blob: 4b8a6e6fdf762112418a07a9ea52b6f6fbb7bd80 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.awt.Component;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import org.openide.WizardDescriptor;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.loaders.DataFolder;
import org.openide.util.ChangeSupport;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
final class ShortcutIterator implements WizardDescriptor.Iterator<ShortcutWizard> {
ShortcutIterator() {}
// You should define what panels you want to use here:
private List<WizardDescriptor.Panel<ShortcutWizard>> createPanels() {
List<WizardDescriptor.Panel<ShortcutWizard>> _panels = new ArrayList<WizardDescriptor.Panel<ShortcutWizard>>();
_panels.add(new IntroPanel.IntroWizardPanel());
_panels.add(new SelectFolderPanel.SelectFolderWizardPanel(
NbBundle.getMessage(ShortcutIterator.class, "SI_LBL_select_menu_to_add_to"),
NbBundle.getMessage(ShortcutIterator.class, "SI_TEXT_menu_locn"),
NbBundle.getMessage(ShortcutIterator.class, "SI_LBL_display_name_for_menu"),
DataFolder.findFolder(FileUtil.getConfigFile("Menu")), // NOI18N
true, ShortcutWizard.PROP_FOLDER_MENU));
_panels.add(new SelectFolderPanel.SelectFolderWizardPanel(
NbBundle.getMessage(ShortcutIterator.class, "SI_LBL_select_toolbar"),
NbBundle.getMessage(ShortcutIterator.class, "SI_TEXT_toolbar_locn"),
NbBundle.getMessage(ShortcutIterator.class, "SI_LBL_display_name_for_toolbar"),
DataFolder.findFolder(FileUtil.getConfigFile("Toolbars")), // NOI18N
false, ShortcutWizard.PROP_FOLDER_TOOL));
_panels.add(new SelectKeyboardShortcutPanel.SelectKeyboardShortcutWizardPanel());
_panels.add(new CustomizeScriptPanel.CustomizeScriptWizardPanel());
return _panels;
// And the list of step names:
private String[] createSteps () {
return new String[] {
NbBundle.getMessage (ShortcutIterator.class, "SI_LBL_choose_options"),
NbBundle.getMessage (ShortcutIterator.class, "SI_LBL_add_to_menu"),
NbBundle.getMessage (ShortcutIterator.class, "SI_LBL_add_to_toolbar"),
NbBundle.getMessage (ShortcutIterator.class, "SI_LBL_make_keyboard_shortcut"),
NbBundle.getMessage (ShortcutIterator.class, "SI_LBL_cust_script"),
private transient int index;
private transient List<WizardDescriptor.Panel<ShortcutWizard>> panels;
private transient ShortcutWizard wiz;
// You can keep a reference to the TemplateWizard which can
// provide various kinds of useful information such as
// the currently selected target name.
// Also the panels will receive wiz as their "settings" object.
void initialize(ShortcutWizard wiz) {
this.wiz = wiz;
index = 0;
panels = createPanels ();
// #44409: make sure IntroWizardPanel knows about wiz
// XXX workaround should no longer be necessary...
((IntroPanel.IntroWizardPanel) panels.get(0)).initialize(wiz);
// Make sure list of steps is accurate.
String[] steps = createSteps ();
for (int i = 0; i < panels.size(); i++) {
Component c = panels.get(i).getComponent();
if (steps[i] == null) {
// Default step name to component name of panel.
// Mainly useful for getting the name of the target
// chooser to appear in the list of steps.
steps[i] = c.getName ();
if (c instanceof JComponent) { // assume Swing components
JComponent jc = (JComponent) c;
// Step #.
jc.putClientProperty(WizardDescriptor.PROP_CONTENT_SELECTED_INDEX, i); // NOI18N
// Step name (actually the whole list for reference).
jc.putClientProperty (WizardDescriptor.PROP_CONTENT_DATA, steps); // NOI18N
// --- WizardDescriptor.Iterator METHODS: ---
public String name () {
return NbBundle.getMessage (ShortcutIterator.class, "TITLE_x_of_y",
index + 1, panels.size());
boolean showing(String prop) {
Boolean s = (Boolean) wiz.getProperty (prop);
return (s == null) || s.booleanValue ();
private boolean showing (int index) throws NoSuchElementException {
switch (index) {
case 0:
return true;
case 1:
return showing(ShortcutWizard.PROP_SHOW_MENU);
case 2:
return showing(ShortcutWizard.PROP_SHOW_TOOL);
case 3:
return showing(ShortcutWizard.PROP_SHOW_KEYB);
case 4:
return showing(ShortcutWizard.PROP_SHOW_CUST);
throw new NoSuchElementException ();
public boolean hasNext () {
for (int i = index + 1; i < panels.size(); i++) {
if (showing (i)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean hasPrevious () {
return index > 0;
public void nextPanel() throws NoSuchElementException {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
while (! showing (index)) index++;
if (index == 1) {
// User finished intro panel, list of panels may have changed:
fireChangeEvent ();
public void previousPanel() throws NoSuchElementException {
if (!hasPrevious()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
while (! showing (index)) index--;
public WizardDescriptor.Panel<ShortcutWizard> current() {
return panels.get(index);
private transient ChangeSupport cs = new ChangeSupport(this);
public final void addChangeListener (ChangeListener l) {
public final void removeChangeListener (ChangeListener l) {
protected final void fireChangeEvent () {