blob: c02f745ef05def743017d39292a4adeda5134c6f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.verification;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.Error;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.CodeUtils;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.PHPParseResult;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.ASTNode;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.ArrowFunctionDeclaration;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.Expression;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.FieldsDeclaration;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.FormalParameter;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.Identifier;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.NamespaceName;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.NullableType;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.visitors.DefaultVisitor;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
* Handle unusable types as errors here to avoid complicating the grammar(cup
* file).
public class UnusableTypesUnhandledError extends UnhandledErrorRule {
@NbBundle.Messages("UnusableTypesUnhandledError.displayName=Unusable types.")
public String getDisplayName() {
return Bundle.UnusableTypesUnhandledError_displayName();
public void invoke(PHPRuleContext context, List<Error> result) {
PHPParseResult phpParseResult = (PHPParseResult) context.parserResult;
if (phpParseResult.getProgram() != null) {
FileObject fileObject = phpParseResult.getSnapshot().getSource().getFileObject();
if (fileObject != null) {
CheckVisitor checkVisitor = new CheckVisitor(fileObject);
//~ Inner classes
private static final class CheckVisitor extends DefaultVisitor {
private final List<VerificationError> errors = new ArrayList<>();
private final FileObject fileObject;
private CheckVisitor(FileObject fileObject) {
assert fileObject != null;
this.fileObject = fileObject;
private List<VerificationError> getErrors() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(errors);
public void visit(FieldsDeclaration node) {
if (CancelSupport.getDefault().isCancelled()) {
Expression fieldType = node.getFieldType();
if (fieldType != null) {
public void visit(FormalParameter node) {
if (CancelSupport.getDefault().isCancelled()) {
Expression parameterType = node.getParameterType();
if (parameterType != null) {
public void visit(ArrowFunctionDeclaration node) {
if (CancelSupport.getDefault().isCancelled()) {
// PHP 7.4
// fn(): void => $y;
// arrow function returns something, so we would get the following
// "Fatal error: A void function must not return a value"
Expression returnType = node.getReturnType();
if (returnType != null) {
private void checkFieldType(Expression fieldType) {
// unusable types: void and callable PHP 7.4
Expression type = fieldType;
if (fieldType instanceof NullableType) {
type = ((NullableType) fieldType).getType();
if (type == null) {
if (type instanceof Identifier) {
if (isCallableType((Identifier) type)) {
createError(type, "callable", "property"); // NOI18N
} else if (type instanceof NamespaceName) {
if (isVoidType((NamespaceName) type)) {
createError(type, "void", "property"); // NOI18N
private void checkParameterType(Expression parameterType) {
// unusable type: void
if (parameterType instanceof NamespaceName) {
if (isVoidType((NamespaceName) parameterType)) {
createError(parameterType, "void", "parameter"); // NOI18N
private void checkArrowFunctionReturnType(Expression returnType) {
// unusable type: void
if (returnType instanceof NamespaceName) {
if (isVoidType((NamespaceName) returnType)) {
createError(returnType, "void", "return"); // NOI18N
private void createError(ASTNode node, String type, String context) {
createError(node.getStartOffset(), node.getEndOffset(), type, context);
private void createError(int startOffset, int endOffset, String type, String context) {
errors.add(new UnusableType(fileObject, startOffset, endOffset, type, context));
private static boolean isCallableType(Identifier identifier) {
return !identifier.isKeyword()
&& "callable".equals(identifier.getName().toLowerCase()); // NOI18N
private static boolean isVoidType(NamespaceName namespaceName) {
return "void".equals(CodeUtils.extractUnqualifiedName(namespaceName)); // NOI18N
private static final class UnusableType extends VerificationError {
private static final String KEY = "Php.Unusable.Type"; // NOI18N
private final String type;
private final String context;
private UnusableType(FileObject fileObject, int startOffset, int endOffset, String type, String context) {
super(fileObject, startOffset, endOffset);
this.type = type;
this.context = context;
"# {0} - type",
"# {1} - context",
"UnusableType.displayName=Unusable type: \"{0}\" cannot be used as {1} type."
public String getDisplayName() {
return Bundle.UnusableType_displayName(type, context);
"# {0} - type",
"# {1} - context",
"UnusableType.description=\"{0}\" cannot be used as {1} type."
public String getDescription() {
return Bundle.UnusableType_description(type, context);
public String getKey() {
return KEY;