blob: be23fee2f5369cf1b9738541688ff47b848c4066 [file] [log] [blame]
<#assign licenseFirst = "/*">
<#assign licensePrefix = " * ">
<#assign licenseLast = " */">
<#include "${project.licensePath}">
<#if package?? && package != "">
package ${package};
// IMPORTANT! You need to compile this class against ant.jar.
// The easiest way to do this is to add ${"$" + "{ant.core.lib}"} to your project's classpath.
// For example, for a plain Java project with no other dependencies, set in
// javac.classpath=${"$" + "{ant.core.lib}"}
* @author ${user}
public class ${name} extends Task {
// TODO customize method names to match custom task
// property and type (handled by inner class) names
/* For a simple option:
private boolean opt;
public void setOpt(boolean b) {
opt = b;
// <customtask opt="true"/>
/* For a simple property based on a string:
private String myprop;
public void setMyprop(String s) {
myprop = s;
// <customtask myprop="some text here"/>
/* For a simple property based on a file:
private File myfile;
public void setMyfile(File f) {
// Note: f will automatically be absolute (resolved from project basedir).
myfile = f;
// <customtask myfile="foo.txt"/>
/* Custom nested elements:
public static class Nestme {
String val; // accessible from execute()
public void setVal(String s) {
val = s;
private List<Nestme> nestmes = new LinkedList<Nestme>();
public Nestme createNestme() {
Nestme n = new Nestme();
return n;
// Or:
public void addNestme(Nestme n) {
// <customtask>
// <nestme val="something"/>
// </customtask>
/* To add embedded filesets:
private List<FileSet> filesets = new LinkedList<FileSet>();
public void addFileset(FileSet fs) {
// <customtask>
// <fileset dir="foo">
// <include name="*.txt"/>
// </fileset>
// </customtask>
// In execute() you can do:
for (FileSet fs : filesets) {
DirectoryScanner ds = fs.getDirectoryScanner(project);
File basedir = ds.getBasedir();
for (String file : ds.getIncludedFiles()) {
// process it...
/* For nested text:
private StringBuilder text;
public void addText(String raw) {
String s = getProject().replaceProperties(raw.trim());
if (text == null) {
text = new StringBuilder(s);
} else {
// <customtask>
// Some text...
// </customtask>
/* Some sort of path (like classpath or similar):
private Path path;
public void setPath(Path p) {
if (path == null) {
path = p;
} else {
public Path createPath () {
if (path == null) {
path = new Path(project);
return path.createPath();
public void setPathRef(Reference r) {
// <customtask path="foo:bar"/>
// <customtask>
// <path>
// <pathelement location="foo"/>
// </path>
// </customtask>
// Etc.
/* One of a fixed set of choices:
public static class FooBieBletch extends EnumeratedAttribute { // or use Java 5 enums
public String[] getValues() {
return new String[] {"foo", "bie", "bletch"};
private String mode = "foo";
public void setMode(FooBieBletch m) {
mode = m.getValue();
// <customtask mode="bletch"/>
public @Override void execute() throws BuildException {
// TODO code here what the task actually does:
// To log something:
// log("Some message");
// log("Serious message", Project.MSG_WARN);
// log("Minor message", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
// To signal an error:
// throw new BuildException("Problem", location);
// throw new BuildException(someThrowable, location);
// throw new BuildException("Problem", someThrowable, location);
// You can call other tasks too:
// Zip zip = (Zip)project.createTask("zip");
// zip.setZipfile(zipFile);
// FileSet fs = new FileSet();
// fs.setDir(baseDir);
// zip.addFileset(fs);
// zip.init();
// zip.setLocation(location);
// zip.execute();