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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import org.openide.modules.Dependency;
import org.openide.util.Task;
/** Responsible for actually installing the contents of module JARs into the IDE.
* While the manager tracks which modules are enabled and their dependencies,
* the installer actually understands the manifest contents and is able to
* add layers, sections, etc. to the IDE's runtime.
* @author Jesse Glick
public abstract class ModuleInstaller {
/** No-op constructor for subclasses. */
protected ModuleInstaller() {}
/** Called to ensure that a module is valid to be installed, before continuing.
* Should examine the manifest and check its syntax (may keep cached parse
* information about that syntax). When this method is called, the module's
* classloader should be ready for use, but the system classloader will not
* yet contain it. It may (but need not) try to load
* mentioned resources from that classloader in order to catch errors early
* on. For some resources it may be preferable to load them lazily.
* If the installer indicates the module is invalid, it will not be installed.
* InvalidException thrown from here must include a reference to the module.
public abstract void prepare(Module m) throws InvalidException;
/** Called when a module is being uninstalled and runtime information
* about it is no longer needed.
* The installer should remove any associated cache entries and try
* to release anything that might have been loaded with the module's
* classloader. The classloader may still be valid at this point but
* better not to use it.
public abstract void dispose(Module m);
/** Tells the installer that new classloader is ready for use.
* This does not mean that all modules are ready to be used yet,
* but the classloader will be allowed to load classes from those
* modules already prepared.
* @since 2.32
protected void classLoaderUp(ClassLoader cl) {
/** Actually load some modules into the IDE.
* They will all have been prepared already, and their classloaders
* will be contained in the system classloader.
* It is expected to handle any resultant exceptions appropriately
* (e.g. skipping over a module, or skipping over that piece of a module).
* Where load order is significant, items should be installed in the order
* supplied: starting with basic modules and ending with dependent modules.
* Installers may choose to install all resources of a certain type (e.g.
* layers) from every module, then all of the next type, etc., for purposes
* of efficiency.
* Note that "loading" could really mean installing or restoring or upgrading,
* depending on module history.
public abstract void load(List<Module> modules);
/** Unload some modules from the IDE.
* Where unload order is significant, items should be uninstalled in the order
* supplied: starting with dependent modules and ending with basic modules.
* Module classloaders will still be in the system classloader.
public abstract void unload(List<Module> modules);
/** Ask to shut down the IDE from a set of modules.
* Will begin with dependent and end with basic modules.
public abstract boolean closing(List<Module> modules);
/** Notify modules the IDE will be shut down.
* Will begin with dependent and end with basic modules.
public abstract void close(List<Module> modules);
/** Initializes closing sequence on given modules. Certain
* operations may remain unfinished and can be carried out in
* parallel. A {@link Task} is returned for callers to wait
* till closing sequence is successfully finished.
* @since 2.56
* @param modules list of modules to close
* @return
public Task closeAsync(List<Module> modules) {
return Task.EMPTY;
/** Optionally refine the dependencies for a module.
* For example, an installer might decide to automatically add a dependency
* on a "stock" library module for all client modules meeting some criterion.
* The default implementation makes no change.
* @param m a module to possibly refine dependencies for; overriders must not call
* getDependencies on this module nor attempt to directly change it
* in any way; overriders may ask for module code name, version, etc.
* @param dependencies a set of Dependency's; mutable, entries may be added or removed
* during the dynamic scope of this call
* @since org.netbeans.core/1 1.2
public void refineDependencies(Module m, Set<Dependency> dependencies) {}
/** Optionally mask package use in a module classloader.
* For example, an installer might decide that a module may not use a
* package in the application classpath because it is an unguaranteed
* implementation package and the module has not explicitly requested
* to use it.
* <p>The module system automatically excludes improper access
* to non-public packages (as declared via <code>OpenIDE-Module-Public-Packages</code>)
* and cross-module access to the <code>META-INF/</code> directory.
* <p>The default implementation of this method permits all other
* package delegation.
* @param m the module requesting use of a given package
* @param parent the module which might possibly supply that package, or
* null if the possible provider is not a module (i.e. application
* classpath)
* @param pkg the name of the package in use, in the form "org/netbeans/modules/foo/"
* (i.e. slash-separated and ending in a slash as well)
* @since org.netbeans.core/1 1.3
public boolean shouldDelegateResource(Module m, Module parent, String pkg) {
return true;
* Similar to {@link #shouldDelegateResource} but checks whether the
* {@linkplain ModuleManager#getClassLoader() system class loader} should delegate to the classpath.
* @param pkg as in {@link #shouldDelegateResource}
* @return true if it is acceptable to delegate to startup JARs or the JRE
* @since org.netbeans.bootstrap/1 2.17
public boolean shouldDelegateClasspathResource(String pkg) {
return true;
/** Scan a disabled module JAR file for its manifest contents.
* Subclasses may implement this efficiently, e.g. to use a special cache.
* <p>The default implementation simply opens the JAR and gets its manifest
* using the standard JRE calls.
* <p>Never called for reloadable JARs.
* @param jar a module JAR to open
* @return its manifest
* @throws IOException if the JAR cannot be opened or does not have a manifest at all
* @since org.netbeans.core/1 1.5
* @see "#26786"
public Manifest loadManifest(File jar) throws IOException {
JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(jar, false);
try {
Manifest m = jarFile.getManifest();
if (m == null) throw new IOException("No manifest found in " + jar); // NOI18N
return m;
} finally {
/** Permit a module installer to add extra parent classloaders for a module.
* Called during enablement of a module.
* The default implementation does nothing.
* @param m a module which is about to be enabled
* @param parents current list of <code>ClassLoader</code> parents; may be mutated (appended to)
* @since org.netbeans.core/1 > 1.6
* @see "#27853"
public void refineClassLoader(Module m, List parents) {
// do nothing
/** Optionally adds additional token for the module.
* @param m the module to add token to
* @return null or list of tokens this module provides
* @since org.netbeans.core/1 > 1.25
* @see "#46833"
public String[] refineProvides (Module m) {
return null;
/** Loads dependencies cached from previous run, if possible.
* @param cnb the code name base of the module to get dependencies for
* @return null or set of dependencies for the module
* @since 2.18
protected Set<Dependency> loadDependencies(String cnb) {
return null;