blob: 11f4fa94d5f790028f9b348d53a7ee6f2dd755a0 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<!DOCTYPE api-answers PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD Arch Answers//EN" "../nbbuild/antsrc/org/netbeans/nbbuild/Arch.dtd" [
<!ENTITY api-questions SYSTEM "../nbbuild/antsrc/org/netbeans/nbbuild/Arch-api-questions.xml">
<question id="arch-overall" when="init">
Describe the overall architecture.
What will be API for
<a href="">
clients and what support API</a>?
What parts will be pluggable?
How will plug-ins be registered? Please use <code>&lt;api type="export"/&gt;</code>
to describe your general APIs.
If possible please provide
simple diagrams.
<answer id="arch-overall">
<api group="java" name="MavenEmbedderAPI" type="export" category="friend">
The Maven Embedder API provides methods of interacting with Maven embedder for project loading
and building.
<question id="arch-usecases" when="init">
Describe the main <a href="">
use cases</a> of the new API. Who will use it at
what circumstances and what will be the typical code to write
to use the module.
<answer id="arch-usecases">
API/SPI to be used by modules wanting to load projects, execute maven builds, or just reference
maven classes in their modules.