blob: 410f9fae6e03cdcc1f358ca1f4546111f96a119c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.pluginimporter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateManager;
import org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateUnit;
import org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateUnitProvider;
import org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateUnitProviderFactory;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.modules.ModuleInstall;
import org.openide.modules.SpecificationVersion;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.NbPreferences;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
* Manages a module's lifecycle. Remember that an installer is optional and
* often not needed at all.
public class Installer extends ModuleInstall {
public static final String KEY_IMPORT_FROM = "import-from";
public static final String CODE_NAME = "ClusterUpdateProvider";
public static final String REMOVED = "_removed"; // NOI18N
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger (Installer.class.getName ());
// XXX: copy from o.n.upgrader
private static final Comparator<String> APACHE_VERSION_COMPARATOR = (v1, v2) -> new SpecificationVersion(v1).compareTo(new SpecificationVersion(v2));
private static final List<String> APACHE_VERSION_TO_CHECK = Arrays.asList(NbBundle.getMessage(Installer.class, "apachenetbeanspreviousversion").split(",")).stream().sorted(APACHE_VERSION_COMPARATOR.reversed()).collect(Collectors.toList());
private static final List<String> VERSION_TO_CHECK =
Arrays.asList (".netbeans/7.1.2", ".netbeans/7.1.1", ".netbeans/7.1", ".netbeans/7.0", ".netbeans/6.9"); //NOI18N
private static final List<String> PRE_APACHE_NEWER_VERSION_TO_CHECK =
Arrays.asList ("8.2", "8.1", "8.0.2", "8.0.1", "8.0", "7.4", "7.3.1", "7.3", "7.2.1", "7.2"); //NOI18N
private static final List<String> NEWER_VERSION_TO_CHECK = Stream.concat(,;
private static final String IMPORTED = "imported"; // NOI18N
public void restored () {
// don't try to invoke at all in these special cases
if (Boolean.getBoolean("netbeans.full.hack") || Boolean.getBoolean("netbeans.close")) { // NOI18N
// remove ClusterUpdateProvider from available update providers
Preferences au_pref = NbPreferences.root ().node ("/org/netbeans/modules/autoupdate"); // NOI18N
au_pref.node (Installer.CODE_NAME + Installer.REMOVED).putBoolean (Installer.REMOVED, true);
// install plugin importer when UI is ready (main window shown)
WindowManager.getDefault ().invokeWhenUIReady (new Runnable () {
public void run () {
RequestProcessor.getDefault ().post (doCheck, getImportDelay ()); // XXX: Need to wait until UC downloaded&parsed
private Runnable doCheck = new Runnable () {
public void run () {
// check user wants to import previous userdir
File importFrom = null;
String from = System.getProperty ("plugin.manager.import.from", ""); // NOI18N
Preferences pref = NbPreferences.forModule (Installer.class);
Preferences au_pref = NbPreferences.root ().node ("/org/netbeans/modules/autoupdate"); // NOI18N
if (from.length () > 0) {
importFrom = new File (from);
} else if (pref.get (KEY_IMPORT_FROM, null) != null) {
// was remind later
importFrom = new File (pref.get (KEY_IMPORT_FROM, "")); // NOI18N
} else {
// try OS specific place for userdir (see issue 196075)
importFrom = checkPreviousOnOsSpecificPlace (NEWER_VERSION_TO_CHECK);
if (importFrom == null) {
// try former root
importFrom = checkPrevious (VERSION_TO_CHECK);
// check if the userdir was imported already
boolean imported = au_pref.getBoolean (IMPORTED, false);
if (! imported) {
// don't import
importFrom = null;
// don't import again from previous userdir
au_pref.putBoolean (IMPORTED, false);
if (importFrom == null || ! importFrom.exists ()) {
// nothing to do => return
LOG.fine ("Nothing to import from " + importFrom); // NOI18N
return ;
try {
// XXX: Hack Autoupdate API
// find own provider
Preferences p = au_pref.node (CODE_NAME + REMOVED);
p.removeNode ();
} catch (BackingStoreException ex) {
LOG.log (Level.INFO, ex.getLocalizedMessage (), ex);
return ;
UpdateUnitProvider clusterUpdateProvider = null;
for (UpdateUnitProvider p : UpdateUnitProviderFactory.getDefault ().getUpdateUnitProviders (false)) {
if (CODE_NAME.contains (p.getName ())) {
clusterUpdateProvider = p;
assert clusterUpdateProvider != null : "clusterUpdateProvider must found";
if (clusterUpdateProvider != null) {
try {
assert importFrom != null && importFrom.exists () : importFrom + " exists.";
ClusterUpdateProvider.attachCluster (importFrom);
Collection<UpdateUnit> units = clusterUpdateProvider.getUpdateUnits (UpdateManager.TYPE.MODULE);
UpdateUnitProviderFactory.getDefault ().remove (clusterUpdateProvider);
PluginImporter importer = new PluginImporter (units);
if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOG.fine ("Already installed plugins: " + importer.getInstalledPlugins ());
LOG.fine ("Plugins available on UC: " + importer.getPluginsAvailableToInstall ());
LOG.fine ("Plugins available for import: " + importer.getPluginsToImport ());
if (! importer.getBrokenPlugins ().isEmpty ()) { ("Plugins for import with broken dependencies: " + importer.getBrokenPlugins ());
if ( ! importer.getPluginsToImport ().isEmpty () || ! importer.getPluginsAvailableToInstall ().isEmpty ()) { ((importer.getPluginsToImport ().size () + importer.getPluginsAvailableToInstall ().size ()) +
" available plugins for import in " + importFrom); // NOI18N
ImportManager notifier = new ImportManager (importFrom, getUserDir (), importer);
notifier.notifyAvailable ();
} else {
LOG.fine ((importer.getPluginsToImport ().size () + importer.getPluginsAvailableToInstall ().size ()) +
" available plugins for import in " + importFrom); // NOI18N
} catch (Exception x) {
LOG.log (Level.INFO, x.getLocalizedMessage () + " while importing plugins from " + importFrom, x);
} finally {
UpdateUnitProviderFactory.getDefault ().remove (clusterUpdateProvider);
private static File getUserDir () {
// bugfix #50242: the property "netbeans.user" can return dir with non-normalized file e.g. duplicate //
// and path and value of this property wrongly differs
String user = System.getProperty ("netbeans.user"); // NOI18N
File userDir = null;
if (user != null) {
userDir = FileUtil.normalizeFile(new File(user));
return userDir;
// XXX: copy from o.n.upgrader
private static File checkPrevious (final List<String> versionsToCheck) {
String userHome = System.getProperty ("user.home"); // NOI18N
File sourceFolder;
if (userHome != null) {
File userHomeFile = new File (userHome);
for (String ver : versionsToCheck) {
sourceFolder = new File (userHomeFile.getAbsolutePath (), ver);
if (sourceFolder.exists () && sourceFolder.isDirectory ()) {
return sourceFolder;
return null;
private static File checkPreviousOnOsSpecificPlace (final List<String> versionsToCheck) {
String defaultUserdirRoot = System.getProperty ("netbeans.default_userdir_root"); // NOI18N
LOG.log (Level.FINER, "netbeans.default_userdir_root: " + defaultUserdirRoot);
File sourceFolder;
if (defaultUserdirRoot != null) {
File userHomeFile = new File (defaultUserdirRoot);
for (String ver : versionsToCheck) {
sourceFolder = new File (userHomeFile.getAbsolutePath (), ver);
if (sourceFolder.exists () && sourceFolder.isDirectory ()) {
return sourceFolder;
return null;
private int getImportDelay () {
int delay = 50000; // the defalut value
String delay_prop = System.getProperty ("plugin.manager.import.delay");
try {
delay = Integer.parseInt (delay_prop);
} catch (NumberFormatException x) {
// ignore, use the default value
return delay;