blob: 3b192da3392aa74b7df971021d98ffa04d1c6f00 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.hudson.ant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
import org.netbeans.api.project.ProjectUtils;
import org.netbeans.api.project.SourceGroup;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.lookup.ServiceProvider;
* Registrations of currently supported Ant-based project types.
public abstract class ProjectTypes implements AntBasedJobCreator {
public static class J2SE extends ProjectTypes {
public J2SE() {
super("", // NOI18N
new TargetTemplate[] {
// XXX use appropriate properties from project evaluator where possible
new TargetTemplate("jar", "ProjectTypes.buildJar.text", true, "dist/", "dist/javadoc/", null, false, null, null), // NOI18N
new TargetTemplate("javadoc", "ProjectTypes.buildJavadoc.text", false, null, null, "dist/javadoc", false, null, null), // NOI18N
new TargetTemplate("test", "ProjectTypes.runTests.text", false, null, null, null, true,
"build/test/results/TEST-*.xml", "ignore.failing.tests=true"), // NOI18N
public static class Web extends ProjectTypes {
public Web() {
super("org.netbeans.modules.web.project", // NOI18N
new TargetTemplate[] {
new TargetTemplate("dist", "ProjectTypes.buildDist.text", true, "dist/", "dist/javadoc/", null, false, null, null), // NOI18N
new TargetTemplate("javadoc", "ProjectTypes.buildJavadoc.text", false, null, null, "dist/javadoc", false, null, null), // NOI18N
new TargetTemplate("test", "ProjectTypes.runTests.text", false, null, null, null, true,
"build/test/results/TEST-*.xml", "ignore.failing.tests=true"), // NOI18N
public static class EJB extends ProjectTypes {
public EJB() {
super("org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.ejbjarproject", // NOI18N
new TargetTemplate[] {
new TargetTemplate("dist", "ProjectTypes.buildDist.text", true, "dist/", "dist/javadoc/", null, false, null, null), // NOI18N
new TargetTemplate("javadoc", "ProjectTypes.buildJavadoc.text", false, null, null, "dist/javadoc", false, null, null), // NOI18N
new TargetTemplate("test", "ProjectTypes.runTests.text", false, null, null, null, true,
"build/test/results/TEST-*.xml", "ignore.failing.tests=true"), // NOI18N
public static class CAR extends ProjectTypes {
public CAR() {
super("org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.clientproject", // NOI18N
new TargetTemplate[] {
new TargetTemplate("dist", "ProjectTypes.buildDist.text", true, "dist/", "dist/javadoc/", null, false, null, null), // NOI18N
new TargetTemplate("javadoc", "ProjectTypes.buildJavadoc.text", false, null, null, "dist/javadoc", false, null, null), // NOI18N
new TargetTemplate("test", "ProjectTypes.runTests.text", false, null, null, null, true,
"build/test/results/TEST-*.xml", "ignore.failing.tests=true"), // NOI18N
public static class EAR extends ProjectTypes {
public EAR() {
super("org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.earproject", // NOI18N
new TargetTemplate[] {
new TargetTemplate("dist", "ProjectTypes.buildDist.text", true, "dist/", "dist/javadoc/", null, false, null, null), // NOI18N
private final String type;
private final TargetTemplate[] templates;
private ProjectTypes(String type, TargetTemplate[] templates) {
this.type = type;
this.templates = templates;
public String type() {
return type;
public Configuration forProject(Project project) {
return new ConfigurationImpl(project);
private class ConfigurationImpl implements Configuration {
private final Project project;
ConfigurationImpl(Project project) {
this.project = project;
public List<Target> targets() {
List<Target> targets = new ArrayList<Target>();
for (final TargetTemplate template : templates) {
targets.add(new Target() {
final boolean selected = !template.checkForTests || hasTests(project);
public String antName() {
return template.antName;
public String labelWithMnemonic() {
return NbBundle.getMessage(ProjectTypes.class, template.bundleKey);
public boolean selected() {
return selected;
public boolean enabled() {
return selected && !template.mandatory;
public ArchivePattern artifactArchival() {
if (template.artifactIncludes != null) {
return new ArchivePattern() {
public String includes() {
return template.artifactIncludes;
public String excludes() {
return template.artifactExcludes;
} else {
return null;
public String javadocDir() {
return template.javadocDir;
public String testResults() {
return template.testResults;
public String properties() {
boolean hasTests(Project project) {
for (SourceGroup g : ProjectUtils.getSources(project).getSourceGroups(JavaProjectConstants.SOURCES_TYPE_JAVA)) {
FileObject root = g.getRootFolder();
if (UnitTestForSourceQuery.findSources(root).length > 0 && containsSources(root)) {
return true;
return false;
boolean containsSources(FileObject f) {
if (f.isFolder()) {
for (FileObject k : f.getChildren()) {
if (containsSources(k)) {
return true;
return false;
} else {
return f.hasExt("java"); // NOI18N
return targets;
private static class TargetTemplate {
private final String antName;
private final String bundleKey;
private final boolean mandatory;
private final String artifactIncludes;
private final String artifactExcludes;
private final String javadocDir;
/** #159831: check whether it makes sense to run any tests. */
private final boolean checkForTests;
private final String testResults;
private final String properties;
// XXX unwieldy, would be nicer to have a builder
TargetTemplate(String antName, String bundleKey, boolean mandatory, String artifactIncludes, String artifactExcludes,
String javadocDir, boolean checkForTests, String testResults, String properties) {
this.antName = antName;
this.bundleKey = bundleKey;
assert !mandatory || !checkForTests;
this.mandatory = mandatory;
this.artifactIncludes = artifactIncludes;
this.artifactExcludes = artifactExcludes;
this.javadocDir = javadocDir;
this.checkForTests = checkForTests;
this.testResults = testResults; = properties;