blob: c02632e6a4755a46b802bcac0b43a4eb7f9c48f3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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### Resource bundle for package org.netbeans.modules.projectimport.eclipse.core
CTL_MenuItem=&Eclipse Project...
CTL_SynchronizeMenuItem=&Resynchronize Eclipse Projects
CTL_ProgressDialogTitle=Importing Selected Projects...
MSG_Progress_ProcessingProject=Processing "{0}" Project...
MSG_ProblemsOccured=Some problems have occured:
MSG_JRECannotBeUsed=Eclipse platform for project "{0}" cannot be used. It is a JRE and the NetBeans project requires a JDK. NetBeans will use the default platform.
MSG_JDKDoesnExistUseDefault=Eclipse project "{0}" claims to use the JDK from the "{1}" directory. But this directory does not exist. NetBeans will use the default platform.
MSG_NotValidPlatformsInNB=There are not any valid platforms found in NetBeans. Unable to continue.
MSG_LibraryDoesnExist=Eclipse project "{0}" claims to use a library from the "{1}" directory. But this directory does not exist. To correct this Eclipse project discrepancy please find and import the library manually.
UpdateProjectAction.Name=Resynchronize Eclipse Projects
UpdateEclipseReferencePanel.jLabel1.text=Eclipse &Project:
UpdateEclipseReferencePanel.jLabel2.text=Eclipse &Workspace:
UpdateProjectAction.already-in-synch=The projects are already in synch and there is nothing to update.
# {0} - project directory
UpdateProjectAction.problems-occurred=The following problems occurred during synchronization with Eclipse project {0}:
UpdateProjectAction.problems-occurred-2=The following problems occurred during synchronization with Eclipse:
UpdateProjectAction.update-issues=Update Issues
UpdateProjectAction.nothing-to-synch=There are no projects to synchronize with Eclipse. Import some first and then use this action again.
UpdateEclipseReferencePanel.jLabel3.text=<html><b>The original Eclipse project <i>{0}</i> cannot be found.</b>
UpdateEclipseReferencePanel.jLabel4.text=<html>Specify the Eclipse project location. The Eclipse workspace is optional.
RequiredProjectsPanel.jLabel1.text=<html>Additional Eclipse projects need to be imported to satisfy new project dependencies:
MSG_NoSourceRootsFound=No source roots have been found and therefore no classpath will be configured.
MSG_RequiredProjectNotFound=Required project ''{0}'' cannot be found.
MSG_RequiredProjectHasNoArtifacts=Required project ''{0}'' does not provide any JAR artifacts.
MSG_TransitiveExportCannotBeResolved=Transitive export ''{0}'' cannot be resolved.
MSG_MissingClasspathEntry=Classpath entry ''{0}'' does not seems to exist.
MSG_CannotResolveClasspathEntry=Classpath entry ''{0}'' cannot be resolved.
MSG_ClasspathEntryDoesNotExist=Classpath entry ''{0}'' does not seem to exist.
MSG_CannotRemoveReference=Reference to project ''{0}'' was not successfully removed.
MSG_ReferenceToProjectNotFound=Reference to project ''{0}'' was not found and therefore could not be removed.
MSG_ReferenceNotRemoved=Reference to JAR/Folder ''{0}'' was not successfully removed.
MSG_VariableReferenceNotRemoved=Reference to variable based JAR/Folder ''{0}'' was not successfully removed.
MSG_ContainerReferenceNotRemoved=Reference to container value ''{0}'' was not successfully removed.
MSG_ExcludesWarning1=Source exclude '**/*.java' was omitted. It is recommended that you double check project excludes in the Source panel of the Project Properties dialog.
MSG_ExcludesWarning2=NetBeans does not support source includes/excludes per source root as Eclipse does. They were merged and it is recommended that you double check them in the Source panel of the Project Properties dialog.
MSG_UnsupportedContainer=Unsupported classpath container found. It will be ignored and you may need to update the NetBeans project classpath by hand. The internal name of this container is: ''{0}''
MSG_UnsupportedWebContainer=There are inter-project dependencies which could not be resolved. Importing the whole workspace could prevent this problem. (''{0}'')
MSG_CannotCreateUserLibrary=User library ''{0}'' cannot be created because the project is being imported without Eclipse workspace.
MSG_IDEVariableMismatch=IDE variable ''{0}'' is configured with value ''{1}'' but the project expects it to be ''{2}''.
MSG_IDEVariableNotFound=IDE variable ''{0}'' was not found in the workspace. Set the value in NetBeans.
MSG_WorkspaceDependentProtocol=Javadoc location cannot be resolved without Eclipse workspace. It will be ignored: ''{0}''
MSG_UnsupportedProtocol=Javadoc location contains an unsupported URL protocol which will be ignored: ''{0}''
MSG_UnsupportedJavadocLocation=Javadoc location is not valid URL and will be ignored: ''{0}''
MSG_JavadocCannotBeResolved=Javadoc location cannot be resolved: ''{0}''
MSG_ImportIssues=Import Issues
MSG_ImportFailed=Import failed due to ''{0}''. More details can be found in the IDE's log file.
MSG_ImportResults=Project ''{0}'' import results:
MSG_AlreadyImportedProjectFound=An existing NetBeans project was found and will be used instead.
MSG_UnknownProject=Unknown project type - it cannot be imported.
LABEL_Eclipse_Project=Eclipse Project
LABEL_NetBeans_Project_Destination=NetBeans Project Destination
TITLE_Synchronize_with_Eclipse=Synchronize with Eclipse
MSG_ProjectUpdateIssues=Project ''{0}'' update issues:
MSG_UpdateFailed=Update failed due to ''{0}''. More details can be found in the IDE's log file.
MSG_SelectProject=Eclipse project must be selected.
MSG_SelectWorkspace=Eclipse workspace must be selected.
TITLE_Select_Eclipse_Project=Select Eclipse Project
TITLE_Select_Eclipse_Workspace=Select Eclipse Workspace
MSG_CannotReadMyEclipseLibs=MyEclipse installation was not found and so its internal libraries were not imported to NetBeans.
MSG_SourceRootOwned=The Eclipse project ''{0}'' has a source root ({1}) which is already owned by an existing NetBeans project ''{2}''. \
The Eclipse project will not be imported and you should instead open the existing NetBeans project which manages the sources.
MSG_CannotFindLibrarySources=Source root ''{0}'' associated with library ''{1}'' cannot be found and will be ignored.
MSG_InvalidSourceRoot=Eclipse project source root does not seem to exist and will be ignored: ''{0}''
# Usage Logging
# {0} type: java / web
# {1} naked(false) or workspace(true)
# {2} imported to separate folder(false) or eclipse project folder(true)
# {3} number of import issues
USG_PROJECT_ECLIPSE_IMPORT=An Eclipse project was imported. NetBeans project type: {0}, \
workspace import: {1}, imported to Eclipse folder: {2}, \
number of import issues: {3}.