blob: 55acae876d3ce5c20c2c6b1a70d37bed17fe23b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.openide.modules.Dependency;
import org.openide.modules.ModuleInfo;
import org.openide.modules.SpecificationVersion;
import org.openide.util.Enumerations;
import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
import org.openide.util.Union2;
/** Object representing one module, possibly installed.
* Responsible for opening of module JAR file; reading
* manifest; parsing basic information such as dependencies;
* and creating a classloader for use by the installer.
* Methods not defined in ModuleInfo must be called from within
* the module manager's read mutex as a rule.
* @author Jesse Glick
* @since 2.1 the class was made public abstract
public abstract class Module extends ModuleInfo {
public static final String PROP_RELOADABLE = "reloadable"; // NOI18N
public static final String PROP_CLASS_LOADER = "classLoader"; // NOI18N
public static final String PROP_MANIFEST = "manifest"; // NOI18N
public static final String PROP_VALID = "valid"; // NOI18N
public static final String PROP_PROBLEMS = "problems"; // NOI18N
/** manager which owns this module */
protected final ModuleManager mgr;
/** event logging (should not be much here) */
protected final Events events;
/** associated history object
* @see ModuleHistory
private final Object history;
/** true if currently enabled; manipulated by ModuleManager */
private boolean enabled;
/** whether it is supposed to be automatically loaded when required */
private final boolean autoload;
/** */
protected boolean reloadable;
/** if true, this module is eagerly turned on whenever it can be */
private final boolean eager;
/** currently active module classloader */
protected ClassLoader classloader;
private ModuleData data;
private NbInstrumentation instr;
private static Method findResources;
private static final Object DATA_LOCK = new Object();
/** Use ModuleManager.create as a factory. */
protected Module(ModuleManager mgr, Events ev, Object history, boolean reloadable, boolean autoload, boolean eager) throws IOException {
if (autoload && eager) throw new IllegalArgumentException("A module may not be both autoload and eager"); // NOI18N
this.mgr = mgr; = ev;
this.history = history;
this.reloadable = reloadable;
this.autoload = autoload;
this.eager = eager;
this.enabled = false;
/** Create a special-purpose "fixed" JAR. */
protected Module(ModuleManager mgr, Events ev, Object history, ClassLoader classloader) throws InvalidException {
this(mgr, ev, history, classloader, false, false);
* Create a special-purpose "fixed" JAR which may nonetheless be marked eager or autoload.
* @since 2.7
protected Module(ModuleManager mgr, Events ev, Object history, ClassLoader classloader, boolean autoload, boolean eager) throws InvalidException {
if (autoload && eager) throw new IllegalArgumentException("A module may not be both autoload and eager"); // NOI18N
this.mgr = mgr; = ev;
this.history = history;
this.classloader = classloader;
reloadable = false;
this.autoload = autoload;
this.eager = eager;
enabled = false;
ModuleData createData(ObjectInput in, Manifest mf) throws IOException {
if (in != null) {
return new ModuleData(in);
} else {
return new ModuleData(mf, this);
final void writeData(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
final ModuleData data() {
try {
return dataWithCheck();
} catch (InvalidException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
final ModuleData dataWithCheck() throws InvalidException {
synchronized (DATA_LOCK) {
if (data != null) {
return data;
Util.err.log(Level.FINE, "Initialize data {0}", getJarFile()); // NOI18N
InputStream is = mgr.dataFor(getJarFile());
if (is != null) {
try {
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is);
ModuleData mine = createData(ois, null);
assert data == null;
data = mine;
return mine;
} catch (IOException ex) {
Util.err.log(Level.INFO, "Cannot read cache for " + getJarFile(), ex); // NOI18N
try {
ModuleData mine = createData(null, getManifest());
assert mine == data;
return mine;
} catch (InvalidException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (IOException ex) {
// no I/O needed when reading from manifest
throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
final void assignData(ModuleData data) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(DATA_LOCK); = data;
/** Get the associated module manager. */
public ModuleManager getManager() {
return mgr;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return enabled;
// Access from ModuleManager:
void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
/* #13647: actually can happen if loading of bootstrap modules is rolled back: */
if (isFixed() && ! enabled) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot disable a fixed module: " + this); // NOI18N
this.enabled = enabled;
/** Normally a module once created and managed is valid
* (that is, either installed or not, but at least managed).
* If it is deleted any remaining references to it become
* invalid.
public boolean isValid() {
return mgr.get(getCodeNameBase()) == this;
/** Is this module automatically loaded?
* If so, no information about its state is kept
* permanently beyond the existence of its JAR file;
* it is enabled when some real module needs it to be,
* and disabled when this is no longer the case.
* @see <a href="">#9779</a>
public boolean isAutoload() {
return autoload;
/** Is this module eagerly enabled?
* If so, no information about its state is kept permanently.
* It is turned on whenever it can be, i.e. whenever it meets all of
* its dependencies. This may be used to implement "bridge" modules with
* simple functionality that just depend on two normal modules.
* A module may not be simultaneously eager and autoload.
* @see <a href="">#17501</a>
* @since org.netbeans.core/1 1.3
public boolean isEager() {
return eager;
/** Get an associated arbitrary attribute.
* Right now, simply provides the main attributes of the manifest.
* In the future some of these could be suppressed (if only of dangerous
* interest, e.g. Class-Path) or enhanced with other information available
* from the core (if needed).
public Object getAttribute(String attr) {
return getManifest().getMainAttributes().getValue(attr);
public String getCodeName() {
return data().getCodeName();
String getFragmentHostCodeName() {
String fragmentHostCodeName = mgr.fragmentFor(getJarFile());
if (fragmentHostCodeName != null) {
return fragmentHostCodeName.isEmpty() ? null : fragmentHostCodeName;
try {
fragmentHostCodeName = data().getFragmentHostCodeName();
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
fragmentHostCodeName = null;
return fragmentHostCodeName;
public String getCodeNameBase() {
String cnb = mgr.cnbFor(getJarFile());
if (cnb != null) {
return cnb;
return data().getCodeNameBase();
public int getCodeNameRelease() {
return data().getCodeNameRelease();
public @Override String[] getProvides() {
return data().getProvides();
/** Test whether the module provides a given token or not.
* @since JST-PENDING again used from NbProblemDisplayer
public final boolean provides(String token) {
String[] provides = getProvides();
if (provides == null) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < provides.length; i++) {
if (provides[i].equals(token)) {
return true;
return false;
public Set<Dependency> getDependencies() {
return new HashSet<Dependency>(Arrays.asList(getDependenciesArray()));
public final Dependency[] getDependenciesArray() {
Dependency[] dependenciesA;
try {
dependenciesA = data().getDependencies();
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
dependenciesA = null;
return dependenciesA == null ? new Dependency[0] : dependenciesA;
public SpecificationVersion getSpecificationVersion() {
return data().getSpecificationVersion();
public String getImplementationVersion() {
return data().getImplementationVersion();
public String getBuildVersion() {
return data().getBuildVersion();
public @Override boolean owns(Class<?> clazz) {
ClassLoader cl = clazz.getClassLoader();
if (cl instanceof Util.ModuleProvider) {
return ((Util.ModuleProvider) cl).getModule() == this;
if (cl != classloader) {
return false;
String _codeName = findClasspathModuleCodeName(clazz);
if (_codeName != null) {
return _codeName.equals(getCodeName());
return true; // not sure...
static String findClasspathModuleCodeName(Class<?> clazz) {
// #157798: in JNLP or otherwise classpath mode, all modules share a CL.
CodeSource src = clazz.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource();
if (src != null) {
try {
URL loc = src.getLocation();
if (loc.toString().matches(".+\\.jar")) {
// URLClassLoader inconsistency.
loc = new URL("jar:" + loc + "!/");
URL manifest = new URL(loc, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
InputStream is = manifest.openStream();
try {
return new Manifest(is).getMainAttributes().getValue("OpenIDE-Module");
} finally {
} catch (IOException x) {
Logger.getLogger(Module.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, null, x);
return null;
/** Get all packages exported by this module to other modules.
* @return a list (possibly empty) of exported packages, or null to export everything
* @since org.netbeans.core/1 > 1.4
* @see "#19621"
public PackageExport[] getPublicPackages() {
return data().getPublicPackages();
/** Checks whether we use friends attribute and if so, then
* whether the name of module is listed there.
boolean isDeclaredAsFriend (Module module) {
Set<String> friendNames = data().getFriendNames();
if (friendNames == null) {
return true;
return friendNames.contains(module.getCodeNameBase());
/** Parse information from the current manifest.
* Includes code name, specification version, and dependencies.
* If anything is in an invalid format, throws an exception with
* some kind of description of the problem.
protected void parseManifest() throws InvalidException {
/** Get all JARs loaded by this module.
* Includes the module itself, any locale variants of the module,
* any extensions specified with Class-Path, any locale variants
* of those extensions.
* The list will be in classpath order (patches first).
* Currently the temp JAR is provided in the case of test modules, to prevent
* sporadic ZIP file exceptions when background threads (like Java parsing) tries
* to open libraries found in the library path.
* JARs already present in the classpath are <em>not</em> listed.
* @return a list of JARs
public abstract List<File> getAllJars();
/** Is this module supposed to be easily reloadable?
* If so, it is suitable for testing inside the IDE.
* Controls whether a copy of the JAR file is made before
* passing it to the classloader, which can affect locking
* and refreshing of the JAR.
public boolean isReloadable() {
return reloadable;
/** Set whether this module is supposed to be reloadable.
* Has no immediate effect, only impacts what happens the
* next time it is enabled (after having been disabled if
* necessary).
* Must be called from within a write mutex.
* @param r whether the module should be considered reloadable
public abstract void setReloadable(boolean r);
/** Reload this module. Access from ModuleManager.
* If an exception is thrown, the module is considered
* to be in an invalid state.
* @since JST-PENDING: needed from ModuleSystem
public abstract void reload() throws IOException;
// impl of ModuleInfo method
public @Override ClassLoader getClassLoader() throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (!enabled) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enabled: " + getCodeNameBase()); // NOI18N
assert classloader != null : "Should have had a non-null loader for " + this;
return classloader;
// Access from ModuleManager:
/** Turn on the classloader. Passed a list of parent modules to use.
* The parents should already have had their classloaders initialized.
protected abstract void classLoaderUp(Set<Module> parents) throws IOException;
/** Turn off the classloader and release all resources. */
protected abstract void classLoaderDown();
/** Should be called after turning off the classloader of one or more modules & GC'ing. */
protected abstract void cleanup();
/** Notify the module that it is being deleted. */
protected abstract void destroy();
* Fixed modules are treated differently.
* @see FixedModule
public abstract boolean isFixed();
/** Get the JAR this module is packaged in.
* May be null for modules installed specially, e.g.
* automatically from the classpath.
* @see #isFixed
public File getJarFile() {
return null;
/** Get the JAR manifest.
* Should never be null, even if disabled.
* Might change if a module is reloaded.
* It is not guaranteed that change events will be fired
* for changes in this property.
public abstract Manifest getManifest();
* Release memory storage for the JAR manifest, if applicable.
public void releaseManifest() {}
/** Get a set of {@link org.openide.modules.Dependency} objects representing missed dependencies.
* This module is examined to see
* why it would not be installable.
* If it is enabled, there are no problems.
* If it is in fact installable (possibly only
* by also enabling some other managed modules which are currently disabled), and
* all of its non-module dependencies are met, the returned set will be empty.
* Otherwise it will contain a list of reasons why this module cannot be installed:
* non-module dependencies which are not met; and module dependencies on modules
* which either do not exist in the managed set, or are the wrong version,
* or themselves cannot be installed
* for some reason or another (which may be separately examined).
* Note that in the (illegal) situation of two or more modules forming a cyclic
* dependency cycle, none of them will be installable, and the missing dependencies
* for each will be stated as the dependencies on the others. Again other modules
* dependent on modules in the cycle will list failed dependencies on the cyclic modules.
* Missing package dependencies are not guaranteed to be reported unless an install
* of the module has already been attempted, and failed due to them.
* The set may also contain {@link InvalidException}s representing known failures
* of the module to be installed, e.g. due to classloader problems, missing runtime
* resources, or failed ad-hoc dependencies. Again these are not guaranteed to be
* reported unless an install has already been attempted and failed due to them.
public Set<Object> getProblems() { // cannot use Union2<Dependency,InvalidException> without being binary-incompatible
if (! isValid()) throw new IllegalStateException("Not valid: " + this); // NOI18N
if (isEnabled()) return Collections.emptySet();
Set<Object> problems = new HashSet<Object>();
for (Union2<Dependency,InvalidException> problem : mgr.missingDependencies(this)) {
if (problem.hasFirst()) {
} else {
return problems;
// Access from ChangeFirer:
final void firePropertyChange0(String prop, Object old, Object nue) {
if (Util.err.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
Util.err.log(Level.FINE, "Module.propertyChange: {0} {1}: {2} -> {3}", new Object[]{this, prop, old, nue});
firePropertyChange(prop, old, nue);
/** Get the history object representing what has happened to this module before.
* @see org.netbeans.core.startup.ModuleHistory
public final Object getHistory() {
return history;
/** Finds out if a module has been assigned with a specific start level.
* Start level is only useful for OSGi bundles. Otherwise it is always zero.
* @return -1, if no specific level is assigned, non-negative integer if so
* @since 2.43
public final int getStartLevel() {
return getStartLevelImpl();
int getStartLevelImpl() {
return -1;
/** String representation for debugging. */
public @Override String toString() {
String s = "Module:" + getCodeNameBase(); // NOI18N
if (!isValid()) s += "[invalid]"; // NOI18N
return s;
/** Locates resource in this module. May search only the main JAR
* of the module (which is what it does in case of OSGi bundles).
* Should be as lightweight as possible - e.g. if it is OK to not
* initialize something in the module while performing this method,
* the something should not be initialized (e.g. OSGi bundles are
* not resolved).
* @param resources path to the resources we are looking for
* @since 2.49
public Enumeration<URL> findResources(String resources) {
try { // #149136
// Cannot use getResources because we do not wish to delegate to parents.
// In fact both URLClassLoader and ProxyClassLoader override this method to be public.
if (findResources == null) {
findResources = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("findResources", String.class); // NOI18N
ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader();
return (Enumeration<URL>) findResources.invoke(cl, resources); // NOI18N
} catch (Exception x) {
return Enumerations.empty();
/** To be overriden to empty in FixedModule & co. */
void refineDependencies(Set<Dependency> dependencies) {
// Permit the concrete installer to make some changes:
mgr.refineDependencies(this, dependencies);
void registerCoveredPackages(Set<String> known) {
Set<String> getCoveredPackages() {
return data().getCoveredPackages();
/** Is this module a wrapper around OSGi?
* @return true, if the module is build around OSGi
* @since 2.51
public final boolean isNetigso() {
return isNetigsoImpl();
boolean isNetigsoImpl() {
return false;
final void assignInstrumentation(NbInstrumentation agent) {
instr = agent;
void unregisterInstrumentation() {
/** Struct representing a package exported from a module.
* @since org.netbeans.core/1 > 1.4
* @see Module#getPublicPackages
public static final class PackageExport {
/** Package to export, in the form <samp>org/netbeans/modules/foo/</samp>. */
public final String pkg;
/** If true, export subpackages also. */
public final boolean recursive;
/** Create a package export struct with the named parameters. */
public PackageExport(String pkg, boolean recursive) {
this.pkg = pkg;
this.recursive = recursive;
public @Override String toString() {
return "PackageExport[" + pkg + (recursive ? "**/" : "") + "]"; // NOI18N
public @Override boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof PackageExport)) {
return false;
final PackageExport other = (PackageExport) obj;
return pkg.equals(other.pkg) && recursive == other.recursive;
public @Override int hashCode() {
return pkg.hashCode();
static void write(DataOutput dos, PackageExport[] arr) throws IOException {
if (arr == null) {
for (PackageExport pe : arr) {
static PackageExport[] read(DataInput is) throws IOException {
int cnt = is.readInt();
if (cnt == 0) {
return null;
PackageExport[] arr = new PackageExport[cnt];
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
String pkg = is.readUTF();
boolean recursive = is.readBoolean();
arr[i] = new PackageExport(pkg, recursive);
return arr;