoConfig pac = ProxyAutoConfig.get(getPacFile());
assert pac != null : "Instance of ProxyAutoConfig found for " + getPacFile();
if (pac == null) {
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "No instance of ProxyAutoConfig({0}) for URI {1}", new Object[]{getPacFile(), uri});
if (pac.getPacURI().getHost() == null) {
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "Identifying proxy for URI {0}---{1}, PAC LOCAL URI: {2}", //NOI18N
new Object[] { uri.toString(), uri.getHost(), pac.getPacURI().toString() });
} else if (pac.getPacURI().getHost().equals(uri.getHost())) {
// don't proxy PAC files
} else {
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "Identifying proxy for URI {0}---{1}, PAC URI: {2}---{3}", //NOI18N
new Object[] { uri.toString(), uri.getHost(), pac.getPacURI().toString(), pac.getPacURI().getHost() });
res.addAll(pac.findProxyForURL(uri)); // NOI18N
res.add (Proxy.NO_PROXY);
assert false : "Invalid proxy type: " + proxyType;
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "NbProxySelector[Type: {0}, Use HTTP for all protocols: {1}] returns {2} for URI {3}",
new Object[]{ProxySettings.getProxyType (), ProxySettings.useProxyAllProtocols (), res, uri});
return res;
public void connectFailed (URI arg0, SocketAddress arg1, IOException arg2) {
LOG.log (Level.INFO, "connectionFailed(" + arg0 + ", " + arg1 +")", arg2);
// several modules listenes on these properties and propagates it futher
private class ProxySettingsListener implements PreferenceChangeListener {
public void preferenceChange(PreferenceChangeEvent evt) {
if (evt.getKey ().startsWith ("proxy") || evt.getKey ().startsWith ("useProxy")) {
copySettingsToSystem ();
private void copySettingsToSystem () {
String host = null, port = null, nonProxyHosts = null;
String socksHost = null, socksPort = null;
String httpsHost = null, httpsPort = null;
int proxyType = ProxySettings.getProxyType ();
switch (proxyType) {
case ProxySettings.DIRECT_CONNECTION:
host = null;
port = null;
httpsHost = null;
httpsPort = null;
nonProxyHosts = null;
socksHost = null;
socksPort = null;
case ProxySettings.AUTO_DETECT_PROXY:
host = ProxySettings.getSystemHttpHost();
port = ProxySettings.getSystemHttpPort();
httpsHost = ProxySettings.getSystemHttpsHost();
httpsPort = ProxySettings.getSystemHttpsPort();
socksHost = ProxySettings.getSystemSocksHost();
socksPort = ProxySettings.getSystemSocksPort();
nonProxyHosts = ProxySettings.getSystemNonProxyHosts();
case ProxySettings.MANUAL_SET_PROXY:
host = ProxySettings.getHttpHost ();
port = ProxySettings.getHttpPort ();
httpsHost = ProxySettings.getHttpsHost ();
httpsPort = ProxySettings.getHttpsPort ();
nonProxyHosts = ProxySettings.getNonProxyHosts ();
socksHost = ProxySettings.getSocksHost ();
socksPort = ProxySettings.getSocksPort ();
case ProxySettings.AUTO_DETECT_PAC:
host = null;
port = null;
httpsHost = null;
httpsPort = null;
nonProxyHosts = null;
socksHost = null;
socksPort = null;
case ProxySettings.MANUAL_SET_PAC:
host = null;
port = null;
httpsHost = null;
httpsPort = null;
nonProxyHosts = ProxySettings.getNonProxyHosts();
socksHost = null;
socksPort = null;
assert false : "Invalid proxy type: " + proxyType;
setOrClearProperty ("http.proxyHost", host, false);
setOrClearProperty ("http.proxyPort", port, true);
setOrClearProperty ("http.nonProxyHosts", nonProxyHosts, false);
setOrClearProperty ("https.proxyHost", httpsHost, false);
setOrClearProperty ("https.proxyPort", httpsPort, true);
setOrClearProperty ("https.nonProxyHosts", nonProxyHosts, false);
setOrClearProperty ("socksProxyHost", socksHost, false);
setOrClearProperty ("socksProxyPort", socksPort, true);
LOG.log (Level.FINE, "Set System''s http.proxyHost/Port/NonProxyHost to {0}/{1}/{2}", new Object[]{host, port, nonProxyHosts});
LOG.log (Level.FINE, "Set System''s https.proxyHost/Port to {0}/{1}", new Object[]{httpsHost, httpsPort});
LOG.log (Level.FINE, "Set System''s socksProxyHost/Port to {0}/{1}", new Object[]{socksHost, socksPort});
private void setOrClearProperty (String key, String value, boolean isInteger) {
assert key != null;
if (value == null || value.length () == 0) {
System.clearProperty (key);
} else {
if (isInteger) {
try {
Integer.parseInt (value);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
LOG.log (Level.INFO, nfe.getMessage(), nfe);
System.setProperty (key, value);
// package-private for unit-testing
static boolean dontUseProxy (String nonProxyHosts, String host) {
if (host == null) {
return false;
// try IP adress first
if (dontUseIp (nonProxyHosts, host)) {
return true;
} else {
return dontUseHostName (nonProxyHosts, host);
private static boolean dontUseHostName (String nonProxyHosts, String host) {
if (host == null) {
return false;
boolean dontUseProxy = false;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (nonProxyHosts, "|", false);
while (st.hasMoreTokens () && !dontUseProxy) {
String token = st.nextToken ().trim();
int star = token.indexOf ("*");
if (star == -1) {
dontUseProxy = token.equals (host);
if (dontUseProxy) {
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "NbProxySelector[Type: {0}]. Host {1} found in nonProxyHosts: {2}", new Object[]{ProxySettings.getProxyType (), host, nonProxyHosts});
} else {
String start = token.substring (0, star - 1 < 0 ? 0 : star - 1);
String end = token.substring (star + 1 > token.length () ? token.length () : star + 1);
//Compare left of * if and only if * is not first character in token
boolean compareStart = star > 0; // not first character
//Compare right of * if and only if * is not the last character in token
boolean compareEnd = star < (token.length() - 1); // not last character
dontUseProxy = (compareStart && host.startsWith(start)) || (compareEnd && host.endsWith(end));
if (dontUseProxy) {
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "NbProxySelector[Type: {0}]. Host {1} found in nonProxyHosts: {2}", new Object[]{ProxySettings.getProxyType (), host, nonProxyHosts});
return dontUseProxy;
private static boolean dontUseIp (String nonProxyHosts, String host) {
if (host == null) {
return false;
String ip;
DnsTimeoutTask dns = new DnsTimeoutTask(host);
// fix #189195 - timeout when waiting for DNS response
RequestProcessor.Task create =;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Timeout when waiting for DNS response. ({0})", host);
ip = dns.getIp();
if (ip == null) {
return false;
boolean dontUseProxy = false;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (nonProxyHosts, "|", false);
while (st.hasMoreTokens () && !dontUseProxy) {
String nonProxyHost = st.nextToken ().trim();
int star = nonProxyHost.indexOf ("*");
if (star == -1) {
dontUseProxy = nonProxyHost.equals (ip);
if (dontUseProxy) {
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "NbProxySelector[Type: {0}]. Host''s IP {1} found in nonProxyHosts: {2}", new Object[]{ProxySettings.getProxyType (), ip, nonProxyHosts});
} else {
// match with given dotted-quad IP
try {
dontUseProxy = Pattern.matches (nonProxyHost, ip);
if (dontUseProxy) {
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "NbProxySelector[Type: {0}]. Host''s IP{1} found in nonProxyHosts: {2}", new Object[]{ProxySettings.getProxyType (), ip, nonProxyHosts});
} catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) {
// may ignore it here
return dontUseProxy;
static boolean useSystemProxies() {
if (useSystemProxies == null) {
final String netPropertiesFN = ""; // NOL10N
final String propertyKey = ""; // NOL10N
Properties props = new Properties();
String fname = System.getProperty("java.home");
if (fname == null) {
return false;
try {
// JDK 8 and older
File folder = new File(fname, "lib");
File netProperties = new File(folder, netPropertiesFN);
if (!netProperties.exists()) {
// JDK 9 and newer
folder = new File(fname, "conf");
netProperties = new File(folder, netPropertiesFN);
fname = netProperties.getCanonicalPath();
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(fname);
BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(in);
String val = props.getProperty(propertyKey);
val = System.getProperty(propertyKey, val);
useSystemProxies = Boolean.valueOf(val);
} catch (Exception e) {
// set default value
useSystemProxies = false;
return useSystemProxies;
static boolean usePAC() {
String pacFile = ProxySettings.getSystemPac();
return pacFile != null;
private static String getPacFile() {
return ProxySettings.getSystemPac();
private static class DnsTimeoutTask implements Runnable {
private final String host;
private String ip = null;
public DnsTimeoutTask(String host) { = host;
public void run() {
try {
ip = InetAddress.getByName(host).getHostAddress();
} catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
LOG.log(Level.FINE, ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);
public String getIp() {
return ip;