blob: 8a42e93180e8eab6b92ee672ea2db4248ffff3b9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.netbeans.modules.profiler.j2ee;
import java.util.Map;
import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
import org.netbeans.modules.profiler.nbimpl.project.AntProjectSupportProvider;
import org.netbeans.spi.project.LookupProvider.Registration.ProjectType;
import org.netbeans.spi.project.ProjectServiceProvider;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
* @author Jiri Sedlacek
@ProjectType(id="org-netbeans-modules-j2ee-ejbjarproject"), // NOI18N
@ProjectType(id="org-netbeans-modules-j2ee-earproject"), // NOI18N
@ProjectType(id="org-netbeans-modules-web-project") // NOI18N
public final class J2EEAntProjectSupportProvider extends AntProjectSupportProvider.Abstract {
public J2EEAntProjectSupportProvider(Project project) {
public void configurePropertiesForProfiling(final Map<String, String> props, final FileObject profiledClassFile) {
// Project project = getProject();
// initAntPlatform(project, props);
// set forceRestart
props.put("profiler.j2ee.serverForceRestart", "true"); // NOI18N
// set timeout
props.put("profiler.j2ee.serverStartupTimeout", "300000"); // NOI18N
// set agent id
props.put("profiler.j2ee.agentID", "-Dnbprofiler.agentid=" + // NOI18N
// // redirect to
// String jvmArgs = props.get(""); // NOI18N
// if ((jvmArgs != null) && (jvmArgs.trim().length() > 0)) {
// props.put("", jvmArgs);
// }
// // fix agent startup arguments
// JavaPlatform javaPlatform = getJavaPlatformFromAntName(project, props);
// props.put("", javaPlatform.getPlatformId()); // set the used platform ant property
// String javaVersion = javaPlatform.getPlatformJDKVersion();
// String localPlatform = IntegrationUtils.getLocalPlatform(javaPlatform.getPlatformArchitecture());
// if (javaVersion.equals(CommonConstants.JDK_15_STRING)) {
// // JDK 1.5 used
// props.put("", // NOI18N
// IntegrationUtils.getProfilerAgentCommandLineArgs(localPlatform, IntegrationUtils.PLATFORM_JAVA_50,
// false,
// ProfilerIDESettings.getInstance().getPortNo()));
// } else {
// // JDK 1.6 or later used
// props.put("", // NOI18N
// IntegrationUtils.getProfilerAgentCommandLineArgs(localPlatform, IntegrationUtils.PLATFORM_JAVA_60,
// false,
// ProfilerIDESettings.getInstance().getPortNo()));
// }
// generateAgentPort(); // sets lastAgentPort
// String loadGenPath = LoadGenPanel.hasInstance() ? LoadGenPanel.instance().getSelectedScript() : null;
// if (loadGenPath != null) {
// props.put("profiler.loadgen.path", loadGenPath); // TODO factor out "profiler.loadgen.path" to a constant
// }
// if (profiledClassFile == null) {
// return;
// }
// if (WebProjectUtils.isJSP(profiledClassFile)) {
// props.put("client.urlPart", WebProjectUtils.getJSPFileContext(project, profiledClassFile, false)); // NOI18N
// } else if (WebProjectUtils.isHttpServlet(profiledClassFile)) {
// String servletAddress = null;
// Collection<Document> ddos = WebProjectUtils.getDeploymentDescriptorDocuments(project, true);
// for (Document dd : ddos) {
// String mapping = WebProjectUtils.getServletMapping(profiledClassFile, dd);
// if ((mapping != null) && (mapping.length() > 0)) {
// servletAddress = mapping;
// break;
// }
// }
// if (servletAddress != null) {
// ServletUriPanel uriPanel = new ServletUriPanel(servletAddress);
// DialogDescriptor desc = new DialogDescriptor(uriPanel, Bundle.TTL_setServletExecutionUri(),
// true, // NOI18N
// new Object[] {
// DialogDescriptor.OK_OPTION,
// new javax.swing.JButton(Bundle.J2EEProjectTypeProfiler_SkipButtonName()) {
// public java.awt.Dimension getPreferredSize() {
// return new java.awt.Dimension(super.getPreferredSize().width + 16, super.getPreferredSize().height);
// }
// }
// }, DialogDescriptor.OK_OPTION, DialogDescriptor.BOTTOM_ALIGN, null,
// null);
// Object res = DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(desc);
// if (res.equals(NotifyDescriptor.YES_OPTION)) {
// servletAddress = uriPanel.getServletUri();
// }
// props.put("client.urlPart", servletAddress); // NOI18N
// }
// }
// // FIXME - method should receive the JavaProfilerSource as the parameter
// JavaProfilerSource src = JavaProfilerSource.createFrom(profiledClassFile);
// if (src != null) {
// String profiledClass = src.getTopLevelClass().getQualifiedName();
// props.put("profile.class", profiledClass); //NOI18N
// // include it in javac.includes so that the compile-single picks it up
// final String clazz = FileUtil.getRelativePath(ProjectUtilities.getRootOf(
// ProjectUtilities.getSourceRoots(project),profiledClassFile),
// profiledClassFile);
// props.put("javac.includes", clazz); //NOI18N
// }
// private void initAntPlatform(Project project, Map<String, String> props) {
// String javaPlatformAntName = props.get(""); // NOI18N
// if (javaPlatformAntName == null) {
// ProjectProfilingSupport pps = ProjectProfilingSupport.get(project);
// JavaPlatform platform = pps.getProjectJavaPlatform();
// String platformId;
// if (platform == null) {
// platformId = JavaPlatform.getDefaultPlatform().getPlatformId(); // no Platform sepcified; use the IDE default JVM platform
// } else {
// platformId = platform.getPlatformId();
// }
// props.put("", platformId); // set the used platform ant property
// }
// }